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在1991-1995年二五普法教育期间,借助第四次世界妇女代表大会在我国北京召开的契机,我国的妇女运动、妇女事业以及妇女权益的保护都取得了长足的发展。尤其在保护妇女、儿童、老人合法权益的法制建设方面成绩更加突出,初步形成了以宪法为根据,以《妇女权益保障法》、《婚姻法》、《劳动法》等为基础的保护妇女合法权益的体系,使我们审理婚姻家庭案件有法可依。  相似文献   

从新中国建立初期,到改革开放的新时代,中国大地涌现出的“女性第一人”遍布各行各业,她们不仅集合了中国亿万妇女在艰辛求索中积累创造的优异成绩,也为当代妇女运动实现创新发展留下了弥足珍贵的历史财富,为广大妇女实现“中国梦”树立了光辉的典范。  相似文献   

新文化运动先驱者将马克思主义带入中国,使作为马克思主义理论的一部分的马克思主义妇女理论也在中国得到传播。马克思主义妇女理论之所以能在中国大地上传播开来,是因为它与中国传统文化妇女观不同,符合时代变革的潮流,响应妇女群体的呼声。通过报刊杂志、文学作品等媒介展示其思想的魅力,引发马克思主义信仰者的思考,并在一系列妇女运动、妇女工作等实践中检验了正确性。马克思主义妇女理论在中国的早期接受,为当时解决现实问题提供了新思路,也为以后马克思主义妇女理论成为开展妇女解放、妇女工作的指导思想奠定了基础。  相似文献   

今年是邓颖超诞展110周年。我们怀着崇敬的心情,探讨邓颖超妇女解放思想的时代意义,以发扬中国妇女运动的优良传统,推进中国妇女的进一步解放和发展,推动“中国梦”的早目实现。  相似文献   

无酬家务和照顾工作在男女之间的不均分配,阻碍了《千年发展目标》中性别平等的实现。妇女运动强烈要求,新的全球发展议程能够提供强有力的指导,使得各国政府重新调整经济和社会发展政策,真正促进性别平等和妇女赋权,实现社会的可持续发展和人类的公平正义。  相似文献   

2011年3月8日.我们共同迎来了”三八¨国际劳动妇女节101周年。为纪念这大节日,为记住中国妇女运动波澜壮阔的百年历史,由全国妇联编辑的《中国妇女运动百年》大型画册与读者见面了!它为中国妇女运动留下了—份宝贵的历史记录,也为世界人民了解中国妇女打开了一扇风光无限的窗口。  相似文献   

邸爽  曲宏歌 《现代交际》2014,(10):97-97
马克思主义妇女理论指导了马克思主义妇女运动的发展,使千百年来饱受摧残和压迫的中国妇女在取得应得的社会地位,平等享受权利等方面看到了曙光。随着经济的发展,妇女除了在生活上地位日渐提升之外,在其他领域也逐渐产生着越来越重要的影响,尤其是在习近平主席提出伟大复兴的"中国梦"之后,实现马克思主义妇女运动发展的"中国梦"指日可待。  相似文献   

妇女是推动文化强国建设不可或缺的重要力量,妇女发展与文化强国建设联系紧密,两者相辅相成、相互促进、辩证统一.文化强国的工作应该重视妇女发展的重要作用,通过全面建设妇女权益法律法规政策,发挥妇女在家庭文化中的作用,促进妇女学习工作,构建妇女发展建设的长效机制.本文探索了妇女发展的重要作用,分析了影响妇女发展的主要障碍,总结了妇女发展促进文化强国的基本途径,提出了妇女发展促进文化强国的政策措施,为我国文化强国工作提供了建设性的建议.  相似文献   

五年来,全国妇联妇女发展部坚持用科学发展观统筹推进城乡妇女发展工作,在思想观念上、方式方法上、工作推进中形成了清晰的思路。总的说来,妇女发展工作在继承中发展,在发展中创新,确立了新的指导思想,实现了教育培训的新跨越,工作方式的新突破,工作领域的新拓展和工作水平的新提升。  相似文献   

近年来,随着劳务经济的发展,留守妇女问题逐渐成为全社会关注的问题。为了做好农村留守妇女工作,甘肃雀妇联从2009年12月开始,在全省8个市州17个县市区留守妇女相对集中、文化活动比较丰富、乡镇妇干能力较强的乡镇文化站、新农村建设示范点和有妇女产业发展基地的30个行政村试点建设了30个农村“留守妇女阳光家园”。  相似文献   

Social work in homes for older people in Slovenia has a special role since we have extremely institutionally-oriented care for older people. Characteristic of the development of Slovenian homes for older people is a shift in the dynamics of the orientation of the homes from a medical to a social one. Different factors influenced the shift towards a social orientation, i.e. the policy of establishing homes, the influence of sociogerontological principles, the development of social work and, recently, by their engagement with residents with dementia. In socially-oriented homes a different model of social work is used than in medically-oriented ones. The difference lies in social work methods as well as in the roles of the social worker in different areas of work with the residents, relatives and staff. By defining a model of social work in a socially-oriented home, a special field of social work with older people in the field of institutional care in Slovenia has been developed.  相似文献   

Applied sociology, if defined broadly enough, is a ray of light for sociology graduates in an otherwise dismal career landscape. This is particularly true in the Washington, D. C. metropolitan area. Sociologists’ general or liberal arts skills are as valuable, if not more valuable, than research specialization. Finding a job in government requires a different strategy than a job with a government contractor. Unfortunately, in neither case is there a rational path or match-up between a person’s skills and finding the job which utilizes these skills. Local knowledge can help in making the match. Edward Sabin, Ph.D., University of Michigan 1970, taught sociology for five years in the Midwest. Since 1974, he worked for 8 years as a writer/researcher under a number of government contracts in the area of international health. Currently he is a writer/systems analyst for a NASA library automation project.  相似文献   

