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讣闻报道作为特殊的新闻体裁,隐含了某种特定的意识形态。文章从Fairc lough话语三维分析模式出发对《纽约时报》关于本拉登的讣闻报道从描述、阐释、解释三个维度进行批评话语分析,同时与BBC,CBC,A lJazzera三个媒体的讣闻作相关对比,进而挖掘其隐含意识形态。  相似文献   

Research on competition amongst women has largely focused on relational aggression amongst adolescents, but less explored are women’s understandings of the origins of competition as it relates to comparisons amongst women and feminine ideals. Drawing on semi-structured, in-depth interviews with 30 collegiate women, we find young women’s stories constructed comparisons and competition amongst women as never-ending and seemingly natural, although they point to restricted societal expectations of femininity as its origin. Women drew from the interrelated topics of perfection-seeking, media portrayals, relationships, and consumerism to explain how they and other women negotiated feminine ideals. Even if participants understood these actions as ultimately undermining their self-image, they still perceived achieving goals of femininity as connected with perfection and happiness. We define such ongoing comparisons and competition as a feminine rivalry, as women perceived other women as direct competitors and thus understanding of the nature of the competition. We conclude by considering how college-aged women’s negotiations of feminine ideals to seemingly bolster or secure their social positioning in a hierarchy of femininity, at times in contradictory ways, offers additional insight into connections between interpersonal dynamics, expectations, and stereotypes of women.  相似文献   

沈从文女性观既与鲁迅女性观存在着异同浅深之处,也同胡适女性观有着亲疏远近之趣.总体比较而言,沈从文则更多从人性论角度来观察和思考我国女性问题.其女性观既反映了封建习俗对乡下女子生命情欲的残酷扼杀,又揭示出现代都市女性的精神空虚;既主张女性思想解放和独立自主,又深受男权思想意识浸染而轻视女性人格,因而呈现出纷繁复杂而矛盾...  相似文献   

“企慕情境”这一诗学主张是由钱钟书先生提出的,它不仅仅表现男女之间爱慕之情,也常常用来表现人们对生活中美好理想的向往和追求。用这一诗学观点来反观屈原,我们就会发现,在《离骚》中表现出的企慕情境就是诗人对美政理想的热烈追求以及求而不得的悲剧结局,  相似文献   

孙惠芳是一位守望乡土的女性作家,在小说创作中,她依据女性切身的生命体验,建构出一个以荡妇为基本特征的乡村女性世界。概括为三类人物系列:一是在越轨的行为中,蕴含着对精神境界的向往与提升;二是在情欲的驱动下,表现出对生活法则与道德规范的大胆蔑视与叛逆;三是采用传统的偷情或调情方式获取生命激情的宣泄和满足。在作者笔下,所有女性都无法逃脱既定的悲剧命运。在当代文坛上,孙惠芳所表现出的女性体验、生命视角与人性关爱具有积极的探索意义。  相似文献   

伊战后国际恐怖主义问题探析——以中东为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伊拉克战争是美国实现其反恐战略的重要步骤,然而战争并未遂美国之愿,相反,催生了新一轮恐怖袭击高潮。伊战后国际恐怖主义出现了袭击主体基层化、范围扩大化、形式复杂多样化、危害民众化的新特征。伊战后,国际恐怖主义泛滥有着错综复杂的原因,但其直接原因是全球范围强权政治、霸权主义抬头所致。面对日益猖獗的国际恐怖主义,国际社会既要反恐又要反霸,尊重文明的多样性,加强国际反恐合作,从根本上铲除国际恐怖主义产生的根源。  相似文献   

