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行动公民教育是美国当前公民教育发展的重要走向之一。行动公民教育在美国的兴起有它一定的合理性,是对美国近几十年来过于关注青少年的学业成绩导致青少年公民责任感和能力缺失的一种弥补或纠正。本文首先分析了美国行动公民教育产生的背景和行动公民教育的实施原则,其次通过具体实施机构的案例分析,揭示了行动公民教育的实施过程。  相似文献   

建立和完善对青少年进行公民道德教育的机制是美国教育的特色之一。长期以来,美国在对青少年进行公民道德教育的过程中,形成了特有的人本化、个性化的教育理念,多样性、灵活性的教育方法,渗透性、社会性的教育途径,充分发挥了政治性、阶级性的教育功能,有着一整套独特的理论与实践体系,对青少年公民道德素质培养提高发挥了重要作用。通过对美国青少年进行公民道德教育的内容和运行机制的分析审视,借鉴其成功的经验和做法,可以提高我国青少年公民道德教育的实效性。  相似文献   

汪玲 《现代妇女》2014,(10):227-227
美国是一个十分重视爱国主义教育的国家。爱国主义教育已经成为美国公民教育中必不可少的一个部分。本文主要探讨了美国爱国主义教育的内容、途径以及我们应该如何学习和借鉴美国爱国主义教育的成功经验。  相似文献   

当代美国青年受教育的状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国高层次人才培养规模扩大,接受高等教育的人数逐年增加,女性超过 了男性。基础教育质量有所提高。美国青年接受继续教育的机会多,办学形式多样。  相似文献   

公民教育是一个当前正在引起世界各国的教育决策者、教育理论者和实践工作者重视并探讨的问题,它是一个和国家政治民主化建设和加快经济发展密切相关的课题。本文介绍了美国公民教育,旨在为我国的公民教育提供思考和借鉴。  相似文献   

21世纪的今天,经济素养或理财素养日益成为各国教育的主要目标之一。我国中小学经济素养教育还处于起步阶段,美国经济素养教育理论和实践很有借鉴价值。本文从美国经济素养教育的内涵、历史和发展趋势、前沿动态、途径方法、社会机构资源和相关政策等进行综述,以寻找我国经济素养教育的切入口。  相似文献   

马骏 《现代妇女》2013,(11):162-162
美国社区教育发展至今,经历了漫长的过程,逐步形成了适应自身社会的模式与特色。本文主要阐述美国社区教育现状及对我国的启示。  相似文献   

爱国主义教育是世界各国都非常重视的一项教育内容,它不仅能够凝聚国家民族精神,而且还能推动国家发愤图强以及不断发展。本文探究美国爱国主义教育的内容及方法,不仅对我国爱国主义教育具有重要启示,而且对增强我国爱国主义教育实效性,使我国爱国主义教育跟上时代步伐具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

教育是一个民族振兴的基石.美国苗族的根在中国,历经迁徙来到远离自己根的彼岸,繁衍生息,明教化,发展经济,增强民族自信和民族凝集力.现就相关美国苗族教育文献作一述评.  相似文献   

朱江 《现代交际》2012,(4):217+216
随着全球一体化的发展,教育领域中出现了一种全新的教育理念——和平教育理念。和平教育理念对于美国战争小说的教学具有重要的指导作用。因此,本文将重点论述教师在美国战争小说的教学中运用和平教育理念的方法。  相似文献   

We analyse data from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies to reveal that immigrants in Canada and the United States make over $200 less per month than native‐born workers. In the United States, immigrants disproportionately work in low‐wage occupations, leading to large mean national differences between immigrants and native workers. The wage differential disappears after accounting for education and cognitive skills, indicating policies must focus on reducing education and skill gaps in the United States. In Canada, an immigrant wage gap persists in nearly all occupational fields, suggesting that the better skilled and educated immigrants in Canada are not receiving the same wage premium as native workers. We close with implications for policy and future research.  相似文献   

