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基于战略的制度基础观,本文认为在中国限制性行业中,企业战略行为的变化主要受制于其所在的制度环境,企业在制度框架下所具备的合法性高低决定了其战略行为的变化情况.依照历史发展的脉络,我们采用离散事件历史分析方法,对我国20多家汽车企业在1980年代到1990年代之间的轿车合资行为进行了考察,发现企业的声望和能力是汽车企业取得合法性的两个重要因素.研究发现,限制性行业中影响企业合法性的因素与其它行业有所不同,而合法性高的汽车企业成为行业中战略行为改变的先行者.  相似文献   

朱蓉  曹丽卿  赵佳鑫 《管理评论》2022,(10):235-244
创新是企业生存之本,获得市场认可的创新成为企业可持续发展的驱动力量。基于组织印记和制度创业视角,对中国上市互联网金融企业合法化战略选择及其影响因素与绩效的关系进行研究,构建了“组织印记-合法化战略-绩效”的理论模型。通过收集企业经营数据、对权威媒体报道进行内容分析等方法获取了111家中国上市互联网金融企业2014—2017年的数据,运用面板数据的多元回归分析等方法进行实证检验。研究发现:行业经验对合法化战略和企业绩效有正向影响,且合法化战略,即依从型和操纵型战略具有部分中介作用;法律环境负向调节行业经验与绩效以及依从型战略与绩效的关系。将组织印记、企业合法化战略及组织绩效联系起来,延伸了对组织合法性这一制度理论核心议题的研究,强调了历史意识对探究组织变革的意义,也为中国互联网金融实践提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

魏江  王丁  刘洋 《管理世界》2020,(3):101-119,M0004,236
新兴经济体企业在跨国并购中如何根据不同类型来源国劣势来做出合法化战略选择?通过对吉利和万向六次跨国并购的多案例分析,本文打破现有文献关于"来自相同国家的企业面临相似来源国劣势"这一"同质化假定",把来源国劣势构念化为制度维和产品维。通过归纳式案例研究,本文发现,对于产品维的来源国劣势,新兴经济体企业倾向于通过组织制度设计、资源协同和声誉重构等合法性修复战略进行应对。对于制度维的来源国劣势,新兴经济体企业倾向于采用制度遵从、组织制度设计、资源协同等合法性获取战略来应对。当面临产品维和制度维双重劣势时,新兴经济体企业综合运用制度遵从、组织制度设计、资源协同、声誉重构等合法性获取和合法性修复战略,重点强调沟通协调这一合法性维持战略来应对。这些发现贡献于新兴经济体企业在跨国并购,乃至于更广意义国际化的文献,并对中国企业跨国并购过程有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

"合法性"是企业竞争优势的重要基础,企业社区参与(CCI)能使企业获得合法性。然而,CCI如何使企业获得合法性以及究竟使企业获得了什么样的合法性却鲜有探究。为此,本文通过对百步亭与万科十余年社区参与过程的纵向双案例研究,探讨了CCI各阶段合法性的形成与演化。研究发现:(1)CCI战略随阶段发展对CCI活动起动态引导作用;CCI过程中企业—居委会—志愿者的互动模式随行动者行为角色、行为动机和行为方式的转变而演化;社区能力的不同要素在不同互动模式的转换中向更高层面提升;CCI过程中的互动直接形成企业内部合法性,同时,这些互动通过促进社区能力成长来形成企业外部合法性。(2)企业合法性是一个连续变量,随着CCI阶段的发展其内部合法性有在程度上积累增加,外部合法性有在范围上逐渐扩大的趋势。本文的主要贡献在于解析了企业合法性形成与演化的微观机制,揭示了企业合法性作为一个连续变量的演化特征,对企业通过社区参与来获取合法性具有重要的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

