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We study the asymptotic behavior of the marginal expected shortfall when the two random variables are asymptotic independent but positively associated, which is modeled by the so-called tail dependent coefficient. We construct an estimator of the marginal expected shortfall, which is shown to be asymptotically normal. The finite sample performance of the estimator is investigated in a small simulation study. The method is also applied to estimate the expected amount of rainfall at a weather station given that there is a once every 100 years rainfall at another weather station nearby.  相似文献   

We extend the log‐mean linear parameterization for binary data to discrete variables with arbitrary number of levels and show that also in this case it can be used to parameterize bi‐directed graph models. Furthermore, we show that the log‐mean linear parameterization allows one to simultaneously represent marginal independencies among variables and marginal independencies that only appear when certain levels are collapsed into a single one. We illustrate the application of this property by means of an example based on genetic association studies involving single‐nucleotide polymorphisms. More generally, this feature provides a natural way to reduce the parameter count, while preserving the independence structure, by means of substantive constraints that give additional insight into the association structure of the variables. © 2014 Board of the Foundation of the Scandinavian Journal of Statistics  相似文献   

A previously known result in the econometrics literature is that when covariates of an underlying data generating process are jointly normally distributed, estimates from a nonlinear model that is misspecified as linear can be interpreted as average marginal effects. This has been shown for models with exogenous covariates and separability between covariates and errors. In this paper, we extend this identification result to a variety of more general cases, in particular for combinations of separable and nonseparable models under both exogeneity and endogeneity. So long as the underlying model belongs to one of these large classes of data generating processes, our results show that nothing else must be known about the true DGP—beyond normality of observable data, a testable assumption—in order for linear estimators to be interpretable as average marginal effects. We use simulation to explore the performance of these estimators using a misspecified linear model and show they perform well when the data are normal but can perform poorly when this is not the case.  相似文献   

Linear models are generally reliable methods for analyzing tumor growth in vivo, with drug effectiveness being represented by the steepness of the regression slope. With immunotherapy, however, not all tumor growth follows a linear pattern, even after log transformation. Tumor kinetics models are mechanistic models that describe tumor proliferation and tumor killing macroscopically, through a set of differential equations. In drug combination studies, although an additional drug‐drug interaction term can be added to such models, however, the drug interactions suggested by tumor kinetics models cannot be translated directly into synergistic effects. We have developed a novel statistical approach that simultaneously models tumor growth in control, monotherapy, and combination therapy groups. This approach makes it possible to test for synergistic effects directly and to compare such effects among different studies.  相似文献   

For the analysis of square contingency tables with nominal categories, this paper proposes two kinds of models that indicate the structure of marginal inhomogeneity. One model states that the absolute values of log odds of the row marginal probability to the corresponding column marginal probability for each category i are constant for every i. The other model states that, on the condition that an observation falls in one of the off-diagonal cells in the square table, the absolute values of log odds of the conditional row marginal probability to the corresponding conditional column marginal probability for each category i are constant for every i. These models are used when the marginal homogeneity model does not hold, and the values of parameters in the models are useful for seeing the degree of departure from marginal homogeneity for the data on a nominal scale. Examples are given.  相似文献   

In models using categorical data, one may use adjacency relations to justify smoothing to improve upon simple histogram approximations of the probabilities. This is particularly convenient for sparsely observed or rather peaked distributions. Moreover, in a few models, prior knowledge of a marginal distribution is available. We adapt local polynomial estimators to include this partial information about the underlying distribution and give explicit representations for the proposed estimators. An application to a set of anthropological data is included.  相似文献   

In practice, data are often measured repeatedly on the same individual at several points in time. Main interest often relies in characterizing the way the response changes in time, and the predictors of that change. Marginal, mixed and transition are frequently considered to be the main models for continuous longitudinal data analysis. These approaches are proposed primarily for balanced longitudinal design. However, in clinic studies, data are usually not balanced and some restrictions are necessary in order to use these models. This paper was motivated by a data set related to longitudinal height measurements in children of HIV-infected mothers that was recorded at the university hospital of the Federal University in Minas Gerais, Brazil. This data set is severely unbalanced. The goal of this paper is to assess the application of continuous longitudinal models for the analysis of unbalanced data set.  相似文献   

