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Due to the changing competitive landscape, organizations must increasingly focus on acquiring external knowledge to advance new technologies. This study examines the institutionalization of knowledge transfer activities between industrial firms and university research centers. Data were collected from 189 firms collaborating with 21 university research centers in the US. Results show that knowledge transfer activities are facilitated when industrial firms have more mechanistic structures, cultures that are more stable and direction-oriented, and when the firm is more trusting of its university research center partner. Implications for both industry and universities, including their effect on firm performance, are discussed.  相似文献   

Organizations increasingly rely on external sources of innovation via inter‐organizational network relationships. This paper explores the diffusion and characteristics of collaborative relationships between universities and industry, and develops a research agenda informed by an ‘open innovation’ perspective. A framework is proposed, distinguishing university–industry relationships from other mechanisms such as technology transfer or human mobility. On the basis of the existing body of research, the role of practices such as collaborative research, university–industry research centres, contract research and academic consulting is analysed. The evidence suggests that such university–industry relationships are widely practised, whereby differences exist across industries and scientific disciplines. While most existing research focuses on the effects of university–industry links on innovation‐specific variables such as patents or firm innovativeness, the organizational dynamics of these relationships remain under‐researched. A detailed research agenda addresses research needs in two main areas: search and match processes between universities and firms, and the organization and management of collaborative relationships.  相似文献   

As firms face increasing pressures associated with new forms of knowledge-based competition, researchers have begun to focus on knowledge acquisition strategies to the point of ignoring knowledge creation strategies. This paper investigates the impact of research centers in the pharmaceutical industry upon this neglected form of knowledge creation–innovation productivity. We find that firms with separate research facilities are more innovative than firms without such facilities. The results diverge when locational distance of the laboratory is considered for patent versus drug innovations, and vary across diversification types. These findings suggest that managers and researchers need to consider the relationship between the research center and corporate headquarters — and the role of the corporate headquarters — when developing knowledge generation strategies.  相似文献   

Differences in growth patterns between regional clusters are often attributed to the extent to which they benefit from agglomeration, defined as the advantages that derive from being proximately located with other companies and institutions in the same industry. Foremost among these supply‐side externalities are the knowledge ‘spillover’ effects that can result from firms interacting extensively in both horizontal (complementary equivalent firms) and vertical (value chain) directions. The paper presents evidence from two surveys, one national and one regionally based, of networking patterns in UK biotechnology, focusing on how firms engage with other small firms, with large pharmaceuticals, and with research centres, and how far these interactions are regional, national or international in character. It suggests that where companies do collaborate, there is a tendency for the intensity of activity to increase as the location of the partner moves from the local to the international space. We evaluate the obvious interpretation that local linkages may be satisfactory for idea generation and early product development, but that national and international connections are more important for manufacturing, marketing and distribution activities. However, we conclude that a broader set of largely industry factors account for the networking patterns – namely, the science‐technology base, research funding, firms' business models, and competitor strategies in evolving markets – and that these matter more to clustered UK biotechnology firms than the cluster itself. These findings suggest a rethinking of cluster policy and the theoretical basis for clusters.  相似文献   

Reflecting the level of priority currently attributed to public university financing in ongoing discussions, the objective of this article is to debate alternative forms of attracting resources from stakeholders not normally associated with the financing of public universities. We begin by detailing sources of university financing as it slowly migrates from the public sector to the market. After we move on to describe the main public university stakeholders and the respective relationships between the parties. Finally, our discussion focuses on different means and alternatives ways, to finance public universities through use of non-traditional stakeholders giving some examples. In conclusions we find that despite university managers normally being aware of such entities, the other internal university actors show a lack of pro-activeness regarding the opportunities presented by different stakeholders. So the public universities need to actively engage with the marketplace, and this reality can be achieved if at internal level they are assigned priorities for the relationships with these new stakeholders.  相似文献   

