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Z Wu 《人口研究》1986,(2):2-6
The author, who works at the Population Institute of Sichuan Financial University, deals with issues regarding the strategy of population development in China and applies the population theories of Marxist and Leninist thought. The importnace of establishing a strategy of population development, in order to create an "optimum situation" for China's population in the future, specifically within the next 50-100 years is stressed. In addition to emphasizing the value of family planning and the use of birth control as a means of achieving this optimum population, it is reommeneded that the central government as well as the local governments of each province set up a strategic plan spanning 10, 20, 50, or 100 years with the aim of creating such optimum situation. The Marxist term optimum population is used to refer to a situation in which an area's population is o foptimum quality, quantity, and geographical distribution. The Marxist principle of 2 types of production are noted: production of material and production of population. General as well as local strategies are of extreme importance for the development of productive strength in China now and in the next 50-100 years.  相似文献   

Summary A methodology is developed to assess the effects of spatial distribution on the efficiency of insect pest control. This methodology is especially applicable to pest control methods whose efficiency of action depends either positively or negatively on pest density It is applied here to the sterile insect technique and pheromone trapping for male annihilation, which both depend negatively on density. This methodology relies on quantifying clumps of various size and then relating this to efficiency of control and predicting the total pest production given the information on clump sizes and efficiency of control for each clump size. It is found that control is about four times as difficult for a population that is highly clumped (k of the negative binomial distribution=0.25) as for a regularly dispersed population.  相似文献   

关于应对人口老龄化危机的经济学思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
从经济学的角度来说 ,应对人口老龄化危机 ,我们不能仅仅在收入的分配和再分配环节上做文章 ,个人账户制度也并非应对人口老龄化危机的良方。政府和社会在通过个人账户制度将人口老龄化风险转移给个人的同时 ,又使自己陷入了另一种风险之中。真正应对的办法只能是努力把生产这块“蛋糕”做大 ,相应的措施即为社会保障基金入市和提高退休年龄  相似文献   

D Xu 《人口研究》1984,(5):1-4
Population is very closely linked to the economic development of a society. The quantity, quality, structure, distribution, and movement of a population can help or hinder the rate of economic development. A developed country with low population density and a low percentage of employable people needs an increase in population in order to keep up with economic development. On the other hand, for an underdeveloped country with high population density and a high percentage of employable people, any increase in population will be detrimental to its economy. Man is a producer as well as a consumer, and in order to balance the rate of production and the rate of consumption, a certain poulation level must be maintained. The status of the economy determines the appropriate level. Population policy must be developed according to the following guidelines: 1) it must be based on the society's economic development; 2) since economy and population are closely related, they must both be worked on at the same time; and 3) both the quantity and quality of life of the population must also be worked on at the same time. Dealing with the relationship between population and the economic development of a society properly can bring about rapid improvement in the economic development and standard of living of that society.  相似文献   

Y Lian 《人口研究》1983,(1):17-22
Problems in population, manifested primarily as either "over" or "under" population, are ultimately related to the development of natural resources. Land is the most basic of natural resources. China's land mass is largely mountainous, with 56% of its more than 2000 counties, 1/3 of its population, 40% of its cultivated land and a majority of its forests, situated in mountainous regions. The quality and the distribution of the various kinds of land are complex and uneven. Although China is rich in forests, grazing, and arable land compared to the rest of the world, its 1 billion population makes the land a limited resource. The limitations of the land are also seen in soil erosion, soil that is increasingly turning into sand, and deforestation. Water resources are not considered scarce, yet compared to the rest of the world, it is limited. Its distribution is very uneven, with more water in the east and west, and less in the north and south. In the southwest mountainous border regions, for instance, water is abundant, but the population and arable land there is such that the demand for water is low. Moreover, droughts and heavy precipitation make the annual water supply unpredicatable. The demand for water becomes increasingly greater as agricultural production develops further, the population increases and as the cities continue to expand. living matter as a resource includes all the animal and plant life that is necessary for livelihood, but only forests and grasslands are discussed here. China's forests, if their use is not abused, can serve as a continuous supply for manufactured products. But its distribution is uneven and sparse. Population control will be ineffective if the forests are not replenished and developed. Grasslands are the primary source for animal products. The natural grasslands, found mainly in the north and west, are not as productive as that of other nations due to the nature of China's topography, the vagaries of climate, and deterioration. Energy, the source for fuel, includes such natural resources as coal, petroleum, natural gas, hydraulic, and solar power. China is among the world's richest in energy resources, yet the supply is sometimes insufficient when spread among 1 billion people.  相似文献   

