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人权是宪法研究中的永恒话题。人权价值作为立宪主义的价值核心,往往表现在宪法文本和宪法规范之中。人权规范的本质即是人权价值的规范化表达、人权价值的法定性存在。人权规范的发展主要经过了三个阶段:第一,从理论学说到人权宣言阶段;第二,从人权宣言到人权立法阶段;第三,从国内立法到国际立法阶段。人权规范在宪法文本中往往具体表现为人权条款。我国宪法文本中的人权条款一般是指2004年修宪时新增加的国家尊重和保障人权条款。  相似文献   

This paper examines the outcomes of individual abuse claims filed against states under the First Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as decided by the Human Rights Committee (HRC). Results from selection models that account for a country’s initial decision to join the Optional Protocol and an individual’s subsequent decision to file a complaint under it show that the substantive nature of complaints were more determinative of HRC outcomes than were country-level characteristics. Claims relating to due process rights, civil liberties, and political freedoms most often resulted in violations, whereas claims pertaining to discrimination, suffrage rights, and the rights of women and children were much less successful. Only two country-level characteristics robustly affected HRC outcomes, net of rights claims: democratizing countries were found in violation at higher rates than were other countries, while violation rates declined as a function of aggregate wealth.  相似文献   

According to the spirit of strengthening the protection of human rights in the whole world that promoted by the Charter of the United Nations and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN General Assembly Meeting passed two international covenants on human rights in December 1966.  相似文献   

In this paper, I use survey data from high school students in Texas to examine the magnitude of peer correlation in college preferences and choices. In this survey, respondents (and their classmates) recorded their preferences for attending specific colleges, and a follow up survey recorded their college enrollment decisions. This paper uses this information to present the first empirical examination of whether individuals who report preferences for “popular” colleges are more likely to attend their preferred college. The rich data set allows the use of often unavailable information such as distance to college, and the construction of the “popularity” variable allows the use of school-level fixed effects. Results indicate that individuals with 10 percentage points more classmates with matching college preferences are 3 percentage points more likely to enroll in their preferred college.  相似文献   

Using data from 7272 adolescent US girls, we explore how girls’ race/ethnic group status affects their bodyweight, perceptions of overweight, and weight control practices. We hypothesize that a girl’s race/ethnic status influences her basic identity which in turn prompts her to adopt or reject a “drive for thinness.” After controlling for family and peer support, school engagement, family SES, maturation, and family structure, we find that girls’ race/ethnic status influences their susceptibility to the thinness ideals of mainstream culture. African American girls weigh more than Asian, Hispanic, or White girls, but at any given weight they perceive themselves as overweight and attempt to control their weight less. Asian American and White girls invest most in thinness dynamics. Some evidence also suggests girls from lower SES families are less driven to be thin. Our results affirm the utility of viewing material bodies as “situations” that are experienced and interpreted in accord with identity group relations and dynamics.  相似文献   

反驳与反诉是民事诉讼法学上的重要概念,在实践中对反诉和反驳争议较大,直接关系到民事主体的权益,而民事主体的争议往往都是因其实体权利受影响而引起的。文章试从民事主体间的实体权利义务关系出发,并结合确认之诉、给付之诉、变更之诉等各种诉的种类来分析反诉与反驳的区别。  相似文献   

现代许多民主国家的宪法,都将言论自由作为一项重要的公民权利予以保护。在一些国际和地区人权条约中,也制定了细密的表达自由之人权标准。这些规定既是对一种普世价值的认同,也为制度建设,尤其是法律制度建设指明了方向。本文依据中国现行宪法和其他法律与表达自由有关的规定,阐明了表达自由在中国现有法律体系中的地位。在人权入宪且中国政府已经签署了《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》的情况下,文章还介绍了表达自由的人权标准。  相似文献   