Multinational corporations (MNC) search increasingly for lead market knowledge and technological expertise around the globe. We investigate whether their subsidiaries gain access to these valuable sources of host country knowledge to the same degree as domestic rivals. We develop a theoretical framework for “why” and “how” a lack of embeddedness and legitimacy (liability of foreignness) may translate into additional obstacles for foreign subsidiaries. We test these hypotheses empirically using a broad dataset of more than 1100 firms in Germany. We find that MNCs can compete on an equal footing with host country competitors when it comes to generating impulses for innovations from universities. They are significantly challenged by liabilities of foreignness, though, when host country customers are involved. The disadvantages are especially pronounced when the host country industry is at the technological forefront. We suggest that the disadvantages arising from liability of foreignness in the host country are especially relevant when promising lead customers have to be identified and their tacit and often unarticulated impulses have to be transferred, understood and prioritized. Management recommendations are developed on the basis of these results.  相似文献   

We introduce a recent development in the statistical analysis of relational data that offers rigorous discrimination of a variety of structural and behavioural effects of interest to management research. Exponential random graph models account for the highly interdependent nature of network data that are problematic for the predominant inferential statistical analysis used in management research. We illustrate the value of the approach with an application focused on executive recruitment by large UK firms, modelling migrations of managers among firms as a network of relationships. We find rigorous statistical support for the influences of industry origin in executive recruitment, particularly in relation to legal and accounting activities. The flexibility and sophisticated relational variables available in the models offer considerable analytical power of value to a wide range of management applications.  相似文献   

In recent years, research and development (R&D) in the service industry has attracted a great deal of attention from both academia and industrial firms. However, compared to the manufacturing sector, little research exists on the implications of R&D for the financial and/or non-financial performance of firms in the service industry. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of service R&D on the performance of information communication technology (ICT) firms. We identify five categories of R&D activities and investigate their impact on the financial and non-financial performance of 100 ICT firms, with a focus on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in South Korea. We postulate positive relationships between R&D efforts and a firm's performance. However, the findings only partially support our hypotheses; unexpected results demonstrate that the presence of R&D management negatively influences a firm's performance. We present detailed statistical results and discuss the implications of the study.  相似文献   

Formal organizational relationships are important sources for capability building in emerging economy firms eager to move up the value chain. We examine how access to valuable knowledge available to firms via organizational relationships creates learning opportunities necessary for the development of complex technological capabilities. Using a sample of 852 observations of emerging economy firms from the Indian software industry between 1992 and 2000, we find that developing strong domestic intra-organizational relationships, through affiliation with a moderately diversified business group or operating in a related industry, promote more complex technological capabilities. In the case of foreign inter-organizational relationships, we find that greater foreign client contact enhances the complexity of firm technological capabilities. However, accessing knowledge from domestic inter-organizational relationships appears to hinder the development of firm complex technological capabilities. An interesting result from our research was that having greater access to knowledge from foreign intra-organizational relationships, embedded within foreign subsidiaries, did not lead to the development of complex firm technological capabilities. The results of our study highlight that for emerging economy firms wanting to improve their complex technological capabilities, there may be diminishing benefits to learning from and acquiring knowledge available within specific types of formal organizational relationships.  相似文献   


The study explores the soft side of knowledge transfer partnerships between universities and small to medium enterprises (SMEs), a topic which is often neglected in the knowledge management literature. The aim of this paper is to uncover the issues which emerge during formation of a partnership between heterogeneous organizations and universities. In addition, the study unfolds the criticalities of typical process improvement capability that supports the knowledge transfer partnerships between universities and SMEs. Using multiple cases, this study unravels the dominant elements that influence knowledge transfer process development, governance, implications and responsibilities. The major contribution of this study is the development of a framework based on empirical evidence using three knowledge transfer partnerships (KTPs) which illustrates the way in which soft factors in knowledge transfer partnership phases may have an impact on success or failure of university–industry collaborations for innovation.  相似文献   