Swartz  David L. 《Theory and Society》2003,32(5-6):791-823
By the late 1990s, Pierre Bourdieu had become the primary public intellectual of major social scientific status at the head of the anti-globalization movement that emerged in France and in other Western European countries. This article discusses how Bourdieu became a leading public intellectual, a role that seems to contrast with his early years as a professional sociologist. It explores what seemed to change in Bourdieu’s activities and outlook as sociologist and what seems to have remained constant. It identifies several institutional conditions that seemed necessary for Bourdieu to be able to play the kind of public intellectual role he did in his later years. Bourdieu’s movement from a peripheral position to a central location in the French intellectual field, the changing character of the field itself, the growing influence of the mass media in French political and cultural life, the failures of the French Socialists in power, a cultural legacy of leading critical intellectuals in France, a unifying national issue of globalization, and the political conjuncture in 1995 all intersected in ways that opened a path for Bourdieu to choose new and more frequent forms of political action. His responses to that combination of factors at different moments reveal both a striking continuity in desire to preserve the autonomy of intellectual life and a change in view and strategy on how best to do that. The article concludes with a brief evaluation of Bourdieu’s public intellectual role.  相似文献   

This article provides a brief background to the articles in this edition on evaluation in South Africa. The overall background is self-evident: South Africa is a country which has undergone a political revolution, with a government of national unity in place. The formulation and implementation of new policies, and the programs which form part of them, will be an important part of South African politics in the years to come.These articles also appear against the more immediate background of trying to place evaluation on a surer footing in this country. In this introduction the efforts of a group of South African evaluators to position themselves and their activities in such a way as to make evaluation an accepted part of the organizational landscape, and to play a useful role in a future South Africa, are described as well.  相似文献   

《Social Networks》2006,28(4):442-448
The idea of a structure made up of a core and periphery is a common, classic paradigm in many fields of science. Following this line, in 1999, researchers Stephen Borgatti and Martin Everett developed a model of structural analysis based on the delimitation of a core formed by a group of densely connected actors, in contrast to a class of actors, more loosely connected and forming the periphery of the system.The original approach of these authors is modified, employing measures that, in our opinion, show a larger degree of coherence and accuracy in the proposed objectives.  相似文献   

《The aging male》2013,16(2):91-95
Elderly subjects have a lower energy requirement compared to young adults as a result of lower physical activity and a lower basal metabolic rate. A lower energy intake in the elderly could lead to undesirable low intakes of essential nutrients. The reduction of the energy turnover is caused by, or a consequence of, a decrease in active cell mass. Thus, the effect of exercise training on habitual activity across age ranges, and age-related changes in body composition in relation to habitual activity level, are investigated here. The focus is on data on physical activity and body composition obtained with doubly labelled water. The results suggest that exercise training does not affect energy requirement in the elderly and the age-related decrease in fat-free mass is not delayed in subjects with a relatively high habitual activity level. Beneficial effects of exercise training in the elderly are endurance, flexibility, range of motion and balance control, all contributing to a delay in the age-induced impairment of personal mobility. Energy intake will inevitably go down as a result of a reduction of the energy requirement. Thus, the nutrition of elderly subjects needs more attention with regard to the essential nutrients than the nutrition of younger adults.  相似文献   

There is a debate or struggle for the nature and future of social work in England. This tension is between a narrow or limited type of practice and a broader and emancipatory social work, grounded in the International Federation of Social Work and the wider conception of the profession in other European states. The limited model of social work seems to provide a dominant paradigm, which may result in the loss of a more visionary and humane social work. This is a qualitative study of an undergraduate social work programme in England. There were 48 participants, comprised of academics, students, service users and practice educators. Interviews and focus groups were used and a thematic analysis was undertaken. The key finding of this study is that the paradigm of state or statutory social work in England threatens to replace a broad conception of social work as understood in such definitions as the International Federation of Social Work and social work in other European states.  相似文献   

This communication deals with the involvement of ergonomists in a research-action design process of a software platform in radiotherapy. The goal of the design project is to enhance patient safety by designing a workflow software that supports cooperation between professionals producing treatment in radiotherapy. The general framework of our approach is the ergonomics management of a design process, which is based in activity analysis and grounded in participatory design. Two fields are concerned by the present action: a design environment which is a participatory design process that involves software designers, caregivers as future users and ergonomists; and a reference real work setting in radiotherapy. Observations, semi-structured interviews and participatory workshops allow the characterization of activity in radiotherapy dealing with uses of cooperative tools, sources of variability and non-ruled strategies to manage the variability of the situations. This production of knowledge about work searches to enhance the articulation between technocentric and anthropocentric approaches, and helps in clarifying design requirements. An issue of this research-action is to develop a framework to define the parameters of the workflow tool, and the conditions of its deployment.  相似文献   

Outcome evaluation is very important for program evaluation and has been becoming increasingly so in the age of accountability. Typically, outcome evaluation is conducted for a single program from a single perspective. However, in a real-life situation, many programs exist in a system, and the effects could be viewed from various perspectives. The authors illustrate a typology of program effects in a system. It moves from the paradigm of a single program’s single effect to that of a set of programs’ multiple effects. Methodological implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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