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中共中央1962年《关于认真提倡计划生育的指示》文件的发布,明确了党和国家对实行计划生育的赞成态度,回答了社会主义社会是否要进行人口调控的问题。此后,中国共产党的领导者们在马克思主义理论的指导下,结合中国人口发展具体实践,不但坚持了对社会主义社会是否要进行人口调控的回答,并且对在社会主义建设中为什么要进行人口调控和如何进行人口调控进行了创造性地回答。他们通过对这些问题进行思考和回答所形成的人口思想和人口理论,是社会主义人口理论的重要组成部分,是对马克思主义人口理论的补充和丰富,是马克思主义中国化的重大理论成果。  相似文献   

Regarding migration, the current thinking is that certain aspects of migration have important implications for population planning. Focus here is on the role of migration and its influence on integrated development programs. Although individuals who migrate to cities are generally from the more privileged socioeconomic groups within the rural area, it is not accurate to identify them as the "cream of the rural population." Present population policies do consider the fact that 70 to 80% of the people live in rural areas, yet population policies give only lip service to migration policies. In response to a question as to whether urbanization is conducive to pro- to anti-natal tendencies in migrating families the responses varied. 1 opinion was that there is no evidence that urbanization and the natality behavior of migrating families is significantly related, while other opinions identified a relationship between anti-natal behavior and migration. Rural development and rural growth centers do seem to help alleviate population problems of rural and urban areas, but their success is very dependent on the kind of rural development programs and the extent of services provided through the growth center. The following are among the advantages to "planned migration" that can be used to strengthen population policies: 1) effective utilization of manpower; 2) balanced regional development; 3) further exploitation of natural resources; and 4) reducing the various problems in urban regions. Many do believe that international migration is a feasible solution to population problems in the global context.  相似文献   

This discussion of some problems regarding the policy of controlling population growth in China focuses on the formation and the development of the policies of planned population growth control, how demands of modernization require a policy of only 1 child for each couple, and the need for ideological education as well as essential economical and administrative measures. The process of forming and developing the population control policies of China can be divided into 3 phases: the mid-50s to the early 1970s; the early 1970s to March 5, 1978 -- the date the new constitution became effective; and March 5, 1978 to the present. The 1st formal policy on planned popultion control emerged in 1956 at the 8th national meeting of the Communist party. The necessity for propagating planned birth control and advocating planned birth was recognized at this time. During the 2nd phase, the planned birth program was almost stopped by interference from an anti-revolutionary group. The maladjustment between population development and economic development were getting worse during the 1966-1971 period. Health services in both rural and urban areas were developed, and maternal and child health care services were reinforced in order to lower the death rate and to increase the practice of birth planning. The objective was to adjust the birth rate by improving production development and the living coinditions of the people. The new constitution indicated that the country should advocate and practice planned birth. The special committee on planned birth of the State Council, meeting in June 1978, established guidelines for the national planned birth program. The population policy of only 1 child for each couple was proposed for the longterm benefit of China and its people and because of the urgent demand of the 4 modernizations. The indication of the achievement of the 4 modernizations by the end of the 20th century is a per capita income of 1000 United States dollars. To reach the $1000 figure, the per capita income needs to be increased 3-fold. This is a difficult task, and to realize it effort must be placed on both material production and population control. Problems that may result from the advocation of only 1 child for each couple are reviewed. The way to promote the exeuction of the policy of planned control of population growth is to apply ideological education as the major method and to integrate it with economical and administrative measures.  相似文献   

J Y Liu 《人口研究》1981,(2):13-15
The Third National Population Science Congress emphasized the production theory of Marxism, the basic difference between China's population control and the old and new Malthusianism, and possible social problems caused by the one child per couple policy. The meeting was well-organized, and the participants were actively involved; it included a keynote speech, group discussions, and seminars by specialists. Most people agreed that population production should be included in the social economy and that both material and population production should together decide the development of the society. Some people believed that Malthus' population theory is antirevolutionary and totally unacceptable. Others thought that there are some positive aspects such as the coordination of population with consumer goods and his population control measures. Many valuable suggestions were made in the meeting concerning population control. This Congress also established a Chinese Population Society, passed the bylaws, and elected members of the board of directors for the Society. Vice-Premier Chen gave an important closing speech about the importance of family planning and population control.  相似文献   