The balance between world supplies of resources and the demands presented by population growth in the recent past, during the period to 2025, and for the long term is examined. Focus is on the issues, the past in terms of socioeconomic indicators, past trends in market places, and specific evidence of depletion; future demands in terms of population projections and growth in per capita demand; resource supplies to 2025; ultimate resource production possibilities; environmental constraints and risks (problems capable of control at reasonable cost, other domestic environmental problems, and potentially severe global problems); and implications. Improvement in socioeconomic indicators, relatively stable resource market prices, along with evidence of resource and environmental changes suggest that thus far the world as a whole has been able to win the race between demand and supply. For the next 50 years, during which a slowdown is projected in population growth rates and resource consumption, the most important problems to be faced are associated with the unequal distribution of resources and the transition problems of moving from 1 resource regime to another in an orderly fashion. For the long term, a projected equilibrium population of 10-12 billion can probably be sustained at a decent standard of living by more equitable distribution of food and shifts from less to more abundant resources. Ultimately, environmental and security problems associated with growing energy production and use such as increasing atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide and nuclear proliferation may be the most difficult to resolve. Although cessation of population growth would help, it does not by itself constitute a solution to the world's resource problems. Both the causes and the symptoms need to be worked on simultaneously. Understanding the true nature of the world's resource and environmental limitations is a 1st step in that direction.  相似文献   

R S Li 《人口研究》1982,(1):53-56
Population law is basically a kind of social law and it has a system of very rich content. Population law is subject to the influence of both nature and society. Nature has a certain influence and function on the population, including its natural restricting force on the population, such as the life and death cycle, metabolism, and continuation of life. In addition, the natural environment also has a restricting force on the population; people have to live on water, air, sunshine, earth, and other natural resources. People whould have to follow fixed natural laws in order to live, or the continuation of life would be in jeapordy. Society also has some influence on population law and its restriction on the population is mainly through the means of production. On the one hand, it is the function upon the population from the nature, characteristics and condition of productivity. On the other hand, it is the function upon population from production relations. Socialist population law is a major branch of the entire population law. In this particular branch, the main contents include shared individual production and material need and a population development plan which deals with employment, population distribution, and other fundamental problems.  相似文献   

我国人口重心、就业重心与经济重心空间演变轨迹分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
近20年来我国人口重心、就业重心、经济重心的空间演变轨迹表明,我国区域经济差距的主要原因是东部沿海地区不断集聚生产的同时,没有更有效地吸纳中西部地区的人口,从而造成我国东部沿海地区与中西部地区的生产与人口、就业分布高度失衡。目前,建立完善的分享机制、进一步促进西部落后地区的人口向东部沿海发达地区流动、建立健全的流动人口管理体制是促进我国区域协调发展的有效策略。  相似文献   

The reasons for the rapid growth of population that occurred during the early-middle period of the Qing dynasty in China are examined. Factors considered include Kan Hsi's tax reforms, the expansion of Chinese borders, increased food production, and socioeconomic changes brought about through contact with the West during the reign of Dao Guang. The consequences of the rapid growth of population for land use and food distribution are also considered.  相似文献   

This bulletin examines the narrowing margin between global food production and population growth. Between 1950 and 1971, world grain production nearly doubled and per capita production increased 31%. During the 1970s, gains in output barely kept pace with population growth, consumption/person declined in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia, food prices were volatile, and over 100 food deficit countries came to depend on the exportable surplus of North America, now the only major grain exporting region. The world fish catch levelled off in the early 1970s and beef production, still dependent mainly on grassland grazing, levelled off in the mid-1970s. With little new land left to plow, satisfying increased food demand now depends on sharp increases in yields on existing crop land. Worldwide, this effort is hampered by loss of topsoil and irrigated land, conversion of cropland to nonfarm uses, rising energy costs, inefficient agrarian structures, particularly in the Soviet Union, the falling yield response to chemical fertilizers in agriculturally advanced countries, and the emerging competition between food and agriculturally based energy crops. Green Revolution successes in some developing countries deomonstrate that, given the right inputs, 3rd world farmers can increase crop yields dramatically. Feeding the world's poor also requires more equitable income and food distribution, including a reduction in the proportion of grain and fish consumed indirectly as livestock products by the affluent. Most important in meeting food needs on a finite planet is braking population growth. The author concludes that every effort should be made to stabilize world production at abour 6 billion by 2020, rather than 10.5 billion by 2110, as is now projected by the UN.  相似文献   

