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The University of South Florida Tampa Library discontinued checking in print journals and periodicals for a trial period of one year from July 2005 to June 2006. This article discusses the reasons behind such a decision, the challenges, and final results. Though the trial proved inconvenient for public and technical services alike, few specific problems were reported via e-mail, online forms or in person. The library derived several benefits from this project, particularly in terms of the timing, since it happened just as the library moved to a new integrated library system, from NOTIS to Aleph.  相似文献   


Two additional libraries have now joined the West Texas Union List. One is a city-supported; the other, state-supported. These two libraries have also joined the Texas Statewide Union List of Serials. Fees for the West Texas Union List are invoiced to each member directly. So far fees for the Texas Statewide Union List have been absorbed by grants awarded the Texas State Library. At this time, the statewide list will be funded with grants for two more years.

Member libraries update information in different workflows and on different schedules. Union list coordinators learn that members will update the information in their union lists; when, will vary from library to library and from list to list. Agents and coordinators must be aware of the attitude each member library has towards the list. If the list is available on OCLC, some members may only update holdings when they replace the individual institutional list used in their library. If the list is stored on computer tape, some members may have been interested in it only because it could assist them in future serial automation projects and may not have given much thought to the importance of the list as an ongoing venture.

There may be a problem if the library staff responsible for updating the list was never really involved in the decision to join a union list and is not committed to the list beyond the initial project phase. In some cases the members have every intention of keeping the information current but are not good managers or communicators. The agent should ask what is being done and advise members on getting started, and might even offer to visit the library to assist in setting up the proper workflow.

Working with libraries involved in union list activities is a challenge. As with all management tasks, communication is the key to success. When users or members discover a problem, the group must solve it quickly or the list will lose its credibility. Each list must face the possibility that members may not want to retain membership. Some members may not want the list to grow in size, while others do. Interpreting standards and choosing bibliographic and holdings formats are potentially controversial issues.

If the members agree that the list is needed and if the list is important to them from the beginning, then they will be more flexible and understanding of the problems in each library, and more likely to contribute to keeping the list current. As the members learn to work together, their union list product becomes a major goal or interest. The list becomes a product that represents the work and cooperation of the group as a whole.  相似文献   


This column covers sessions from the 2018 Charleston Library Conference, an informal annual gathering of librarians, publishers, electronic resource managers, consultants, and vendors of library materials in Charleston, South Carolina, in November. Topics include the impact of open access and open research, assisting faculty with locating and integrating these resources into their courses through partnerships and open applications, and managing gifts and donations with restricted resources.  相似文献   


Promoting electronic resources in a physical space takes ingenuity and cross-library partnership. This article discusses a collaborative approach to promote electronic resources by an outreach librarian and an electronic collections librarian. As members of the teaching and research assistance team, the librarians observed how students relied on “big name,” multidisciplinary databases and were often intimidated by the expansive list of digital materials and electronic resources available to them. A literature review on the topic of similar promotional activities introduces the pop-up methodology used for the event. The purpose of the collaboration was to not only promote ebook collections but to also create awareness of the library outside of the traditional space, and librarians as resources. This collaboration resulted in student-librarian engagement, and a spike in ebook use was reported for the collection promoted.  相似文献   


The tumultuous changes in the scholarly communications ecosystem have disrupted traditional library assumptions and established new workflows and user expectations. In response, the Auraria Library at the University of Colorado Denver initiated a collaborative design (co-design) initiative to re-invent structures, processes, services, and roles throughout the entire organization. Fostered by appreciative inquiry, enabled by social learning, and furthered by shared leadership, redesign initiated sustainable information exchange, reflective dialog, and knowledge creation practices.

The case study highlights accomplishments of technical services staff members who successfully engaged co-workers in selection, implementation, and enhancement of a Web-scale discovery service. Continuing support of the full discovery layer lifecycle illustrates evolving information practices and workplace outcomes at the Auraria Library. Concluding reflections offer transferable insights to other organizations aspiring to co-design workplace environments that enliven creativity, discovery, and exploration.  相似文献   


Discussions surrounding the concepts of Web 2.0/Library 2.0 are increasing among the library community. This column outlines key principles behind Web 2.0 and provides a brief explanation of social tools, such as blogs, RSS feeds, podcasting, and wikis. The author also provides specific uses and applications of these tools within the library environment to illustrate the Library 2.0 concept. An open framework for library communication or hyperlinked library can result if Library 2.0 philosophies are fully utilized.  相似文献   


Rising rates in publishing combined with flat funding can make it challenging to maintain the library’s collection within an academic library. Add in university-wide funding reductions, and libraries must further reduce expenditures to balance the budget. This article will present a case study on the steps and initiatives deployed at the William E. Laupus Health Sciences Library to address impacts to the library’s collection budget for fiscal year 2020. Issues covered will focus on the decision-making process, working with vendors, and communicating with library stakeholders.  相似文献   


