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Community-based rehabilitation (CBR) is not a new concept but has become the focus for groups such as the World Health Organisation and other international aid agencies in facilitating the availability of rehabilitation services in developing countries throughout the world. Although much of the literature debates institutional versus community-based services and auxiliary versus fully trained personnel, little information is available to address the curriculum issues relating to training personnel to undertake CBR activities. The purpose of this paper is to present a curriculum model for preparing and implementing short programme workshops to encourage the development of CBR in different cultural settings. The curriculum model has foundations which are firmly rooted in curriculum and educational theory and concepts. It provides a flexible adult learning approach to introduce the broad concepts of CBR, providing the participants with culturally relevant, concrete, practical tools to allow the implementation of CBR activities. The workshop model has been used successfully with participants from diverse or homogeneous backgrounds.  相似文献   

Advanced, professional education is the key to shift the correctional health nursing role from isolated practice behind bars to a seamless community-based, managed-care approach. From a public health perspective, the state of health or illness of the correctional population reflects the state of health or illness of the community of which they are a part. The aim of correctional health is to close the health-trauma cycle and to restore the inmate's health to a state and a process of being, and the inmate to an integrated and whole person within the community.  相似文献   

Sustainable development calls for choices among alternative policy options. It is a common view that such choices can be justified by appealing to an evaluative ranking of the options with respect to how their consequences affect a broad range of prudential and moral values. Three philosophically motivated proposals for analysing evaluative rankings are discussed: the measured merits model (e.g. Chang), the ordered values model (e.g. Griffin), and the permissible preference orderings model (Rabinowicz). The analysis focuses on the models’ potential for making transparent how an evaluative ranking can contribute to a justified choice among options, particularly in situations that involve diverse values as typically found in debates on sustainable development. Such transparency plays a crucial role when policy rankings are going to be used as arguments in political decision processes. The measured merits model is found to have questionable consequences for the concept of sustainability, while the ordered values model calls for an axiological framework that cannot plausibly be spelled out for sustainability. The permissible preference orderings model is more promising. Its formal structure and its ability to deal with value-pluralism provide an interesting re-structuring of the problem of justifying choices in sustainability issues.  相似文献   

Twenty years after the Rio Conference of 1992 the issue of sustainability is still at the core of considerations in regard to the future of humankind. As a step forward in 1997 the Kyoto Protocol was agreed to, although the main actors have not been part of it. Since then all international congresses on the issue have failed. A new approach seems to be necessary, which steps aside of the international and national levels. The regional and local levels are definitely more appropriate, because direct participation of citizens and institutional actors is more feasible. Also for the regional and local levels labour is the main actor, as the production and distribution are the central areas for action for sustainability. That does not mean that consumption or finance have to be neglected. The trade unions in the past have often been reluctant to commit themselves for sustainability, as it seemed to endanger jobs. Slowly this attitude has been changed, and they fully engage now, e.g. with Attac and other similar movements.  相似文献   

《Journal of Socio》2002,31(5):511-527
This paper focuses on the relevance of endogenous preferences for the explanation of consumer behavior and its role for sustainable development. The demand side has received far less attention in the sustainability discussion than the production side. There seems, however, little doubt that consumption is equally as important for achieving sustainability (e.g., F. Duchin, G.-M. Lange, The Future of the Environment: Ecological Economics and Technological Change, Oxford University Press, New York, 1994). While the influence of social interaction of preferences has been pointed out by economists for centuries, this link is generally submerged in the standard economic assumption of individual interest maximizing behavior. With reference to a specific type of local food market (community supported agriculture groups, CSA), this paper investigates consumer behavior and its relevance for sustainable development. Several studies have investigated CSAs’ contributions to different aspects of sustainable development and barriers to their expansion. One aspect usually left out is the change in preferences after interaction with the farmer/s and other market participants for several years. This learning aspect may, however, prove crucial to identify paths towards sustainable development.  相似文献   

