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Book reviewed in this article: DAVID C. PITT (ed.). Development From Below: Anthropologists and Development Situations WILLIAMC. MCCORMACK and STEPHEN A. WURM (eds.). Language and Man: Anthropological Issues. AGEHANANDA BHARATI (ed.). The Realm of the Extra-Human: Agents and Audiences WILLIAM H. NEWELL (ed.) Ancestors MICHAEL W. EVERETT, JACK O. WADDELL, and DWIGHT B. HEATH (eds.)- Cross-Cultural Approaches to the Study of Alcohol: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. ESTELLE FUCHS (ed.). Youth in a Changing World: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Adolescence. AGEHANANDA BHARATI (ed.). The Realm of he Extra-Human: Ideas and Actions. SPENCER. ROBERT F. and JESSE D. JENNINGS, et al. The Native Americans. ARTHUR J. RAY. Indians in the Fur Trade: Their Role as Trappers, Hunters, and Middlemen in the Lands southwest of Hudson Bay 1660–1870. WSEVOLOD ISAJIW (ed.). Identities: The Impact of Ethnicity on Canadian Society. BAN SENG HOE. Structural Changes of Two Chinese Communities in Alberta, Canada. ANNE T. BRODZKY, ROSE DANESEWICH. and NICK JOHNSON, (eds.), Stones, Bone and Skin. C.J. RICHARDSON. Contemporary Social Mobility. STEWART CRYSDALE and LES WHEATCROFT (eds.) Religion in Canadian Society. JOHN HAGAN. The Disreputable Pleasures. gary d. bouma and wilma J. bouma. Fertility Control: Canada's Lively Social Problem. rémi savard. Le Rire Précolombien dans le Québec D'Anjourd hui. Les Cahiers du CRSR. No. 1. Québec: Centre de Recherches en Sociologie Religieuse, Univer-sité Laval, 1977, 183 pages MARIE-ODILE MÉTRAL. Le mariage: Les hésitations de l'Occident. Préface de Philippe Ariès. Collection Présence et Pensée. CHABOT, RICHARD. Le curé de campagne et la contestation locale au Québec de 1791 aux troubles de 1837–38. Cahiers du Québec. marc adélard tremblay (sous la direction de) Les facettes de l'identité amérindienne I The Patterns of “Amerindian” Identity. Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval, 1976, 316 pages FRANÇOIS-MARC GAGNON. La Conversion par l'Image: Un Aspect de la Mission des Jésuites auprès des Indiens du Canada an XVII siècle. PIERRE BEAUCAGE, JACQUES GOMILA. et Lionel vallée. Testes présentés par jacqueline fry. L'Expérience anthropologique. Série Collections et archives de l'Université de Montréal.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: JEAN STOCKARD and MARIAN M. JOHNSON, Sex Roles: Sex Inequality and Sex Role Development. MARGRIT EICHLER, The Double Standard: A Feminist Critique of Feminist Social Science. ALICE M. YOHALEM, The Careers of Professional Women: Commitment and Conflict. MARTIN KING WHYTE, The Status of Women in Preindustrial Societies JACQUES DONZELOT, The Policing of Families. Toronto: Random House of Canada SHANKAR A. YELAJA (ed.), Canadian Social Policy. Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier GAYLENE BECKER, Growing Old in Silence. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London ELLIOTT A. KRAUSE. Power and Illness. The Political Sociology of Health and Medical THEDA SKOCPOL, States and Social Revolutions, NY: Cambridge VINCENT WRIGHT, The Government and Politics of France. London JOHN McCALLUM, Unequal Beginnings: Agriculture and Economic Development in Quebec and Ontario Until 1870. Toronto DOUG OWRAM, Promise of Eden: The Canadian Expansionist Movement and the Idea of the West, 1856–1900. Toronto J. RICK PONTING and ROGER GIBBINS, Out of Irrelevance: A Socio-Political Introduction to Indian Affairs in Canada. Toronto ROBERT A. SCOTT and ARNOLD R. SHORE, Why Sociology Does Not Apply: A Study of the Use of Sociology in Public Policy. WILLIAM SKIDMORE, Theoretical Thinking in Sociology (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge JAMES A. SCHELLENBERG, Masters of Social Psychology. New York GREGORY BAUM (ed) Sociology and Human Destiny: Essays on Sociology, Religion and Society. New York EDWARD A. MAZIARZ (ed.), Value and Values in Evolution. New York BRYAN R. WILSON, The Noble Savages: The Primitive Origins of Charisma and its Contemporary Survival. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London ARON HOROWTIZ, Striking Roots: Reflections on Five Decades of Jewish Life. Oakville PIERRE CLICHE, Espace Social et Mobilité Residentielle. Québec: Les Presses de ?  相似文献   