基于合法性视角的企业核心能力形成与演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于合法性视角构建了企业核心能力形成与演化的框架,以广东温氏为例加以检验和修订,得到了如下结论:中国转型经济情境下,企业合法性倾向选择在核心能力形成演化过程中扮演了关键角色,其直接决定了企业战略反应并通过企业战略反应影响核心能力的形成与演化;在多重制度压力下,企业倾向于整体上采用妥协性的合法性倾向选择;合作精神也是企业家精神不可分割的重要组成部分,在正式制度不健全的环境条件下,合作精神为主导的企业倾向于采用顺从程度更高的合法性倾向选择;从长期来看,企业前一阶段所形成的核心能力,对后一阶段的制度压力、企业家精神与企业合法性倾向选择具有重要影响.  相似文献   

组织如何在合法性压力的趋同和竞争压力的差异化中做出选择,一直是战略研究关注的焦点。战略选择理论虽然突破新制度理论的约束,强调组织通过自身主动性战略来应对制度同形压力,但并未凸显导致组织战略背离的深层次诱因。本文从期望理论和企业行为理论出发,探讨行业竞争期望对战略背离的影响,分析组织外部环境(经济政策不确定性和产业竞争性)与内部资源(高管团队社会资本和组织冗余)对上述关系的影响。研究发现:当企业实际绩效低于行业竞争期望时,组织为扭转行业竞争劣势的局面,会实施偏离行业既定水平的战略突破,即随着行业竞争期望落差的扩大,组织战略背离的程度越强;经济政策不确定性会弱化行业竞争期望落差与战略背离之间的关系,而行业竞争程度、高管团队社会资本和组织冗余则会强化上述关系。本研究从行业竞争期望的视角透析组织战略背离的决策动机及影响机制,扩展了战略背离的微观机制分析。  相似文献   

从合法性的视角出发,基于对7个案例的分析,考察了企业战略行动成败与行动进程安排之间的关系.研究发现: ①在初始合法性不完备,或者因政策变化导致战略行动面临合法性危机时,战略行动进程安排对战略行动成败有至关重要的影响;②战略行动的横向拆分和纵向拆分都有可能降低合法性要求,甚至改变合法性要求的性质,但是2种拆分方式应对合法性危机的效果是不同的;③对民营企业来说,为了应对合法性风险,应尽量选择横向拆分;④对国有企业来说,尽管横向拆分能够降低风险,但是却可能使项目萎缩,不能达到战略目标,而纵向拆分更有可能与政府利益进行捆绑,可以调动更多的力量支持自己的行为.  相似文献   

中国企业“走出去”实现国际化扩张、获取海外资源过程中,面临着多重制度嵌入以及相应的制度压力。基于全球合法性构建的战略考虑,企业会选择母国社会责任脱耦(即企业社会责任实践(“做”)与社会责任报告(“说”)不一致)回应母国和东道国制度逻辑冲突。文章基于制度逻辑视角,利用2011—2018年中国上市公司研究样本数据,分析了国际化程度对于母国社会责任脱耦的影响,检验了行业竞争压力和制度差距的调节作用。实证结果发现:(1)随着国际化程度加强,企业在母国市场的反应性社会责任脱耦减弱,而战略性社会责任脱耦加强;(2)行业竞争压力削弱了国际化程度和母国反应性社会责任脱耦的负向关系,而对国际化程度和母国战略性社会责任脱耦的正向关系具有强化作用;(3)制度逆差对于国际化程度和母国反应性社会责任脱耦关系具有负向调节作用。研究结论为新兴经济体企业如何通过社会责任战略回应国际化的复杂制度压力和合法性要求提供了经验借鉴。  相似文献   

