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Previous theoretical and empirical research provides substantial support for a contingency approach toward international entry-mode selection. Similarly, additional empirical research supports the notion that different international ownership-based entry modes tend to be associated with varying performance levels. In this study we provide an initial attempt to use Werner, Brouthers and Brouthers' (1996) multiple measures of Perceived Environmental Uncertainty (PEU) to determine the entry mode choices of firms and link these risk-adjusted mode choices to managerial satisfaction with firm performance. We hypothesize and find that firms which make PEU risk-adjusted entry mode choices are significantly more satisfied with their firm's performance than firms whose entry mode choices cannot be predicted using multiple PEU risk measures.  相似文献   

本研究结合对华为、普华永道以及顶新国际集团等跨国公司的实地访谈选定“母国—东道国”和“东道国—东道国”两类研究视角,以普通消费者非常熟悉的牛仔裤、运动鞋和笔记本电脑等产品类别中的相关品牌作为测试对象,选择来自于中国、加拿大、日本和韩国等具有跨国界经历的顾客作为调研样本,分别检验了以品牌母国和品牌东道国为基准衍生出的营销标准化程度对东道国顾客心理的影响关系模型.模型中加入了市场情境因素作为调节变量.最后,结合具体事例针对中国企业做了引申讨论.  相似文献   

This paper provides an evaluative overview of the new venture survival literature. Since Stinchcombe's primary attempt to explain the mortality rates of new ventures, different research fields, including entrepreneurship, management and sociology, have devoted considerable attention to the antecedents of new venture survival. Despite this lively research commitment, a comprehensive review of the literature on new venture survival – as one of the most essential performance measures for new ventures – is missing. Covering 54 years of research, this paper provides an overview of the factors affecting new venture survival and highlights important methodological aspects in this research field. The review concludes by discussing opportunities for future research.  相似文献   

组织环境的不确定性研究综述   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
不确定性作为组织理论研究中的一个重要概念一直在解释组织与环境的关系上占有重要的地位。本文首先探讨了环境不确定性概念的演化过程,然后对环境不确定性的来源和度量进行了总结,并在此基础对环境不确定性对组织的影响进行了归纳和分析,最后提出一些有待继续研究的方向和建议。  相似文献   

Whether they are formally prescribed or informally agreed upon, rules delineate the types of behavior deemed acceptable or appropriate within organizations. Studies often find that negative outcomes such as decreased group cohesion and higher turnover result when rules are broken. However, research rarely examines the potential positive effects of rule violations. Rules describe expectations about behavior within routines, or patterns of activity in organizations. When rules are violated by individuals, it could be an indication that the associated patterns of activity are no longer appropriate and that changes to the routines are needed. Organizations may learn from these violations if the violations trigger a search for new ways to organize activities, but this connection between violations and the search for new routines is affected by several factors. Drawing from a review and discussion of rules, routines, and research on organizational search and learning, this paper develops propositions regarding how rule violations motivate the search for new routines. This perspective integrates the literatures on rule‐breaking and organizational search, and also suggests that managers who attend to patterns of rule‐breaking within their organizations may detect drift from their environments and take corrective action earlier than suggested by other organizational learning research.  相似文献   

In this meta-analytic review, we examine the entry timing-firm performance relationship as it has been studied in international business research. In addition, we present several moderating factors that strengthen or weaken that relationship. We find that early entry bears financial advantages in international markets, but those advantages depend on country of entry and origin, industry context, performance measurement, type of entry and time period. We conclude with a discussion of avenues for future research.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of low tax rates using transfer pricing and taking advantage of low production costs using offshoring are two strategies multinational firms (MNFs) use to increase profits. We identify an important trade‐off that MNFs face in setting their transfer prices: the conflict between (i) the incentive role and (ii) the tax role of the transfer price. For MNFs, we find the profit‐maximizing transfer‐pricing strategies that motivate divisional management to (i) make good sourcing decisions and (ii) take advantage of favorable tax rates. We quantify the absolute and relative maximum inefficiency in terms of the after‐tax MNF's profit change from using a single transfer‐pricing system as compared to the dual transfer‐pricing system. We show that the highest relative loss is attained when the average sourcing cost and the tax differential are high. We demonstrate that the highest absolute loss is attained when the average outsourcing cost is approximately equal to the offshoring cost. We extend our results to two practical variations in MNF structures: an MNF that faces operational constraints on its offshoring capacity and an MNF that uses compensation contracts linked to after‐tax firm‐wide profits. Our insights help MNFs' managers identify when to use single and dual transfer‐pricing systems.  相似文献   

武立东  王凯  黄海昕 《管理学报》2012,9(11):1712-1717
环境不确定性对组织的影响遵循2种逻辑,即效率机制与合法性机制。在总结已有文献对环境不确定性的定义和测量维度的基础上,以及在明确了环境不确定性的概念之后,对有关环境不确定性如何影响组织的文献进行了述评。研究结果表明,不确定性对组织的影响主要体现在制度层、战略和结构3个方面,这些影响有的遵循效率逻辑,有的遵循合法性逻辑。最后,对未来的有关研究提出了建议,即如何对客观环境不确定性进行测量;应继续关注制度环境;尝试用组织社会学中的制度理论解释中国的公司治理实践。  相似文献   

Japanese international marketing has evolved. While some aspects of success (organisational abilities, long-term orientation, aggressive growth strategies, ownership, R&D) have been diffused from developed to emerging markets, others have been extended (identification of customer needs and wants, information-processing capabilities). Segmentation and positioning are fine-tuned and are significantly different from Japanese strategies in developed markets. The relatively short time-frame of foreign firms' market presence in China enables Japanese brands to address upmarket consumer clusters in parallel with Western brands. The case study approach underlines the necessity of testing received knowledge with the new realities of the international business environment. At the same time it sends out a clear warning not to over-generalise. Japanese MNEs adapt to the Chinese market in multifarious ways. It would be a mistake to characterise a ‘Japanese’ strategy for the Chinese market, as no single approach predominates. Even within our sample of three case studies, strategies vary between the three firms and within each firm they vary over time. In all three cases, the Japanese MNEs are very conscious of consumer needs in China and the dynamics of these needs. It is a fallacy to believe that because China is a poor nation then strategies have to be aimed at low-cost products. The luxury segment is large, growing, lucrative and identifiable. Each of our three firms pays great attention to the appearance, growth and sustainability of this sector and targets it precisely. Because of rapid changes in Chinese demand patterns and consumer behaviour, it is essential for firms to keep in touch with its development. However, Japanese investors in China are not just responsive to demand patterns – they are prepared to lead them. This involves taking risks with standard business formats and with cherished home country practices. This, Japanese firms are prepared to do in China. Thus, Japanese firms balance stability (safe consumer sectors) with innovation (new products). A similar balance can be seen between adaptation to Chinese conditions and the use of standardised products, formats and approaches. The first strategy attracts revenue, the second reduces costs and therefore risks. A flexibility of approach is evident from Japanese MNEs in China – witness the extent to which they are willing to modify strategies over time as conditions change. Overall, we conclude that Japanese MNEs are not ‘Western’ or ‘Japanese’ in their approach to the Chinese market, but are flexible, realistic and pragmatic.
It is a fallacy to believe that because China is a poor nation then strategies have to be aimed at low-cost products  相似文献   

Numerous studies have examined the positive effects of social capital in organizations, whereas the possible negative effects have attracted considerably less scholarly attention. To rectify this imbalance, this paper first undertakes a rigorous review of the published scholarly empirical evidence pertaining to the negative effects of social capital in organizations through a search of Web of Knowledge and Scopus, and then enumerates six potentially negative effects arising from increased levels of social capital. The review focuses on negative effects arising from bonding social capital and those arising from dense networks and closure, advancing new theory to elucidate the generative mechanisms that give rise to the proposed negative effects. Finally, the authors identify potential moderators of the negative effects thus theorized. Using the lens of social identification theory, the authors argue that dysfunctional identification processes restrict the processing of information and stimulate over‐commitment to established relationships, diluting in turn the dialectical process, and inhibiting individual learning within organizations, culminating in groupthink, the postponement of structural adjustments, the non‐rational escalation of commitment, and the blurring of firms’ boundaries. This review thus furthers the agenda of a more balanced inquiry into the effects of social capital in organizations.  相似文献   

Public Organization Review - Corruption is widespread and preventive strategies to reduce corruption need to be adapted within the local context. Considering the United Nations (UN) Convention...  相似文献   

Although many process‐based studies appear in the strategic management literature, little attention has been devoted to the formation process of marketing strategies. Drawing on enactment and information‐processing theories, this study views the external environment as a source of information (i.e. enacted) and organizations as information‐processing entities. We propose a conceptual framework of antecedents and market performance consequences of emergent marketing strategies and test it with a sample of 214 UK enterprises. The results suggest that dimensions of market uncertainty (i.e. dynamism and complexity) and strategic feedback systems influence the formation of emergent marketing strategy. Furthermore, the data reveal that market uncertainty aspects condition the association between emergent marketing strategies and market performance in different ways. These findings provide new insights into how emergent marketing strategies evolve and influence organizational outcomes.  相似文献   

While there is a large body of academic debate surrounding human resource management issues in multinational corporations (MNCs), industrial relations (IR) issues often fail to receive the same degree of attention. This paper attempts to move the debate forward by critically reviewing some of the key debates surrounding IR in an international context. First, some key themes surrounding the comparison of industrial relations across borders and IR in multinational companies are delineated and defined. Then, the reasons why an international IR (IIR) perspective has been under‐represented in the literature to date are considered. The paper then explores the contribution which an IIR perspective can bring to the study of management practices in MNCs. This is discussed in terms of IIR's potential contribution as an alternative analytical approach and also differences in its substantive coverage. The impact of IR systems on MNC location and relocation decisions, key issues for employees, trade unions and managers of MNCs, is then discussed as an example of the former. The potential for, and evidence of, international collective bargaining as a potential counter‐balance to the power the MNC in the global environment is then considered as an example of a differing area of substantive coverage of IIR. Finally, some avenues for potential study are outlined.  相似文献   