Middletown: A Study in Modern American Culture. R. S. Lynd & H. M. Lynd. Predicting Success or Failure in Marriage. E. W. Burgess & L. S. Cottrell, Jr. Family, Socialization and Interaction Process. T. Parsons & R. F. Bales. The Social Psychology of Groups. J. W. Thibaut & H. H. Kelley. Husbands and Wives. Dynamics of Married Living. R. O. Blood & D. M. Wolfe. World Revolution and Family Patterns. W. J. Goode. Blue‐Collar Marriage. M. Komarovsky. Emerging Conceptual Frameworks in Family Analysis. F. I. Nye & F. M. Berardo (Eds.). Family and Social Network(2nd ed.). E. Bott. The Future of Marriage. J. S. Bernard. All Our Kin: Strategies for Survival in a Black Community. C. B. Stack. Children of the Great Depression. G. H. Elder. Inside the Family: Toward a Theory of Family Process. D. Kantor & W. Lehr. A Treatise on the Family. G. S. Becker.  相似文献   

La parution de Vertical Mosaic (1965) par J. Porter, Canadian Corporate Elite (1975) par W, Clement et State Elite (1980) par D. Olsen a provoqué dans les milieux universitaires un vif débat sur la surreprésentation des ethnies britanniques et la sous-représentation des ethnies française et “autres” au sein des élites canadiennes. Cependant, dans une série d'articles récemment parus, R. Ogmundson et J. McLaughlin ont mis en doute la thèse très répandue selon laquelle il existe dans la société canadienne un lien étroit entre l'origine ethnique et 1'appartenance à une élite. L'auteur de cet article examine les données avancées par Ogmundson et McLaughlin (1992) et démontre, en faisant une corrélation avec la composition ethnique de la population canadienne, que leur nouvelle interpretation peut induire en erreur. L'analyse fait valoir en effet une predominance stable des ethnies britanniques de 1935 à 1987 et ce, pour chaque catégorie des élites. Elle met aussi en évidence le fait que, conformément aux théses de Porter, Clement et Olsen, les ethnies française et “autres” ont augmenté leur représentation au sein des elites, mais n'ont pas atteint un niveau de representation proportionnel à leur nombre. The over-representation of British and the under-representation of French and “other” ethnic groups amongst the Canadian elites has been a part of the Canadian academic consciousness since the publication of Porter's Vertical Mosaic (1965), Clement's Canadian Corporate Elite (1975) and Olsen's State Elite (1980). Recently, a series of articles by Ogmundson and Ogmundson/McLaughlin has raised doubts about the vertical ethnic distribution of power among elites, suggesting that conventional wisdom should be abandoned. This paper uses the data provided by Ogmundson and McLaughlin (1992), standardizes them to the ethnic composition of the Canadian population, and shows that the new imagery provided by these authors is misleading. The analysis demonstrates a stable pattern of British dominance from 1935 to 1987 for each category of elites. It also reveals that, consistent with Porter, Clement and Olsen, the French and “other” ethnic groups have improved their participation at the elite levels but remain under-represented in relation to their populations.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: BOYCE, A.J. (ed). Migration and Mobility: Biosocial Aspects of Human Movement. Symposia of the Society for Study of Human Biology, Volume XXIII. JORIS, C., MARCHI, L., GAILLY, A. Vrouwen in drievoud; Opvoeding, groepswerking en zelfhulpgroepen bij Siciliaanse, Marokkaanse en Turkse migrantenvrouwen. LEMAN, J. Integratie, anders bekeken. WALVIN, James. Passage to Britain. HIRSCHFELD, G. (ed.). Exile in Great Britain; Refugees from Hitler's Germany. ‘Recherches sur l'immigration’. Critique Régionale 10–11. Cahiers de sociologie et d'économie régionales. CALAVITA, K. U.S. Immigration Law and the Control