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在城市化加速发展,"单位"功能不断弱化的过程中,城市青年正在经历由"单位人"向"社会人"的角色过渡.由于政府组织、经济组织、第三部门之间职能划分在实践中尚未完全明晰,社区公共事务管理刚刚起步,社区满足青年需求的能力还比较差,社区群团组织对青年的影响还比较小,社区与青年的良性互动关系还处于起步阶段.加强社区共青团及其他青年社团建设,完善社区青少年服务设施,提高城市青年的生活满意度,满足城市青年的归属感和社会需求,应当成为城市化进程中青少年事务社会化管理的重要举措.  相似文献   

新型农村社区建设是一项对农业、农村、农民发展有利的举措,具有重要的创新意义和实践价值。目前,新型农村社区建设工作正在农业人口比重较大的河南省全面展开,在推进建设过程中取得了一定的成效。但是,目前新型农村社区建设工作有待深入探索和思考的问题仍非常多,需要继续进行大胆的试验、创新、提升。  相似文献   

服务、教育、组织体系与青年文明社区建设   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
开展创建“青年文明社区”活动是一项长期而艰巨的任务。社区共青团组织只有进一步拓宽思路,构建社区青少年工作新格局中,以组织动员社区青年投身社区文明行动为统揽,确立主体工作,发挥独特作用,才能在社区两个文明中创出佳绩,树立形象。社区共青团工作要以提高社区青少年素质,建设社区青少年的示范群体为宗旨,积极推进社区青少年志愿者服务体系、社区青少年教育体系、社区共青团组织体系建设,努力使社区共青团组织成为社区青少年的政治核心,成为社区精神文明建设的骨干力量,成为社区青少年学习共产主义、培养一四有”新人的学校…  相似文献   

结合农村地区的生产生活方式构建满足农户需求的新型农村社区公共空间,提高农户满意度,已成为当前新型农村社区建设亟需解决的难题。以新型农村社区示范村——重庆市大柱新村为例,在新型农村社区公共空间内涵与构成分析的基础上,运用CSI评价法对大柱新村公共空间农户满意度进行评价,进而剖析公共空间存在的关键问题。基于此,以共生理念为指导重构公共空间。结果表明:受广场空间功能单一化、院落空间"城市社区化"、巷道空间功能衰退制约,大柱新村公共空间农户综合满意度为"一般";重构后的大柱新村公共空间呈现出"一心、两区、三带"的空间布局结构。CSI评价法与"资源共享、环境共建"的共生理念对于新型农村社区公共空间重构具有较强的适用性,既能有效破解公共空间现状中存在的关键问题,又能为"以人为本"的新型农村社区公共空间建设提供理论参考和实践指导。  相似文献   

赵之枫  汪晓东 《城市观察》2013,23(1):50-58,40
近年来,随着城镇化进程的加快,新型农村社区发展迅速。新型农村社区建设以节约土地为动力,提高农民生活水平为目标,营造一种新的社会生活形态。通过以四川省成都市、江苏省苏南地区、浙江省嘉兴市、天津市等地的新型农村社区建设实践为例进行分析,研究其主要特点和经验。在此基础上,总结出政府主导、推进土地规模经营、农业产业转型、城乡资源统一配置、土地制度创新等有益启示,以推动新型农村建设的健康发展。  相似文献   

程俊玲 《现代妇女》2014,(9):233-234
新型农村社区的建设,有利于提高农民生活质量、加快现代农业发展、改善农村建设环境。新型农村社区作为一种新兴的基层管理模式,为解决我国资源短缺,合并农村产业,提高农村领导班子管理能力提供了一个新的思路。积极开展新型农村社区建设和专项调查研究,为社会主义新农村的建设提供一种切实可行高效有序的管理模式,对推进社会主义新农村建设,完善村民自治制度、扩大基层民主,打破城乡二元结构的限制,促进整个社会城乡经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展意义重大。  相似文献   

本文旨在研究青年民间自组织与社区的互动机制。阐述了从青年自组织发展的趋势、与社区互动研究的必要性,并从分类和组织特征对青年民间自组织进行剖析。重点剖析青年民间自组织与社区两者的互动机制中的现状,从青年民间自组织自身客观局限性、外部受制于多种因素的影响两个角度提出与社区互动中存在的问题,指出推动青年民间自组织与社区互动机制,尤其需要在观念上、机制上\环境上和管理上加以努力。  相似文献   

