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Building on an analytical framework of agent-based institutionalization, this qualitative study uses narrative accounts to explore a historical evolution of Japanese philanthropy and corporate philanthropy from the 1970s to 1990s. Using primary data, such as interviews with key actors and archival resources, as well as secondary and publication data, I examine the process of how Japanese philanthropy and corporate philanthropy progressed simultaneously and how the American concept of philanthropy was integrated into different cultural contexts and emerged as the Japanese concept of philanthropy, firansoropii. This study also reveals that the three-decade process of institutionalizing Japanese philanthropy was driven by Japanese institutional actors who bridged the philanthropic, political, and economic boundaries between Japan and the United States.  相似文献   

In 2007, the Uruguayan government implemented a tax reform which introduced a new progressive labour income tax and a flat capital income tax, and reduced some indirect taxes, with the objective of improving fiscal balance, income distribution and economic growth. This article evaluates the impact of such tax reform on equity and efficiency on the basis of data derived from the Encuesta Continua de Hogares (ECH) for 2006 and 2009. Using a Difference‐in‐Differences technique, it shows that the new system reduced inequality by 2 Gini points without producing any discernible disincentive effect, suggesting that suitably designed reforms of direct taxation can simultaneously promote equity and efficiency.  相似文献   

1990年代末以来,房地产业作为支柱产业为我国社会和经济的发展做出了巨大贡献,但当下这种定位必须加以改变。土地是不可再生资源;住宅一经建造,也将长久存在。因此,必须转变只将住宅作为商品的观念,彻底改变从纯经济角度看待房地产,即必须将“房和地”看作是公共资源和社会财富。惟其如此,才能科学合理地设计房地产税收体系。对房地产占用量多、占用时间长,就必须多缴税。  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - There exists a current paradox of philanthropy and the state in China: a stronger social sector accompanied with growth in...  相似文献   

伊斯兰朝觐不仅是全球最大的跨国宗教运动,也是在世界性宗教中唯一被最基本的宗教经典明确列为宗教功课的活动,在国际关系视野下研究信仰版图不断全球扩张的伊斯兰教的朝觐活动,对于进一步认识伊斯兰教及其对国际关系的参与大有裨益.伊斯兰教朝觐基本制度与各国朝觐管理制度共同构成了伊斯兰教总的朝觐制度.朝觐活动对历史和现代的非伊斯兰国际体系产生了不同程度的冲击,朝觐圣地成为沙特构建伊斯兰国际体系的基石.朝觐对国际关系的许多具体领域也产生了影响.从长远看,如何从朝觐与国际关系的互动视角中受益,对于中国国家安全而言十分重要.  相似文献   

Recognition of the multi-cultural nature of the Canadian population has led companies across a wide array of business domains to reach beyond their traditional bases of support to focus on hitherto untapped communities as potential markets for their goods and services. Competitive conditions within the voluntary sector have pushed nonprofits along this same path. However, no systematic Canadian research reports on the attitudes, social norms, benefits sought, expectations, opportunities, experiences, or behaviors of sub-communities in the voluntary sector. This paper examines philanthropic behavior by religion using data from the Statistics Canada 2000 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating. The paper compares and contrasts the voluntary and philanthropic behaviors of the Canadian population across religious groups; compares and contrasts the motivations for and perceived impediments against such behaviors; and articulates and examines a model that traces the influence of religion on voluntary and philanthropic behavior in Canada’s multi-cultural society.  相似文献   

2017年12月22日,美国总统特朗普在白宫的椭圆形办公室签署了颇受争议的《减税和就业法案》。该法案一出,便引起了世界范围的减税潮,使得2018年被西方学者誉为"减税年"。美国政府的减税将打破当前亚太地区的经济大循环,并对粤港澳大湾区对外经济的发展路向产生影响。本文认为,大湾区应着力发展"自主可控,进口替代",建设有底气的IC产业,以提升当前消费性电子产品出口的兴旺势头;同时,对于能耗较大及对美产业依赖度较大的产业,应积极谋求集体赴美投资。此外,大湾区还应借助港澳对外窗口和结算渠道,积极介入东南亚地区的电商销售网络,理顺企业参与东南亚电商销售的路径,为企业参与"一带一路"市场创造更加有利的条件。  相似文献   

