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On the basis of representative survey data, we examine the distribution effects state lotteries have on the social structure of Germany. Lotteries are highly taxed economic transactions whose proceeds make up a significant share of public fiscal revenues. Our analysis shows that lotteries are a form of regressive taxation. Further, taking the funding of amateur sports as an example, we show that earmarking lottery money increases the regressivity of this tax rather than reducing it. Using key demographic indicators such as levels of income, education, age and migration, we demonstrate the effects of fiscal redistribution. Based on these findings, we discuss implications of earmarking lottery revenues.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the theoretical and empirical analysis of the intergenerational transmission of violence. Within the framework of a systematic theory comparison, the self-control theory (Gottfredson und Hirschi 1990) and the social learning theory (Bandura 1979a, b) are used to analyze the mechanisms relating the experience of parental violence in childhood to the use of violence in adolescence (the so-called cycle of violence). The analyses are based on a survey of ninth-graders from schools in Dortmund and Stuttgart (n?=?4583) conducted by the Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony (KFN) in 2005. Data analyses are carried out based on linear structural equation modeling. The results reveal that both self-control and social learning processes mediate between the experience of violent parenting and the prevalence of juvenile violence; however, a greater relative share of the cycle of violence can be traced back to social learning processes. The systematic theory comparison points out that the social learning theory provides the superior explanation of the cycle of violence. The results of the study are discussed with regard to their implications for further theory development.  相似文献   

Germany is currently experiencing a huge inflow of migrants. In this vignette study, we analyze how much different kinds of migrants are accepted in Germany. We investigate three different rights for migrants: the right to stay in Germany, the right to work in Germany and the right to receive social benefits. Our results show that people who flee from political persecution are much more accepted compared to migrants who come because of economic reasons. This is particularly true for the right to receive social benefits. On the other hand, our results suggest that there is a strong preference for high-skilled and culturally non-distant migrants. Concerns regarding individual competition on the job market seem to play only a minor role.  相似文献   

Only a few studies have addressed the role of alternative paths in German secondary education. These paths were introduced to reduce social inequalities. However, there is much controversy regarding whether alternative paths actually do reduce inequalities. Schindler most recently discussed in the Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie that this controversy is due in part to different understandings of how empirical studies assess the effect of social origin. This article adopts and critically extends this point by arguing that, from a social inequality point of view, alternative paths can only be understood adequately if research reconstructs the effect of social origin systematically and as holistically as possible. Additionally, we raise the question whether the measure that is traditionally used by educational research to assess social inequalities (Odds Ratios) is really the most adequate one to understand how alternative paths impact on inequalities in educational attainment. Instead we suggest the estimation of Average Marginal Effects.  相似文献   

Social criticism, social learning (action learning), (self-)reflection and interventions into social systems have always been important categories for group dynamics and action research. In chapter one their understanding of ?intervention“ is elaborated, a term that came in use in the context of small groups. Only later this term was also transferred to organizations and institutions. Starting from basic ideas of group dynamics the article investigates to what extent the learning models and ideas to organize social processes that come from laboratory situations can be made fruitful towards a science of intervention (chapter two). In practice a number of group dynamic models for research and professional acting are used (consulting, organization development, training, contract research) but the special method of insight producing and consciousness raising intervention is paid little attention to in social science. It is therefore advisable to estimate these practical experiences higher, in order to make them accessible for a respectable development of theory (case study in chapter two). The way of group dynamics towards an intervention science is a current challenge that all applied social sciences are facing nowadays; the development of a dialectic understanding of science seems to be necessary in this context.  相似文献   

This comment critically focuses upon Volker Kunz’s (KFfSS Vol. 52, 2000: 195–225) empirical findings concerning the political and institutional underpinnings of economic development in the OECD world. It is argued that a most similar systems design is inappropriate to explore the political sources of economic growth. Reanalyzing the determinants of economic growth rates in a cross-section of 21 OECD countries provides little evidence for a political dimension of economic development. More specifically, I cannot replicate his findings that consensus democracy and distributional coalitions hamper economic growth. It is shown that long-term economic growth rates first and foremost are determined by economic catch-up resulting from differentials in initial levels of economic development.  相似文献   

The discussion of educational professionalization actually focuses on concepts of health promotion instead of disease prevention (e.g., Dauber und D?ring-Seipel, Salutogenese in Lehrberuf und Schule (SALUS), 2008). This paper follows the direction in presenting a method of promoting salutogenesis development (Antonovsky, Salutogenese. Zur Entmystifizierung der Gesundheit, 1997) by case reflections. These case reflections consist of a change of perspectives and of an approach of mental selfregulation called Introvision.  相似文献   

The following presents a creative method that is a suitable way to achieve group-dynamic processes on an intense level within the range of adult education, which can be performed in a relatively short time. After a statement of objectives for the specific community-favorable action, the context is described and dealt in detail with the used method. A view of possible obstacles and challenges of the method will be given, followed by a concrete moderation. After presenting the result the conclusion will be drawn.  相似文献   

Common occupational health problems, especially low back pain, are associated with physical demands of work, like lifting heavy weights. The study examined a multidimensional methodological approach (BASE) to reduce physical stresses in a logistic company in three stages: (1) theoretical background and implementation of the program, (2) evaluation of outcome-effects of a box lifting training (10 weeks) and (3) learning and lasting effects of workers?? knowledge and behaviour with regard to ergonomic box lifting. Video analysis and questionnaires were used for breakdown analysis. Stage (2) and (3) collected intervention effects with a controlled pre?\post test design (N?=?41 males; 37.8?±?10.8 y.). The breakdown analysis revealed low back pain (65?%) as a result of repeated manual lifting processes. Participants of the intervention showed a more ergonomic movement initiated by a more functional cognitive representation in long term memory. We suggest that especially this group of employees, with little motivation to participate in health promotion, benefit from the whole methodological approach of the BASE-program.  相似文献   

