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This paper deals with the Bayesian analysis of the additive mixed model experiments. Consider b randomly chosen subjects who respond once to each of t treatments. The subjects are treated as random effects and the treatment effects are fixed. Suppose that some prior information is available, thus motivating a Bayesian analysis. The Bayesian computation, however, can be difficult in this situation, especially when a large number of treatments is involved. Three computational methods are suggested to perform the analysis. The exact posterior density of any parameter of interest can be simulated based on random realizations taken from a restricted multivariate t distribution. The density can also be simulated using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. The simulated density is accurate when a large number of random realizations is taken. However, it may take substantial amount of computer time when many treatments are involved. An alternative Laplacian approximation is discussed. The Laplacian method produces smooth and very accurate approximates to posterior densities, and takes only seconds of computer time. An example of a pipeline cracks experiment is used to illustrate the Bayesian approaches and the computational methods.  相似文献   

The concept of fractional cointegration, whereby deviations from an equilibrium relationship follow a fractionally integrated process, has attracted some attention of late. The extended concept allows cointegration to be associated with mean reversion in the error, rather than requiring the more stringent condition of stationarity. This paper presents a Bayesian method for conducting inference about fractional cointegration. The method is based on an approximation of the exact likelihood, with a Jeffreys prior being used to offset identification problems. Numerical results are produced via a combination of Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. The procedure is applied to several purchasing power parity relations, with substantial evidence found in favor of parity reversion.  相似文献   

We develop Mean Field Variational Bayes methodology for fast approximate inference in Bayesian Generalized Extreme Value additive model analysis. Such models are useful for flexibly assessing the impact of continuous predictor variables on sample extremes. The new methodology allows large Bayesian models to be fitted and assessed without the significant computing costs of Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. We illustrate our new methodology with maximum rainfall data from the Sydney, Australia, hinterland. Comparisons are made between the Mean Field Variational Bayes and Markov Chain Monte Carlo approaches.  相似文献   

This paper develops a likelihood‐based method for fitting additive models in the presence of measurement error. It formulates the additive model using the linear mixed model representation of penalized splines. In the presence of a structural measurement error model, the resulting likelihood involves intractable integrals, and a Monte Carlo expectation maximization strategy is developed for obtaining estimates. The method's performance is illustrated with a simulation study.  相似文献   

An exposition on the use of O'Sullivan penalized splines in contemporary semiparametric regression, including mixed model and Bayesian formulations, is presented. O'Sullivan penalized splines are similar to P-splines, but have the advantage of being a direct generalization of smoothing splines. Exact expressions for the O'Sullivan penalty matrix are obtained. Comparisons between the two types of splines reveal that O'Sullivan penalized splines more closely mimic the natural boundary behaviour of smoothing splines. Implementation in modern computing environments such as Matlab , r and bugs is discussed.  相似文献   

Three types of polynomial mixed model splines have been proposed: smoothing splines, P‐splines and penalized splines using a truncated power function basis. The close connections between these models are demonstrated, showing that the default cubic form of the splines differs only in the penalty used. A general definition of the mixed model spline is given that includes general constraints and can be used to produce natural or periodic splines. The impact of different penalties is demonstrated by evaluation across a set of functions with specific features, and shows that the best penalty in terms of mean squared error of prediction depends on both the form of the underlying function and the signal:noise ratio.  相似文献   

This article proposes a new data‐based prior distribution for the error variance in a Gaussian linear regression model, when the model is used for Bayesian variable selection and model averaging. For a given subset of variables in the model, this prior has a mode that is an unbiased estimator of the error variance but is suitably dispersed to make it uninformative relative to the marginal likelihood. The advantage of this empirical Bayes prior for the error variance is that it is centred and dispersed sensibly and avoids the arbitrary specification of hyperparameters. The performance of the new prior is compared to that of a prior proposed previously in the literature using several simulated examples and two loss functions. For each example our paper also reports results for the model that orthogonalizes the predictor variables before performing subset selection. A real example is also investigated. The empirical results suggest that for both the simulated and real data, the performance of the estimators based on the prior proposed in our article compares favourably with that of a prior used previously in the literature.  相似文献   