Q Zhou 《人口研究》1981,(1):39-43
There are basic differences between Marxian and Malthusian population thought: 1) For Marx, population is a social phenomenon--human reproduction belongs to social production and population laws are social laws influenced by the means of production. Marx recognized that human reproduction had both a natural and a social relationship, but Malthus population theory only acknowledges the natural relationship of human reproduction. Malthus believed that if population grows without interference, it will double every 25 years, or geometrically. It is evident Malthus substituted biological possibilities for the objective inevitability of population evolution, and natural population laws for social population laws. 2) Marx believed that social production is the unification of material production and human reproduction. Material production is controlled and necessitates control of human reproduction. For Malthus, the growth of the means of subsistence never catches up with the growth of the population, but Marx said that even though land is limited, the development of production forces is limitless. Marxist theory postulates that man is basically a producer, but that population must be planned because not everyone is a producer (e.g., children and the unskilled). 3) Malthus believed that in capitalistic countries unemployment, famine, and poverty stem from too many births by the laboring class, i.e., population determines the economy. The only solution to population problems is to have fewer children. For Marx, economics determines population problems.  相似文献   

钟逢干 《南方人口》2010,25(3):20-27
我们应当建设起中国特色社会主义人口理论。以“两种生产革命实践”论对马克思主义人口理论作较全面的理解是建设这一理论的关键一环。当前,这个理论的主要任务是:对社会主义初级阶段人口特征作理论分析,论证此阶段中诸如“统筹解决人口问题”等的人口社会管理政策措施和提出符合中国国情实际的应对人口社会问题的策略。  相似文献   

K M Zhang 《人口研究》1982,(3):23-5, 51
In the discussion of the population component and its relationship to social development, we have to note the close relationship between material reproduction and the reproduction of human beings themselves. The unity of these reproductions is a necessary condition for social existence and development. In the past, whenever there was a problem of overpopulation, the tragedy of wiping out large numbers of the population also took place. This kind of tragedy eventually solved the problem of overpopulation and brought back a normal condition for economic development. A cycle like this happened continuously in the past. Under a socialist system today, the situation has been very different. The method includes a conscious adjustment and planned birth control in order to curb the speed of the population growth. Generally speaking, production patterns determine the development of the population growth. Under a certain production pattern, the development of the population reproduction is also dominated by the consumption pattern. A change in the consumption pattern will definitely have a great impact on the birthrate. A comprehensive plan is needed for population growth, and population control should match economic development. In a longterm plan, the population growth plan should be based upon a strategy for economic development and the changes which took place in the process of population reproduction. In short-term plan, practical measures aare needed to control the population growth in order to achieve harmony between the population and the economy.  相似文献   

本文从理论和实践两个层面上探讨了人口的乡城转移经济与转移不经济,以此考察社会主义新农村建设中的人口迁移问题。笔者认为,人口的乡城转移从长期和总体上是经济的,在现代化过程中,我们应该始终坚持促进农村人口向城市迁移;但是在特定的经济发展阶段中,因为速度、规模等问题使得人口乡城转移发生不经济问题,所以,通过建设新农村,发展农业和农村,可以矫正这些不经济现象。人口乡城转移不经济的发生是新农村建设的一个诱因,而新农村建设的目标之一是为了使人口的乡城转移合理、有序、渐进和经济。  相似文献   

本文以对甘肃省民勤县的深入调查为基础,按照以水定人的思路,在认真分析目前该县的水生态环境对人口发展、经济增长和社会进步的严重影响的基础上,提出了具体的生态移民的规划思路、移民设计和运作模式等。  相似文献   