Estimation in Semiparametric Marginal Shared Gamma Frailty Models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The semiparametric marginal shared frailty models in survival analysis have the non–parametric hazard functions multiplied by a random frailty in each cluster, and the survival times conditional on frailties are assumed to be independent. In addition, the marginal hazard functions have the same form as in the usual Cox proportional hazard models. In this paper, an approach based on maximum likelihood and expectation–maximization is applied to semiparametric marginal shared gamma frailty models, where the frailties are assumed to be gamma distributed with mean 1 and variance θ. The estimates of the fixed–effect parameters and their standard errors obtained using this approach are compared in terms of both bias and efficiency with those obtained using the extended marginal approach. Similarly, the standard errors of our frailty variance estimates are found to compare favourably with those obtained using other methods. The asymptotic distribution of the frailty variance estimates is shown to be a 50–50 mixture of a point mass at zero and a truncated normal random variable on the positive axis for θ0 = 0. Simulations demonstrate that, for θ0 < 0, it is approximately an x −(100 − x )%, 0 ≤ x ≤ 50, mixture between a point mass at zero and a truncated normal random variable on the positive axis for small samples and small values of θ0; otherwise, it is approximately normal.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to discuss methods for testing the homogeneity of treatment‐induced changes in trials with paired categorical responses. Widely used marginal homogeneity tests ignore the information contained in concordant pairs of observations and become highly underpowered for configurations of parameters encountered in real trials. This paper considers models for paired binary or ordinal outcomes based on both discordant and concordant pairs that provide a natural extension of marginal models. Likelihood‐ratio tests associated with these models are developed and are demonstrated to be at least as powerful as or more powerful than marginal homogeneity tests. The proposed models are easy to fit using standard statistical software. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We consider mixed effects models for longitudinal, repeated measures or clustered data. Unmeasured or omitted covariates in such models may be correlated with the included covanates, and create model violations when not taken into account. Previous research and experience with longitudinal data sets suggest a general form of model which should be considered when omitted covariates are likely, such as in observational studies. We derive the marginal model between the response variable and included covariates, and consider model fitting using the ordinary and weighted least squares methods, which require simple non-iterative computation and no assumptions on the distribution of random covariates or error terms, Asymptotic properties of the least squares estimators are also discussed. The results shed light on the structure of least squares estimators in mixed effects models, and provide large sample procedures for statistical inference and prediction based on the marginal model. We present an example of the relationship between fluid intake and output in very low birth weight infants, where the model is found to have the assumed structure.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Context specific interaction models is a class of interaction models for contingency tables in which interaction terms are allowed to vanish in specific contexts given by the levels of sets of variables. Such restrictions can entail conditional independencies which only hold for some values of the conditioning variables and allows also for irrelevance of some variables in specific contexts. A Markov property is established and so is an iterative proportional scaling algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation. Decomposition of the estimation problem is treated and model selection is discussed.  相似文献   

The log-linear model is a tool widely accepted for modelling discrete data given in a contingency table. Although its parameters reflect the interaction structure in the joint distribution of all variables, it does not give information about structures appearing in the margins of the table. This is in contrast to multivariate logistic parameters, recently introduced by Glonek & McCullagh (1995), which have as parameters the highest order log odds ratios derived from the joint table and from each marginal table. Glonek & McCullagh give the link between the cell probabilities and the multivariate logistic parameters, in an algebraic fashion. The present paper focuses on this link, showing that it is derived by general parameter transformations in exponential families. In particular, the connection between the natural, the expectation and the mixed parameterization in exponential families (Barndorff-Nielsen, 1978) is used; this also yields the derivatives of the likelihood equation and shows properties of the Fisher matrix. The paper emphasises the analysis of independence hypotheses in margins of a contingency table.  相似文献   

In this paper,we propose a class of general partially linear varying-coefficient transformation models for ranking data. In the models, the functional coefficients are viewed as nuisance parameters and approximated by B-spline smoothing approximation technique. The B-spline coefficients and regression parameters are estimated by rank-based maximum marginal likelihood method. The three-stage Monte Carlo Markov Chain stochastic approximation algorithm based on ranking data is used to compute estimates and the corresponding variances for all the B-spline coefficients and regression parameters. Through three simulation studies and a Hong Kong horse racing data application, the proposed procedure is illustrated to be accurate, stable and practical.  相似文献   

