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《圣教杂志》是近代中国天主教会主办的最有影响力的教会机关刊物,它集宗教传播、新闻、政论和学术研究等内容为一体,在传播教义、指导教会发展方向的同时,还以天主教与社会问题为讨论对象,站在教会立场上发表看法和主张,与社会恶俗现象作斗争,在扫除积弊、移风易俗、废孔教方面等方面发挥了重要的作用。  相似文献   

多萝西·戴是现代美国天主教会和平主义思想的奠基人,她的思想与行动对现代美国天主教社会思想影响十分深远。西班牙内战时期多萝西第一次系统表达她对战争和暴力问题的看法。在这场争论中,她站在了美国天主教会领袖和绝大部分天主教媒体的对立面,没有盲目支持佛朗哥。她从信仰和基督教人道主义,而不是意识形态和现实的地缘政治利益出发,去看待人类社会中普遍存在的战争与暴力。  相似文献   

贺慧霞 《阴山学刊》2007,20(1):77-80
近代民族国家形成时期,英国顺应时代发展的需要进行了宗教改革,建立了民族教会,即国教安立甘宗,彻底摆脱了罗马教廷的控制。民族教会在建立过程中形成了相应的特点:有统一王权的领导;与民族国家利益相结合;所建国教表现为新旧教的折中与融合。  相似文献   

方豪在天主教史研究方面成就颇丰。以《中国天主教史人物传》为代表,他不仅对天主教传入中国的原因、过程及与中国文化的相互影响作了精深的考究,而且还从诸多方面展拓了天主教史的史料来源,为中国天主教史研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

李自更 《北方论丛》2002,21(4):9-13
威克里夫顺应14世纪英国社会发展的趋势,提出了自己的宗教改革思想.他主张摆脱罗马教会的束缚,建立独立的民族教会,以<圣经>的权威代替教皇的权威,否定罗马教皇及教士的特权地位和特殊作用,因而反映了新兴市民阶级的愿望和要求,动摇了罗马教会统治的理论基础,对英国历史发展乃至欧洲历史发展进程产生了重要影响.  相似文献   

郑秋月 《北方论丛》2012,(1):129-132
在多元宗教参与日渐成为世界学术舞台上的热门话题之时,美国波士顿儒家学者白诗朗希望,过程神学能够在儒家与基督教相互理解如对话的过程中成为一种行之有效的方法论。他重视怀特海的基本原则。白诗朗也认为,哈特桑恩独具特质的"双向超越性"理论是儒者和基督徒彼此理解和询问有关神圣实在和有限众生世界关系的梁。  相似文献   

贺慧霞 《阴山学刊》2009,22(3):63-67
中世纪晚期,随着英国民族国家的逐渐形成,英国社会宗教意识发生演变,反教权思想渐渐产生。其原因有:英国的教会传统有别于西欧大陆,王权相对强大;天主教会腐败混乱、威信扫地;中世纪传统的基督教思想受到挑战,包括黑死病的传入对西欧整个社会人们心理的影响、神秘主义出现和意大利人文主义思想的影响等。  相似文献   

发生于14~16世纪的意大利文艺复兴通常被看作是欧洲中世纪文化与现代文化之间的重要分水岭,但是早在这场意义重大的文艺复兴运动发生之前,在中世纪蒙昧闭塞的精神氛围中,就已经悄然涌动着一股文化复兴的暗流,这股暗流是由基督教会所推动的.在蛮族大入侵所导致的“黑暗时代”以及其后的封建社会中,正是基督教会以其超越性的宗教理想和强有力的组织体系,坚持不懈地推动了“加洛林王朝文艺复兴”和“12世纪文艺复兴”,培育了西欧大学和学术思想的幼嫩根苗,开创了独具特色的文艺风格,从而为后来的意大利文艺复兴奠定了重要的基础.  相似文献   

Informal social control is considered a vital component of the well-being of urban communities. Though some argue that the actions that constitute this social process are often said to reflect territoriality, little else is known about how individuals contribute to it. The current study leverages a database of over 600,000 requests for government services received by the city of Boston, MA's 311 system as a way to answer such questions, focusing particularly on reports of issues in the public space arising from incivilities. In order to establish construct validity for the “big data” of the 311 system, they are combined with the “small data” of a survey of 311 users, permitting the simultaneous analysis of objective reporting behaviors with self-report attitudes. The analysis occurs in two parts. First, reporting of incivilities is distinguished behaviorally from reporting public issues arising from natural deterioration, and people are found to specialize in one or the other. Second, the survey is used to test whether the reports are a reflection of territoriality. Reports of incivilities were unique in their association with a desire to enforce local social norms. They were also associated with a second territorial motivation to benefit the community. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

因罗马帝国后期的内乱、日耳曼人大迁徙带来的长期战乱,致使西欧进入中世纪出现了土地荒芜、技术落后、经济发展长期停滞的局面,是天主教会组织带头进行农业垦殖、传播生产技术、建设公共设施,促进了经济的复兴。  相似文献   

Using data from the New Immigrant Survey, we examine the religious beliefs and practices of new legal immigrants to the United States. We find that Christian immigrants are more Catholic, more Orthodox, and less Protestant than American Christians, and that those immigrants who are Protestant are more likely to be evangelical. In addition to being more Catholic and more Orthodox than American Christians, the new immigrants are also paradoxically less Christian, with a fifth reporting some other faith. Detailed analysis of reported church attendance at places of origin and in the United States suggest that immigration is a disruptive event that alienates immigrants from religious practice rather than “theologizing” them. In addition, our models clearly show that people who join congregations in the United States are highly selected and unrepresentative of the broader population of immigrants in any faith. In general, congregational members were more observant both before and after emigration, were more educated, had more cumulative experience in the United States, and were more likely to have children present in the household and be homeowners and therefore yield biased representations of all adherents to any faith. The degree of selectivity and hence bias also varies markedly both by religion and nationality.  相似文献   

