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随着高等职业教育从精英到大众,青年教师成为高职院校教育和科研的主要力量,青年教师的教学能力和素质水平的高低,对于提高高职院校整体教学质量、提高人才培养的质量,促进高校的可持续性发展有重要的作用。从四个方面阐述了通过导师制有效提高青年教师综合能力的方法。  相似文献   

培养反思型教育工作实践者是现代教师教育改革的重要目标之学前教育免费师范生作为助力军,其实践性知识的发展作为幼儿教师入职前培养的重要环节,对提升学前教育专业学生的实践技能、促进学生的未来的教师生涯发展具有重要作用。  相似文献   

青年教师的成长与发展是学校事业发展的基础。当前,高校青年教师存在专业知识结构不合理、专业能力发展不平衡、专业情意不浓等问题。只有完善青年教师职前培养与职后培训体系,构建合理的教师评价机制,建立完善青年教师职业导师制,加强青年教师的师德教育,提高青年教师的福利待遇,才能更好地推动高校青年教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

青年教师的师德建设对于我国高等教育的发展具有重要意义。但是现阶段高校青年教师师德建设仍旧存在着一定的问题。本文针对这些存在的问题,立足于立德树人,提出了相应的改进措施,以期在加强高校青年教师师德建设的同时,促进我国教育事业的进一步发展。  相似文献   

世界众多国家在推进特殊教育时,多是以平等、多元化理念作为指导,学前教育作为儿童的第一课堂,对于幼儿的成长起着重要作用。但随着社会发展,各类特殊儿童数量日渐增多,这类幼儿在入园时仍面临困境,对特殊幼儿开展融合教育的形势愈加严峻。本文基于融合教育的理念,对绥化市的幼儿园学前融合教育情况进行深入研究,对绥化市学前融合教育的现状进行阐述,并认真分析其中存在问题的原因,能为绥化市今后进一步推进学前融合教育提供相关思路。  相似文献   

高职教育与高等教育相比有着明显的区别,高职教育是以培养技术型、实用型人才为教育目标,既要培养学生的专业技能,还要培养学生的职业素养。因此,在高职教育中开设社交礼仪课程,对于提升学生的品德素养和自身素质有重要的作用。特别是当前,随着我国经济的快速发展,社交礼仪在人际关系中越来越重要,对于高职学校来说,无论是培养什么专业的人才,社交礼仪都是必不可少的辅助性教育。  相似文献   

通过分析通识教育对于促进大学生全面发展有着重要的作用,找出目前大学通识教育存在的问题,并针对问题试着提出通识教育改革的措施。  相似文献   

心理契约对于大学青年教师来说,不仅仅指签订的书面契约,还主要指教师内心深处对学校所抱有的隐性的并不断变化的期望。教师对学校期望是否得到满足严重影响到教师日常教育工作中的积极性与主动性,对此高校应重视青年教师心理契约,做好相关工作,促进青年教师不断发展。  相似文献   

高等教育承载着民族复兴、国家腾飞的重任,作为高校的重要组成部分,高校教师在教学、科研的过程中对学生的思想引领发挥着重要的导向作用。近年来,我国高等教育事业开始飞速发展。办学规模扩大化,国际教育交流频繁化,伴随以上情况,高校持有高端学历的青年教师构成比例迅速增大。根据教育部相关数据统计,目前40岁以下的青年教师占高校教师总数的60%,已经成为各个高校科研、教学的主力军。因此,做好高校青年教师的思想政治工作对我们高等教育事业的发展有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

入职适应阶段是新教师职业生涯的起始阶段,也是教师专业发展的关键期。专业实践能力是影响新教师入职适应的重要因素。幼儿管理水平提高需要新教师花费较长时间累积经验,专业能力不足和人际关系适应不良是构成入职适应心理压力的主要原因。因此,本科学前教育专业要将理论课程与教育实践有机结合,深化教育见习实习改革,提高专业能力水平,积极开展心理健康教育,为学生建立心理预案,从而有效提高新教师入职适应水平,缩短入职适应时间。  相似文献   

青年农民工闲暇生活“非城非乡”悬空状态带来的系列问题,使人们越来越关注对这一特殊群体进行闲暇教育的意义。闲暇教育可以帮助青年农民工形成正确的闲暇态度、闲暇价值观及恰当的闲暇行为习惯.使他们能有效充分地利用闲暇时间和提高闲暇生活的质量。因此,以传播媒介为载体,以休闲资源搭建为手段,以社区建设为依托来开展青年农民工闲暇教育具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

Theory-based logic models are commonly developed as part of requirements for grant funding. As a tool to communicate complex social programs, theory based logic models are an effective visual communication. However, after initial development, theory based logic models are often abandoned and remain in their initial form despite changes in the program process. This paper examines the potential benefits of committing time and resources to revising the initial theory driven logic model and developing detailed logic models that describe key activities to accurately reflect the program and assist in effective program management. The authors use a funded special education teacher preparation program to exemplify the utility of drill down logic models. The paper concludes with lessons learned from the iterative revision process and suggests how the process can lead to more flexible and calibrated program management.  相似文献   

