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This paper examines and critiques the manner in which one strand of attribution theory has addressed the relationship between role performances and person perception. An interactionist approach is formulated as an alternative, and an experiment is designed to test its viability. The experiment supports our hypothesis that the informational value of “in-role” performances is similar to the informational value of “out-of-role” performances, and that neither type of performance is consistently more informative than the other. Further, it is suggested that the informational value of role performances is not adequately explained by the in-role/out-of-role dichotomy. The interactionist conception of role, combined with a notion of informal role types, provides a more accurate understanding of role performance and person perception. 相似文献
《Journal of Public Relations Research》2013,25(2):179-210
This article advances a public relations approach to nation building. A public relations approach to nation building focuses on cooperative relationships and offers a communication-centered, participatory approach for improving ethnic relations in multicultural states. This research evaluated the Neighborliness Campaign in Malaysia and found it was effective in building cooperation between people of different ethnic groups. However, the Neighborliness Campaign also suffered from the unintended consequences of other government nation-building efforts. To improve future communication campaigns for nation building, a public relations approach, based on relational communication, is offered. 相似文献
Richard M. Alperin 《Clinical Social Work Journal》2004,32(4):451-469
In this paper four different schools of dream analysis—classical, object relations, modern psychoanalytic, and self-psychological—are described, compared, and contrasted. Each approach is then applied to an analysis of the first dream reported by a patient. As each interpretations is accurate and useful in understanding this patient's psyche, it is concluded that an integrated framework should be used in dream analysis. 相似文献
Theories of rational planning suggest that organizational performanceimproves if targets for future achievements are set. We testthis proposition using panel data for 147 English local educationauthorities between 1998 and 2003. The dependent variables inthe analysis are exam results for school pupils. We find that,controlling for other variables, the extent of performance improvementis influenced positively by the presence of a target. Thus,the results are consistent with the view that clear and quantifiedstrategic priorities lead to better organizational outcomes. 相似文献
《Journal of Public Relations Research》2013,25(2):81-100
This article expands on the theoretical idea that public relations should be a two-way symmetrical process in which organizations use principles of communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution to manage relationships with strategic publics. We point out that the symmetrical model is two-way and does not explain the situation in which an organization must communicate with multiple publics about a problem. In the typical public relations case, the organization carries on a public debate with at least one relevant public in front of numerous other publics. This article adapts the method of field dynamics for assessing the relative positions of publics and organizations. The method makes it possible to compare organizations and publics on the dimensions of dominance—submissiveness, friendly-unfriendly, and group versus self-orientation. We compare our method with the situational theory of publics, co-orientation, and cultural analysis—all of which have been used in public relations theory and research. We then apply field dynamics to a dispute with Native Americans in Wisconsin and suggest intervention strategies for dealing with the dispute. 相似文献
Richard P. Keeling MD 《Journal of American college health : J of ACH》2013,61(6):243-246
Abstract The anatomy and physiology of the ears, nose, and sinuses are reviewed. Diseases and injuries typically associated with water sports are discussed, with emphasis on pathophysiology, treatment, and preventative measures. “Screening for Chlamydial Infections in Women Attending Family Planning Clinics: Evaluation of Presumptive Indicators for Therapy,” JULIUS SCHACHTER, EILEEN STONER, and JEANNE MONCADA. Chlamydia trachomatis was recovered from the cervices of 9.8 percent (268/2,729) of women attending seven family planning clinics. The infection rate varied from 5.5 percent to 22.5 percent in different clinics. Chlamydial infection could be associated with younger age, nulliparity, being black and use of oral contraceptives. Most (70 percent) of the chlamydial infections were inapparent and presumptive indicators for antichlamydial therapy that are useful for symptomatic women will not make a major impact on this reservoir. It is concluded that chlamydial cultures are needed to deal with the high prevalence of these infections. (Western Journal of Medicine 1983 Mar;138:375–379.) 相似文献
《Atlantic journal of communication》2013,21(1):46-57
In recent years, interpretive organizational communication scholars have utilized a variety of methodologies in their attempts to study the process of communication occurring within organizations. Underlying each of these assorted methods, however, is the desire to interrogate the meaning and symbols of organizational life. Regardless of their methodological preference, interpretive organizational scholars of all casts seek to understand the symbolic structures that constitute and reflect meanings of the human activity within their individual objects of study. A survey of interpretive organizational literature reveals that, although many contemporary organizational theorists have advocated the study of organizations as sites of cultural enactments, few organizational communication scholars to date have advanced the use of performance through enactment as a methodology for examining organizational activity. This essay seeks to do just that. It asserts that performance, when used in combination with other interpretive methods, is a useful research methodology, which enables researchers and organizational members alike both to know and to show the symbolic structures constituted by and reflected in their actions and practices. 相似文献
Rebecca S. K. Li 《Sociological Theory》2002,20(1):1-23
A theoretical strategy is proposed to integrate competing models of state breakdown by conceptualizing key concepts in these models at a more abstract level. The demographic model, which asserts that rapid population growth can bring about state breakdown when economic and political institutions are too rigid, is extracted from Goldstone's work. The geopolitical model, which argues that deteriorating geopolitical condition can bring about state breakdown if the state is too weak and the economy too unproductive, is extracted from Skocpol's and Collins's works. The competing models are conceptualized as alternative and interacting routes to state breakdown where changing population pressure and geopolitical condition may generate integrative or disintegrative tendency depending on state power and productivity. A model describing four dimensions of state power—economic, military, political, and administrative—is constructed to incorporate various conceptualizations of the state in the state breakdown literature. Also integrated in the model is a third alternative route suggesting that rapid market development can generate disintegrative tendency if state power is too low. The synthesized model allows us to see that disintegrative/integrative tendency produced by one route may intensify or alleviate that generated by another route. 相似文献
