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杨磊  刘建平 《社会》2015,35(2):218-240
本文通过“混合地权”的概念来解释中国农村土地产权的内在结构、关系和实施机制。借用制度分析方法指出,混合地权的制度系统包括财产权利、公共治理、社会关系和观念习俗等四个维度,它们是具有很强约束力的制度安排。通过对Z村村民小组的个案研究发现,不同维度的规则对混合地权的实施都产生了影响,共同决定了农地产权实施的过程和效果,使得地权实施呈现出不确定性规则的内在逻辑,陷入多重均衡和交易成本高的困境,且承包经营权和集体成员权之间的张力是根本性矛盾。个案研究还发现,农民的财产权利观念不断增强,家庭承包经营权得到了越来越多的农民认可。在经济社会转型中,应完善集体土地所有制的社会化治理机制,构建起一种平衡多方利益的现代农村土地产权制度。  相似文献   

Throughout the world, there is growing recognition of the important role Indigenous people play in natural resource management and conservation. Indigenous Land and Sea Management Programs (ILSMPs; which provide funds to Indigenous people to support Indigenous land management activities) are also known to generate social and economic benefits, although relative few of these co‐benefits have been quantified. Using northern Australia as a case study, we analysed data on ILSMP expenditure within three regional input–output tables, learning more about the size and distribution of their associated regional economic benefits. We found ILSMPs make a significant contribution to regional economies—with multipliers commonly exceeding that of other key regional industries such as agriculture and mining. We also found ILSMP expenditures make a larger contribution to Indigenous household incomes than they do to non‐Indigenous incomes—thus helping to close the (income) gap. They will continue to do so, provided the proportion of ILSMP money spent on Indigenous (compared to non‐Indigenous) incomes does not fall below a threshold amount. Rather than finding evidence of a trade‐off between socio‐ecological and financial/economic goals, our results suggest ILSMPs, known for their ecological importance, can also make a vitally important contribution to economic development in rural areas.  相似文献   

城市经营的理论基础及其政策取向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"城市经营"是研究"经营城市"的科学,是建立在政府角色的历史演进、经济人假设以及政府与市场的关系等理论基础之上的。城市经营主要有:规划先行,加快政府职能转变,树立城市财政经营理念,大力开展项目融资,经营好城市土地,经营好城市文化资源,构建有效的城市经营决策机制等。  相似文献   

我国农村土地制度改革面临的主要问题及发展方向   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
吴群 《求是学刊》2002,29(4):48-52
文章认为现有的土地制度已严重影响和束缚了农民非农转移与农村发展 ;由行政手段主导的均田制向引入市场机制配置土地资源的转变 ,以及在此基础上土地权利的自由流动 ,是我国农村市场取向改革向纵深发展的必然要求。为应对WTO的挑战 ,应建立新型的农地关系 ,正确处理城镇化发展与保护农村利益的关系 ,实现农地合理、有序的流转 ,在农业现代化进程中实现土地制度创新  相似文献   

汪丽萍 《创新》2010,4(3):14-16
建设社会主义新农村是解决"三农"问题的根本措施,也是全面建设小康社会的重要内容。民族地区在新农村建设过程中,保护生态环境责任重、社会环境特殊、农村社会事业和经济发展方式落后等问题比较突出。因此,实现农牧区经济发展是基础,民族关系和谐是政治保证,保护和建设好生态环境是决定性因素,经济发展方式的转变是根本出路。  相似文献   

崔聪聪 《创新》2013,(2):75-79
云计算、大数据等网络新技术挑战了以有限资源为基础的物权和知识产权制度。CtoB模式的出现,对产品责任制度提出了挑战。网络新技术与新应用提出的挑战使电子商务进入到生态化治理时代。政府治理是电子商务生态化治理的重要一环,为适应电子商务生态化治理的需要,政府应改变现行的监管思路和方式,重新定位自己的角色,积极开展消费者教育。  相似文献   

As a leader in the Cairns Group of Nations, Australia has been advancing deregulation in agri‐food trade. Successive governments have assumed that Australia would benefit from a greater deregulation of international trade because this would allow increased access to world markets for primary agricultural commodities. But regulation exists, at least in Europe, to protect the social value of the rural landscape. Australian governments, strongly influenced by economic rationalist ideology, have given insufficient consideration to the rural social landscape. Little critical reflection has taken place about whether Australia, and its farmers, would actually benefit from deregulation, or what the social impacts of this trend might be. Deregulation inevitably invokes structural adjustment, forces farmers out of agriculture, depopulates rural areas, and creates social hardship. There are also environmental ramifications. The exit of farmers from agriculture has not been as fast as was expected by economists and policy‐makers, with many farmers adapting to new situations.  相似文献   