著作权保护的法律适用涉及国际立法与国内立法两个层面。中国法院在处理涉外著作权纠纷中应采用的法律适用原则是:在适用国内法律的同时必须确保其结果符合中国缔结或加入的知识产权国际条约所规定的原则。中国法院在处理此类案件中并不直接适用TRIPs协议,而是适用我国著作权法中的有关规定。但对于伯尔尼公约与世界版权公约的适用则采用不同于TRIPs协议的适用方式,其基本原则是国际条约优先适用,条件是只有国内立法与国际条约相抵触时才优先适用,而两者相符时仍适用著作权法。此外,中国著作权法与上述两公约还存在着相互反致适用关系,此乃两者的条文具体规定所致。  相似文献   

在探讨全球化进程时,人们的脑海中立刻会涌现出一些概念。这些概念,关乎更多的不是原住民问题,而是经济通道、跨国公司、资本、人才、商品、科技及知识的流动等。目前应当注意的是,虽然这些原住民群体生活在偏远的边缘地区,但在过去几十年问,他们也同样受到了全球化的影响,特别是他们传统意义上所拥有的赖以生存的土地及资源已承载着越来越大的压力。  相似文献   

商业秘密权是商业秘密的权利人依法享有的对其商业秘密的支配权利.商业秘密权的财产权属性、权利客体的无形性、权利的法定性及国际条约、各国的立法实践表明商业秘密权是一种知识产权,与其他类型的知识产权相比具有权利主体、权利对象、权利期限和权利保护上的特殊性,其内容包括身份权、保密权、使用权和收益权.  相似文献   

The self-reported health question summarizes information about health status across several domains of health and is widely used to measure health because it predicts mortality well. We examine whether interactional behaviors produced by respondents and interviewers during the self-reported health question-answer sequence reflect complexities in the respondent’s health history. We observed more problematic interactional behaviors during question-answer sequences in which respondents reported worse health. Furthermore, these behaviors were more likely to occur when there were inconsistencies in the respondent’s health history, even after controlling for the respondent’s answer to the self-reported health question, cognitive ability, and sociodemographic characteristics. We also found that among respondents who reported “excellent” health, and to a lesser extent among those who reported their health was “very good,” problematic interactional behaviors were associated with health inconsistencies. Overall, we find evidence that the interactional behaviors exhibited during the question-answer sequence are associated with the respondent’s health status.  相似文献   

Retrospective questions on educational attainment in national surveys and censuses tend to over-estimate high school graduation rates by 15-20% points relative to administrative records. Administrative data on educational enrollment are, however, only available at the aggregate level (state, school district, and school levels) and the recording of inter-school transfers are generally incomplete. With access to linked individual-level administrative records from a very large “West Coast metropolitan school district” we track patterns of high school attrition and on-time high school graduation of individual students. Even with adjustments for the omission of out-of-district transfers (estimates of omission are presented), the results of this study show that failure in high school, as indexed by retention and attrition, are almost as common as on-time high school graduation. In addition to the usual risk factors of disadvantaged background, we find that the “9th grade shock”—an unpredicted decline in academic performance upon entering high school—is a key mechanism behind the continuing crisis of high school attrition.  相似文献   

赵旭 《学术探索》2012,(1):39-42
20世纪80年代以来,软法在国际法的部门法领域中发展日胜,人权国际保护就是其软法的具体表现形式之一。中世纪末叶的西班牙学派基于人文主义、宗教、道德、自然法等"软法因素"对西班牙征服美洲殖民地的法律问题进行阐述,并推动了国际法的近代化转型。通过论证西班牙学派理论中的软法因素,分析西班牙学派有关人权国际保护的理论观点,评注当前人权国际保护内容和对未来发展的启示。  相似文献   

论全球化时代的中国死刑制度改革——面临的挑战与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球化不断发展的当代,死刑制度全球发展呈现出废止死刑成为主要潮流、深受国际人权观念和人权运动影响、受到国际组织力量的有力推动以及国际法制化特点明显等趋势,并在适用的罪种、对象、溯及力、救济措施、执行方式和数字公开等方面严格限制死刑。我国当今的死刑制度在死刑的价值和适用的罪种、对象、救济制度及数字公开等方面尚需进一步改革完善。当代中国死刑制度的改革,应以限制和减少死刑适用作为近期目标,以全面彻底废止死刑为远期目标;选择司法改革与立法改革并进的路径,并在司法和立法两个方面积极采取多种改革措施。  相似文献   