服务供应链战略互动与协同价值对合法性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于能力观和制度合法性等理论,运用实证研究的方法验证服务供应链中服务集成商与客户企业之间的战略互动关系以及集成服务和产品服务价值实现对伙伴关系合法性的作用.基于资源依赖理论和服务供应链理论阐述服务集成商与客户企业的战略互动、协同价值实现和伙伴关系合法性,并在此基础上提出三者之间的关系,即战略互动对伙伴关系合法性的影响以及协同价值实现的不同表现,特别是集成服务对以上路径的中介作用.研究结果表明,服务集成商与客户企业之间的战略互动是影响服务供应链上下游企业产生伙伴关系合法性的显著因素,尤其是服务集成商的集成服务价值实现是伙伴关系合法性形成的关键中介变量,而产品服务的价值实现并不能推动服务集成商与客户企业之间的关系合法性.  相似文献   

引入企业社会责任领域的合法性理论,分析企业危机情境下的合法性策略及其效应.首先,通过8家案例企业分析总结出合法性策略的2个维度(价值维度和行为维度);接着,利用2(反应时间:快、慢)×4(4种合法性策略)实验检验了4类策略的效果及时间因素的调节作用.结果显示,价值维度和行为维度的交互作用显著,不同合法性策略直接影响公众对企业态度的变化,时间因素有调节作用.  相似文献   

穆文  江旭 《管理科学》2016,29(1):28-39
近年来,企业间战略联盟在全世界范围内越来越普遍。联盟的高失败率使企业界和理论界人士开始关注如何实现联盟成功。在长期的联盟活动中,联盟企业都积累了各自独特的一整套被称为联盟管理实践的方法、流程和技能,以提高联盟管理能力、实现联盟预期目标。依据组织学习和关系理论,联盟企业能够从合作伙伴那里获取有价值的联盟管理实践并将其应用于自身的联盟管理活动,这一过程必然有益于联盟管理。然而,鲜有研究探讨联盟管理实践获取行为对联盟成功的影响。 基于以上考虑,引入联盟管理能力和共同行动两个概念,分别作为中介变量和调节变量,构建一个被调节的中介效应模型,以更好地揭示联盟管理实践获取对联盟成功的作用机理。为了检验上述被调节的中介效应模型及相关的作用机理,利用从中国大陆收集的调研数据进行实证研究。最终的样本包含205家联盟企业,且每家企业有两位关键信息提供者,综合采用逐步线性回归和被调节的路径分析方法验证假设。 研究结果表明,联盟管理实践获取通过联盟管理能力这一中介机制最终促进联盟成功,共同行动正向调节联盟管理能力与联盟成功的关系,存在假设中的被调节的中介效应。也就是说,联盟管理实践获取对联盟成功的影响需要通过提升联盟管理能力来实现;同时,联盟双方共同行动水平越高,这一过程越容易实现。 联盟管理实践获取为解释联盟成功的作用机理提供了一个新的视角,拓展了联盟管理能力方面的研究,尤其表现为同时关注联盟管理能力的前因和结果,将组织学习理论和关系理论统一整合到联盟成功研究的框架下,这可视为两大理论的创新性应用。此外,研究结果为现实中联盟企业实现联盟成功指出一条新路,即从合作伙伴处获取有价值的联盟管理实践以促进联盟成功。  相似文献   

This paper studies the motivation that drives NGO-firm collaborations, factors that contribute to their success and threats the partners face. It builds on existing literature that studies collaborations between firms and examines whether they differ from collaborations between NGOs and private-owned companies. Although they are similar in many aspects, they differ on others. For instance, firms often collaborate with NGOs to get access to the reputation and legitimacy of an NGO. In contrast, NGOs usually enter a collaboration with a corporate partner to advance its managerial skills and receive financial resources. There are also differences on how firms and NGOs measure the performance and success of a firm-NGO relationship: while firms primarily seek financial success, NGOs pursue more ideological goals and offer intangible assets such as reputation and authenticity that are more difficult to quantify. Finally, an NGO suffers more if a partner does not behave in a way that respects the partnership and damages the reputation and legitimacy of the NGO. This is problematic for NGOs, since reputation and legitimacy are their key resources.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of the degree of industry globalization on international alliance formation in terms of the type of alliance chosen by partner firms and stock market responses to the chosen type of alliance. Using a sample of 244 international alliances formed between U.S. and non-U.S. firms for the 1992–97 period, we find that nonjoint venture (joint venture) alliances take place relatively more frequently in global (multidomestic) industries than in multidomestic (global) industries. We also find that in global industries, abnormal returns to nonjoint venture partners are relatively greater than those to joint venture partners, whereas in multidomestic industries, abnormal returns to nonjoint venture partners are relatively smaller, though insignificant, than those to joint venture partners. Our findings suggest that the degree of industry globalization plays an important role in explaining which type of international alliance is likely to be chosen by partner firms when entering an alliance and how stock markets tend to respond to the chosen type of alliance.  相似文献   