Roy Rothwell 《Omega》1984,12(1):19-29
It is clear from research policy statements throughout Europe and in the USA and Japan that governments are becoming increasingly interested in the well-being of small firms. This is based on a belief in their ability to generate employment, their potential for the industrial regeneration of the so-called development areas and their ability to produce technological innovations. It is to this latter issue—the innovation potential of small firms—that this article is addressed. Further, while most studies of the role of small firms in innovation have been concerned with ‘innovation counts’ and have adopted a rather static approach, we are here concerned with their role in the dynamics of the introduction and diffusion of new technologies, specifically semiconductors and computer aided design (CAD). Moreover, there has in the past been a tendency to emphasize the role of the small firms or the role of large firms in innovation; we reject this rather sterile view and demonstrate the interrelationship between the two. In both areas—semiconductors and CAD—the initial breakthroughs were made in the R&D laboratories of large companies which produced components and equipment for their own use; it was through the actions of new technology-based small firms that these innovations were diffused into more general use. Again in both cases, the basic technological know-how, the entrepreneurs themselves and often the risk capital, derived from the original innovating large companies. Thus, policies that do not take into account the dynamic complementarities between the large and the small clearly are of only limited utility.  相似文献   

National policy initiatives require the expenditure of large amounts of resources over several years. It is common for these initiatives to generate large amounts of data that are needed in order to assess their success. Educational policies are an obvious example. Here we concentrate on Mexico׳s “Educational Modernisation Programme” and try to see how this plan has affected efficiency in teaching and research at Mexico׳s universities. We use a combined approach that includes traditional ratios together with Data Envelopment Analysis models. This mixture allows us to assess changes in efficiency at each individual university and explore if these changes are related to teaching, to research, or to both. Using official statistics for 55 universities over a six year period (2007–2012), we have generated 12 ratios and estimated 21 DEA models under different definitions of efficiency. In order to make the results of the analysis accessible to the non-specialist we use models that visualise the main characteristics of the data, in particular scaling models of multivariate statistical analysis. Scaling models highlight the important aspects of the information contained in the data. Because the data is three-way (variables, universities, and years) we have chosen the Individual Differences Scaling model of Carroll and Chang. We complete the paper with a discussion of efficiency evolution in three universities.  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between national cultural distance and equity participation using an analysis of a sample of more than 100,000 cross-border acquisitions from 1976 to 2008. We find that cultural distance has a curvilinear (U shaped) relationship with equity participation: Acquiring firms make large equity acquisitions at both low and high cultural distances and small equity acquisitions at moderate cultural distances. In addition, we find that industry relatedness of acquisitions positively moderates the relationship between cultural distance and equity participation: Acquiring firms take a higher equity stake for a given cultural distance if the acquisitions are in a related industry. Our findings offer important insights into firms' market entry behavior and provide guidelines for managers about entry strategies.  相似文献   

本文对日本制造企业新产品开发(NPD)过程中模糊前端(FFE)创新成功的关键因素进行了大样本分析,开发并构建了FFE创新要素与NPD项目绩效之间的因果关系模型.根据513家日本制造企业NPD项目的调查数据,运用AMOS验证因果关系模型,我们得出两个重要结论:在FFE阶段,技术和市场的不确定性减少越多,NPD项目的效率越高;开发前项目初始规划强度越大,开发过程中市场和技术的不确定性就越少.而且相对服务企业而言,制造企业的管理层更容易做出对降低市场不确定性有重大影响的初始规划.  相似文献   

We evaluate the strategies of the emerging market firms in the context of nascent industries. We use the Indian solar power industry as the empirical setting, against the backdrop of the evolution of the global industry, While in traditional industries emerging market firms learn from advanced economy multinational enterprises (MNEs) and slowly upgrade their capabilities, in the intensely competitive environment of nascent innovative industries, emerging market firms are exposed to global competition in their home market right from the early years. This shortens their catch-up clock. As a result, their long-term survival depends on their ability to catch-up fast, both in output and innovation capabilities. In the solar power industry, we find that innovations stem, in the main, from advanced economy firms. Further, Chinese firms are beginning to move from cost-based imitation to innovation. In contrast, with a few key exceptions, most firms in the Indian solar industry remain locked within a narrow niche of downstream site-based installation. Their operations are opportunistic, short term, and without specific catch-up goals, a scenario that does not bode well for the industry's future in India.  相似文献   

