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城市的上空似乎都漂浮着一些仅属于自己的标记,它是城市孕育出的特有文化符号,不仅体现着传统的魅力,也显露着时代的气息. 营口亦有其特殊的标记,一个有关母亲的传说,经千百年的传接与演绎,终于为这座城市刻下了 敬母圣地四个灿然的大字.或许正是这样的缘故才使这座城市最具资格举办中国第一个有组织的母亲节,且延续十余届历久弥新. 相似文献
本溪市地处辽宁省东南部,总面积8411平方公里,总人口157万人,第一颗卫星上天、第一艘潜艇下水,都凝结着本溪人的聪明才智.本溪是沈阳经济圈诸城市的"后花园",是中国第一个也是惟一一个以行政区划命名的国家级地质公园; 是中国著名的老工业基地,一座现代山水工业城,一座优秀旅游城市. 相似文献
Tyrer Paul; Chase Elaine; Warwick Ian; Aggleton Peter 《British Journal of Social Work》2005,35(7):1107-1121
The interface between two major UK Government prioritiesreducingunwanted teenage pregnancies and supporting teenage parents,and improving the health and well-being of young people in andleaving local authority carehas been the focus of recentresearch. The overall aims of this study were to explore factorscontributing to early pregnancy and parenthood among young peoplein and leaving local authority care; to determine the kindsof support available to these young people; and to identifywhat enables or prevents the delivery of the support they need.Via in-depth interviews, and in four contrasting geographicalareas, data were collected from young people and service providersacross England. This paper analyses data of relevance to theexperience of young fathers who have been looked aftertoconsider how the needs of these young men might be better addressedthrough policy and practice. In-depth interviews conducted withyoung fathers and service providers highlighted three key aspectsof their experience that must be addressed if future needs areto be better provided for. These are: social exclusion, trustand more flexible forms of service provision. The implicationsof these issues for future policy and programme developmentare discussed. 相似文献
Shipra Parikh 《Smith College studies in social work》2013,83(2-3):303-318
In-depth interviews were conducted with 13 young fathers to identify factors supporting their paternal involvement. Participants' responses to their interviews revealed that the qualitative experience was meaningful and encouraged their paternal involvement through (1) self-disclosure, (2) the opportunity to help others, and (3) personal engagement with the interviewer. Prior work has noted the general benefits of interviews for interviewees. This study addresses the less-explored, specific benefits of qualitative interviews for young fathers, along with recommendations, which include (1) conducting research that utilizes the qualitative interview as a therapeutic opportunity for young-father participants, (2) exploring fathers' behaviors in qualitative interviews as an untapped resource for engagement, and (3) conducting participatory action and mixed methodologies with young fathers. 相似文献