城市人口和计划生育工作新机制研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
多年来,我国人口和计划生育工作的重点、难点一直在农村。而城市人口和计划生育工作一直走在全国前列,不仅有效控制了人口过快增长,为全国人口控制目标的实现作出了积极贡献,而且创造了许多好经验,对农村起到很好的示范、带头和辐射作用,为统筹解决人口问题打下了良好的基础。但是随着外部环境和工作任务、要求的变化,随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和城市经济、社会的迅速发展,城市化进程的大大加快,城市计划生育工作开始面临许多新情况、新问题,必须加快改革与创新的步伐。  相似文献   

人口是社会的主体,正确认识和把握各民族的人口形势,对于制定各民族发展规划,切实做好民族工作,促进各民族的共同繁荣和发展有着非常重要的现实意义。本文主要从人口数量、结构、素质等方面阐述了少数民族人口的发展态势及其对策。  相似文献   

R Li 《人口研究》1983,(1):8-13
In a socialist system a new problem being encountered is whether or not to implement planned management in human reproduction, and whether or not it is possible. Marx and Engels foresaw that human reproduction would undergo basic changes. In following Marx, Socialist China has brought about for the first time in history planned management in human reproduction. According to the author, the objective necessity of the population plan stems from public ownership of the means of production, is compatible with planned development of material production and conforms to Socialist economic laws. 3 main general points are made: 1) the public ownership of the means of production supplies the objective conditions for population planning; population reproduction in a system of private ownership is the basis for class opposites, but the public ownership of the means of production erases this type of opposites; 2) population planning is an important integral part of national economic planning; man, the unification of production and consumption, is the primary element in economic activity; 3) population planning embodies the demands of basic socialist economic laws. Basic socialist economic laws determine the character of social production and hence determines the character of population production.  相似文献   

党的十六届四中全会,把构建社会主义和谐社会作为我国的根本任务。我国人口、人力资源和自然环境问题影响着构建和谐社会。只有坚定不移地实行计划生育基本国策,控制人口数量,提高人口素质,充分开发利用人力资源,实现人类与自然的和谐发展,才能构建和谐社会并长久地生存下去。因此,促进人口、人力资源和自然环境的协调发展,这既是构建社会主义和谐社会的基础,也是重要保障。  相似文献   

我国《人口与计划生育法》实施以来,不仅使我国司法机关和人口工作者在人口管理中有法可依,而且给理论工作者拓展了一个新的研究空间。人口教育对人口立法起着制约的作用,二者只有同步进行,才能充分发挥法律效力,实现人口与经济、社会、资源、环境的协调发展。  相似文献   

S X Feng 《人口研究》1982,(3):12-7, 22
Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the development of the population theory has experienced some setbacks. It is important to learn lessons from the past and establish a socialist population theory based on science. During the 1st 30 years of the People's Republic of China, the development of a population theory can be divided into 3 stages: 1) stage one was from 1949 to 1957 -- belief in population control on the basis of sociology; 2) stage two was from the late 1950s to early 1960s -- represented by Mr. Ma Yinchu's "New Population Theory" and the theory of the opposing side; and 3) stage Three began after the 1960s. Throughout the 1960s, studies of population theory remained stagnant, and no progress in this field was possible. In the 1970s, especially since the downfall of the "Gang of Four," the development of a population theory has entered a new stage. 3 problems with the development of the population theory discussed by the author are: 1) an evaluation of Comrade Mao Zedong's thoughts on population, 2) the division of different schools in population theory, 3) the different periods in the development of the population theory since 1949. Mao Zedong did change his thoughts on population control, but he was in favor of family planning and supported studies in population theory. Besides Ma Yinchu, Chin Da, Fei Xiaotong, Wu Jingchao and others also had their own population theories. The author emphasizes the contributions made by Mao Zedong and the Communist Party in the development of a population theory. New accomplishments and experience are expected with the downfall of the "Gang of Four."  相似文献   