我国农村集体土地登记的作用与存在问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王兆林 《创新》2011,5(5):55-58,127
农村集体土地登记是农村地籍管理的基础工作,是保护农民土地合法权益,促进集体土地流转,繁荣农村经济的重要手段。通过探讨我国农村集体土地登记的主要作用以及现行登记体系存在的不足,提出进一步完善集体土地登记制度的建议。  相似文献   

The family institution is a key aspect of the welfare regimes of southern Europe, a crisis-affected situation in which social workers play an important role. This paper analyzes the statements of social workers regarding professional intervention and the families with whom they work within the Spanish context, which involves a strong economic crisis and the reduction of public policies. A relational and qualitative study was conducted of 15 professional perceptions of cutbacks, family demands, the profiles of the user families, and the privatization of social services. In addition, proposals for improvement and challenges are analyzed. The main results involve the relationships among dwindling resources, increasing family demands and family dependence on the system, the disadvantages of privatization, excessive bureaucratization, and adverse labor conditions. The main conclusions include the inadequacy of public policies to meet the needs of at-risk families in a crisis context. About future, the research on professional decision making and professional intervention models will be studied in greater depth.  相似文献   

This article counters the Nigerian Federal Government's position that a policy to curb population growth in unnecessary because economic progress is not seriously impeded by demographic factors and unfeasible because adequate statistical information is unavailable. Existing literature on the relationship between economic growth and rapid population growth and on Nigeria's population growth is examined, and the implications of rapid population growth on development planning objectives concerning education, health, housing, and employment are assessed. Since 1963, estimates of Nigeria's population growth rate have ranged between 2.8 and 3%. If the crude birth rate is 50 to 55 and the crude death rate is 20 to 25, the population is probably growing at about 3% per year. The goal of doubling per capita income in less than 12 years can only be realized if the GNP grows by 10% per year or if a slower rate of population growth is attained. Achievement of a 100% enrollment in primary school and 70% in secondary school, amelioration of the unemployment and underemployment problems, and provision of basic health care and housing for the population would also be facilitated by a reduction in the rate of population growth. The argument that land and natural resources in Nigeria are abundant enough to support a large population ignores the fact that resources are exhaustible and that farmers desire to improve their living standards. The increased parental attention to each child that would be possible if couples had fewer children would result in an improvement in the quality of the population. The failure of Nigerian planners to consider realistically the problems of rapid population growth appears to be characteristic of African development planners.  相似文献   

The ongoing neoliberalization of local and regional economies is contributing to quite profound changes in the ways resources, land uses, and nature are managed. Consider in this regard the changing role of the state 1 1Hereafter the term “state” refers to a national or federal government as distinct from, e.g., “State of New Jersey”. within North America and Europe. For a good part of the 20th century, state intervention in land‐use planning, resource management, and nature conservation was motivated primarily by national development goals, including a desire to ensure the territorial‐economic integrity of the nation state. Although there is always variation within countries resulting from such factors as the uneven spatial distribution of natural resources, the variety of arrangements for allocating powers and responsibilities among territorial units of government, and different cultural attitudes toward nature, there was nonetheless a discernible trend toward the nationalization (Europe) or federalization (United States) of resource management, land‐use planning, and nature conservation. At the very least, in most countries the state played a strong coordinating, regulatory, and financial role in relation to the management of nature within its territory.  相似文献   

论农民工在金融危机下的弹性就业应对机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁松  邢成举 《创新》2010,4(4):111-114,119
从长时段的生命历程来看,农民工会依循年龄的层级不断变换工种,直至最后回村务农,这意味着村庄在同一时间点通过农民的年龄分层构成了并存的"外出流"与"返乡流"。在宏观经济下行时,年龄处于返乡期的农民工提前回村,而当经济回暖时,他们中的一部分又会到城市寻找工作。在以"年"为单位的时间循环中,不同年龄段的村民通过土地使用权的流转形成了动态的分工,乡村社会呈现出富有弹性的就业格局,从而在经济波动中具备了一定的承受能力。  相似文献   

In Australia national concerns about climate change, biodiversity loss, water quantity and quality and land degradation have high priority on the government's environment agenda. With this comes the opportunity to strategically integrate Indigenous land and sea management into plans for tackling these challenges, not least because the Indigenous estate—which includes some of the most biodiverse lands in Australia—continues to increase as a result of successful land and native title claims and the declaration of more Indigenous Protected Areas. This paper explores government support for Indigenous land and sea management focusing on the Commonwealth government's Working on Country program. The paper outlines the development of formalised Indigenous cultural and natural resource management, and the emergence of the Working on Country program is discussed in the past and current policy context. The opportunities and challenges for the future of the program, and formalised Indigenous land and sea management in Australia more broadly, are outlined. To finish, a note of cautious optimism: while an expanded Working on Country program underpinned by community‐led priorities and aspirations has the potential to simultaneously ameliorate Indigenous poverty and ensure natural resource management occurs, this will require targeted investment and a more holistic and less sectoral approach from government.  相似文献   

