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郝生宾  于渤  王瑜 《管理科学》2018,31(5):84-96
  产品创新对于新创企业成长至关重要,关于市场导向对产品创新影响的研究仍存在诸多不足,缺乏对市场导向影响产品创新绩效路径和机理的深入探讨,不同市场导向对产品创新绩效影响路径和机理是否存在差异仍未厘清,影响效应随外部市场环境变化发生何种变化也并不明晰。另外,已有研究更多是针对成熟企业,缺乏以新创企业为对象的深入研究。         依据资源基础理论和战略匹配理论,探讨新创企业先动型和反应型市场导向对产品创新绩效的直接作用和间接作用及作用的机制。以技术能力和营销能力为中介变量,以市场动荡性为调节变量,构建新创企业先动型和反应型市场导向影响产品创新绩效的理论模型。采取大样本问卷调查方法,收集145家新创企业的数据,运用多元线性回归分析对提出的假设进行实证检验。         研究结果表明,先动型和反应型市场导向对产品创新绩效均有显著直接正向影响,相对于反应型市场导向,先动型市场导向对产品创新绩效的影响更大;先动型和反应型市场导向均通过技术能力和营销能力对产品创新绩效产生间接正向影响,先动型市场导向更依赖于技术能力对产品创新绩效产生影响,而反应型市场导向更依赖于营销能力对产品创新绩效产生影响;市场动荡性在先动型市场导向影响产品创新绩效过程中起正向调节作用,在反应型市场导向影响产品创新绩效过程中起负向调节作用。         研究结果发现了市场导向和战略能力对产品创新绩效的重要影响,从战略和能力层面拓展新创企业产品创新前因变量的研究;发现技术能力和营销能力的中介效应以及市场动荡性的调节效应,揭示了先动型和反应型市场导向作用于产品创新绩效的内在路径和外在条件,深化了对新创企业产品创新实现路径的理论认识,为市场导向如何向产品创新转化提供了微观知识基础。同时,也为新创企业依据市场条件选择市场导向战略、配置相应战略能力,进而提升产品创新绩效提供理论指导。  相似文献   

本研究基于我国227家制造型企业的问卷调查数据,实证考察了市场导向和创新导向对新产品开发绩效的影响,以及创新导向和环境变动在市场导向和新产品绩效关系中的调节作用。结果显示:(1)本研究的概念模型整体拟合度优于西方常用模型;(2)市场导向和创新导向对制造型企业新产品开发绩效的影响显著为正,且均高于以前文献研究的一般水平;(3)创新导向和技术变化对于市场导向和新产品绩效的关系起到正向调节作用;(4)市场变化和竞争强度的调节作用不显著。研究结果对于制造型企业改善产品创新绩效具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

Jack Eaton 《LABOUR》1993,7(3):35-47
The article argues that there is a need for a new theory of production economics. The premise is that the only extant theory of production in orthodox discourse depends on the maximising model of human behaviour. Adam Smith's bifurcation of economic theory into the province of self-interest and that of justice also blocked off the potential for germinating a theory of production that would draw on motives other than self-interest. The foundations for such an approach have already been set out by Bray in a neglected study. He suggested that mathematical economics was held back, rather than advanced, by its bondage to static equilibrium analysis.  相似文献   

高永华 《领导科学》2003,(23):26-26
年轻领导干部新到某单位上任时,往往会遇到一个难题,那就是群众与自己存在心理距离,甚至是猜疑和不信任。对此,有的人沉不住气,急于在群众面前建立威信,要么在会上自我吹嘘、哗众取宠,要么当众批驳、发泄不满……这样一来,不但不能消除他人的一些偏见,反而越描越黑,正好验证了人们的猜疑,影响了自己的形象。应该说,这些领导者力图建立威信的动机没有错,但是由于操之过急,又用错了着力点,难免事与愿违。为了避免类似问题出现,初到任上,起码应注意以下几点。一、不要太看重个人面子对于一个领导者来说,权威自然是很重要的。然而,若将工作权威…  相似文献   

本研究基于220家中国制造型出口企业的数据,探讨了两种竞争战略(差异化战略和成本领先战略)如何通过顾客导向和竞争者导向影响企业创新倾向和新产品绩效。研究结果显示:(1)差异化战略通过促进顾客导向和竞争者导向间接改善创新倾向和新产品绩效;(2)成本领先战略直接正向影响创新倾向进而改善新产品绩效;(3)差异化战略对出口企业产品创新的影响更为显著。研究为中国制造型出口企业如何改善竞争战略执行、提高产品创新绩效提出了管理上的启示意义。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: After unification, East German GNP dropped severely, total employment fell to about two thirds of the former level. Long-term labour market prospects remain poor. From the very beginning up to now, labour market policy (short-time work, early retirement schemes, work creation measures, further training and retraining) absorbed much of the surplus labour supply. Regulations were changed to allow for‘“mega-measures” (contrasting the traditional individual approach). A new co-financing model links work-creation measures more closely to regional structural policy. A labour market infrastructure was built up in a short time, including new elements such as‘“employment promotion companies” and‘“reconstruction agents“.  相似文献   