Discussions about the future of most western European welfare states usually concern two alternatives: the government and the market. Government represents collective solidarity, an overall welfare package. The market is associated with inequality. Our first question is indeed whether the discussion about future social policy must always lead to the opposing poles of government versus marketplace and collective solidarity versus inequality. Is the market not in a position to create collective solidarity and does state social welfare not also promote, or at any rate, perpetuate inequality? The second question is whether there is not more to the welfare state debate than only the roles of government and the market. Are kinship and philanthropy not also social mechanisms that can create solidarity? One can, in any case, confirm that in the Netherlands, as in other western European countries, philanthropy has made a comeback. This paper focuses on the diversification of the welfare state model, rather than its polarization. To that end, four new models have been added to the existing welfare state model. They are: the insurance model, the occupational welfare model, the primary network model and the philanthropy model, the last of which is discussed in more detail. We conclude with notes on the implicit theoretical presuppositions underlying this diversification, and in particular, on the functionalist premise that the welfare facilities currently being divested by government will in fact be taken over by other parties. Wenn über die meisten europäischen Wohlfahrtsstaaten diskutiert wird, so geschieht dies gewöhlich im Hinblick auf die zwei Alternativen von Markt und Staat. Während der Staat als Repräsentant kollektiver Solidarität umfassende Wohlfahrt bereitstellt, wird der Markt mit Ungleichheit assoziiert. Deshalb richtet sich die erste Frage darauf, ob die Diskussion über eine zukünftige Sozialpolitk beständig auf die polaren Beziehungen von Staat versus Markt, und kollektiver Solidarität versus Ungleichheit hinauslaufen muß. Ist denn der Markt nicht auch in der Lage, kollektive Solidarität hervorzubringen; und fördert, oder jedenfalls verewigt staatliche Wohlfahrtspolitik denn nicht auch Ungleichheit? Die zweite Frage geht dahin, ob Solidarität nicht auch über Verwandschaftsbeziehungen und Philanthropie hergestellt werden kann? Für die Niederlande jedenfalls kann als sicher gelten - wie übrigens für viele andere westeuropäischen Länder auch -, daß die Philanthropie ein comeback erlebt. Der Aufsatz fokussiert auf die Diversifizierung des wohlfahrtsstaatlichen Modelles, weniger auf seine Polarisierung. Zu diesem Zweck werden zum bestehenden Wohlfahrtsstaatsmodell vier neue Modelle hinzugefügt. Diese sind: das Versicherungsmodell, das betriebliche Sozialleistungsmodell, das auf primären Netzwerken basierende Modell und das philanthropische Modell, das im Detail diskutiert wird. Der Aufsatz schließt mit Anmerkungen zu den impliziten theoretischen Vorannahmen dieser Diversifizierung - insbesondere zur funktonalistischen Prämisse, daß die gegenwärtig vom Staat getragenen Einrichtungen in der Tat von anderen Parteien übernommen werden. La discusion sobre el futuro de muchos estados de bienestar europeos normalmente se centra en dos alternativas: el estado y el mercado. El estado representa solidaridad colectiva, un paquete conjunto de bienestar. El mercado está asociado con la desigualdad. La primera cuestión a tratar consiste en saber hasta qué punto la discusión sobre el futuro de la politica social debe siempre ilevarnos a los polos opuestos de estado frente a mercado y solidaridad colectiva frente a desigualdad. Podemos decir que el mercado no está en posición de crear una solidaridad colectiva y que el estado no promueve, o de alguna manera, perpetúa la desigualdad? La segunda cuestión consiste en ver si no existe algo más en el debate sobre el estado de bienstar a parte de los roles del estado y del mercado, No son también la relación y la filantropia mecanismos sociales que crean solidaridad? Puede confirmarse, de todas formas, que en Holanda, como en otros paises de la Europa occidental, la filantropia ha retornado. Este articulo se centra más en la diversificatión del estado de bienestar que en su polarización. A tal efecto, se añaden cuatro modelos de esado de bienestar a los ya existentes: el modelo de seguro, el modelo de empleo, el modelo de red primaria y el modelo de filantropia, el último de los cuales se discute en más detalle. Concluimos con algunas referencias sobre los presupuestos teóricos implicitos en esta diversificación, particularmente sobre la premisa funcionalista de que los servicios y facilidades de bienestar que actualmente están siendo eliminados por el estado serán, de hecho, ofrecidos por otras partes. Dans les débats concernant l'avenir de la plupart des états sociaux d'Europe de l'Ouest, sont habituellement envisagées deux alternatives: le gouvernement et le marché, ce dernier étant associé à la notion d'inégalité. Notre première question est en fait de savoir si le débat sur les futures politiques sociales doit toujours conduire aux p P les opposés de l'Etat contre le marché et de la solidarité collective contre l'inégalité. Le marché n'est-il pas en position de créer de la solidarité collective et le social étatique ne promeut-il pas non plus d'une certaine façon, une inégalité persistante? La seconde question est de savoir dans quelle mesure il n'y a pas plus dans le débat sur l'Etat social que les seuls rôles du gouvernement et du marché. La parenté et la philantropie ne sont-elles pas non plus des méchanismes sociaux qui peuvent créer de la solidarité? On peut en tout cas confirmer qu'aux Pays-Bas, comme dans d'autres pays d'Europe de l'Ouest, la philantropie est de retour. Les auteurs mettent l'accent sur la diversification du modèle de l'Etat social, plutôt que sur sa polarisation. A cette fin, quatre nouveaux modèles ont été ajourés au modèle de l'assurance, le modèle social occupationnel, le modèle du réseau primarie et le modèle philantropique, ce dernier étant abordé plus en détaile. Les auteurs concluent par des notations sur les présupposés théoriques implicites qui sous-tendent cette diversification, et en particulier, sur la prémisse fonctionnaliste supposant que les aménagements sociaux qui sont actuellement dispensés par l'Etat vont en fait être pris en charge par d'autres groupes.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - This article adds to conceptualisations of philanthropy. Applying an ontological approach within an evolutionary...  相似文献   