Likelihood-based marginalized models using random effects have become popular for analyzing longitudinal categorical data. These models permit direct interpretation of marginal mean parameters and characterize the serial dependence of longitudinal outcomes using random effects [12,22]. In this paper, we propose model that expands the use of previous models to accommodate longitudinal nominal data. Random effects using a new covariance matrix with a Kronecker product composition are used to explain serial and categorical dependence. The Quasi-Newton algorithm is developed for estimation. These proposed methods are illustrated with a real data set and compared with other standard methods.  相似文献   

Abstract.  CG-regressions are multivariate regression models for mixed continuous and discrete responses that result from conditioning in the class of conditional Gaussian (CG) models. Their conditional independence structure can be read off a marked graph. The property of collapsibility, in this context, means that the multivariate CG-regression can be decomposed into lower dimensional regressions that are still CG and are consistent with the corresponding subgraphs. We derive conditions for this property that can easily be checked on the graph, and indicate computational advantages of this kind of collapsibility. Further, a simple graphical condition is given for checking whether a decomposition into univariate regressions is possible.  相似文献   

Abstract. We propose an extension of graphical log‐linear models to allow for symmetry constraints on some interaction parameters that represent homologous factors. The conditional independence structure of such quasi‐symmetric (QS) graphical models is described by an undirected graph with coloured edges, in which a particular colour corresponds to a set of equality constraints on a set of parameters. Unlike standard QS models, the proposed models apply with contingency tables for which only some variables or sets of the variables have the same categories. We study the graphical properties of such models, including conditions for decomposition of model parameters and of maximum likelihood estimates.  相似文献   

Gaussian graphical models represent the backbone of the statistical toolbox for analyzing continuous multivariate systems. However, due to the intrinsic properties of the multivariate normal distribution, use of this model family may hide certain forms of context-specific independence that are natural to consider from an applied perspective. Such independencies have been earlier introduced to generalize discrete graphical models and Bayesian networks into more flexible model families. Here, we adapt the idea of context-specific independence to Gaussian graphical models by introducing a stratification of the Euclidean space such that a conditional independence may hold in certain segments but be absent elsewhere. It is shown that the stratified models define a curved exponential family, which retains considerable tractability for parameter estimation and model selection.  相似文献   

We propose a class of general partially linear additive transformation models (GPLATM) with right-censored survival data in this work. The class of models are flexible enough to cover many commonly used parametric and nonparametric survival analysis models as its special cases. Based on the B spline interpolation technique, we estimate the unknown regression parameters and functions by the maximum marginal likelihood estimation method. One important feature of the estimation procedure is that it does not need the baseline and censoring cumulative density distributions. Some numerical studies illustrate that this procedure can work very well for the moderate sample size.  相似文献   

Dependence in outcome variables may pose formidable difficulty in analyzing data in longitudinal studies. In the past, most of the studies made attempts to address this problem using the marginal models. However, using the marginal models alone, it is difficult to specify the measures of dependence in outcomes due to association between outcomes as well as between outcomes and explanatory variables. In this paper, a generalized approach is demonstrated using both the conditional and marginal models. This model uses link functions to test for dependence in outcome variables. The estimation and test procedures are illustrated with an application to the mobility index data from the Health and Retirement Survey and also simulations are performed for correlated binary data generated from the bivariate Bernoulli distributions. The results indicate the usefulness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Data sets with excess zeroes are frequently analyzed in many disciplines. A common framework used to analyze such data is the zero-inflated (ZI) regression model. It mixes a degenerate distribution with point mass at zero with a non-degenerate distribution. The estimates from ZI models quantify the effects of covariates on the means of latent random variables, which are often not the quantities of primary interest. Recently, marginal zero-inflated Poisson (MZIP; Long et al. [A marginalized zero-inflated Poisson regression model with overall exposure effects. Stat. Med. 33 (2014), pp. 5151–5165]) and negative binomial (MZINB; Preisser et al., 2016) models have been introduced that model the mean response directly. These models yield covariate effects that have simple interpretations that are, for many applications, more appealing than those available from ZI regression. This paper outlines a general framework for marginal zero-inflated models where the latent distribution is a member of the exponential dispersion family, focusing on common distributions for count data. In particular, our discussion includes the marginal zero-inflated binomial (MZIB) model, which has not been discussed previously. The details of maximum likelihood estimation via the EM algorithm are presented and the properties of the estimators as well as Wald and likelihood ratio-based inference are examined via simulation. Two examples presented illustrate the advantages of MZIP, MZINB, and MZIB models for practical data analysis.  相似文献   

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