of Labour; 1820–1924. Migration: World Trends, localized flows and their absorption. International Social Science Journal  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: M. PATRICIA MARCHAK, Ideological Perspectives on Canada. IMMANUEL WALLERSTEIN, The Modern World-System: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century ALAN F. BLUM, Theorizing. Sociologie et Sociétés J. HENRIPIN et E. LAPIERRE-ADAMCYK, La fin de la revanche des berceaux: qu'en pensent les Québécoises ? JANICE ACTON, PENNY GOLDSMITH, and BONNIE SHEPARD (eds.), Women at Work: Ontario 1850–1930. LUCE IRIGARAY, Spéculum de l'autre femme C. CARISSE et J. DUMAZEDIER, Les femmes innovatrices: problèmes post-industriels d'une Amérique francophone, le Québec. DAVID R. HUGHES and EVELYN KALLEN, The Anatomy of Racism: Canadian Dimensions. H.F. MCGEE, The Native Peoples of Atlantic Canada: A Reader in Regional Ethnic Relations. THOMAS ABLER, DOUGLAS SANDERS, SALLY WEAVER, et al., A Canadian Indian Bibliography: 1960–1970. BERNARD ASSINIWI, Histoire des Indiens du Hunt et du Bas Canada. PETER R. SINCLAIR and KENNETH WESTHUES, Village in Crisis. WILLIAM SHAFFIR, Life in a Religious Community: The Lubavitcher Chassidim in Montreal. ROBERT PRESTHUS, Elites in the Policy Process. MICHAEL BLISS, A Living Profit: Studies in the Social History of Canadian Business, 1883–1911. DANIEL KUBAT and DAVID THORNTON, A Statistical Profile of Canadian Society. JAMES and ROBERT SIMMONS, Urban Canada D.J. BAUM, The Final Plateau: The Betrayal of Our Older Citizens. BENJAMIN SCHLESINGER(ed.), Family Planning in Canada: A Source Book.  相似文献   

Dans l'examen des problématiques de l«identité nationale» au Canada, la sociologie critique est de plus en plus tournée vers l'analyse discursive, aboutissant à des conclusions nuancées et complexes. Or, une telle approche risque d'escamoter d'autres analyses, tout aussi utiles, qui attribuent à la technologie un rôle central dans le processus de «nation-building» au Canada. Cet article explore la sociologie de la traduction, aussi appelée théorie d'acteur-réseau, et suggère que l'emprunt d'une telle approche se prêterait à une analyse plus complète des «questions nationales» du Canada et du Québec - analyse qui intégrerait les catégories du social et de la technique. Canadian critical sociology draws increasingly from discourse analysis to work out questions of national identity in Canada, yielding complex and nuanced results, but not sufficiently engaging with other work privileging technology as a central question in Canadian nation-building. This paper explores the sociology of translation, also known as actor-network theory, and suggests that such an approach might usefully be taken up in order to provide a more complete analysis of the “national questions” of Canada and Québec that integrates both social and technological categories.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Norman K. Denzin The Alcoholic Self
MkURICE FRIEDBERG and HEYWARD ISHAM (eds.), Soviet Society Under Gorbachev: Current Trends and the Prospects for Reform
GLENN GRITZER and ARNOLD ARLUKE, The Making of Rehabilitation: a Political Economy of Medical Specialization, 1890–1980
HUMAN SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL, The South African Society: Realities and Future Prospects
CONSTANCE MUNGALL, More Than Just a Job. Ottawa: Steel Rail Publishing, 1986 AND ROBERT JACKALL and HENRY M. LEVIN (eds.), Worker Cooperatives in America
ARTHUR L. STINCHCOMBE, Stratification and Organization: Selected Papers
LOUIS-JACQUES DORAIS, LISE PILON-LE and NOWEN HW, Exile in a Cold Land: A Vietnamese Community in Canada. The Lac-Viet Series
PAULINE KOLENDA (ed.), Cultural Constructions of 'Woman'. Salem
IAN RADFORTH, Bush Workers and Bosses: Logging i n Northern Ontario, 1900–1980
GRANT MCCRAKEN, Culture and Consumption: New Approaches to the Symbolic Character of Consumer Goods and Activities
BRUCE ALDEN COX (ed.), Native People, Native Lands. Canadian Indians, Inuit and Mitis FRANC0 FERRAROTTI, The Myth of Inevitable Progress.