We investigate whether third-party certification may negatively affect firm performance in a weak institutional environment. Firms in weak institutional environments often obtain certifications to appeal to foreign audiences. But these audiences hold negative evaluations of firms from weak institutional settings, judging them as being of poor quality due to their geographic origin. We argue that these negative evaluations greatly diminish the informational value of certifications, such that the costs of certification exceed revenue gains causing performance decline. We also examine whether industry-level evaluations can challenge country-level ones. Focusing on industry legitimation, we argue that this increases the salience of the industry over the institutional context. Audiences see the industry first, not the weak institutional environment. Thus, third-party certifications can become a basis for differentiating among firms and thereby help improve firm performance as industry legitimation increases. We use the first decade post-liberalization of the Indian software industry, 1992–2003, to test our hypotheses. Based on a sample of 792 firms, we find support for our arguments suggesting that in weak institutional environments certification alone is not enough for firms targeting foreign audiences to overcome the stigma of their origins; it needs to be accompanied by positive industry-level processes.  相似文献   

Supervisors' participation in quality efforts in large n = 77 and small n = 113 manufacturing firms in the motor vehicle parts and accessories industry SIC 3714 was examined. While a majority of the supervisors of both types of firms agreed that top management was committed to quality, less than 27 of the supervisors indicated that they were satisfied with management support for quality efforts. A majority of the supervisors of both firm types also stated that they were committed to the organization and did not work under a great deal of tension. Unlike supervisors of large firms, a majority of the supervisors of small firms reported that they received training in quality and that workers responded positively to supervisors' quality efforts. Compared to small firms, supervisors of large firms . felt a significantly higher workload p < 0 01 , significantly lower top management commitment p < 0.05 , and . received less encouragement p < 0 05 for their quality efforts.  相似文献   

From a study of three large design firms in Italy, the UK and the USA, we derive a distinct model of how large knowledge‐intensive business services (KIBS) firms organize to manage growth and realize economies in ways that differ from the organizational techniques that are familiar from scale and scope studies of large manufacturing enterprises. Case studies were compiled from interviews conducted at the three firms. Large design firms were selected as a contrasting context to Chandlerian manufacturing firms. Design firms were expected to differ from manufacturing firms in terms of strategy, organization and the overall possibilities of achieving economies of scale and scope. Our results show that competitive advantage of these large KIBS design firms derives from a particular multi‐unit skill system that enables the firms to exploit economies of scope. There are four distinctive organizational features of such KIBS firms. First, multiple business units within the firm play a dual role. These are able both to engage in inter‐unit coordination and resource sharing and to attract business independently, often with heterogeneous business models among units. Second, these firms develop formal organizational routines for involving multiple business units in client projects, thus facilitating the migration of clients' business from one unit to another. Third, there is an important role for cross‐unit strategic ‘insight’ agents. Fourth, these firms expand through the founding of specialized, even idiosyncratic, new business units (often with the important role of mastering new technological skills).  相似文献   

According to Becker's famous theory on discrimination (Gary Becker, 1957 , The Economics of Discrimination, University of Chicago Press), entrepreneurs with a strong prejudice against female workers forgo profits by submitting to their tastes. In a competitive market their firms lack efficiency and are therefore forced to leave. We present new empirical evidence for this prediction by studying the survival of start‐up firms in longitudinal matched employer–employee data. We find that firms with strong preferences for discrimination approximated by a low share of female employees relative to the industry average have significantly shorter survival rates. This is especially relevant for firms starting out with female shares in the lower tail of the distribution. Competition at the industry level additionally reduces firm survival and accelerates the rate at which prejudiced firms are weeded out. We also find evidence for employer learning as highly discriminatory start‐up firms that manage to survive submit to market powers and increase their female workforce over time.  相似文献   

Industrial district success in Italy is often explained as a function oftraditional, homogenous communities, where close social ties and communityinstitutions supposedly create the trust necessary for collaborativeinter-firm relationships among small firms. However, such a functionalistapproach fails to explain why some districts prosper over time bydeveloping new process and product innovations, while others stagnatebecause they fail to respond to rapidly changing markets. We argue thatgreater attention to firm networks – both those internal and external to the district – and the role of key firms represents a more usefulanalytical method for understanding the evolution and formation ofindustrial districts.  相似文献   

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