完善我国人权保障的制度构建   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
人权保障是宪政的终极价值取向,2004年3月14日,"国家尊重和保障人权"载入宪法,实现了近代以来我国宪政价值追求的历史性改变,揭开了我国人权保障和发展事业的新的篇章。但价值取向的改变仅仅是我国人权保障建设的良好的起点,我们要通过完善宪法、政治制度等各方面,实现对人权的保障。  相似文献   

Military expenditures have escalated over the last three decades in both developed and less developed countries, without a corresponding expansion of military personnel. Spending has instead been directed towards hi-tech weaponry, what we refer to as the “new” military. We hypothesize that this new, increasingly capital-intensive military is no longer a pathway of upward mobility or employer of last resort for many uneducated, unskilled, or unemployed people, with significant consequences for those individuals and society as a whole. One such consequence, we argue, is an increase in income inequality. We test this hypothesis with cross-national panel models, estimated for 82 developed and less developed countries from 1970 to 2000. Findings indicate that military capital-intensiveness, as measured by military expenditures per soldier, exacerbates income inequality net of control variables. Neither total military expenditures/GDP nor military participation has a significant effect. It appears from these findings that today’s “new” military establishment is abrogating its historical role as an equalizing force in society, with important policy implications.  相似文献   

在经济全球化的过程中,国家主权是市场经济体制下具有全球性质的经济活动跨越国界面临的巨大障碍之一。面对这种状况,现有的国际法体系没有很好的解决办法。不过在现阶段国际人权法迅猛发展的趋势下,可以把交易权提升为受国际人权法保护的人权,利用人权的强势地位,推动国际经济交往的正常进行,尽管这种思路面临着理论上和实践上的复杂问题,但仍不失为一种可行的潜在途径。  相似文献   

范志勇 《北方论丛》2021,(1):106-114
《权利的成本》揭示权利依赖于权力的秘密,权利的成本表现为权力所掌控的预算资源,民众以缴纳税捐的方式获取权力对权利的确认与保护,本质上是一种互助式的公共保险机制。所有权利都是积极权利,权力赋予权利人对抗他者的法律效力,权力在权利的实践中无法缺位,自由主义对权力的成见不合时宜。权力从对权利的保障中获得了丰厚的回报,不仅证成其正当性价值,还因正外部性的产生增强了自身的能力,权利与权力可以形成互相促进的良性循环。权力保障权利价值的实现需要有效的权力机关。在稀缺公共资源的现实条件下,权力中的权利保障职能具有预算优先性,应当在此预算领域以支定收,由权利保障的预算支出需求决定国民的税负。  相似文献   

在应对甲型流感疫情的过程中,关于危害公共安全的行为人的责任问题.关于公共卫生安全维护与人权保护的争议,关于维护公共安全与发展国际经济的关系争议此起彼伏。从法律责任角度来看.对传播疾病的行为,不仅各国可以依据国内法追究行为人的民事、行政和刑事责任,而且,国际社会应当将危害全人类的传播疾病的犯罪行为归为国际犯罪,由各国行使普遍管辖权。在人权问题上,分析了国际人权法的规定,指出国际人权法在强调保护人权的同时,也尊重各国为维护公共安全而采取必要的限制人权的措施。根据世界贸易组织和世界卫生组织对成员国义务的规定,驳斥了某些西方国家认为我国采取的防止流感病毒传播的措施违反国际条约的规定、阻碍经济发展的看法。  相似文献   

公安机关侦查权的诉讼程序控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
当今世界上,任何国家都存在警察侵犯人权的问题,而警察执法过程中在程序这一环节最易出现侵权问题。在司法实践中,公安机关行使侦查的权力时有扩张,甚至滥用,造成对犯罪嫌疑人权利的侵犯,因此,有必要进一步规范公安机关侦查权的诉讼程序控制,使侦查行为依法进行,从而加强在刑事侦查阶段的人权保障。  相似文献   

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