T.W. ACHESON, DAVID FRANK and JAMES D. FROST, industrialization and Underdevelopment i n the Maritimes, 1880–1930
PETER M. HAMM, Continuity and Change Among the Canadian Mennonite Brethren.
LEO DRIEDGER, Ethnic Canada: Identities and Inequalities.
MICHAEL WEINSTEIN, Culture Critique: Fernand Dumont and New Quebec Sociology
PETERS. LI, The Chinese In Canada
TOM R. BURNS and HELENA F M, The Shaping of Social Organization: Social rule system theory with applications  相似文献   

Depuis la publication de La mosaïque verticale de John Porter en 1965, la vision préominante du Canada est celie d'un pays caractérisé par une forte stratification ethnique, surtout au niveau des élites, qui seraient elles-mêmes dominées de façn érasante par des personnes d'origine britannique. Or, des recherches ultérieures sur l'ensemble de la population canadienne démontrent que la stratification ethnique est moins marquée qu'on le croyait; au contraire, elle est plutôt faible et tend même à s'estomper. D'où l'intérêt de reprendre l'analyse des élites canadiennes. L'auteur de cette communication présente les données originales de Porter, fait la synthèse des résultats d'autres recherches pertinentes et décrit les données les plus récentes sur l'évolution des origines ethniques des élites au Canada. The conventional wisdom concerning ethnicity in Canada has been dominated by the imagery of The Vertical Mosaic published in 1965 by John Porter. This conventional wisdom maintains that Canada is characterized by pronounced ethnic stratification especially at the level of elites which are thought to be dominated overwhelmingly by those of British origin. Suhequent research at the level of the general population has shown that ethnic stratification was not aa great as originally thought, is minimal, and is in decline. Consequently it is of interest to re-examine the situation regarding Canadian elites. The original data of Porter are presented. The findings of other relevant research are outlined. New data on trends in the ethnic origins of Canadian elites are reported.  相似文献   

PAUL AUDLEV, Canada's Cultural Industries: Broadcasting, Publishing, Records and Film.
MICHAEL W. YOUNG. Magicians of Manumanua: Living Myth in Kalauna.
MARY F. ROGERS, Sociology, ethnomethodology, and experience; A phenomenalogical critique.
THOMAS FLEMING and L.A. VISANO (eds.), Deviant Designations: Crime, Law and Deviance in Canada.
FRANCIS HENRY, Victims and Neighbours: A Small Town in Nazi Germany Remembered.
HELMUT R. WAGNER, Phenomenology of Consciousness and Sociology of the Life-World: An Introductory Study.
ALFRED SCHUTZ, An Intellectual Biography.
MICHAEL ASCH, Home and Native Land: Aboriginal Rights and the Canadian Constitution
MADELEINE BÉLAND, Chansons de voyageurs, coureurs de bois et forestiers.
DENISE RODRIGUE, Le Cycle de Pâques au Québec et dans l'Ouest de la France.
GARY CALDWELL et ERIC WADDELL (eds.), Les anglophones du Québec: de majoritaires à minoritaires.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Clark, R. and Ivanic, R. The Politics of Writing
Hasan, Ruqaiya and Williams, Geoff (eds.). Literacy in Society (Applied Linguistics and Language Study)
Johns, Ann M. Text, Role, and Context: Developing Academic Literacies (Cambridge Applied Linguistics)
Lankshear, Colin with Gee, James Paul; Knobel, Michele and Searle, Chris. Changing Literacies
Andre´e, Tabouret-Keller; Le Page, Robert B.; