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In this paper, we investigate the price for the zero-coupon defaultable bond under a structural form credit risk with regime switching. We model the value of a firm and the default threshold by two dependent regime-switching jump-diffusion processes, in which the Markov chain represents the states of an economy. The price is associated with the Laplace transform of the first passage time and the expected discounted ratio of the firm value to the default threshold at default. Closed-form results used for calculating the price are derived when the jump sizes follow a regime-switching double exponential distribution. We present some numerical results for the price of the zero-coupon defaultable bond via Gaver-Stehfest algorithm.  相似文献   


This paper considers an optimal investment-reinsurance problem with default risk under the mean-variance criterion. We assume that the insurer is allowed to purchase proportional reinsurance and invest his/her surplus in a risk-free asset, a stock and a defaultable bond. The goal is to maximize the expectation and minimize the variance of the terminal wealth. We first formulate the problem to stochastic linear-quadratic (LQ) control problem with constraints. Then the optimal investment-reinsurance strategies and the corresponding value functions are obtained via the viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equations for the post-default case and pre-default case, respectively. Finally, we provide numerical examples to illustrate the effects of model parameters on the optimal strategies and value functions.  相似文献   


This paper is devoted to the study of a risk-based optimal investment and proportional reinsurance problem. The surplus process of the insurer and the risky asset process in the financial market are assumed to be general jump-diffusion processes. We use a convex risk measure generated by g-expectation to describe the risk of the terminal wealth with investment and reinsurance. Under the aim of minimizing the risk, the problem is solved by using techniques of stochastic maximum principles. Two interesting special cases are studied and the explicit expressions for optimal strategies and corresponding minimal risks are derived.  相似文献   

This article investigates the optimal reinsurance and investment problem involving a defaultable security. The insurer can purchase reinsurance and allocate his wealth among three financial securities: a money account, a stock, and a defaultable corporate bond. The objective of the insurer is to maximize the expected exponential utility of terminal wealth. Using techniques of stochastic control theory, we derive the corresponding Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation and decompose the original optimization problem into a predefault case and a postdefault case. Explicit expressions for optimal strategies and the corresponding value functions are derived, and the verification theorem is given. Finally, we present numerical examples to illustrate our results.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.  This paper develops a new contrast process for parametric inference of general hidden Markov models, when the hidden chain has a non-compact state space. This contrast is based on the conditional likelihood approach, often used for ARCH-type models. We prove the strong consistency of the conditional likelihood estimators under appropriate conditions. The method is applied to the Kalman filter (for which this contrast and the exact likelihood lead to asymptotically equivalent estimators) and to the discretely observed stochastic volatility models.  相似文献   

In this article, we calibrate the Vasicek interest rate model under the risk neutral measure by learning the model parameters using Gaussian processes for machine learning regression. The calibration is done by maximizing the likelihood of zero coupon bond log prices, using mean and covariance functions computed analytically, as well as likelihood derivatives with respect to the parameters. The maximization method used is the conjugate gradients. The only prices needed for calibration are zero coupon bond prices and the parameters are directly obtained in the arbitrage free risk neutral measure.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new class of option price models and applies it to options on the Australian S&P200 Index. The class of models generalizes the traditional Black‐Scholes framework by accommodating time‐varying conditional volatility, skewness and excess kurtosis in the underlying returns process. An important property of these more general pricing models is that the computational requirements are essentially the same as those associated with the Black‐Scholes model, with both methods being based on one‐dimensional integrals. Bayesian inferential methods are used to evaluate a range of models nested in the general framework, using observed market option prices. The evaluation is based on posterior parameter distributions, as well as posterior model probabilities. Various fit and predictive measures, plus implied volatility graphs, are also used to rank the alternative models. The empirical results provide evidence that time‐varying volatility, leptokurtosis and a small degree of negative skewness are priced in Australian stock market options.  相似文献   