This article describes the CORE (Cost of Resource Exchange) standard. CORE defines an XML schema to allow the exchange of financial information relating to library resources among library systems.  相似文献   


President John F. Kennedy established the Peace Corps in 1961, and a library has served staffers and volunteers since its beginning. In this issue, Serials Review visits the Information Collection and Exchange (ICE) at Peace Corps Headquarters in Washington, DC, and learns about some of the unique things this library does to support its users all over the world.  相似文献   


This article describes the concepts of Web 2.0 and Lib 2.0 and how they can be applied to libraries and in a library environment.  相似文献   


After a two-year renovation, the Kent State University Music Library reopened as the Performing Arts Library. Before the closure, some serials were sent to the depository or reclassified within the library. In order to assist patrons browsing print journals or searching for articles in the stacks, library staff created shelf dummies detailing print and electronic holdings information as well as indexing for each title. Patron feedback has been positive, and the project has helped both library staff and patrons better understand accessibility and location of journals.  相似文献   


An Introduction to the Theory of Statistics. By G. Udney Yule. London: Charles Griffen and Company. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. 1911. Pp. xiii, 376. Reviewed by Wm. B. Bailey

Ungarisches Statistisches Jahrbuch. Neue Folge, XVII, 1909. Reviewed by F. S. Crum

The Public Health Agitation, 1833–48. By B. L. Hutchins. (London 44 Fleet St., E. C., 1909. Pp. 150.) Reviewed by J. Pease Norton

Tenth Annual Report on Strikes and Lockouts, 1908. Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics. (Part II of the Fortieth Annual Report on the Statistics of Labor.) Boston, 1910. Reviewed by Ira B. Cross  相似文献   


This article ranks South and Southeast Asian Studies journals along three categories—quality, efficiency, and impact. The ranking summarizes the results of a survey sent to an international sample of South and Southeast Asian Studies scholars. This study is valuable in three ways: as a decision making tool for the South and Southeast Asian Studies academic community, as an evaluation of methodology in journal ranking studies, and as a discussion of the value of journal rankings studies to assessment and evaluation in higher education generally.  相似文献   


The United States Census Bureau Library, acting on a study commissioned in 2002, has undertaken to improve electronic access for their patrons. The library provides e-journal and database access. The staff relies on usage statistics from these resources to sharpen the focus of the collection. Through an aggressive outreach program Census Bureau employees learn about these new products and services. Future plans include adding more e-journals, an open OPAC, and a new library building.  相似文献   


There has been a lot of talk, discussion (and even buzz) on the Internet and in the library world recently on the whole issue of linked data and what it may mean, accomplish, and even change in the Internet and library worlds. This article will attempt to clarify what linked data is, some of the issues surrounding it, and explore some possible implications.  相似文献   

Susan Davis 《Serials Review》2013,39(2):116-122

This installment of Bits and Bytes addresses Geac's ADVANCE integrated library system release 6.82. By tracing serial titles through the entire library processing route, the reader follows how ADVANCE facilitates each routine, from ordering to receiving to check-in (including claiming and binding). Serials Review 2002; 28:116–125.  相似文献   


Technological innovations have made changes in library procedures commonplace. Nonetheless, many librarians have been startled by the University of Nevada at Reno's decision to quit checking in print serials. Four serialists address the future of serials acquisitions in light of the technological advances that continue to transform library procedures. Serials Review 2003; 29:224–229.  相似文献   

JJ Pionke 《Serials Review》2020,46(2):137-142

In 2015, the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) Libraries formed the BTAA Library E-Resource Accessibility Group. This group, which consists of members from each Big Ten library and the BTAA Library Initiatives staff, was charged with creating boilerplate accessibility license language for vendor contracts, as well as collectively funding high level accessibility testing of e-resources and posting these publicly for all libraries and users. Since the creation of the group, about 50 databases have been tested and accessibility license language has been created that can be used and adapted by anyone. In 2019, the group welcomed another consortia, the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL), to be partners in this work, renaming themselves the Library Accessibility Alliance. This paper examines the mission, accomplishments, and new partnership in more depth while also discussing the need for focused efforts to help ensure accessible e-resources.  相似文献   


Opened in 1946, the Linda Hall Library in Kansas City, Missouri, is world renowned for its collections in science, engineering, and technology. Just as well known is the strong user orientation of its dedicated staff. While the library certainly collects all types of materials, including books, patent specifications, engineering standards, maps, and more, a particularly strong emphasis is placed on the collection of current journals. The library, a privately funded public library, is situated on fourteen acres surrounded by the University of Missouri-Kansas City, although there is no affiliation with that institution. Serials Review made a visit on a lovely spring day in June, as the day lilies and other flowers were in full riot.  相似文献   

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