生命是教育的起始点,教育的最终目标是引导鲜活的、独具个性的生命体得到其个性的充分发展。随着我国经济建设飞速发展,人们将主要精力放在有助于生存的知识和技能的获取上。在这样的背景下,高校把具有个性的生命塑造成知识的载体和社会发展的工具,学生个性特征得不到应有的发展。因此,要认清当前高校在教育理念、教育体制、教育实践等方面不尽如人意的现状,认真分析传统文化及周围环境对高校生命教育和学生个性发展产生的影响,并坚持将生命教育贯穿学生学习全过程、加强专职教师队伍建设、不断丰富生命教育的内容和形式,进一步促进学生个性发展。  相似文献   

Education evaluation has become increasingly important in the English-speaking Caribbean. This has been in response to assessing the progress of four regional initiatives aimed at improving the equity, efficiency, and quality of education. Both special interest groups and local evaluators have been responsible for assessing the progress of education and providing an overall synthesis and summary of what is taking place in the English-speaking Caribbean. This study employed content analysis to examine the indicators used in these education evaluation studies since the declaration of the Caribbean Plan of Action 2000–2015 to determine these indicators’ appropriateness to the Caribbean context in measuring education progress. Findings demonstrate that the English-speaking Caribbean has made strides in operationalizing quality input, process, and output indicators; however quality outcome indicators beyond test scores are yet to be realized in a systematic manner. This study also compared the types of collaborative partnerships in conducting evaluation studies used by special interest groups and local evaluators and pinpointed the one that appears most suitable for special interest groups in this region.  相似文献   

王燕 《现代交际》2011,(9):197-198
本文首先具体叙述了教师的角色定位,表明了教师研究教育心理学的重要性,将教育心理学具体理论应用于课堂教学不仅可以提高教学质量,而且可将心理学适当地应用于学生教育工作,从而起到提高学生工作效率的作用。本文就是从具体的现实状况出发,用教育心理学里面的具体理论适当地应用于学生教育工作所起的具体作用。另外,本文以西安小学生的学习及教育为主要研究对象。  相似文献   

立足国家示范校建设需要,针对中职“双师型”教师培养中存在的问题,从学校与教师两个层面设计“双师型”教师的培养途径,即在学校发展层面实施“双师型教师培养五大工程”,在教师发展层面实施“双师型教师培养四个主动方案”,为提升教师的教学、实践、科研等综合素质提供一个切实的举措,最终实现学校发展与教师自身发展的双赢。  相似文献   

传统文化的继承与发展,是社会主义现代化的要求,是实现中华民族伟大复兴的需要。作为未来社会中坚的大学生应该重视和了解传统文化。然而实际调查的情况却是,在现代文明的冲击和洗涤下,传统文化在认识和观念中逐渐被淡化。其原因与相关教育模式存在误区,社会重视程度不够和学生追求实用主义、功利主义的学习态度有直接关系。因此。要结合现代社会的客观情况,纠正轻视传统文化的社会风气,改革历史文化教育形式,并建立有效的保障制度,才能积极推进对大学生的历史文化教育。  相似文献   

独立学院青年教师作为独立学院教师队伍的重要组成部分,其素质的高低关系到独立学院的教育水平和长远的发展。要保证独立学院在激烈的竞争中继续生存和发展,必须重视青年教师队伍的建设。文章从人力资源管理的角度,结合冰山模型的构建探讨了如何在新时期有效地进行独立学院青年教师队伍的建设。  相似文献   

In this article, two adolescent sisters discuss and reflect upon the impact that the special education classification of one of them has had on their lives. The sisters, co-authors of this text, participated in designing the study and analyzing the data we produced; their voices are the core of this article. Issues about inclusion, the harms and benefits of special education classification, stigma, the multi-edged meanings of what it means to be “special,” and the often complicit roles of educators in perpetuating exclusionary policies all arise in the sisters’ discussions with each other, with their co-authors, and with pre-service teachers.  相似文献   

Graduate programs in education face the challenge of preparing teachers and specialists in education to work with English Language Learners (ELLs). Programs must be culturally responsive, while at the same time respecting state and federal standards for scientifically based practice according to best evidence. The focus of the present study is a graduate program in education that sought to prepare graduate students to address the needs of ELL students. Among the articulated goals of the program grant were that teachers enrolled would be able to: (1) use effective English for Speakers of Other Languages and bilingual educational strategies and methods; (2) use findings from testing, assessment and research functionally; and (3) promote multilingualism, and, in a broader sense, respect and equitable treatment of the heritages of home languages. The extent to which graduates of the master’s program who were working as teachers and administrators at the time of the study were able to make culturally competent connections with ELL students and to establish a repertoire of scientific evidence, based on research findings that they could then use to support their teaching theory and practice, is discussed. Findings reflecting the responses of 57 graduates of the program were as follows: (a) the training provided by the master’s program was rated as more useful than the in‐service provided by the state because its emphasis on research allowed graduates to judge the merits of proposed educational reforms and to clarify their own pedagogy; (b) the ability to cite research reports enabled graduates to be heard by colleagues and to depoliticize discussions regarding curricular reforms; (c) in developing their ‘communities of practice’, graduates made connections with others who had been trained in the use of scientific research in education. The study illustrates how a graduate education program focused on transformation and the encouragement of home language use can prepare teachers to work effectively in a political context of ‘evidence‐based practice’.  相似文献   

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