This article extends the empirical martingale simulation (EMS) method from using a risk-neutral measure to using a dynamic measure for financial derivative pricing. Although the EMS is shown to be capable of obtaining consistent estimate of financial derivative prices in a more efficient way than the standard Monte Carlo simulation procedure, it can proceed only under a risk-neutral framework. In practice, however, it is cumbersome to obtain the explicit expression of a risk-neutral model when dealing with a complex model. To alleviate this difficulty, we compute the financial derivative prices under the dynamic model and impose the martingale property on the simulated sample paths of both the change of measure process and the underlying asset prices under the dynamic P measure. Hence, we call this modification the empirical P-martingale simulation (EPMS). The strong consistency of the EPMS is established and its efficiency is performed by simulation in the GARCH framework. Simulation results shows that EPMS has the similar variance reduction as the EMS method in option pricing if the risk-neutral model can be obtained, and is more efficient than the standard Monte Carlo simulation in most cases.  相似文献   

The performance of nonparametric function estimates often depends on the choice of design points. Based on the mean integrated squared error criterion, we propose a sequential design procedure that updates the model knowledge and optimal design density sequentially. The methodology is developed under a general framework covering a wide range of nonparametric inference problems, such as conditional mean and variance functions, the conditional distribution function, the conditional quantile function in quantile regression, functional coefficients in varying coefficient models and semiparametric inferences. Based on our empirical studies, nonparametric inference based on the proposed sequential design is more efficient than the uniform design and its performance is close to the true but unknown optimal design. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 362–377; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Of the two most widely estimated univariate asymmetric conditional volatility models, the exponential GARCH (or EGARCH) specification is said to be able to capture asymmetry, which refers to the different effects on conditional volatility of positive and negative effects of equal magnitude, and leverage, which refers to the negative correlation between the returns shocks and subsequent shocks to volatility. However, the statistical properties of the (quasi-)maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE) of the EGARCH(p, q) parameters are not available under general conditions, but only for special cases under highly restrictive and unverifiable sufficient conditions, such as EGARCH(1,0) or EGARCH(1,1), and possibly only under simulation. A limitation in the development of asymptotic properties of the QMLE for the EGARCH(p, q) model is the lack of an invertibility condition for the returns shocks underlying the model. It is shown in this article that the EGARCH(p, q) model can be derived from a stochastic process, for which sufficient invertibility conditions can be stated simply and explicitly when the parameters respect a simple condition.11Using the notation introduced in part 2, this refers to the cases where α ≥ |γ| or α ≤ ? |γ|. The first inequality is generally assumed in the literature related to the invertibility of EGARCH. This article provides (in the Appendix) an argument for the possible lack of invertibility when these conditions are not met. This will be useful in reinterpreting the existing properties of the QMLE of the EGARCH(p, q) parameters.  相似文献   

Optimal design theory deals with the assessment of the optimal joint distribution of all independent variables prior to data collection. In many practical situations, however, covariates are involved for which the distribution is not previously determined. The optimal design problem may then be reformulated in terms of finding the optimal marginal distribution for a specific set of variables. In general, the optimal solution may depend on the unknown (conditional) distribution of the covariates. This article discusses the D A -maximin procedure to account for the uncertain distribution of the covariates. Sufficient conditions will be given under which the uniform design of a subset of independent discrete variables is D A -maximin. The sufficient conditions are formulated for Generalized Linear Mixed Models with an arbitrary number of quantitative and qualitative independent variables and random effects.  相似文献   


Recently, the notion of cumulative residual Rényi’s entropy has been proposed in the literature as a measure of information that parallels Rényi’s entropy. Motivated by this, here we introduce a generalized measure of it, namely cumulative residual inaccuracy of order α. We study the proposed measure for conditionally specified models of two components having possibly different ages called generalized conditional cumulative residual inaccuracy measure. Several properties of generalized conditional cumulative residual inaccuracy measure including the effect of monotone transformation are investigated. Further, we provide some bounds on using the usual stochastic order and characterize some bivariate distributions using the concept of conditional proportional hazard rate model.  相似文献   