我国企业债券市场明显滞后于整个资本市场的发展,加快发展企业债券市场的呼声日高。但是去除企业债券发展的束缚是一个渐进的过程。在此背景下,本文对我国企业债券融资发展进行定量预测。考虑到影响我国企业债券发展的因素较多且不确定,笔者采用灰色系统GM(1,1)模型进行预测。GM(1,1)模型是有偏差的灰指数模型,其精度取决于背景值的构造形式和初始条件的选取。已有的研究文献均是从一个侧面单独改进GM(1,1)模型,这里,笔者提出一种同时优化背景值和初始条件的新GM(1,1)模型。笔者发现新优化GM(1,1)模型比单独优化背景值或单独优化初始条件有更高的模拟精度。在此基础上,利用新改进GM(1,1)模型对我国2010年之前的企业债券余额进行了预测。  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2002,13(2):121-137
Earlier research on situational leadership theories has produced little and partly contradictory evidence about the role of situational moderator variables in explaining the relationship between leadership and outcomes. In this article, we propose to concentrate on need for leadership as a singular moderator of the relationships between leadership and employee outcomes. Using a sample of 958 Dutch employees from various organizations, the moderator hypothesis was tested. Need for leadership was paired with three leadership factors and five outcome variables, generating 15 possible moderating effects. Five of these were significant. Although the findings compare favorably with other studies using leadership moderators, the effects are weak, and there is not much evidence that leadership–outcome relations are reversed by need for leadership.  相似文献   

当前,市场导向的收益和顾客资产的重要性已经得到了广泛的认同。然而,一方面有关市场导向的认识尚未达成共识,另一方面有关顾客资产的认识也出现了新的误区,而且尚未有文献对新产品开发绩效的复杂影响进行过系统的实证研究。本文旨在开发测量顾客资产导向的有效量表,并通过区分反应型市场导向和先动型市场导向,运用中国企业的实证数据揭示它们对新产品开发绩效的差异性影响,并检验了顾客资产导向对两种不同市场导向与新品绩效之间关系的调节作用,从而引导学者和企业家对市场导向和顾客资产导向的作用形成更为科学的认识。结果发现,顾客资产导向对新产品开发绩效的直接影响并不显著,但却可以对先动型市场导向与新产品开发绩效之间的关系产生积极的调节作用。  相似文献   

We identify and analyze a scenario where a firm first opens up what we call a “detached” market, by offering a new product that meets a customer need that is very different from (i.e., detached from) the need met by the old established product. Our analysis builds on the previous studies that describe alternate ways in which a new product might open a new market and ultimately encroach on an existing market. Consider the example of cell phones: They opened up a new detached market by meeting the customer need for mobility, a need very different from the traditional attribute of reception quality. By meeting an important detached need, a new product can sell at a high price, even though it might be woefully deficient with regard to the traditional performance dimension (the reception/coverage of early cell phones was sorely lacking). A person who is a high‐end customer for the old product initially despises the new product as a replacement for the old one but might simultaneously be one of the first customers for the new product because it fills the detached‐market need. Over time, the new product improves along the traditional dimension (e.g., cell phone reception/coverage has dramatically improved), and eventually it becomes a replacement for the old product, encroaching from the lower end upward (the first customers to drop their landlines have been lower‐end customers such as students and apartment dwellers, whereas higher‐end business customers still have landlines in their offices). We call this the detached‐market form of low‐end encroachment and show how it helps explain the conundrum of an expensive “disruptive” innovation. We go on to relate our results to the finding that “willingness to cannibalize” is a key factor in an incumbent firm's growth and survival, and to the “blue ocean strategy.”  相似文献   

培育买主乃新品推介的重要途径和拓展市场的关键所在。日产电视机有这方面的成功经验,但国内企业对此重视和运用仍很不够。实施培育买主这一新品营销策略,必须首选一个广阔的目标市场,运用一套行之有效的方式方法,并不断提高新老买主对新品的忠诚度。这样,企业才有生命力,才会拥有越来越多的财富,才能经久不衰。  相似文献   

Revisiting stakeholder theory as a potential theory of the firm giving rise to expectations about organizing, we analyze when and under what circumstances entrepreneurially oriented firms increase their environmental collaboration with suppliers. Specifically, we investigate the association between entrepreneurial orientation and environmental collaboration with suppliers by accounting for the degree of employees’ work engagement and market environment complexity as stakeholder-oriented moderators of this relationship. We test our hypotheses using multi-level analyses on 249 managers nested in 66 multinational companies (MNCs) in Turkey. We find that entrepreneurial orientation positively impacts environmental collaboration with suppliers. A high level of work engagement (as an organizing principle favouring a stakeholder focus) and a low level of market environment complexity (as an organizing principle favouring the customer as an instrumental stakeholder) moderate this linkage. We enrich the debate on entrepreneurial orientation, strategy, and environmental sustainability by providing logic rooted in stakeholder theory of the conditions under which MNCs’ entrepreneurial orientation in emerging markets prioritizes and privileges environmental collaboration with suppliers.  相似文献   