Previous research suggests many middle-class white women attempt to maintain femininity during labor and birth. There is also evidence that women who give birth outside the medical model may engage in more gender-deviant behaviors. The current study examines women’s accounts of gender performances during birth in the midwives model of care. Participants describe themselves engaging in a number of gender-deviant behaviors, without apology or overt remorse. However, participants also describe themselves engaging in activities during labor and birth that are traditionally considered feminine, including domestic tasks, care-giving and adhering to beauty norms; some defined childbirth itself as a feminine activity. Thus, participants are not simply adhering to or defying dominant notions of femininity, but are engaging in a complex set of gender behaviors. It is argued that study participants are prioritizing certain aspects of femininity—in particular, the “good mother”—over others.  相似文献   

香港极为重视新闻自由,媒体触觉深广。香港媒体在报道与限制报道,满足公众的知情欲、知情权与维护案件当事人的合法权利与公正受审权之间,始终存在矛盾与冲突。香港是一个司法独立、新闻自由的社会,媒体的表达自由权与司法独立审判权受到法律的同等保护。  相似文献   

Rose Weitz 《Gender Issues》2016,33(3):218-234
This article explores how women in a junior-level Women and Sexuality class taught at a large US research university make sense of the HBO television show Girls. Data come from essays written in spring 2013 by 28 students in response to the first three episodes of Girls. The students’ essays illustrate their ability to actively respond to the show’s portrayal of women’s lives in a nuanced rather than one-dimensional way. The most common topics in these essays were the show’s portrayal of male dominance in relationships, female sexual agency, female body disciplines, and the costs women pay for sexual activity. The essays illustrate how the students mobilize feminist and post-feminist frames, both singly and jointly, as well as the difficulties involved in trying to separate these frames from each other in either media texts or women’s lives. In addition, the data shed light on the struggles young women face in dealing with gendered expectations for sexuality, femininity, and body discipline in contemporary neoliberal society.  相似文献   

陕西的女性文学有着悠久的传统,20世纪以来,陕西女性文学有了长足的发展。延安时期以丁玲为代表的女性作家的创作是陕西女性文学的辉煌。20世纪下半叶到21世纪初,陕西的女性作家曾出不穷,在文学的各个领域都有突出的创作成就,这其中,更有60、70年代出生的一批青年女作家创作势头强劲,展现出不凡的艺术功力。但是,陕西女性文学的声音还比较微弱,陕西女性作家无论所达到的艺术高度还是所形成的文学影响力与陕西男性作家还存在较大差距。陕西女性文学要获得更大成就,就要强化女性意识,更新创作观念,在题材上扬长避短,在艺术上不断创新。  相似文献   

当前国际恐怖主义的新发展及反恐对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国发动伊拉克战争是其实现国际反恐战略的重要步骤,然而战争并未遂美国之愿,相反,催生了新一轮恐怖袭击高潮.通过分析伊战后国际恐怖主义出现的范围扩大化、袭击主体基层化、危害民众化、形式复杂多样化、目的政治化的新趋势,指出国际社会必须统一对国际恐怖主义的认识标准,摒弃单边主义路线,在联合国的主导下,加强国际合作,多管齐下,从根本上铲除国际恐怖主义产生的根源.  相似文献   

庐隐作为亲历“五四”妇女解放大潮的新女性作家,创作的小说凸显着鲜明的女性意识,而基督精神对她的女性意识的表达有着深刻的影响,具体体现在:一、平等与博爱思想催发了女性意识的觉醒,使之在追求个体的独立自由的同时,勇于担当社会责任;二、女性意识在现实的突围中陷入困惑,在忏悔与皈依中不断挣扎以寻找出路。基督精神渗透在庐隐的小说创作中,增强了庐隐女性意识表达的迫切性和厚重度,使之散发出永久的文学魅力。  相似文献   

该文选取了英国女作家弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫的长篇论文《一间自己的房间》,试图借美国马里兰州大学比较文学和女性研究中心教授苏珊•S•兰瑟的思路,将社会身份的声音和叙述形式的声音联系并结合起来,从叙事声音的角度切入,分析其背后所反映的现实中女性主义的声音,并借此梳理伍尔夫的女性主义思想。  相似文献   