沈茂英 《西北人口》2009,30(4):67-72
人口分布是指人口在某一特定时间内于一定地理空间的集散状态,受多种因素影响。自然环境要素是人口分布的客现基础,但决定人口分布的关键因素是生产力发展水平与生产力布局。在一定时期内,在一个大的区域范围内,人口分布具有相对稳定性。汶川大地震极重灾区,社会经济环境与自然环境均发生较大变化,灾区人口分布格局变动不可避免。本文以汶川地震灾区10个极重灾区县为例,在系统分析灾前人口分布格局基础上,指出“耕地等农地资源灭失毁损、避灾搬迁、产业布局调整与升级、城镇体系空间重构、生态保护与修复”是影响灾后人口分布变动的主要驱动因素,提出灾区“人口总量基本不变,而城乡人口分布格局发生调整,并形成以县内分布调整变动为主、跨县人口分布调整为辅”的变动态势。  相似文献   

J Li 《人口研究》1983,(2):39-46
According to Marx and Engels, population is the premise for material life. The difference between man and animal is that man, in order to exist, must have a means of subsistence; thus, his 1st historical activity is to produce these means while at the same time reproduce himself. The function and position of population is to serve as the basis and primary force for all social productive activities. Population further serves as the basis for its own material production. All human relationships and functions, regardless of form or situation, influence material production. Actually, population itself is a kind of productive force as well as consuming force. Population produces material goods which ultimately are used by the population. Hence population is the unification of production and consumption. That is, population's activities consist of production and consumption. According to Marx, accumulated capital regulates population development; at the same time, population development influences the accumulation of capital. Population growth must be the basis for the realization of accumulated capital. In addition, population structure influences the accumulation of capital. Within a single nation, the larger the laboring class, the more prosperous is the country. Among countries, however, this principle is not necessarily so. Marx also believed that raising production rates is the basic way to increase accumulated capital. And, a necessary condition for raising production rates is to raise the quality of population.  相似文献   

Stability over time in the distribution of population forecast errors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A number of studies in recent years have investigated empirical approaches to the production of confidence intervals for population projections. The critical assumption underlying these approaches is that the distribution of forecast errors remains stable over time. In this article, we evaluate this assumption by making population projections for states for a number of time periods during the 20th century, comparing these projections with census enumerations to determine forecast errors, and analyzing the stability of the resulting error distributions over time. These data are then used to construct and test empirical confidence limits. We find that in this sample the distribution of absolute percentage errors remained relatively stable over time and data on past forecast errors provided very useful predictions of future forecast errors.  相似文献   

The objectives of current Chinese population policy are reviewed. The author notes that these involve a planned regulation of population to the point that the population remains stable and is of high quality. Included is a theoretical discussion on the mutual adaptation of material production and human reproduction, as well as a discussion on the means of production in determining trends in population development.  相似文献   

杨丽艳 《西北人口》2009,30(5):80-84
随着主体功能区的建设,在宁夏农村劳动力转移过程中,由于劳动力素质的差异,生产条件较好的限制开发的农业区劳动力大量转移出去,导致粮食生产面临劳动力短缺的压力;与此同时,一些生产条件和生态环境较差的限制开发的生态区的劳动力转移效果较差,相当数量的劳动力转移不出去,导致环境压力依然存在,脱贫难度大。因此,需要通过一系列的制度创新推动宁夏农村人口的梯度转移及合理分布。  相似文献   

基于人口分布指数和空间自相关分析方法,研究2008-2017年珠江—西江经济带包括广东及广西共11市的人口分布时空演化特征以及影响因素。结果表明:珠江—西江经济带人口密度呈现“东高西低”的分布格局,且地区差异显著;低、中、高值地区人口密度的年均增长量上升,人口分布地区差异扩大;人口分布具有不断集中的趋势,且不均衡状态加剧;Moran’s I值不断增大,珠江—西江经济带地区人口密度不断集聚,分布的空间相关性也不断强化。在分析影响因素时,引入空间计量模型,经判别检验后,确立SLM为最优模型,SLM的计量分析结果显示:人均GDP、职工平均工资、产业结构、公共服务水平都对经济带人口分布产生正向影响。因此,要想促进珠江—西江经济带人口合理分布,可以通过加快产业结构调整,推进经济带内一体化发展,提高公共服务水平和加大基础设施建设来实现。  相似文献   