Though community-based organizations (CBOs) are small, informalorganizations, indications are that they provide various servicestowards the development of rural communities and can be usedas channels to route development information and other resourcesrequired to improve living conditions in rural communities.CBOs are, however, constrained from providing a more diverserange of services to their communities due to certain basicweaknesses. Leadership development, networking with both localand external organizations and registration with an officialpublic agency are identified and discussed as sustainable strategiesto strengthen CBOs, improve upon their service delivery standardsand place them in a position to tap available opportunitiesto develop the communities they are located in.  相似文献   

水环境与城市可持续发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
崔卫华 《城市》2003,(3):14-17
一、水环境与城市可持续发展的关系水环境是以人类为主体的水生态系统,是水的自然因素和社会因素的统一体,也是人类赖以生存和发展的稀缺资源。水环境与水资源既密不可分又有不同的含义。如水取之于环境,作为资源用于发电,其中的一部分,在利用之后又回到了环境中,经过环境—资源—环境的循环,成为资源的水和环境的水,虽然自然形态相同,但经济意义不同:水资源在经济活动内部被当做经济财富利用,而水环境作为经济活动的基础,是间接的经济财富。当作为资源的水受到污染或因浪费而枯竭时,水环境又成为环境破坏或公害问题。水环境是历史的结晶,是…  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the compatibility of two characteristics of neighborhoods containing community-based treatment centers (CBTCs): the availability of resources that can be used in treatment and the likelihood of neighborhood opposition. Do CBTC neighborhoods having high levels of geographically based resources also have characteristics associated with low opposition to these centers? The findings suggest that among neighborhoods with centers serving adults, inner-city transitional neighborhoods where low opposition would be expected have significantly higher levels of treatment resources than do more affluent, suburban neighborhoods. The implications of these findings for selecting sites for community-based treatment centers are discussed.  相似文献   

Given the emotional, social, and financial devastation wrought by Alzheimer's disease (AD), it is imperative that effective therapeutics be devised to ameliorate this presently incurable disorder. Vaccine-based approaches have been developed to target and eliminate amyloid beta (Abeta), a key peptide implicated in AD pathogenesis. Preclinical successes in AD mouse models created excitement and impetus for the clinical application of an Abeta-based vaccine. Eliciting immune responses against a self-peptide (that is, a peptide produced by the organism itself), such as Abeta, carries with it the potential to induce autoimmune and inflammatory conditions in the vaccinated individual, a caveat borne out in multiple patients enrolled as part of a recent clinical trial. These clinical adverse events seemingly overshadowed interesting behavioral stabilization and alterations of Abeta burden in these and other vaccinated patients, thus speaking to the potential of immunotherapy for AD. Understanding the mechanisms by which vaccines reduce Abeta burden in AD brain and the types of immune responses raised, as well as developing new modalities of vaccine delivery that facilitate the modulation of elicited immune responses, will undoubtedly lead to a new generation of efficacious Abeta immunotherapeutics with improved safety profiles.  相似文献   

It is part of the vocabulary of organizations, and the agendas discussed the subject of "Sustainability", but there are few companies that implement practices or even know the means of implementing sustainable practices. The objective of this paper is to discuss an approach to education for sustainable development (ESD) based on the concepts and practice of ergonomics, as a consequence of this approach allows the implementation of integration initiatives focused on sustainability, such as eg. energy efficiency and consumer awareness thus allowing a means of reducing costs and operating expenses, increased competitiveness and significant contributions to corporate sustainability. There is also the inclusion of sustainability in corporate strategic planning, and their implications in the different spheres of the market.  相似文献   

树品牌、创名牌是人们在市场竞争条件下逐渐形成的共识,人们希望通过品牌对产品、企业加以区别;通过品牌形成品牌追随;通过品牌扩展市场,品牌的创立、名牌的形成正好能帮助企业实现上述目的,成为企业有力的竞争武器。那么品牌究竟是什么呢?  相似文献   


