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The geographic diffusion of Latinos from immigrant gateways to newly-emerging rural destinations is one of the most significant recent trends in U.S. population redistribution. Yet, few studies have explored how Latinos have fared in new destinations, and even fewer have examined economic implications for other minority workers and their families. We use county-level data from the 1990 and 2000 U.S. Census and the 2006–2010 American Community Survey to compare the changing economic circumstances (e.g., employment and unemployment, poverty, income, and homeownership) of Latinos and African Americans in new Latino boomtowns. We also evaluate the comparative economic trajectories of Latinos in new destinations and established gateways. During the 1990s, new rural destinations provided clear economic benefits to Latinos, even surpassing African Americans on some economic indicators. The 2000s, however, ushered in higher rates of Latino poverty; the economic circumstances of Latinos also deteriorated more rapidly in new vis-à-vis traditional destinations. By 2010, individual and family poverty rates in new destinations were significantly higher among Latinos than African Americans, despite higher labor force participation and lower levels of unemployment. Difference-in-difference models demonstrate that in both the 1990s and 2000s, economic trajectories of African Americans in new Latino destinations largely mirrored those observed in places without large Latino influxes. Any economic benefits for Latinos in new rural destinations thus have not come at the expense of African Americans.  相似文献   

工资决定的行为与制度分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新古典工资理论很难解释现实的工资差异等问题,新制度经济学把劳动合同的不完全性和劳动市场竞争的不完全性引入,从劳动市场不完全性角度来解释了这些问题。后来的行为和实验经济学研究则给出了不同的证据和结论。这些研究发现,劳动市场参与人是满足行为偏好的,具有公平和互惠动机,公平规范等非正式制度在实际的工资决定中起着重要作用。基于新制度经济学的制度设计,必须和基于行为与实验经济学的规范形成互补,才能真正发挥劳动市场的资源配置作用。  相似文献   

Debates over immigration’s impact on less advantaged native workers often ignore industrial structure for creating segregated labor markets and demand for immigrant workers. We analyze population movements of less-educated foreign-born Hispanic, native-born Hispanic, White, and Black men between 1995 and 2000 using MIGPUMA-level 2000 PUMS data. We model in-migration, out-migration, and net migration for each group controlling for demographic composition, employment structure, change in employment structure, labor market indicators, and macro contextual measures. Results indicate positive significant relationships between migration patterns of all groups and support labor demand explanations of internal low-skilled migration emphasizing industrial change rather than labor competition.  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,我国劳动关系发生了很大的变化。随着社会主义市场经济的建立和完善以及国际竞争的加剧和国内产业结构的进一步调整,劳动合同作为调整劳动关系的法律文件,在劳动管理中的作用越来越重要,劳动合同的作用和实际履约直接影响着劳动关系的稳定。在建立现代企业制度的过程中,有许多人单位和劳动者仍不善于运用法律手段调整劳动关系,为此,本文就如何进一步完善我国的劳动合同制度提出了一些法律思考。  相似文献   

徐建丽 《浙江社会科学》2012,(3):135-140,160
随着社会经济的发展,非公有制经济对我国经济的贡献越来越大,非公有制企业的劳资关系问题也日益突出.今天的中国,尽管工会面临着种种困境,但工会的作用仍然很重要.当前迫切需要解决的是工会代表工人利益的有效性问题.农民工租住地工会通过组建工会的方式吸纳农民工精英进入工会管理层,并动员农民工参与社区的公共生活,逐渐使他们产生了“社区认同”,农民工管理发生了由社会被动防控与管理型向主动引导、服务、建设型的转变,由分割向融合的转变,破解工会在农民工集聚的地方如何组织管理与协调劳资矛盾,促成了社区的和谐与稳定.探讨市场经济条件下企业外工会力量的成长或许能为中国工会转型提供一些借鉴和帮助,为转型期创新社会管理提供有益探索.  相似文献   

"新失业群体"是指没有国有或集体企业工作经历,年龄在16—30岁之间,拥有城镇户籍且接受过中等甚至高等教育的青年劳动者。其所处的劳动力市场环境与20世纪90年代以国有企业下岗和失业职工为主的"老失业群体"相比已有显著不同,加之当前我国不仅面临着劳动力供大于求的总量失业问题,并且存在着严重的结构性失业问题。作为社会的弱势群体,因欠缺技能,缺少社会阅历和工作经验,更容易在进入劳动力市场前后陷入社会排斥的困境。笔者尝试通过对"新失业群体"的社会排斥现状、影响因素进行探析,以期为解决这一群体的再就业问题提供具有参考性的建议。  相似文献   