We propose a simulation-based Bayesian approach to analyze multivariate time series with possible common long-range dependent factors. A state-space approach is used to represent the likelihood function in a tractable manner. The approach taken here allows for extension to fit a non-Gaussian multivariate stochastic volatility (MVSV) model with common long-range dependent components. The method is illustrated for a set of stock returns for companies having similar annual sales.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is one of the diseases with the most profound impact on health in developed countries and mammography is the most popular method for detecting breast cancer at a very early stage. This paper focuses on the waiting period from a positive mammogram until a confirmatory diagnosis is carried out in hospital. Generalized linear mixed models are used to perform the statistical analysis, always within the Bayesian reasoning. Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms are applied for estimation by simulating the posterior distribution of the parameters and hyperparameters of the model through the free software WinBUGS.  相似文献   

Semiparametric regression models that use spline basis functions with penalization have graphical model representations. This link is more powerful than previously established mixed model representations of semiparametric regression, as a larger class of models can be accommodated. Complications such as missingness and measurement error are more naturally handled within the graphical model architecture. Directed acyclic graphs, also known as Bayesian networks, play a prominent role. Graphical model-based Bayesian 'inference engines', such as bugs and vibes , facilitate fitting and inference. Underlying these are Markov chain Monte Carlo schemes and recent developments in variational approximation theory and methodology.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Mixed model based approaches for semiparametric regression have gained much interest in recent years, both in theory and application. They provide a unified and modular framework for penalized likelihood and closely related empirical Bayes inference. In this article, we develop mixed model methodology for a broad class of Cox-type hazard regression models where the usual linear predictor is generalized to a geoadditive predictor incorporating non-parametric terms for the (log-)baseline hazard rate, time-varying coefficients and non-linear effects of continuous covariates, a spatial component, and additional cluster-specific frailties. Non-linear and time-varying effects are modelled through penalized splines, while spatial components are treated as correlated random effects following either a Markov random field or a stationary Gaussian random field prior. Generalizing existing mixed model methodology, inference is derived using penalized likelihood for regression coefficients and (approximate) marginal likelihood for smoothing parameters. In a simulation we study the performance of the proposed method, in particular comparing it with its fully Bayesian counterpart using Markov chain Monte Carlo methodology, and complement the results by some asymptotic considerations. As an application, we analyse leukaemia survival data from northwest England.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the use of our R package, gammSlice, for Bayesian fitting and inference in generalised additive mixed model analysis. This class of models includes generalised linear mixed models and generalised additive models as special cases. Accurate Bayesian inference is achievable via sufficiently large Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samples. Slice sampling is a key component of the MCMC scheme. Comparisons with existing generalised additive mixed model software shows that gammSlice offers improved inferential accuracy, albeit at the cost of longer computational time.  相似文献   

Compositional time series are multivariate time series which at each time point are proportions that sum to a constant. Accurate inference for such series which occur in several disciplines such as geology, economics and ecology is important in practice. Usual multivariate statistical procedures ignore the inherent constrained nature of these observations as parts of a whole and may lead to inaccurate estimation and prediction. In this article, a regression model with vector autoregressive moving average (VARMA) errors is fit to the compositional time series after an additive log ratio (ALR) transformation. Inference is carried out in a hierarchical Bayesian framework using Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques. The approach is illustrated on compositional time series of mortality events in Los Angeles in order to investigate dependence of different categories of mortality on air quality.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive review and comparison of five computational methods for Bayesian model selection, based on MCMC simulations from posterior model parameter distributions. We apply these methods to a well-known and important class of models in financial time series analysis, namely GARCH and GARCH-t models for conditional return distributions (assuming normal and t-distributions). We compare their performance with the more common maximum likelihood-based model selection for simulated and real market data. All five MCMC methods proved reliable in the simulation study, although differing in their computational demands. Results on simulated data also show that for large degrees of freedom (where the t-distribution becomes more similar to a normal one), Bayesian model selection results in better decisions in favor of the true model than maximum likelihood. Results on market data show the instability of the harmonic mean estimator and reliability of the advanced model selection methods.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the regression analysis of failure time data when there are censoring and multiple types of failures. We propose a semiparametric generalization of a parametric mixture model of Larson & Dinse (1985), for which the marginal probabilities of the various failure types are logistic functions of the covariates. Given the type of failure, the conditional distribution of the time to failure follows a proportional hazards model. A marginal like lihood approach to estimating regression parameters is suggested, whereby the baseline hazard functions are eliminated as nuisance parameters. The Monte Carlo method is used to approximate the marginal likelihood; the resulting function is maximized easily using existing software. Some guidelines for choosing the number of Monte Carlo replications are given. Fixing the regression parameters at their estimated values, the full likelihood is maximized via an EM algorithm to estimate the baseline survivor functions. The methods suggested are illustrated using the Stanford heart transplant data.  相似文献   