美国共和党总统候选人特朗普当选后,美国青年爆发了反特朗普的街头运动,这与其政党认同的代际特点十分相关。当前,美国青年更多地偏向民主党,一是青年中少数族裔比重上升,民主党更擅于保护少数族裔的权益;二是青年认同自由主义的比例增加,民主党在意识形态上更倾向于自由主义。不过,青年较低的投票率会缩小政党偏好向选票的转化,而候选人偏好也会影响青年的投票选择。  相似文献   

冷战结束后,中东地区的宗教和民族冲突出现了许多新的特点,特别是宗教和文化因素在中东国际关系中的作用在上升,这给现实和理论研究都带来了新的挑战。在全球化和美国中东战略的刺激下,中东地区正表现出一种强烈的多重认同体系的特征,宗教认同对民族国家认同构成了越来越大的挑战,它们之间的互动将在很大程度上决定中东内部矛盾的发展和局势走向。  相似文献   

冷战结束后,中东地区的宗教和民族冲突出现了许多新的特点,特别是宗教和文化因素在中东国际关系中的作用在上升,这给现实和理论研究都带来了新的挑战.在全球化和美国中东战略的刺激下,中东地区正表现出一种强烈的多重认同体系的特征,宗教认同对民族国家认同构成了越来越大的挑战,它们之间的互动将在很大程度上决定中东内部矛盾的发展和局势走向.  相似文献   

当前,随着社会经济的持续发展,商业地产拥有无限商机。结合上海商业地产的发展及上海经济发展水平,通过定量和定性分析相结合的方法,研究上海商业地产发展现状,特别是上海商业地产整体规模现状;以上海经济人口承载力为基础,运用预测模型测算上海商业地产的市场容量,以推算最佳规模,结合商业地产市场规模发展现状分析判断其规模的合理性,为上海商业地产持续有序发展提供客观科学的决策依据。  相似文献   


Welfare policy in Australia has undergone a marked shift in direction since the election of the Liberal Coalition (Conservative) Government in 1996. This paper examines welfare policy and, in particular, the disability support pension, in the light of the vocational needs of those with psychiatric disabilities who seek to gain employment. Empirical data is presented concerning a case study of 65 clients participating in a vocational program. These participants had all been diagnosed with psychiatric disabilities, and were assisted to obtain open employment. The paper demonstrates that welfare policy, in conjunction with the recently privatized employment services network, not only fails to address the barriers faced by individuals with psychiatric disabilities, but undermines their efforts to gain employment and recover from the illness.  相似文献   


Public health and healthcare issues in China have historically attracted individuals and organizations to engage the health sector. The growth of health philanthropy in post-Mao China raises questions regarding the role of the state in the development of China’s health philanthropy. Through a historical overview of health philanthropy in China as well as an examination of the functions and effectiveness of health-related philanthropic actors in the contemporary era, this study has identified the state as a major factor in the development of China’s health philanthropy. Indeed, even though the post-Mao reform dynamics have expanded space for health-related charity organizations, the state continues to have commanding height in health philanthropy in terms of status, funding, services, and influence. The state dominance in turn negatively affects the registration, financing, and capacity building of private foundations and NGOs in this area. Whether the state will dominate health philanthropy in the future to a large extent hinges upon how much extra space it is willing to concede in order to accommodate the dynamics in China’s philanthropic sector.


Crowdfunding and diaspora philanthropy are two emerging areas of research that are generating excitement in the field of philanthropic studies. However, little if any research examines the shared characteristics and advantages of these two phenomena, and if and how crowdfunding might serve to strengthen efforts in the practice of diaspora philanthropy. This article reviews relevant literature on crowdfunding and diaspora philanthropy, and then analyzes overlapping characteristics, strengths, and limitations of these practices. The article then considers the potential of crowdfunding to contribute toward diaspora philanthropy, giving particular attention to the contexts and challenges faced in philanthropy in the global South.  相似文献   

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