A Ma  R Zha 《人口研究》1984,(3):24-36
The national census conducted in 1982 provides the most up-to-date statistics on China's population. The following are some characteristics of China's population at the present time, based upon preliminary analysis: (1) The total population figure has passed the one billion mark, but the growth rate has been declining since the 1970s; (2) The population density is higher than other countries of the world, but the distribution is uneven. The percentage of the city population is low, and changes in urban and rural distribution are slow; (3) The population growth of ethnic minorities is higher than average, and the ratio of the minority population is increasing; (4) There are slightly more men than women-an impact of traditional society; (5) The age structure of the population is still young, but sharp change is in the process of developing; (6) Fertility has declined on a large scale, but is still far from reaching the goal of population control; (7) The death rate has remained at a low level for a long period of time, and average lifespan is gradually becoming prolonged; (8) The marital status has remained stable, and people normally marry between the ages of 20 and 30; (9) The cultural and educational level of the general public has been promoted, but still not enough for modernized construction; (10) The employment rate is high, and most of the working population is employed with the departments of material production. The percentage of employment of a service nature is small. A high percentage of the working population is related to agriculture, fishing, and animal husbandry. The precentage of workers in manual labor is much higher than that for mental labor.  相似文献   

X Wang 《人口研究》1983,(4):6-10
Strategies on population growth are the guiding principles for population reproduction and activity. A strategy for economic development is the fundamental policy directing all the economic activities of the nation. These 2 strategies are closely related and support each other. They share some common grounds: 1) with a large population and a high percentage of the population being peasant, the labor productivity remains rather low, and population pressure on the economy is intense; 2) when a country has large territory and rich natural resources, the average arable land for each individual is still not much, and some available resources for each individual are also limited; and 3) the distribution of the population is out of balance. The areas with a higher population density receive more pressure on their economy. This situation explains the need to improve the population distribution. Labor resources should match reasonable with natural resources in order to reduce the pressure on areas with a high population density. Because of the labor's low level professional skill and poor management, modernized constructions have met with serious troubles. Moreover, the traditional view on population and population growth also needs correction. In order to integrate and coordinate these 2 strategies, one needs to understand correctly the connection between the two, and also understand the effects of the economy on the population. In the 2nd step, we need to pay attention to how to control the size of population and improve quality in order to match modernized production patterns. The balance between the two should be achieved with constant efforts. In population growth strategy, efforts are needed to limit quantity, improve quality, adjust the population structure, and redesign the geographical distribution of the population. In the economic development strategy, efforts are needed to promote economic effectiveness, a balanced development and a sustained growth for the national economy, in order to increase industrial and agricultural production and provide more income for each individual.  相似文献   

刘建利 《西北人口》2010,31(6):107-110
东乡族是甘肃省特有的三个少数民族之一。新中国成立后,其人口状况显示出长期高速增长、家庭规模大、受教育程度低、人口结构年轻等特征,这些特征对其经济发展产生一定程度的影响,有限资源下的人口激增导致大量东乡族人在传统生产方式下陷入贫困;文化程度低也限制了东乡族人进入现代生产方式,实现脱贫和经济发展;大家庭的生活模式一方面保证了贫困状态下东乡人的基本生活,另一方面维护了固有的生产方式;而年轻的人口结构在传统生产方式下也很难产生人口红利。  相似文献   

利用2012年上海少数民族常住人口分布数据,采用数理统计和ESDA技术对上海少数民族常住人口数量、分布状况进行研究.研究表明:上海少数民族常住人口数量不断增加且集中分布于中心城边缘区和近郊区;少数民族常住人口在空间格局上存在显著的“同质集聚、异质隔离”;显著的“冷点”区域主要集中在崇明县、金山区等远郊区,显著的“热点”区域主要集中在五角场区域和九亭镇,较为热点的区域主要集中于花木镇、七宝街道、江川路街道、车墩镇和新桥镇等区域,而青浦区、浦东新区大部分区域则是较为冷点区域,中心城区大部分区域形成了随机分布的区域;不同族别的少数民族分布状况有着较大差异,亲缘、地缘和族缘为纽带的乡土观念仍然是少数民族常住人口集聚的重要因素.  相似文献   

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