Sexual harassment laws have led to important organizational changes in the workplace yet research continues to document resistance to their implementation and backlash against the people who mobilize such laws. Employing experimental research methods, this study proposes and tests a theory specifying the mechanisms through which sexual harassment policies affect gender beliefs. The findings show evidence that sexual harassment policies strengthen unequal gender beliefs among men and women most committed to traditional gender interaction norms. I also find that men and women’s different structural locations in the status hierarchy lead to different, but related sets of concerns about the status threats posed by sexual harassment policies. By specifying the social psychological processes through which sexual harassment law affects beliefs about men and women, this study sets the stage for investigating ways to make laws designed to reduce inequality between social groups more effective.  相似文献   

网络反腐举报制度研究综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
网络反腐举报作为一种新型的反腐举报形式和渠道,在实践中得到了大量应用。同时,也引起了学术界的广泛关注,许多专家学者从不同角度对网络反腐举报的内涵、途径、优势、制度缺陷及对策等方面进行了积极的探索和研究,并取得了一系列有价值的理论成果。对这些研究成果进行梳理表明,当前学术界对网络反腐举报制度存在的问题及对策研究相对较多、较细,为今后的研究奠定了良好的基础。但对网络反腐举报制度的基础理论、内在机理、运行规律等关键问题的研究还不够深入,需要在基础理论研究、信息技术运用和研究视角、方法等方面不断拓展,以进一步深化网络反腐举报制度的研究。  相似文献   

张燕 《阴山学刊》2009,22(4):79-82
英国科学社会学家齐曼继承了广义科学社会学的研究传统,他在解构“默顿范式”的过程中提出自己的科学社会学思想,并建立起后学院科学的“齐曼范式”。从默顿的学院科学到齐曼的后学院科学,究竟发生了怎样深刻的变化以及齐曼的后学院科学范式为我们提出了何种科学社会学的研究路径,无疑值得我们去深入地分析和探讨。  相似文献   

Numerous studies indicate sexual intercourse, especially when it occurs early in adolescence, increases youths' risk of mental health problems. However, no research has examined whether the association between sexual intercourse and mental health varies by romantic relationship inauthenticity, or the level of incongruence between thoughts/feelings and actions within romantic relationships. Using data from a subset of romantically-involved Add Health respondents, we measured sexual involvement in romantic relationships and applied sequence analysis to reports of ideal and actual romantic relationship to measure inauthenticity within adolescent romances. Regressions of depression symptoms indicate that the magnitude of the positive associations between sexual intercourse and girls' mental health is most pronounced in relationships characterized by high levels of relationship inauthenticity and that there is no association between sexual intercourse and girls' depression at low levels of relationship inauthenticity. Having sexual intercourse is positively associated with depression symptoms among boys, but relationship inauthenticity does not alter this association. We discuss the implications of these findings for research on adolescent sexuality and programs aimed at enhancing youth sexuality development.  相似文献   

彭国良 《文史哲》2007,(1):51-60
自张荫麟提出默证适用之限度问题,用以批判顾颉刚对尧舜禹问题的考证,八十多年来从未有人质疑。然而事实上,所谓“默证适用之限度”是有其特定的认识论背景的,是一个永远不能达到的限度。默证适用之限度问题是一个伪命题。顾颉刚论辩古史时对默证的应用,诚然是中国上古史“文献无征”情况下的无奈选择,但也因此获得了新的天地,开辟了史学新视野。相比之下,以不能自立之“默证适用之限度”为考史准绳,却难免自缚于逻辑陷阱之中。  相似文献   

电视观众作为大众传播受众的一个部分已形成强大的群体,这个群体无论对电视产业还是对社会政治、经济、社会心理的发展都有着巨大的影响,发挥着巨大的作用,建立电视观众学是十分必要和重要的。由于电视技术的迅猛发展、传播方式的转变、节目的专业化和多样化,电视传播由点对面的广播变为点对点的窄播,受众的概念也由过去被动接受转变为主动选择的观众。电视观众学作为大众传播学的一个新学科,在新世纪新时期应明确自己的责任,担负起新的使命。  相似文献   

现代行政更多是给付行政、服务行政,政府行为的权力界限、作用范围不断扩张.非强制行政行为的积极作用在实践运用中能否真正得以发挥,在很大程度上取决于其法治化水平的高低.通过对非强制行政行为在理论上进行梳理和探讨,并针对现实中存在的问题提出有益的对策,以推进其在实践中的发展.  相似文献   

行为金融理论的前沿发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
行为金融学就是以新的人性模式来研究不确定性环境下投资者决策行为的科学。它是对传统金融学如有效市场理论、套利定价理论等的创新,也反映了现代金融学研究的最新发展。而且行为金融理论地位的上升和理论的渐趋成熟也预示着金融理论研究范式与方法上的变革,预示现代经济学大变革的开始。本文试图对行为金融学作一点介绍,以便开拓学界的视野。  相似文献   

研究WTO/DSM非违法之诉的成立要件和非违法之诉的程序规则,分析WTO以往案例,阐述非违法之诉的本质和适用范围,美国若在WTO/DSM对人民币汇率争端提起违法之诉,是滥用WTO争端解决机制的表现是不可行的。  相似文献   

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