Yu YC 《Population studies》1979,33(1):125-142
Summary China has a consistent and well-defined policy to regulate the growth of her population. Population policy is considered as an integral part of overall social and economic development policy. It promotes the reduction of the growth rate in densely populated areas but encourages the increase of population in sparsely populated areas and among national minorities. A series of planned internal migration policies has regulated the spatial distribution of population. Main factors affecting the implementation of China's population policy are the establishment of an effective organization and communication system, the participation of the masses in the work, the socialist transformation of the national economy, the changes in the structure and functions of the Chinese family, the changing status of Chinese women, the development of public health services and the campaign for late marriage and family planning.  相似文献   

福建省婴幼儿性别比失调的状况与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
80年代后期 ,福建省婴幼儿性别比开始出现失调。由于种种原因 ,这一情况在当时并未引起足够重视。随着时间的推移 ,婴幼儿性别比失调情况仍在继续 ,其中选择性人流已上升为第一位原因。选择性人流对人口性别比平衡的冲击必将影响未来人口自身的再生产 ,而且对社会的和谐与安定也会产生极大的危害 ,对此决不可掉以轻心  相似文献   

朱尧耿 《西北人口》2007,28(2):59-62,66
和谐社会是一个道德化的社会,是一个以人的全面发展为中心的社会。当前,我国人口发展面临系列道德困境,与构建社会主义和谐社会不相适应。要在全社会普及和谐人口理念,坚持以人为本,优先投资于人的全面发展,以促进人口伦理建设。  相似文献   

X Qian 《人口研究》1983,(2):7-10
4 areas are covered in this speech delivered on January 10, 1983. 1) Looking back on China's post-Liberation population problems: as early as the 1950s, the Party and scholars such as Ma Yinchu recognized the need to control population growth. For instance, a 1952 directive instructed the Public Health Bureau to encourage the use of condoms and diaphrams. When Ma Yinchu's studies showing alarming population increases were made known to Mao Zedong and published in the People's Daily in 1957, the "new population theory" was formed, which advocated population control. But before this idea gained currency, Ma suffered criticism in 1958 and population studies was virtually halted. Between 1958-61, as China entered difficult times, the birthrate declined. By 1962 the rate increased, leading the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party to issue a directive to control population. Again in 1971 the Central Government set population goals and incorporated population policies into national economic planning. When the wrongs of the Cultural Revolution were redressed, Ma Yinchu regained favor and demography entered a new era. 2) The responsibility of demographic studies: one of the most important tasks of demography is to solve the problem of confining the birthrate to 16-17/1000 annually, so that by 2000 the total population would be 1,200,000,000. This can only be done by advocating 1 child per couple, closely con trolling a 2nd birth and discouraging all 3rd births. 3) The contents of demographic studies: both immediate and future problems must be addressed. Areas of study can include sex ratio, marriage, family, population and land distribution, fertility, or an aging society. 4) Science research must embody a scientific attitude: it is best to follow the example set by Ma Yinchu, whose work was based on actual investigations in the field. Any development and production of scientific theory must stem from practical experience.  相似文献   

20 ESCAP member countries responded to the "Third Population Inquiry among Governments: Population policies in the context of development in 1976." The questionnaire sent to the member countries covered economic and social development and population growth, mortality, fertility and family formation, population distribution and internal migration, international migration, population data collection and research, training, and institutional arrangements for the formulation of population policies within development. Most of the governments in the ESCAP region that responded indicate that the present rate of population growth constrains their social and economic development. Among the governments that consider the present rate of population growth to constrain economic and social development, 13 countries regarded the most appropriate response to the constraint would include an adjustment of both socioeconomic and demographic factors. 11 of the governments regarded their present levels of average life expectancy at birth "acceptable" and 7 identified their levels as "unacceptable." Most of the governments who responded consider that, in general, their present level of fertility is too high and constrains family well-being. Internal migration and population distribution are coming to be seen as concerns for government population policy. The most popular approaches to distributing economic and social activities are rural development, urban and regional development and industrial dispersion. There was much less concern among the governments returning the questionnaire about the effect of international migration than internal migration on social and economic development.  相似文献   

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