以往,女性在某种程度和意义上是处在"被男性消费"的地位,最明显的表象就是大众传媒中抛头露面的大都是一些比较吸引人的女性形象,因为在以往的消费观念中,产品宣传被冠以女性形象会获得利益上的双赢。现代的经济变化消除了这种差异。当越来越多的女性走向社会,发挥着越来越重要的作用,同男性一起作为社会的创造者,社会的宽容也会让人们乐于享受家庭生活,尊重女性。欣然接受女性成功而不觉得自己懦弱的"新好男人"也有了自己的发展空间,两性发展的多元化将成为一种趋势,多元化的两性发展,要求多元化的媒介表达,在广告设计中也是如此。唯有充分实践多元化的人文设计,才能给彼此一个更大的发展空间。  相似文献   

The article points out the cost to women of the feminist decision to support women’s choice to work only in the home. The author argues that women who work only in the home hurt themselves, their children, and other women. The women who actually drop out may end up living in poverty. Dropping out, job-sharing, and working part-time are not solutions as long as these options are taken almost exclusively by women. The solution is to follow strategies that promote equal responsibility between men and women for childcare and housework, rather than encouraging women to work only in the home or to make their double burden work. Such strategies include marriage agreements that recognize the opportunity costs suffered by women who drop out of the workforce, and legislative changes that remove the tax and other benefits that subsidize married men whose wives work only in the home.  相似文献   

Globally changing economic conditions have made it necessary for men and women to cross gender based occupational lines. While some research has been conducted on the men crossing occupational barriers in Ghana, not much is known about the women venturing into male dominated occupational sectors in the informal sector. Using the concepts of ‘tokenism and ‘heightened visibility’, this research investigated the experiences of women in male dominated informal sector occupations in Ghana. The research revealed that being numerically disadvantaged and being a woman does not necessarily lead to some of the challenges highlighted as facing other females in more formal occupational settings. On the contrary, this study has revealed how the numerical disadvantage combined with socio-cultural feminine attributes, contributes to the occupational development of women. This research recommends that future programmes aimed at female empowerment should not only focus on the academic (science; technology and mathematics) opportunities, but should also highlight the opportunities for female economic empowerment within male dominated sectors of the informal economy.  相似文献   

春秋时期女性外在容貌特征的审美意识日益觉醒,并成为男性追求女性时所极为看重的条件之一。在此社会转型的背景下,孔子坚持“男女有别”的礼制规范,能正视男性在青春期对女性容貌所产生的爱慕之情,提出了“少之时,血气未定,戒之在色”的“戒色”说。以此为视角,试图透视孔子对待“色”之态度,并以此来观孔子的女性观。  相似文献   

本文从汉字中与妇女性别相关的"后"、"好"、"男"、"女"、"夫"、"妇"等文字入手,论证了中文汉字在造字和训释过程中,男尊女卑观念所造成的对女性的歧视和贬抑;论证了在长达数千年的岁月里,妇女在汉语言文字中被咀嚼成"贱"和"内"的身份和角色;论证了中国封建文学史书写对古代闺阁文学的歧视和排斥;论证了晚清末年秋瑾的出现,以其历代才女所罕见的豪放雄健的诗词,宣告了一部中国传统女子文学史的终结。  相似文献   

报刊批评是舆论监督的特殊历史形态,党的报刊批评思想在强化报刊批评的双重责任、制定报刊批评规范、重视自下而上批评、党委领导与媒体独立负责相统一、重视批评的方法和艺术等方面,体现其特色与创新的内涵,这些思想至今仍有现实意义.  相似文献   

魏晋是一个动荡、变革的时期,伴随着玄学的产生,男性对女性的期待由德向色转变,所谓"妇女德不足称,当以色为主"代表了时人对女性审美的主要观点,这种审美观无疑影响了女性的审美追求,使魏晋妇女对自身的形貌、服饰、神态给予了更多的关注和调整,并形成了这一时期特质鲜明的女性审美观。  相似文献   

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