资源环境约束强化条件下广西北部湾经济区生态建设研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着城市化与工业化进程的加快,实施生态建设是在资源环境约束强化条件下实现区域社会经济可持续发展的必然途径。通过对广西北部湾经济区的水资源、土地资源、大气环境、海域环境、地质环境、生物多样性以及城市环境问题等方面的分析,提出该区域生态建设的目标以及针对性的实施途径。  相似文献   

This article examines the accounts given by child protection practitioners of how the current economic climate has impacted on their practice. We build our discussion on empirical findings emerging from a small but rigorous qualitative research project conducted by one of the authors. This original study examined Scottish and Finnish social workers' perceptions of their abilities to engage effectively with children and families in what many have described as an “age of austerity.” It set out to explore challenges encountered in daily practice through a cross‐national comparative thematic analysis. The paper illuminates practitioners' shared reality of frontline practice in Scottish and Finnish contexts. Despite differing socio‐political environments, participating practitioners found austerity measures to impact negatively on both their professional resources and on the communities they work with. Significantly, practitioners regarded themselves as the key resource, taking individual responsibility to ensure families received a quality service. For many, austerity had resulted in greater empathy for families and awareness of the wider economic and structural impact on their lives. The increased centrality of social justice was pivotal to everyday practice.  相似文献   

"小产权房"建设是农村经济社会转型期出现的自发性经济行为,而政府介入清理和整治"小产权房"则反映了背后的深层利益矛盾或土地制度问题的复杂性。本文从经济演化的视角分析了此问题,认为在尊重农民经济选择意愿尤其是农民对土地拥有完整产权的前提下,依法承认并规范"小产权房"在一定领域内流动和交易,能够显著增加农村经济要素流动性并提高农民实际福利,而政府介入尤其是相关政策制定,需要采取谨慎和科学的方式,着力减少和解决这种交易行为带来的负面外部性,着力减少对自发性经济秩序的干预,这是农村经济社会转型形成良性制度结构的演进过程。  相似文献   

王晓如 《唐都学刊》2013,29(4):90-93
宋代乡村第五等户是宋代户口的主要构成部分。在农业人口为主体的封建国家中,他们是社会生产的主要承担者、国家财富的主要创造者、推动经济发展与物质文明进步的重要力量。宋代乡村第五等户在国家户口中比例大,生存条件差,特别是在失去土地无法生存后,“流移转徙”到城市,为城市经济发展提供了人力资源,为资本主义萌芽做了早期准备,推动了城市服务业发展,促进了城市商品经济发展。探讨第五等户在经济发展中的作用,对寻求今天解决农民问题的方式方法,具有现实意义。  相似文献   

在16-19世纪的圈地运动中,英国没有出现大的社会动乱和经济危机,主要是因为国家法律和地方法令及其机构逐步介入,一方面对尚拥有土地和土地权利的农民采取一定的安抚和保护措施,另一方面给予圈地中的失地农民和其他流民一系列济贫救助.圈地的方式也由开始的协议转由国家一般法令调整,整体上是个逐步纳入法律规整的过程,因而避免了大的社会动乱,巩固了资产阶级的统治.  相似文献   

农村妇女土地承包权问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙宇 《学术交流》2004,(12):39-42
土地是农民生存和发展的根基,农村妇女由于传统习惯和文化素质的影响对土地的依赖性更强,所以对农村妇女土地权益的保护更为重要。农村妇女土地权益受侵害的现象比较严重和突出,在一定程度上扰乱了农村的经济秩序和社会秩序。关注农村妇女权益保护、对侵犯妇女权益的原因进行阐述和法理分析,明确农村妇女在家庭承包中的法律地位以及土地承包权的物权性质,对解决农村妇女土地,问题是非常必要的。  相似文献   

国内外经济形势的新变化,倒逼东部开发区必须率先转型升级,东部开发区在全国开放型经济中发挥着重要作用,以开发区为栽体的转型升级具有一定的示范效应。目前,我国开发区的进一步发展面临诸多问题:如产业发展水平低,多数处于微笑曲线低端;过度依赖外资,抑制了内生增长和自主创新;某些政策的不统一,既导致了不平等的竞争环境,又加大了土地、资源、环境等方面的压力;体制回归现象弱化了原先的管理体制优势;资源环境压力增大,可持续发展面临严峻挑战。开发区的转型升级,应集聚创新资源,充分发挥开发区的创新示范效应;加强资源整合,提升开发区集约化发展水平;强化绿色发展,促进开发区生态环境优化升级;解放思想、深化改革,为开发区转型升级注入新的活力。  相似文献   

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