Due to the rapid growth and expansion of so-called Megachurches, the religious landscape of the United States has been changing greatly over the past decades. The term Megachurch usually refers to evangelical congregations which draw at least 2,000 attenders to their regular weekly services and often significantly more. Megachurches can be thought of as representing a novel form of congregation. This study explores their specific organizational features. It addresses the following questions: (1) How do Megachurches cope with the structural strains caused by their rapid growth? (2) What are the organizational factors which are contributing to their success? The investigation consists of two parts: First, we examine the growth doctrine of the Megachurches, which draws its legitimation from religious sources and has to be viewed in a larger context of churches and religious audiences in the United States. Second, we focus on the internal organization structures that reproduce the patterns of dynamic stability underlying this growth doctrine.  相似文献   

In 1995, on the occasion of the legal suit charged by the Belgian footballer at the European Supreme Court, a decision was made which recognized the practising of high performance sports as a proper profession. Consequently, high performance sportsmen and -women have become sole entrepreneurs or freelancers, unrestricted by customary club traditions including, for example, transfer fees, and the players are not treated as foreigners within the EU. The release from club membership has had a particularly strong effect on the structure and team formation. Teams are assembled for a season; players of different origin try to achieve a successful position in the market with top team performance. Little importance is placed on long-term commitment. The team is the community. Teams have become interchangeable for players. Similar short-term teams can be found in all walks of society, for instance, companies, administrative organisations, the social services, hospitals etc. Everywhere people swear by the teams, develop an unexplainable we-feeling which is reinforced by the common objective as well as the awareness of each respective team member that they are dealing with a short-term venture. Teams are dissolved and reformed in different constellations with the next change in circumstances. The mutuality consists of a grouping of individuals who see each other as a means for their own ends. Group feeling, for example, a sense of belonging, is replaced by individualism and flexibility.  相似文献   

The notion of continuous change in organizations assumes that change has no stipulated transitional stages but is a process of perpetual flow. The process of change has come to be seen as a never ending demand on the competence and talents of organizations and persons. In order to be capable of meeting the continuous challenge on their flexibility “organizations” need, more than ever before, to have stable and socially integrated structures. Managers must therefore – in the sense of Lewins dictum “to transform passive participants into active participants” (Fatzer 2002,S:136) – and in order to successfully bring about the processes of change, increasingly occupy themselves with the themes of stabilization and institutionalization. Stabilizing structures, individual roles and management learn and development processes,and the method of evolving them, are critical factors towards the success of every organisational developmental process.  相似文献   

The following contribution is preoccupied with the question of, what conditions, for example what framework is necessary, in order to coach clients in a skilled and sustainable manner – sustainable in the sense of aware, balanced ,and very important long-lasting – supportive to development. Coaching in the following will not be considered as an attempt to optimize achievement or viewed as an instrument towards the short termed attainment of goals, but on the contrary as a process of development , which swings between the stabilization and the destabilization of the client. In this article we will consider the level of the settings and the interventions.  相似文献   

In this article the learning between different generations in Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) is discussed. Therefore the development and history of NGOs as a special kind of organisations is presented before the relationship between different generations is analysed within two steps. Firstly the voluntary engagement of different age groups is taken into account and secondly the learning opportunities between different generations in NGOs are theoretically reflected. Finally the challenges of intergenerational relationships within NGOs and the possibilities of institutionalised intergenerational learning are described.  相似文献   

This article gives an overview on five empirical studies on the effects of training in Introvision on improving health. Introvision is a newly developed, research based method of mental self-regulation aiming at resolving inner conflicts. To put it briefly, Introvision is a method of combining principles of cognitive behavior therapy with a special kind of mindfulness, thus aiming at extinguishing the habitual coupling of core cognitions with heightened arousal, tension and inhibition. In this article, two general hypotheses on the effects of Introvision on health are developed based on the theory of mental introference. The results of three controlled empirical studies show that introvision leads to significant improvement in reducing chronic health problems. Specifically, there were significant improvements (1) of hearing (in case of presbyacusis), (2) in lessening the strain of tinnitus and (3) in reducing and resolving chronic neck tensions. Also, training in Introvision led to significant long-term reduction of chronic stress (prae, post) in various groups (e.g. high-performance sports, managers). After the ending of training in Introvision, chronic stress was decreased even further significantly (post vs. follow-up).  相似文献   

Despite a rising participation of fathers in taking parental leave, the higher proportion of this time is still used by mothers. What are the reasons and what combination within partnerships supports or prevents fathers from taking parental leave? The distribution of economic resources, family orientation and, occupational frameworks among the partners prior to the birth of their first child effect the use of fathers’ parental leave. The utilisation of multinominal logistic regression has shown the probabilities for fathers taking 1) more than two months, 2) only one or two months, or 3) no parental leave. The analysis focuses on dual-income couples and is based on an online-survey of the DZHW-graduate panel studies cohort 2001 surveyed in 2012. A higher income of the father as well as a more supportive job environment for his partner and a higher family orientation of his partner are negatively correlated with the probability of parental leave. Supportive factors are a higher family orientation of the father himself and the parental leave rules from 2007.  相似文献   

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