社区按规模、层次划分,分为大型、中型、小型、微型社区。今后相当长时期内,在我国城市中发展微型社区,是社会转型和现代化的必然要求。青年作为最具活力的群体,在微型社区建设中更应发挥积极的作用,但目前,青年在微型社区建设中的地位不容乐观。笔者于1999年5月对杭州市下城区4个街道中已成立青年社区工作部的5个居民区的居民(35周岁以上)、青年(14~35周岁)进行了抽样问卷调查,回收居民调查问卷418份,青年调查问卷287份。根据调查结果,结合社区建设的基本理论和青年社区工作部成立以来的运行情况,现对青…  相似文献   

日前,在上海市浦东新区政协召开的关注社会组织发展和社工人才队伍建设座谈会上,委员齐声呼吁提高社工的待遇。 此前,浦东新区政协专门组织委员视察花木街道社区戒毒康复中心、青年家园的社会组织。服务于花木街道社区戒毒康复中心的中致社区服务社是在探索预防和减少犯罪工作体系建设背景下,在浦东成立的民办非企业性质的社会组织。  相似文献   

社会主义市场经济体制的逐步完善,城市建设和管理的发展,大大推动了社区建设。同时,也大大促进了社区团体的发展。共青团如何顺应这一趋势,使共青团和青年工作深入社区,由此拓宽共青团工作的领域,充分发挥共青团组织在社区建设中的作用,无疑是新时期共青团组织必须思考和探索的重要课题。一、共青团工作社区化的产生与发展共青团工作的社区化是伴随着社区建设和社区精神文明建设的发展而产生和发展的。我国目前的社区指城市街道。从80年代中期起,作为“社区”一词的前身,“街区”已经在一些街道工作中开始出现。共青团工作的社区…  相似文献   

农村青年对新农村建设主体的认知和实践是农村青年研究的重要方面。共同的利益驱动使农村青年获得主体认知,农村青年认为自己有一定的社会地位并对主体义务有明确的认知。依据在农村的身份、地位、经济实力等因素,农村青年自觉地分成不同的类型,并展现出惰性与积极性并存、紧张性与闲散性并存、责任性与谋利性并存的行为特点。角色分类是客观反映农村青年主体行为的有效方法,农村社会与农村青年是利益社会与社会利益中的人,中间型农村青年可以成为新农村建设的非正式领导力量。  相似文献   

Outmigration of youth has concerned rural communities and researchers for several decades. Yet not all communities experience extensive youth outmigration and some youth want to stay in their rural communities as adults. This article examines youth satisfaction with their current community and the importance of characteristics of the community in which they would like to live as an adult for youth preferences to leave or stay in their rural community. The data are for rural ninth‐grade youth in Pennsylvania from the Rural Youth Education Project. The results suggest that perceptions of available jobs and educational opportunities in both current and future community, parental and friend influences, and the quality of the natural environment and outdoor recreation are important in determining residential aspirations. In particular, identifying a clean natural environment and outdoor recreation as important in the adult community increases the likelihood that rural youth have residential aspirations to stay in their rural community. This research adds to our knowledge about factors important in determining youth residential aspirations by identifying attributes of community beyond jobs and educational opportunities that youth find attractive as they consider places to live as adults.  相似文献   


This article discusses the need for community-based, gay-straight, youth-adult alliances in rural settings and provides a beginning framework for how to create this type of organization. It describes an emerging local community-based alliance of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and youth and adult allies. Unlike school-based gay-straight alliances, this group, known as Prism, is open to youth from several schools in a college town and nearby rural communities.  相似文献   