Scholars from different disciplines acknowledge the importance of studying new service development (NSD), which is considered a central process for sustaining a superior competitive advantage of service firms. Although extant literature provides several important insights into how NSD processes are structured and organized, there is much less evidence on what makes NSD processes successful, that is, capable of contributing to a firm's sales and profits. In other words, which are the decisions that maximize the likelihood of developing successful new services? Drawing on the emerging “service‐dominant logic” paradigm, we address this question by developing an NSD framework with three main decisional nodes: market orientation, internal process organization, and external network. Using a qualitative comparative analysis technique, we discovered combinations of alternatives that maximize likelihood of establishing a successful service innovation. Specifically, we tested our NSD framework in the context of hospitality services and found that successful NSD can be achieved through two sets of decisions. The first one includes the presence of a proactive market orientation (PMO) and a formal top‐down innovative process, but the absence of a responsive market orientation. The second one includes the presence of both responsive and PMO and an open innovation model. No single element was a sufficient condition for NSD success, though PMO was a necessary condition. Several implications for theory and decision‐making practice are discussed on the basis of our findings.  相似文献   

In this study, we consider the issue of preannouncing or not preannouncing the development of a new product. Our research is motivated by contrasting views in the literature and varying actions observed in practice. We develop and analyze a game theoretic model that examines the effect of a firm's preannouncement of its product development. Our model is based on a durable goods duopoly market with profit‐maximizing firms. The first firm is an innovator who initially begins developing the product; the second firm is an imitator that begins developing a competing product as soon as it becomes aware of the innovator's product. We assume that consumers are rationally expectant and purchase at most one unit of the product when they have maximum positive utility surplus that is determined by the characteristics of the product, the consumer's marginal utility, and the consumer's discounted utility for future expected products. The innovator firm can release information about its product when it begins developing the product or can guard information about its product until it introduces the product into the market. Our analysis and numerical tests show that, under some conditions, the innovator firm can benefit by preannouncing its product and giving the imitator firm additional time to differentiate its product. We discuss these conditions and their implications for new product development efforts.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the extant literature on the exploration/exploitation dilemma. Based on a systematic analysis of structural, behavioural, systemic and temporal solutions, the authors are able to show that the learning literature continues to struggle with the question of how exactly an organization can separate exploration and exploitation and at the same time enable necessary knowledge exchange and cooperation between these two notions. Paying closer attention to networks might enable future research to answer this question. In particular, a combination of structural aspects of networks and social ties has the potential to explain how the solutions currently on offer can be implemented successfully, how organizations can combine several of them, and how they can shift between them.  相似文献   

Companies are increasingly using global alliances to accelerate their international expansion. This paper identifies the critical factors that influence how the stock market will react to news of this type of alliance. We argue that abnormal returns on such news depend on the degree to which partners fill gaps in their international networks. We also argue that these alliances should be designed to take advantage of these complementarities in a well-defined geographical area. An empirical analysis of the stock market reaction to 72 global alliances by listed Spanish companies confirmed the importance of complementarity and leverage in explaining abnormal returns, and the irrelevance of the region of origin of the partner.  相似文献   

新企业高失败率和成长巨大差异性引起了学者们广泛关注,并导致创业导向研究的丰富成果.鉴于现有研究陷于新企业创业导向与绩效问无限追加调节和中介变量的复杂模型中,而忽视了对其中关键要素的深入挖掘,本文基于演化经济学、战略理论和组织理论,认为新企业从创业导向到组织绩效,中间需要一定的转化路径与能力支持,并提出新企业能力构念,构建了"创业导向一新企业能力一新企业绩效"模型,并通过150份有效样本验证了中国背景下新企业创业导向和新企业能力的维度构成以及与新企业绩效的关系,同时也发现了新企业创业导向与绩效之间的环境敌意性和环境动态性的调节作用、新企业能力的显著中介效应.  相似文献   

习近平教育思想是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分,对于构建新时代一流大学教育思想体系具有重要指导意义。新时代高等教育发展需要先进教育思想指引,面向一流大学和一流学科建设新要求,需要构建以使命观、质量观、教学观、文化观、卓越观和特色观为主要内容的教育思想体系;把教育思想转化为行动自觉,关键是加强党的领导,聚焦立德树人根本任务,强化教育教学改革,健全教师成长有效机制,抓好教学重点环节,强化全员全过程全方位育人。  相似文献   

本文利用相对有效性概念,构建了多空异质交易者转换模型作为实证检验的理论基础,运用我国股票市场数据,检验了股权分置改革对我国市场处理新信息效率的影响,结果显示股权分置改革改善了市场运行效率。使我国市场相对有效性得到提高。但结果同时显示目前我国市场效率仍不足,需继续深入完善相关制度来推动我国市场处理信息的效率进一步改善。  相似文献   

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