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改革开放以来的中国社会转型给中国社会心理学者提供了独特的社会实验室。为 了描述、理解和解释社会转型中的中国人心理和行为逻辑,应该呼唤直面社会转型的 社会心理学研究,或转型心理学的研究,以超越文化特异性路径和稳态社会路径。其 可能的核心构念是多元群体(成员)资格。

关键词: 转型心理学 文化特异性路径 稳态社会路径 部分群体资格

China's social transformation since reform and opening up in 1978 has provided a unique social laboratory for Chinese researchers of social psychology. In order to describe, understand and interpret the psychological and behavioral logic of the Chinese people, we need to call on social psychology research or social transition psychology research that looks directly at social transition, in order to go beyond the cultural exceptionalism and static society approaches. Multiple group membership is the potential core construct of such a psychology.  相似文献   

The following essay responds to three main issues raised by Phelps and White (2018) in their critical commentary on our article (McDonald, Gough, Wearing & Deville, 2017). The first concerns the lack of precision in the conceptualisation of neoliberalism and the recent threats to it as we enter a potentially new phase of capitalism. While we share Phelps and White's concern, we argue that there is value in continuing to use neoliberalism as a concept for understanding some aspects of social behaviour. As to recent threats to neoliberalism, evidence indicates that it will continue to persist in the immediate future. To deal with neoliberalism's conceptual problems in social psychology, Phelps and White advance the potential theory of a ‘market‐derived logics’. We commend the authors for pursuing this endeavor, however, we caution that care needs to be taken in its conceptualisation. Lastly, we discuss Phelps and White's disciplinary reflections on social psychology.  相似文献   

王燕 《南亚研究》2011,(1):123-136
泰戈尔1924年首次访华期间,曾在中国文化界引发一场激烈论争,与论争相伴生的是一系列怪异现象:新文化阵营严重分裂,文化界人士判然两别,对抗争论之激烈,影响波及之广泛世所罕见;反对、抵制派的中坚人物陈独秀、郭沫若、沈雁冰等人又恰是我国最早翻译泰戈尔作品、推介泰戈尔思想、追踪泰戈尔行踪者;舆论阵地营垒分明,欢迎赞誉之词每见于文学类期刊,抵制批判文章多刊载在政治性杂志上;部分文章偏离实事,凭空杜撰,流风所及,贻害深远。对此一事件的后续研究多有舛误,将鲁迅置于旁观立场即为一例。本文将对上述内容进行实证梳理,辨正一些在该课题研究中习焉不察的误解误读。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a qualitative study that used focus groups to gather data from the perspective of child protection workers on their experiences in providing services to clients with limited English proficiency (LEP). The goals of the study were to understand processes of relationship building and service provision that could contribute to improved practice. Focus groups are ideal in obtaining data on how a group deals with particular situations and for understanding their decision‐making processes. Measures to ensure rigour and trustworthiness were taken throughout the study. Findings provide rich and multilayered insights into the complexity of providing services for families with LEP showing that agencies use bilingual workers as well as interpreters for services. Participants noted, however, that services continued to be inconsistent with unclear guidelines and training about how and when to access interpreters. Lack of training for bilingual workers was also identified. Confidentiality issues, barriers to engaging with clients, problems with the quality of interpretation and role confusion together with benefits including interpreters being cultural and language ‘conduits’ and links to culturally specific services; enhanced communication decreasing the possibility of inaccurate assessments and lessening power differentials; and help with workload were noted.  相似文献   

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