Various methods have been developed to measure sustainability. When it comes to measuring whether sustainability issues are integrated in overall corporate performance, companies broaden their reporting from economic performance to ‘sustainability performance’ and there are various frameworks around for benchmarking sustainability outcomes. A major emphasis, however, is on technical data. The main efforts have been consolidated in the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Each of the indicators prudently measures a well-determined set of facts. However, one major discussion point is whether the reporting frameworks do really reflect the link between sustainability and economic value, and how they would properly connect to the information used by management for running the business on a day-to-day basis. This article tries to point out that one way out of the disconnected ness might be through expanding the concept of ‘Economic Value Added’ (EVA). EVA measures overall corporate performance by claiming that shareholders gain when the return from the capital employed in a corporation is greater than the cost of that capital. From there it is a short way to proclaiming that all stakeholders gain when the value created by a corporation is greater than the cost of the capital employed in the corporation and the capital employed in whichever commonly available resources outside the corporation are used by its business. The expansion of EVA that is envisaged would be to enlarge the cost of capital by the costs that are caused by that part of ‘Public Goods’ that is available to a corporation. There is one political and one theoretical obstacle in this: the argument is quite radical and complying with it would require some leadership from ‘big corporations’; and valuing public goods is a research field that has not yet reached the stadium of generally accepted applicability, at least with regard to aggregative monetary value. However there are new initiatives under way, by the GRI, which will join forces to reach a breakthrough. The article also reflects on the effects the new indicator would stimulate for businesses, their markets and their stakeholders.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present and discuss a French-Brazilian project (CAPES-COFECUB) centered on the relations between sustainable development, innovation and changes in work activities that accompany these innovations for sustainable development. Sustainable development calls for an integrated approach of three dimensions: social equity, economic viability and environmental sustainability. In order to achieve this integration, considerable innovations efforts are required. However, the work, understood as a productive act, is deeply lacking in the current researches. Starting from the idea that work is a "fundamental need" the goal of this project is to propose innovative methods that can be used for designing production systems from the perspective of sustainable development.  相似文献   

The question of how to achieve greater levels of sustainable development is intrinsically linked with the discussion concerning new forms of governance. Structural funds have become most influential in promoting sustainable development and appropriate forms of governance across the EU. They have been very important in introducing new innovative forms of co‐ordination in many countries and have encouraged the mobilization of new political actors. Structural Funds can be considered as a most interesting laboratory for the development of new governance patterns, which are urgently needed for coping with accelerated change and increasing complexity. Multi‐level governance in the spirit of subsidiarity will not be possible without flexible objective‐oriented management approaches instead of the rigid attribution of competences. This requires new conceptual approaches, procedures, and instruments. ‘SQM—Sustainable Quality Management®’ is a coherent system for the conception, support, monitoring and evaluation of sustainable development processes. A series of pilot projects in the last five years have shown its potential and utility. The SQM system includes concepts, methods and operational tools that have proved to be applicable and comprehensible in different European cultures. Internet‐based SQM software tools support every step in the policy cycle. Sustainable development is conceived as an overarching principle that governs the management of processes and covers all policy principles postulated by the EU. In the use of a common framework over the whole policy cycle and the coherent implementation of basic principles there is the promise of achieving better orientation towards sustainable development and considerable efficiency gains.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe a best practice model of care for children's mobile crisis services in Connecticut: Emergency Mobile Psychiatric Services (EMPS). EMPS responds to homes, schools, emergency departments and other community locations to provide children and their families with mobile crisis stabilization, assessment and brief intervention, and referral and linkage to ongoing care. The system is comprised of a statewide network of contracted providers, a statewide Call Center to manage and triage incoming referrals, and a Performance Improvement Center to provide data analysis, reporting, quality improvement, and standardized training. Data collected since 2009 demonstrate high service utilization, consistently high mobility rates, and rapid response times as well as statistically significant improvements in child outcomes. The paper discusses the role of mobile crisis services within a comprehensive continuum of behavioral health care for children and families.  相似文献   

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