Venture Survival in a Transitional Economy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many formerly controlled economies have undergone discontinuous transformations in their approach to markets, institutional environments, and the role of government in economic activity. We study the factors that affect venture survival in a transitional economy through a two-stage study of private ventures in Hungary. We find that ventures survive under uncertainty, even without significant government support. Industry experience, networking activities, and the strategic orientation of the firms predict survival. Contrary to our predictions, SOE experience, access to infrastructure, and differentiation strategies do not significantly differentiate survivors.  相似文献   

This paper aims to understand when foreign and domestic firms have different likelihoods of syndication in venture capital investments. Although current theory may imply that foreign firms face the liability of foreignness that constrain their syndication opportunities, empirical studies provide quite mixed evidence. To address this issue, this study emphasizes the contingency roles of settings, experience, and reputation. In particular, I argue that foreign firms are more likely to syndicate, compared with domestic ones, when focal investments are less mature, or when local markets are colder and less capitalized. However, the difference in syndication between foreign and domestic firms decreases when they accumulate more experience or when they acquire higher reputation. I find empirical evidence from a sample of venture capital investments in China, UK, and the Netherlands. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed at the end.  相似文献   

本研究分析了我国软件产业企业集群形成的动因和软件产业企业集群策动与策应能力,通过企业集群策动与策应机制进行建模与分析,根据软件产业不同的战略发展阶段、不同的战略群体,对软件产业政府的最优策动策略和企业集群中企业的最优策应策略进行探讨与研究。  相似文献   

Based on a study of new investment announcements from 1989 to 1995 by Italian firms listed on the Milan Stock Exchange, we find a positive stock price reaction to new investment decisions. The stock price reaction is larger for joint venture announcements. The market response is also larger for non-state owned companies and when the announcement is released in a period of rising stock prices. The announced investment has no impact on the non-voting shares but increases the voting shares' market price through a significant revaluation of their vote-segment. We find some evidence that new investments lead to management's private benefits rather than towards firm value. This is consistent with the typical Italian corporate governance structure, where a majority shareholder safely controls a listed company while having only a fractional claim on the firm's cash flows.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explain the competitive advantages of the small firm in the capabilities perspective. It begins by identifying the kinds of strategic assets possessed by small firms. It argues that entrepreneurship and a simple capital structure are the sources of dynamism for small firms. The relationship between the small firm's resources and its capabilities are then critically examined. In particular, the analysis focuses on the influences of strategic assets on the organizational flexibility – a significant source of competitive advantage enjoyed by small firms. The competitive attributes of small firms are further discussed in terms of firm's internal and external capabilities. Finally, the relationship between the small firm's capabilities and the choice of technology strategies is examined.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the determinants of corporate reputation, derived from the assessments of managers and market analysts, of a sample of large UK firms. Along with the influences of a variety of firm attributes, we find a reputational effect associated with a female presence at board level. This effect varies across sectors and demonstrates the influence of a firm's stakeholder environment in determining whether a female presence on the board enhances or harms the reputation of the firm. The pattern that emerges indicates that the presence of women on the board is favourably viewed in only those sectors that operate close to final consumers. We argue that the nature of this effect reflects an imperative for equality of representation that highlights the need to reflect gender diversity among customers.  相似文献   

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