One of the standard problems in statistics consists of determining the relationship between a response variable and a single predictor variable through a regression function. Background scientific knowledge is often available that suggests that the regression function should have a certain shape (e.g. monotonically increasing or concave) but not necessarily a specific parametric form. Bernstein polynomials have been used to impose certain shape restrictions on regression functions. The Bernstein polynomials are known to provide a smooth estimate over equidistant knots. Bernstein polynomials are used in this paper due to their ease of implementation, continuous differentiability, and theoretical properties. In this work, we demonstrate a connection between the monotonic regression problem and the variable selection problem in the linear model. We develop a Bayesian procedure for fitting the monotonic regression model by adapting currently available variable selection procedures. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through simulations and the analysis of real data.  相似文献   

Summary.  The data that are analysed are from a monitoring survey which was carried out in 1994 in the forests of Baden-Württemberg, a federal state in the south-western region of Germany. The survey is part of a large monitoring scheme that has been carried out since the 1980s at different spatial and temporal resolutions to observe the increase in forest damage. One indicator for tree vitality is tree defoliation, which is mainly caused by intrinsic factors, age and stand conditions, but also by biotic (e.g. insects) and abiotic stresses (e.g. industrial emissions). In the survey, needle loss of pine-trees and many potential covariates are recorded at about 580 grid points of a 4 km × 4 km grid. The aim is to identify a set of predictors for needle loss and to investigate the relationships between the needle loss and the predictors. The response variable needle loss is recorded as a percentage in 5% steps estimated by eye using binoculars and categorized into healthy trees (10% or less), intermediate trees (10–25%) and damaged trees (25% or more). We use a Bayesian cumulative threshold model with non-linear functions of continuous variables and a random effect for spatial heterogeneity. For both the non-linear functions and the spatial random effect we use Bayesian versions of P -splines as priors. Our method is novel in that it deals with several non-standard data requirements: the ordinal response variable (the categorized version of needle loss), non-linear effects of covariates, spatial heterogeneity and prediction with missing covariates. The model is a special case of models with a geoadditive or more generally structured additive predictor. Inference can be based on Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques or mixed model technology.  相似文献   

For models with random effects or missing data, the likelihood function is sometimes intractable analytically but amenable to Monte Carlo approximation. To get a good approximation, the parameter value that drives the simulations should be sufficiently close to the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) which unfortunately is unknown. Introducing a working prior distribution, we express the likelihood function as a posterior expectation and approximate it using posterior simulations. If the sample size is large, the sample information is likely to outweigh the prior specification and the posterior simulations will be concentrated around the MLE automatically, leading to good approximation of the likelihood near the MLE. For smaller samples, we propose to use the current posterior as the next prior distribution to make the posterior simulations closer to the MLE and hence improve the likelihood approximation. By using the technique of data duplication, we can simulate from the sharpened posterior distribution without actually updating the prior distribution. The suggested method works well in several test cases. A more complex example involving censored spatial data is also discussed.  相似文献   

Typical joint modeling of longitudinal measurements and time to event data assumes that two models share a common set of random effects with a normal distribution assumption. But, sometimes the underlying population that the sample is extracted from is a heterogeneous population and detecting homogeneous subsamples of it is an important scientific question. In this paper, a finite mixture of normal distributions for the shared random effects is proposed for considering the heterogeneity in the population. For detecting whether the unobserved heterogeneity exits or not, we use a simple graphical exploratory diagnostic tool proposed by Verbeke and Molenberghs [34] to assess whether the traditional normality assumption for the random effects in the mixed model is adequate. In the joint modeling setting, in the case of evidence against normality (homogeneity), a finite mixture of normals is used for the shared random-effects distribution. A Bayesian MCMC procedure is developed for parameter estimation and inference. The methodology is illustrated using some simulation studies. Also, the proposed approach is used for analyzing a real HIV data set, using the heterogeneous joint model for this data set, the individuals are classified into two groups: a group with high risk and a group with moderate risk.  相似文献   

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