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In July 2005, Bonnie Parks spoke with Terry Reese, digital production unit head at Oregon State University's Valley Library (Corvallis). In this interview, Reese shares his views on topics ranging from electronic journal management to the impact Google Scholar might have on the way libraries provide access to information.  相似文献   

In the investigation of the restricted linear model ? r  = {y, X β | A β = b, σ2 Σ}, the parameter constraints A β = b are often handled by transforming the model into certain implicitly restricted model. Any estimation derived from the explicitly and implicitly restricted models on the vector β and its functions should be equivalent, although the expressions of the estimation under the two models may be different. However, people more likely want to directly compare different expressions of estimations and yield a conclusion on their equivalence by using some algebraic operations on expressions of estimations. In this article, we give some results on equivalence of the well-known OLSEs and BLUEs under the explicitly and implicitly restricted linear models by using some expansion formulas for ranks of matrices.  相似文献   

In the context of the general linear model Y=Xβ+ε, the matrix Pz =Z(ZTZ)?1 ZT , where Z=(X: Y), plays an important role in determining least squares results. In this article we propose two graphical displays for the off-diagonal as well as the diagonal elements of PZ . The two graphs are based on simple ideas and are useful in the detection of potentially influential subsets of observations in regression. Since PZ is invariant with respect to permutations of the columns of Z, an added advantage of these graphs is that they can be used to detect outliers in multivariate data where the rows of Z are usually regarded as a random sample from a multivariate population. We also suggest two calibration points, one for the diagonal elements of PZ and the other for the off-diagonal elements. The advantage of these calibration points is that they take into consideration the variability of the off-diagonal as well as the diagonal elements of PZ . They also do not suffer from masking.  相似文献   

The Delta method uses truncated Lagrange expansions of statistics to obtain approximations to their distributions. In this paper, we consider statistics Y=g(μ+X), where X is any random vector. We obtain domains 𝒟 such that, when μ∈𝒟, we may apply the distribution derived from the Delta method. Namely, we will consider an application on the normal case to illustrate our approach.  相似文献   


In this article, dependence structure of a class of symmetric distributions is considered. Let X and Y be two n-dimensional random vectors having such distributions. We investigate conditions on the generators of densities of X and Y such that X is MTP2, and X and Y can be compared in the multivariate likelihood ratio order. Nonnegativity of the covariance between functions of two adjacent order statistics of X is also given.  相似文献   

In partly linear models, the dependence of the response y on (x T, t) is modeled through the relationship y=x T β+g(t)+?, where ? is independent of (x T, t). We are interested in developing an estimation procedure that allows us to combine the flexibility of the partly linear models, studied by several authors, but including some variables that belong to a non-Euclidean space. The motivating application of this paper deals with the explanation of the atmospheric SO2 pollution incidents using these models when some of the predictive variables belong in a cylinder. In this paper, the estimators of β and g are constructed when the explanatory variables t take values on a Riemannian manifold and the asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are obtained under suitable conditions. We illustrate the use of this estimation approach using an environmental data set and we explore the performance of the estimators through a simulation study.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider two linear models, ?1 = {y, X β, V 1} and ?2 = {y, X β, V 2}, which differ only in their covariance matrices. Our main focus lies on the difference of the best linear unbiased estimators, BLUEs, of X β under these models. The corresponding problems between the models {y, X β, I n } and {y, X β, V}, i.e., between the OLSE (ordinary least squares estimator) and BLUE, are pretty well studied. Our purpose is to review the corresponding considerations between the BLUEs of X β under ?1 and ?2. This article is an expository one presenting also new results.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss on how to predict a combined quadratic parametric function of the form β H β + hσ2 in a general linear model with stochastic regression coefficients denoted by y  =  X β +  e . Firstly, the quadratic predictability of β H β + hσ2 is investigated to obtain a quadratic unbiased predictor (QUP) via a general method of structuring an unbiased estimator. This QUP is also optimal in some situations and therefore we hope it will be a fine predictor. To show this idea, we apply the Lagrange multipliers method to this problem and finally reach the expected conclusion through permutation matrix techniques.  相似文献   

In this paper, the notion of the improved ridge estimator (IRE) is put forward in the linear regression model y=X β+e. The problem arises if augmenting the equation 0=cα+ε instead of 0=C α+? to the model. Three special IREs are considered and studied under the mean-squared error criterion and the prediction error sum of squares criterion. The simulations demonstrate that the proposed estimators are effective and recommendable, especially when multicollinearity is severe.  相似文献   

Xu-Qing Liu 《Statistics》2013,47(6):525-541
For a finite population and the resulting linear model Y=+e, the problem of the optimal invariant quadratic predictors including optimal invariant quadratic unbiased predictor and optimal invariant quadratic (potentially) biased predictor for the population quadratic quantities, f(H)=Y′HY , is of interest and has been previously considered in the literature for the case of HX=0. However, the special case does not contain all of situations at all. So, predicting f(H) in general situations may be of particular interest. In this paper, we make an effort to investigate how to offer a good predictor for f(H), not restricted yet to the mentioned case. Permutation matrix techniques play an important role in handling the process. The expected predictors are finally derived. In addition, we mention that the resulting predictors can be viewed as acceptable in all situations.  相似文献   


In this short note, a very simple proof of the Chebyshev's inequality for random vectors is given. This inequality provides a lower bound for the percentage of the population of an arbitrary random vector X with finite mean μ = E(X) and a positive definite covariance matrix V = Cov(X) whose Mahalanobis distance with respect to V to the mean μ is less than a fixed value. The main advantage of the proof is that it is a simple exercise for a first year probability course. An alternative proof based on principal components is also provided. This proof can be used to study the case of a singular covariance matrix V.  相似文献   