Two literatures on work and the labor market draw attention to the importance of non-pecuniary job amenities. Social psychological perspectives on work suggest that workers have preferences for a range of job amenities (e.g. Halaby, 2003). The compensating differentials hypothesis predicts that workers navigate tradeoffs among different job amenities such that wage inequality overstates inequality in utility (Smith, 1979). This paper joins these perspectives by constructing a new measure of labor market success that evaluates the degree to which workers’ job amenity preferences and outcomes match. This measure of subjective success is used to predict workers’ job satisfaction and to test the hypothesis that some degree of labor force inequality in wages is due to preference-based tradeoffs among all job amenities. Findings demonstrate that the new measure predicts workers’ job satisfaction and provides evidence for the presence of compensating differentials in the primary and intermediate, but not secondary, labor markets.  相似文献   

新生代农民工就业能力的高低关系到国家经济转型和产业结构升级,通过职业技能培训对提高其就业能力具有重要和深远意义。本文根据调查样本数据,建立Logistic和Stepwise回归模型,在劳动力市场分割视角下分析新生代农民工职业培训选择影响因素并对培训收益率进行研究,发现职业培训对低学历者存在"挤出效应",劳动力市场分割对农民工的培训机会和培训收益方面存在显著影响;与学校教育相比,职业技能培训对新生代农民工收入增长作用仍待进一步提高。据分析,政府必须统筹规划不同劳动力市场的职业技能培训资源,优化配置培训资源;同时,为提高职业培训的效率和效益,必须对免费培训选择性的"提档升级",努力规避培训对低学历的"挤出效应"。  相似文献   

由于下岗失业人员和大量农民工共同汇集干我国城市的城乡结合带,一种”城市新边缘群体”逐渐形成。他们的生活具有明显的”贫困文化特征”,这种文化严重影响着我国的城市建设和农村劳动力的进一步转移。以长春市街头劳动力市场为例,通过对其中三个市场的实地观察,在对32名务工人员开展个案访谈的基础上,分析这一亚文化群体的职业观、消费观、成就观、交往观等文化形式,并且与农村中的贫困文化进行比较分析,对城市中贫困人口的贫困根源问题进行文化层面上的解释。  相似文献   

Using data from the US Current Population Surveys 2006-2008, I examine the weekly work hours of Mexican immigrants. Mexican immigrant workers on average work 2-4 h less than non-Hispanic whites per week, which contradicts the popular portrait of long immigrant work hours. Four mechanisms to explain this gap are proposed and examined. Results show that the work time disparity between non-Hispanic white and Mexican immigrant workers is explained by differences in human capital, ethnic concentration in the labor market, and selection process into employment. English proficiency has limited effect on work time after location in labor market is specified, while the effect of citizenship status remains robust.  相似文献   

在单位制度的基础上依附于国家的传统工人阶级,其计划体制中的权利被剥夺,同时市场体制中的权利远未兑现,利益受损的工人以集体抗争的形式来表达自身强烈的不满,在此过程中工人阶级开始获得自主性的权利意识并成为劳工力量重建的重要资源。劳工力量重建既是一个工人阶级的内部整合过程,也是一个工人与国家之间关系重构的过程,而两者的相遇则孕育着国家制度成长的契机。  相似文献   

By examining the association between employees' perceptions of job security and central labor market policies and characteristics, this paper seeks to understand the mechanisms through which institutions generate confidence and positive expectations among individuals regarding their economic future. The analyses distinguish between different facets of perceived job security and different institutional mechanisms. My multilevel analyses of a data set that contains information on 12,431 individuals and 23 countries show that some labor market policies and characteristics are more likely than others to provide workers with subjective security. Unemployment assistance in particular is an effective means of reducing workers' worries about job loss. Dismissal protection, by contrast, only unleashes its psychologically protective effects under certain conditions. The paper's main conclusion is that the effectiveness of policies varies and that different types of labor market institutions serve as complements rather than as substitutes.  相似文献   

云南省的720多万农民工已经成为劳动大军中的重要力量。政府不断重视农民工问题,推出一系列有关农民工的方针政策。新政下农民工的社会保险问题作为农民工社会保障体系中的重要内容,值得讨论与研究。以这一核心内容在云南省的发展情况为讨论重点,分析现状,提出建议。  相似文献   