Andrews Rhys; Boyne George A.; Law Jennifer; Walker Richard M. 《Jnl. of Public Admin. Research and Theory》2009,19(1):57-80
We test the separate and joint effects of centralization andorganizational strategy on the performance of 53 UK public serviceorganizations. Centralization is measured as both the hierarchyof authority and the degree of participation in decision making,whereas strategy is measured as the extent to which serviceproviders are prospectors, defenders, and reactors. We findthat centralization has no independent effect on service performance,even when controlling for prior performance, service expenditure,and external constraints. However, the impact of centralizationis contingent on the strategic orientation of organizations.Centralized decision making works best in conjunction with defending,and decentralized decision making works best in organizationsthat emphasize prospecting. 相似文献
Akira Suzuki 《International Journal of Japanese Sociology》1998,7(1):45-63
Abstract This paper discusses theoretical issues in analyzing the internal politics of unions in Japan. The main argument is that the autonomy of unions' internal political processes from management should not be assumed and that the very development of internal politics of unions may be influenced by the actors with which the unions interact. The paper first reviews previous research on the internal politics of unions in Western countries and discusses a model of internal union politics based on these studies. Second, it reviews previous studies of enterprise unions in Japan and considers why these studies have been indifferent to the internal politics. Third, the paper proposes an alternative approach to internal union politics by synthesizing insights from previous studies of unions and union politics in Western countries and Japan. The approach is based on the concept of the "political space" of unions. Fourth, application of the alternative approach to the development of internal politics of the enterprise union of Yahata Steel (from 1970, Nippon Steel), the largest steel firm in Japan, shows how the union's political space has become more narrow over time. Finally, the paper concludes by noting the relevance of the proposed approach to studies of union-management relations in other industrialized countries. 相似文献
A review of current issues and approaches to the problem of marital violence is presented. In order to understand volatile relationships, these attachments are discussed within the context of the normal progression of events in the formation and development of a marriage. A systems model that integrates current conceptual thinking is presented, The article concludes with a paradigm for therapeutic decision-making and strategies that flow from the integrated systems model. 相似文献
《Journal of Women, Politics & Policy》2013,34(2):83-98
As more and more women attempt to enter the private labor market and, more particularly, find themselves without employment, information on how women fare in various governmental job programs becomes especially important. Our analysis of CETA programming in Milwaukee indicates that women, especially blacks, often experienced greater need but less placement activity on their behalf, and received lower quality employment than did their male counterparts. To the extent that eliminate the obstacles women encounter in participating in public jobs programs. 相似文献
We argue that the existing public relations and communication models do not adequately account for the unique environmental characteristics of the public sector. By reviewing the public sector environment literature, we identify 8 attributes that affect government public relations: politics, focus on serving the public, legal constraints, extreme media and public scrutiny, lack of managerial support for public relations practitioners, poor public perception of government communication, lagging professional development, and federalism. We then review 5 existing public relations models, arguing that none of these models fully incorporates the unique environmental characteristics of the public sector. We conclude by proposing a new model: the government communication decision wheel. 相似文献
Alexander Schieffer 《Transition Studies Review》2006,13(3):607-623
The classical understanding of team leadership is extremely difficult to sustain in times when complexity and dynamics have risen to such high levels that very few individuals can assimilate them. The success of team leadership requires the ``participation of those already implicated'' in the development and implementation of a solution – and therefore in the leadership process. How can this be achieved practically? It requires a leadership approach that allows each relevant perspective to be included, in a practical way, in the development of a common position, which can then be implemented collectively. Co-creative leadership creates this possibility – a transformational leadership approach that allows an organisation as a whole to adapt to its environment. 相似文献
Andrews Rhys; Boyne George A.; Meier Kenneth J.; O'Toole Laurence J. Jr.; Walker Richard M. 《Jnl. of Public Admin. Research and Theory》2005,15(4):489-504
The theory of representative bureaucracy suggests that organizationsperform better if their workforces reflect the characteristicsof their constituent populations. The management literatureimplies that the impact of representative bureaucracy is contingenton organizational strategy. Our empirical evidence on Englishlocal government is inconsistent with the basic theory of representativebureaucracy but supports a moderating effect of organizationalstrategy. Representative bureaucracy is negatively associatedwith citizens' perceptions of local authority performance. However,organizations pursuing a prospector strategy are able to mitigatethis negative relationship. 相似文献
《Journal of Public Relations Research》2013,25(4):287-312
This study tested the applicability of the Excellence Study (L. A. Grunig, J. E. Grunig, & Dozier, 2002) to developing the study of public diplomacy to respond to Signitzer and Coombs's (1992) call for empirical research to "delineate and test" (p. 145) transferable public relations theories and to rigorously examine conceptual convergence between both spheres. This study delineated underdeveloped conceptions of public diplomacy practices and excellence in public diplomacy as a gap preventing theory building for both practices and excellence. It proposed the conceptual frameworks for public relations behavior and excellence in public relations in the Excellence Study to be applicable to developing the underdeveloped conceptions. In testing the applicability, this study examined the fits of 2 measurement models of public relations behavior and excellence in public relations developed from the conceptual frameworks of the Excellence Study. It tested the models with survey data on public diplomacy practices and management collected from 113 embassies in Washington, D.C. The findings showed that the conceptual and measurement frameworks of the Excellence Study are applicable: The 2 measurement models fit the public diplomacy data. 相似文献