In this article, we study Bayesian estimation for the covariance matrix Σ and the precision matrix Ω (the inverse of the covariance matrix) in the star-shaped model with missing data. Based on a Cholesky-type decomposition of the precision matrix Ω = ΨΨ, where Ψ is a lower triangular matrix with positive diagonal elements, we develop the Jeffreys prior and a reference prior for Ψ. We then introduce a class of priors for Ψ, which includes the invariant Haar measures, Jeffreys prior, and reference prior. The posterior properties are discussed and the closed-form expressions for Bayesian estimators for the covariance matrix Σ and the precision matrix Ω are derived under the Stein loss, entropy loss, and symmetric loss. Some simulation results are given for illustration.  相似文献   

A pair of axes, a few data points liberally distributed around, click on the mouse and your software will sort you out a scatterplot. Or will it? R. Allan Reese can tell you better.  相似文献   

In applications of spatial statistics, it is necessary to compute the product of some matrix W of spatial weights and a vector y of observations. The weighting matrix often needs to be adapted to the specific problems, such that the computation of Wy cannot necessarily be done with available R-packages. Hence, this article suggests one possibility treating such issues. The proposed technique avoids the computation of the matrix product by calculating each entry of Wy separately. Initially, a specific spatial autoregressive process is introduced. The performance of the proposed program is briefly compared to a basic program using the matrix multiplication.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology for model fitting and inference in the context of Bayesian models of the type f(Y | X,θ)f(X|θ)f(θ), where Y is the (set of) observed data, θ is a set of model parameters and X is an unobserved (latent) stationary stochastic process induced by the first order transition model f(X (t+1)|X (t),θ), where X (t) denotes the state of the process at time (or generation) t. The crucial feature of the above type of model is that, given θ, the transition model f(X (t+1)|X (t),θ) is known but the distribution of the stochastic process in equilibrium, that is f(X|θ), is, except in very special cases, intractable, hence unknown. A further point to note is that the data Y has been assumed to be observed when the underlying process is in equilibrium. In other words, the data is not collected dynamically over time. We refer to such specification as a latent equilibrium process (LEP) model. It is motivated by problems in population genetics (though other applications are discussed), where it is of interest to learn about parameters such as mutation and migration rates and population sizes, given a sample of allele frequencies at one or more loci. In such problems it is natural to assume that the distribution of the observed allele frequencies depends on the true (unobserved) population allele frequencies, whereas the distribution of the true allele frequencies is only indirectly specified through a transition model. As a hierarchical specification, it is natural to fit the LEP within a Bayesian framework. Fitting such models is usually done via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). However, we demonstrate that, in the case of LEP models, implementation of MCMC is far from straightforward. The main contribution of this paper is to provide a methodology to implement MCMC for LEP models. We demonstrate our approach in population genetics problems with both simulated and real data sets. The resultant model fitting is computationally intensive and thus, we also discuss parallel implementation of the procedure in special cases.  相似文献   

The history of science is full of myths. Darwin has his fair share; but Gregor Mendel, his fellow scientist and contemporary, has suffered even more. R. Allan Reese disentangles what we like to believe about Mendel from what we should believe—and finds a modern species whose origin was not by conventional evolution.  相似文献   

LetX andY be two random variables with finite expectationsE X andE Y, respectively. ThenX is said to be smaller thanY in the dilation order ifE[ϕ(X-E X)]≤E[ϕ(Y-E Y)] for any convex functionϕ for which the expectations exist. In this paper we obtain a new characterization of the dilation order. This characterization enables us to give new interpretations to the dilation order, and using them we identify conditions which imply the dilation order. A sample of applications of the new characterization is given. Partially supported by MURST 40% Program on Non-Linear Systems and Applications. Partially supported by “Gruppo Nazionale per l'Analisi Funzionale e sue Applicazioni”—CNR.  相似文献   

The general mixed linear model can be written y =  + Zu + e, where β is a vector of fixed effects, u is a vector of random effects and e is a vector of random errors. In this note, we mainly aim at investigating the general necessary and sufficient conditions under which the best linear unbiased estimator for \varvec r(\varvec l, \varvec m) = \varvec l\varvec ¢\varvec b+\varvec m\varvec ¢\varvec u{\varvec \varrho}({\varvec l}, {\varvec m}) = {\varvec l}{\varvec '}{\varvec \beta}+{\varvec m}{\varvec '}{\varvec u} is also optimal under the misspecified model. In addition, we offer approximate conclusions in some special situations including a random regression model.  相似文献   

In this paper, the notion of the general linear estimator and its modified version are introduced using the singular value decomposition theorem in the linear regression model y=X β+e to improve some classical linear estimators. The optimal selections of the biasing parameters involved are theoretically given under the prediction error sum of squares criterion. A numerical example and a simulation study are finally conducted to illustrate the superiority of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

It is well known that the ordinary least squares estimator of in the general linear model E y = , cov y = σ2 V, can be the best linear unbiased estimator even if V is not a multiple of the identity matrix. This article presents, in a historical perspective, the development of the several conditions for the ordinary least squares estimator to be best linear unbiased. Various characterizations of these conditions, using generalized inverses and orthogonal projectors, along with several examples, are also given. In addition, a complete set of references is provided.  相似文献   

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