Within the context of the “particularistic mobility thesis” we examine racial differences in the incidence, and determinants of, as well as timing to, mobility into management across the critical early career years at a refined level, namely, when groups share similar white collar and blue collar jobs. Findings from a Panel Study of Income Dynamics sample of men support theory and indicate that from both job levels a racial hierarchy exists: African Americans have the lowest rate of mobility, reach management through a route that is relatively formal and structured by a traditional range of stratification-based causal factors and take longest to reach management. Whites, in contrast, have the highest mobility rate, reach management through a relatively informal path that is less structured by traditional stratification-based factors, and reach management the quickest, and, across all three issues Latinos occupy an intermediate ground between African Americans and Latinos. Further, as predicted by theory, racial differences, particularly, relative to whites, are greater among those tracked from blue collar jobs than white collar jobs. Discussed are implications of the findings for understanding racial disadvantage in the American labor market across the work-career and on an inter-generational basis.  相似文献   

面对激烈的市场竞争,企业要加快推进由粗放型经济增长向集约型经济增长的转变,而人工成本管理是企业经济增长的重要支点。在环渤海港口群迅速崛起、群雄逐鹿的今天,秦港集团要实现基业常青、永续发展、再创辉煌的宏伟目标,先进、完善的人工成本管理无疑将成为“梦想照进现实”的重要依托。论文以人工成本管理为研究对象,从企业实际出发,运用人工成本和人工成本管理的基础理论,借鉴国内外人工成本管理工作的实际经验,对秦港集团人工成本管理现状进行梳理、分析,找出问题与差距,提出了提高企业的人工成本管理意识;细化人工成本分析;建立人工成本控制机制等对策。  相似文献   

推进城乡统筹就业,建设一体化的劳动力市场,是当前中国政府面临的战略任务之一。理论与现实都要求,构建城乡劳动力就业缔约模型,以阐释中国劳动力市场现实运行状况。劳动力市场的城乡二元分割,主要表现在市场进入壁垒、不同于市场的演变、子市场的特征、进入市场后缔约的影响因素和市场主体的特征等各个方面。对于农村劳动力在非正规市场中遭遇的一些问题,主要应当从市场发育、市场特征、劳动者的组织化状况和相关制度安排中去寻找答案。  相似文献   

Attempts to measure and analyze public opinion attitudes toward racial/ethnic minorities often confront the “social desirability” problem: those who have prejudiced attitudes are rarely willing to admit them to surveyors. Instead, they may be more likely to give a socially acceptable answer rather an accurate reflection of their views. Previous research has clearly established that this effect presents a challenge for accurately measuring self-reported racial and policy attitudes that primarily affect African–Americans. It is less clear, however, how it might affect self-reported responses to attitudes dealing with Latinos and immigration. This study thus seeks to analyze the extent to which social desirability may affect survey measures of perceived levels of cultural threat (nativism). Results from two separate analyses using the Crowne–Marlowe “social desirability scale” and a survey “list experiment” demonstrate that social desirability is indeed a concern for accurately measuring nativism in the American public, but that it exerts an opposite effect from what has previously been observed: nativist attitudes tend to be over-reported in opinion surveys.  相似文献   

使用2009年中国社会网络与职业经历调查广州、上海、厦门、济南和西安5城市数据,检验了改革以后影响中国城市劳动者职业流动模式以及经济地位获得的因素。研究结果表明,高学历劳动者与低学历劳动者群体处于两个分割的劳动力市场中,他们的经济地位获得路径完全不同。对于低学历劳动者,职业流动是提升他们收入水平的最重要因素,而人力资本因素(受教育年限和工作经验)对他们的收入没有影响。高学历劳动者的情况刚好相反,职业流动对收入获得没有任何作用,影响他们收入分层的最重要因素是人力资本。本研究揭示了转型期中国城市地区不同劳动力市场劳动者经济地位获得的二元路径模式。  相似文献   

新时期“民工荒”问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"民工荒"是指人力资源市场出现的农民工短缺的现象。"民工荒"既是我国经济升级转型的必然反应,也是我国劳动用工体制改革滞后的应付代价,其本质原因是"权利荒",重要原因是"结构荒"。"民工荒"问题的破解必然受中国"语境"的影响,"民工荒"问题在改革发展中形成,也应当在改革发展中解决。基本进路首在于继续扩大用工需求,坚持扩大农村劳动力转移战略;次在于依法保障农民工合法权益,弥补其"权利亏损";同时着力解决"结构性"矛盾,主要是提升农民工可就业能力,构建有助于农民工自由流动的城乡统一人力资源市场。"民工荒"问题的解决还必须把握好改革的力度、向度和进度,建立一种兼顾理论与实践、变通传统与未来的中庸方略值得赞许。  相似文献   

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