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Per the 2019 NASIG Core Competencies for electronic resources librarians (ERL), ERLs “work with concepts and methods that are very much in flux … [they are] knowledgeable about the legal framework within which libraries and information agencies operate… [including] laws relating to… equal rights (e.g., the Americans with Disabilities Act)”. However, the Core Competencies do not define the level to which an ERL is responsible for determining the accessibility of an electronic resource. This article aims to create a better understanding of the steps an ERL can take to develop an accessibility statement pertaining to procuring accessible content. This article synthesizes key laws and policies that ERLs should be aware of in order to draft an accessibility procurement statement for their institution. It will also discuss licensing strategies, documentation collection, and conducting potential audits of electronic purchases.  相似文献   

The Core Competencies for Electronic Resources Librarians was adopted by NASIG in 2013 and provides a framework to assess skills needed for electronic resources management. In this column, Sarah Sutton, whose graduate dissertation research led to the creation of the NASIG task force responsible for developing the core competencies, describes the development and adoption of the core competencies. Paula Sullenger describes the application of the core competencies at two institutions: Auburn University and Texas A&M University. The competencies have supported libraries in reorganization efforts as well as assessing current staff to identify gaps in skills and more effectively manage electronic resources. They have also been used to assess Library and Information Science (LIS) curricula. It is important that the core competencies be reviewed and revised to ensure their enduring relevancy within the profession.  相似文献   

区域电子信息产业竞争力评价研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了清晰认识中国区域电子信息产业竞争力现状和区域间存在的差距,找出影响区域电子信息产业竞争力的关键要素,提升产业发展水平。以全国2009—2012年统计数据为依据,通过构建区域电子信息产业竞争力评价模型,运用熵值法对全国29个省市的电子信息产业综合竞争力进行了实证分析。结果表明:各区域电子信息产业在创新能力、生产能力、市场实现能力等方面存在一定差距,各省份依据其综合竞争力指数可划分为竞争实力强弱不均的四类地区,各地区内部省份之间电子信息产业发展水平仍存在区域性差异。  相似文献   


In this column of Serial Conversations, Elan May Rinck interviews Jill Emery, Graham Stone, and Peter McCracken, the editors of TERMS (Techniques in E-Resource Management) 2.0. Emery, Stone, and McCracken discuss developing best practices for electronic resource management and what lies ahead for TERMS 2.0.  相似文献   

平卫英等 《统计研究》2021,38(12):19-29
近年来,越来越多的企业选择以低廉或免费的价格为居民提供互联网服务,但产出价值和消费行为却无法在GDP核算中体现。服务业产出被低估一直为学术界所讨论,在此背景下,互联网经济下创新的免费商业模式对传统核算理论的挑战成为本文研究切入点。本文在“互联网免费服务与顾客价值”的易货交易框架下对其价值核算展开研究,将互联网免费服务价值核算与数据资产核算联系在一起,使数据成为连接互联网免费服务与国民经济核算中生产、消费、收入核算的桥梁。文章最后通过模拟核算案例表现了互联网免费服务核算对不同账户的影响,建议对住户部门的生产、消费与收入各增加一笔虚拟处理,对企业的生产、收入及资产也各增加一笔虚拟处理,且这6笔虚拟价值相等。  相似文献   


This article summarizes a presentation given by Kurt Blythe and Jennifer Solomon at the 28th annual North Carolina Serials Conference in 2019. Blythe and Solomon were brought on to lead a project to review resources in anticipation of budget constraints in 2018 and 2019. The presentation sought to answer why libraries should apply project management principles in such a situation and what the presenters learned from their experience and offered tips to any audience members considering applying project management practices to their own work.  相似文献   

《Serials Review》2012,38(4):264-270

Elizabeth Parang reviews Guide to Streaming Video Acquisitions; Jill M. Church reviews Electronic Resources Librarianship: A Practical Guide for Librarians; Robert T. Wilson reviews Using Digital Analytics for Smart Assessment.  相似文献   


Between 2018 and 2019, two librarians at the College of Charleston Libraries incorporated cloud-based technologies into their collection management workflows. The following paper was derived from a presentation they prepared for the 2020 North Carolina Serials Conference, which was to be held on March 27, 2020 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina but was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper highlights which cloud technologies they use and provides an overview of the literature that has been published on project management and cloud-based technologies in libraries. It includes an explanation of how they use each tool, and provides examples for setting up each tool in different scenarios so that other collection management librarians may implement them into their own routines. The paper ends with an exploration of the advantages and disadvantages of integrating these tools into collection management workflows. Although the librarians had not prepared to discuss the role these technologies may play when working remotely, they have both found them invaluable during this unprecedented time when many librarians are working from home.  相似文献   