Given that gaining access to external resources is a critical component of entrepreneurial activity, a great deal of research has been done in an attempt to predict and explain this phenomenon. Unfortunately, this literature is largely scattered across a wide variety of somewhat disconnected research streams, which makes interpreting the insights that have been hitherto gained challenging. In response, the authors identify a sample of 76 relevant articles from the leading management and entrepreneurship journals that examine entrepreneurial access to resources. Using a narrative synthesis approach, they then organize these articles based on the strategies (projective and/or interpersonal) and tools (words, actions, associations and/or intangibles) by which entrepreneurs gain access to resources. Based on this categorization, the authors discuss the major themes in the extant literature and offer suggestions for how to move research on entrepreneurial access forward in the future.  相似文献   

A method to determine how much reduction in public exposure to power frequency magnetic fields can be obtained for different levels of investment is presented. Which if any "effects function" best describes the relationship between field exposure and biological effect is uncertain at this time. Also, in a particular context such as construction of new transmission lines there are a variety of different technologies which might be used to reduce exposure. We describe and demonstrate a method by which exposure reduction supply curves (i.e., the cost of purchasing different amounts of exposure reduction given various mitigation options) can be estimated parametrically for different exposure conditions and effects functions, and we display illustrative results.  相似文献   

We analyze the role of pricing and branding in an incumbent firm's decision when facing competition from an entrant firm with limited capacity. We do so by studying two price competition models (Stackelberg and Nash), where we consider the incumbent's entry‐deterrence pricing strategy based on a potential entrant's capacity size. In an extension, we also study a branding model, where the incumbent firm, in addition to pricing, can also invest in influencing market preference for its product. With these models, we study conditions under which the incumbent firm may block the entrant (i.e., prevent entry without any market actions), deter the entrant (i.e., stop entry with suitable market actions) or accommodate the entrant (i.e., allow entry and compete), and how the entrant will allocate its limited capacity across its own and the new market, if entry occurs. We also study the timing difference between the two different dynamics of the price competition models and find that the incumbent's first‐mover advantage benefits both the incumbent and the entrant. Interestingly, the entrant firm's profits are not monotonically increasing in its capacity even when it is costless to build capacity. In the branding model, we show that in some cases, the incumbent may even increase its price and successfully deter entry by investing in consumer's preference for its product. Finally, we incorporate demand uncertainty into our model and show that the incumbent benefits from demand uncertainty while the entrant may be worse off depending on the magnitude of demand uncertainty and its capacity.  相似文献   

Government regulation of business activities is increasing rapidly, exposing firms to considerable uncertainty and requiring managers to decide on appropriate strategic postures. To help managers make informed decisions, this study compiles a comprehensive overview of strategies to cope with regulatory uncertainty and illustrates their interdependencies and how they can be combined into overall coping postures, as well as offering management guidelines on deciding which to adopt. A literature review identifies a considerable variety of coping strategies, and we apply unique data from a worldwide cross-industry survey to categorize each into one of three types - offensive, defensive or passive. We find that firms aiming to cope with the uncertainty associated with post-Kyoto regulation typically adopt one of four strategic postures, each characterized by a specific combination of these types: ‘daredevils’ rely solely on offensive strategies; ‘coordinators’ combine them with defensive ones, ‘hedgers’ pursue strategies from all three categories while ‘gamblers’ choose not to specifically cope with uncertainty at all. We exemplify the strategies characteristic of each posture, and illustrate their interdependencies by means of case studies in the European airline industry. We identify two main factors managers should consider particularly when deciding on their firm’s strategic posture: the level of regulatory uncertainty they perceive and the firm’s exposure to future regulations, and find that the higher the level of uncertainty, the broader the range of strategies applied, and the more future regulation seems likely to affect a firm, the more actively it seeks to cope with the associated uncertainty.  相似文献   

近年来,制度基础观已成为战略管理的第三个重要研究支点,制度因素对企业市场进入模式的选择有重大影响.本文基于制度基础观,研究反映在管制因素、规范因素和认知因素三个维度上的制度环境对企业市场进入模式的资源承诺、控制程度和股权特征的影响,建立了制度环境与企业海外市场进入模式影响关系的理论框架,提出了研究命题,指出了研究的不足和未来研究方向.  相似文献   

供应链中的创新模式选择与R&D策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王吉林  张春辉 《管理评论》2012,(10):157-165,176
创新模式的合理选择关系到企业未来的生存与发展。基于供应链视角,利用演化博弈理论对下游企业的创新模式选择进行了分析,在此基础上探讨了R&D因素与下游企业创新模式选择的关系及其对上游企业期望收益的影响。结果表明:吸收能力、内生溢出对上下游企业R&D投入与期望收益均具有正向作用,并与下游企业选择颠覆性创新模式的可能性正相关;而R&D投入与下游企业选择渐进性创新模式的可能性正相关;下游企业选择颠覆性创新模式的可能性对上游企业R&D投入与期望收益具有负向作用。根据这些结论,最后给出了上下游企业的R&D策略。  相似文献   

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