Epidemiological research typically focuses on the intensity, frequency, or duration of physical activity, without consideration of the socially meaningful dimensions of exercise. The authors use data from the 1998 National Health Interview Survey (N = 17,455) and information on participation in 15 exercise behaviors to examine educational differences in exercise among non-Hispanic whites, non-Hispanic blacks, and Mexican Americans. Factor analysis identifies three types of exercise: team sports (e.g., basketball, football), fitness activities (e.g., running, weight lifting), and activities that require the use of specialized facilities (e.g., golf, tennis). Cultural capital and human capital perspectives offer insight into different dimensions of the relationship between education and exercise. Whites disproportionately undertake facility-based exercise, blacks tend toward team and fitness activities, and Mexican Americans gravitate toward team sports. Our findings offer insight into the social stratification of health and can aid the design of public health interventions.  相似文献   

This study attempted to explore and clarify the ambiguity surrounding cultural concepts, broaden and deepen the current understanding of cultural competency, and operationalize its core components in multicultural education in the United States. The research findings presented in this study were organized into three overarching themes: Level I: knowledge development; Level II: integrative processes; and Level III: practice evaluation. The findings contributed to the formulation of levels in multicultural learning and to the specification of core cultural components in clinical practice.  相似文献   


This study analyzes the Hispanic Churches in American Public Life National Survey (n = 2,060) data set to examine the relationship between religious affiliation and commitment and education, marital status, and social views in the U.S. Latino community. The findings indicate that religious affiliation and high rates of religious participation and commitment are important factors that are positively and negatively related to Latino education, marriage, and social action. This study found a positive relationship between high rates of religious participation and commitment and high rates of marriage, social action, and conservative views on church–state relations and social issues like abortion and homosexual relations, but not on other social views like the death penalty and the ordination of women. In general, conservative religiosity (in this case Protestant Evangelicalism and Pentecostalism) is positively related to high rates of marriage and social action. However, the data also suggest that high rates of religious participation and commitment do not necessarily result in higher income and educational levels, although this may be due to the fact that many Latinos recently converted from Catholicism to Protestantism and thus have not had a chance to adopt and benefit from Protestant educational attitudes and resources.  相似文献   

Concerted cultivation is the active parental management of children's educations that, because it differs by race/ethnicity, nativity, and socioeconomic status, plays a role in early educational disparities. Analyses of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study–Kindergarten Cohort (n = 10,913) revealed that foreign‐born Latina mothers were generally less likely to engage in school‐based activities, enroll children in extracurricular activities, or provide educational materials at home when children were at the start of elementary school than were U.S.‐born White, African American, and Latina mothers, in part because of their lower educational attainment. Within the foreign‐born Latina sample, the link between maternal education and the three concerted cultivation behaviors did not vary by whether the education was attained in the United States or Latin America. Higher maternal education appeared to matter somewhat more to parenting when children were girls and had higher achievement.  相似文献   


Despite its emphasis on social justice, social work in the United States has not always attended to issues of diversity in doctoral education. This article examines the state of the discipline’s research on traditionally underrepresented students in U.S. doctoral social work programs. An analysis of relevant peer-reviewed articles from social work journals revealed that this research has focused on demographic trends, degree motivation, student barriers, existing supports, and career navigation. Diversity in U.S. doctoral social work education is vastly understudied with the majority of scholarship focusing on ethnoracial difference. The limitations of this study are discussed, and future research directions are proposed including the need to examine various kinds of social differences and a wider range of support initiatives.  相似文献   

Marital Disruption and Higher Education Among Women in the United States*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The general inverse relationship between marital disruption (separation and divorce) and educational status, commonly assumed by family sociologists, is demonstrated for both men and women using the 1/1000 sample of the 1970 United States Census. A minor, but interesting exception to this generally inverse relationship is noted for males with six or more years of college. This paper, however, focuses on a more dramatic and particularly significant deviation from the general pattern. Specifically, highly educated females – those with five or more years of college – have an especially high disruption rate compared to women with only four years of college. In fact, the disruption rate for women with five or more years of college exceeds that for women at every educational level except those who did not finish high school. The objective of this study was to see if those factors which differentiate women with four years of college from those with five or more are the same factors that differentiate between the "never disrupted" and the "ever disrupted" women with five or more years of college. The findings reveal that three variables – race, employment outside the home, and income – are associated with the likelihood that highly educated women will divorce or separate. These same variables also distinguish them from baccalaureate-level women. Four possible explanations, unrelated to the data analysis presented, are suggested for why a woman who enters graduate school significantly increases her probability of marital disruption.  相似文献   

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