Hedonic price models are commonly used in the study of markets for various goods, most notably those for wine, art, and jewelry. These models were developed to estimate implicit prices of product attributes within a given product class, where in the case of some goods, such as wine, substantial product differentiation exists. To address this issue, recent research on wine prices employs local polynomial regression clustering (LPRC) for estimating regression models under class uncertainty. This study demonstrates that a superior empirical approach – estimation of a mixture model – is applicable to a hedonic model of wine prices, provided only that the dependent variable in the model is rescaled. The present study also catalogues several of the advantages over LPRC modeling of estimating mixture models.  相似文献   

A multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model with dynamic conditional correlations is proposed, in which the individual conditional volatilities follow exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity models and the standardized innovations follow a mixture of Gaussian distributions. Inference on the model parameters and prediction of future volatilities are addressed by both maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimation methods. Estimation of the Value at Risk of a given portfolio and selection of optimal portfolios under the proposed specification are addressed. The good performance of the proposed methodology is illustrated via Monte Carlo experiments and the analysis of the daily closing prices of the Dow Jones and NASDAQ indexes.  相似文献   

In many practical situation the regression analysis with stochastic regressors is used. The estimations of this model are often influenced by a high degree of multicollinearity. For avoidance of this fact a criterion and a procedure for the selection of an optimal subset for regression will be derived on the base of the partition of the moments of the conditional normal distribution of the regressand under the condition of the regressors. Further two stage procedures improving the result of the subset regression. based also on the partition of the conditional moments will be given.  相似文献   

We consider improving estimating parameters of diffusion processes for interest rates by incorporating information in bond prices. This is designed to improve the estimation of the drift parameters, which are known to be subject to large estimation errors. It is shown that having the bond prices together with the short rates leads to more efficient estimation of all parameters for the interest rate models. It enhances the estimation efficiency of the maximum likelihood estimation based on the interest rate dynamics alone. The combined estimation based on the bond prices and the interest rate dynamics can also provide inference to the risk premium parameter. Simulation experiments were conducted to confirm the theoretical properties of the estimators concerned. We analyze the overnight Fed fund rates together with the U.S. Treasury bond prices. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

The study focuses on the selection of the order of a general time series process via the conditional density of the latter, a characteristic of which is that it remains constant for every order beyond the true one. Using simulated time series from various nonlinear models we illustrate how this feature can be traced from conditional density estimation. We study whether two statistics derived from the likelihood function can serve as univariate statistics to determine the order of the process. It is found that a weighted version of the log likelihood function has desirable robust properties in detecting the order of the process.  相似文献   

The cumulative past entropy (CPE) of order α, a dual measure of cumulative residual entropy (CRE) of order α, has recently been proposed as a suitable extension of CPE. In this article, we extend the definition of (dynamic) CPE of order α (DCPE(α)) to bivariate setup and obtain some of its properties including bounds. We also look into the problem of extending DCPE(α) for conditionally specified models. Several properties, including monotonicity, and bounds of DCPE(α) are obtained for conditional distributions. Along with some characterization results it is shown that the proposed generalized measure uniquely determines the distribution function. Moreover, we also propose a stochastic order based on this measure and prove interrelation with some existing stochastic orders.  相似文献   

The construction of universally optimal designs, if such exist, is difficult to obtain, especially when there are some nuisance effects or correlated errors. The hub correlation is a special correlation structure with applications to experiments in genetics, networks and other areas in industry and agriculture. There may be restrictions on the correlation values of the hub structure depending on the experiment. Optimality of block designs under hub correlation has been studied for the case of a constant correlation value. In this article, we consider the hub structure when one of the correlation values is different from the others, and the universally optimal block designs, binary or non-binary, are theoretically obtained. Also, we introduce an algorithm to construct the optimal designs. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 48: 596–604; 2020 © 2020 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The analysis of intervals between successive arrivals is an important component in any study of point processes. In this context, the most recent inter-arrival time (MRIAT), that is, the interval between last and second-last arrivals has a prominent place in the characterization of such a process if the study is made only for a limited period of time. In this paper, a general probability model for MRIAT is derived under some realistic assumptions. Some particular cases of the model have also been obtained which might be applicable in real data sets.  相似文献   

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