Prior research on the impacts of boomtowns on youth provides mixed results. Recent qualitative work suggests youth are ambivalent about change associated with extraction of natural gas from the Marcellus Shale. The Rural Youth Education longitudinal study of youth in rural Pennsylvania provides a unique opportunity to examine youth views about their communities before and during development of the Marcellus Shale. We use two waves of data from 10 rural school districts to assess differences in youth reports of how much they liked their community pre‐Marcellus (2005) and during Marcellus activity (2009), creating a natural experiment. Youth characteristics, aspirations, perceptions of job and educational opportunities, and views about their community are included in multinomial multivariate logistic regression models to predict how much youth like their community. We find no difference in youth liking their community pre‐Marcellus, but a larger share of youth in communities experiencing Marcellus activity by 2009 like their community “a lot” than those in areas not affected. The Marcellus effect strengthens when controls for other factors typically associated with extraction activity and views of community are included in the model, suggesting other, unmeasured aspects of Marcellus‐related activity influence how much youth like their community.  相似文献   

Youth involvement in community decision-making is considered a core principle of both youth advocacy and progressive governance. Yet, in many communities formal roles for youth remain limited. This paper presents data from a youth-led participatory budgeting process in Boston, Massachusetts (US). The City of Boston has institutionalized a formal process through which numerous youth can contribute ideas and vote on capital projects to receive city funding. A smaller group of youth are engaged in even greater depth. They are trained and work to facilitate submission of ideas, turn ideas into proposals, and encourage youth voting. We use data to identify concerns expressed by youth, their ideas for solutions, and the movement from ideas to funded projects. Implications for further development of participatory budgeting as a mechanism for youth civic engagement are discussed.  相似文献   

This study compared rural youth exposed to gun violence and rural youth not exposed to gun violence on a number of variables: anger, anxiety, dissociation, depression, posttraumatic stress, total trauma, violent behavior, parental monitoring, and levels of violence in the home, school, and community. One-fourth (25%) of the rural youth in this study reported having been exposed to gun violence at least once. Youth exposed to gun violence reported significantly more anger, dissociation, posttraumatic stress, and total trauma. In addition, youth exposed to the violence of guns reported significantly higher levels of violent behaviors and exposure to violence in other settings and also reported lower levels of parental monitoring. The present study contributes to the growing body of literature addressing the stereotype that rural communities are not immune to the violence of firearms. This stereotype acts as a barrier to mental health practice, research, and policy issues in rural communities.  相似文献   

This article is an enquiry into the social and cultural phenomenon of a group of youth at risk who live in community settlements in isolated rural areas. The aim of the article is to focus upon the ambivalent views these youths at risk have regarding the above communities which were collected in twelve in-depth interviews carried out with youth counsellors, social workers and members of the families of the youths at risk in the community settlements. In the process of analyzing the data the central themes concerning social exclusion versus inclusion as well as the difficulty of defining the boundaries of the community arose. This social arena exhibits how the phenomena of youth at risk at small communities, express the discussion of the legitimate non-conformist reality about new normative boundaries of the community resulting from these adolescents' social processes. We will show how different players simultaneously act in the community in the way they deal with the youth at risk (in non-formal education, teaching and care authorities, the community) and how each of them influences the formation of the definition of its boundaries in their decision to include and embrace or to exclude and ignore the marginal youth among them. In other words not only are different social forces not operating as a consensus by virtue of the struggle they are engaged in, they are even expressing social messages that deal with the formation of the local community in its broadest and narrowest sense.  相似文献   

确立以中国特色社会主义核心价值体系为主导的思想素质和精神支柱,是青年群体实现"中国梦"和人生理想所必备的道德品质成长的基石。精神境界高尚,思想政治素质优良,当代青年运动的方向就能始终代表着时代前进的步伐,成为推动经济与社会发展的生力军。进入新的历史时期,面对国际国内的各种挑战,我们要以科学发展观为指导,以为人民群众服务的社会实践为载体,大力弘扬爱国主义和民族精神,进一步强化思想道德建设,不断构筑当代青年群体强大精神支柱,引导他们在全面建设小康社会、实现"中国梦"的新征程中,奋发进取,继往开来,成长为社会主义的合格建设者和可靠接班人。  相似文献   

青年文化对大学生的政治认同有很大的影响。青年文化中的消费文化、网络文化、浅阅读文化潜伏着削弱大学生政治认同的因素。因此,要以社会主义核心价值引导青年文化建设,形成建设青年文化的合力,遵循青年文化建设中的客观规律,有效提升大学生的政治认同。  相似文献   

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