During the summer of 2013, a joint team involving Duke University Libraries and IBM spent three months configuring IBM Business Process Manager to improve electronic resources workflows in the Libraries’ Technical Services department. The resulting workflow showcases the application's ability to transform the management of online databases. This article will provide an overview of the “before” and “after” database workflow, with a demo of the new system and its integration points with other tools.  相似文献   

More Than Things     

The often invisible labor of serials, technical services, metadata, and electronic resources workers sits in the space between required and preferred, assessment and surveillance. Although libraries and information workers did not explicitly create the systems many of us live in, we are responsible for their everyday functioning. In many ways the narratives from technical services to the library are centered in objects: item counts, COUNTER stats, door counts, discovery, and other transactional data. And yet, we are stewards and maintainers, innovators and storytellers of the countless ways these objects are experienced. How can we help our colleagues understand the outreach component of this work? How do we responsibly confront power in our systems—which often miscalculates the necessity of care in favor of the shiny? What does it mean to honor expertise behind the scenes, and how might we gain agency in our systems once more?  相似文献   


In her presentation entitled “No Mind Reading Necessary: Conducting Evidence-Based Electronic Resource Marketing and Outreach” at the North Carolina Serials Conference April 2019, Kate Hill discussed marketing research strategies and outreach tools used to increase online users’ access to electronic resources and primary resources. In an effort to connect users to seldom-used resources, Jackson Library collaborated with university partners to develop surveys to identify the information-seeking behavior of its users and apply the gathered marketing research to strategically plan outreach activities.  相似文献   

薛洁  赵志飞 《统计研究》2012,29(4):16-19
作为一项新事物,物联网得到愈发多的关注,它被称为是继计算机、互联网之后世界信息产业发展的第三次浪潮。作为我国的战略性新兴产业之一,物联网产业是我国目前和未来要重点发展的产业,但是,关于物联网产业尚无明确的统计界定,无形中给该产业的统计研究工作带来了一定的困难。在此背景下,本文在探讨国内外对物联网的界定及存在的问题的基础上,提出我国物联网产业的统计界定、划分我国物联网产业统计分类应遵循的原则及其分类框架,并分析该分类与《国民经济行业分类》间的关系。  相似文献   

《Serials Review》2012,38(4):227-238

In 2015, the University of California, Berkeley, launched EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS), a web-scale discovery tool, with a goal of improving visibility and usage of collections. This study applies linear regression analysis to usage data for ebooks, ejournals, and abstracts and indexing (A&I) databases before and after implementation of EDS in order to identify correlations between the discovery layer and usage of library electronic resources across platforms. Our findings diverge from conclusions drawn in the previous literature that indicates that resource use generally increases after a discovery tool is implemented. We examine data from a longer period of time than the previous literature had, looking for statistically significant changes in resource use. The discovery layer at UC Berkeley did not lead to equal increases across platforms, but rather to a complex array of increases and decreases in use according to a variety of factors.  相似文献   

The University Libraries (UL) of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) recently migrated to OCLC's WorldShare Management Services (WMS) and the full version of WorldCat Local (WCL). This resulted in significant changes to our display of periodicals (both print and electronic) in the public catalog and the Journal A–Z List. Serials are problematic in any migration, and ease of use by patrons was our primary concern. This article briefly reviews the migration process to WMS and WCL and describes how UNCG configured and populated the WorldCat Local knowledge base for user access to electronic (and print) journals.  相似文献   


In 2013, after nearly two decades of operating in a distributed legacy Integrated Library System (ILS) environment on local servers, the Orbis Cascade Alliance, a consortium of public and private academic libraries in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, began a two-year-long process to migrate its 37 members to a shared implementation of Ex Libris's cloud-based Alma library management system (LMS) and Primo discovery interface. Although much has been written on electronic resource management (ERM) functionality at an institution level, little has been written on serials and ERM functionality and workflows within a shared consortial environment. This article discusses the challenges and opportunities of implementing a consortial-based LMS, with particular emphasis on serials and ERM functionality. Key migration issues related to serials control, acquisitions, licensing, administration, cataloging, statistics, and interoperability are examined at the institutional and large-scale networked levels. Benefits and limitations of using a shared consortial cloud-based LMS are explored, and the overall capabilities of the Alma LMS for electronic resource management are reviewed.  相似文献   


In order to build upon the research of Brett, the author categorized over three hundred e-resources troubleshooting tickets at The University of Alabama Libraries into a coding scheme originally created by Goldfinger and Hemhauser with the goal of cross-comparing the results with that of two other research libraries. The results of the analysis shed light upon the most commonly reported types of problems among the three institutions, and patterns emerged that could be indicative of industry-wide concerns. The author also developed a more specific, local classification schema in order to identify areas in which local solutions could be implemented to improve user experience.  相似文献   

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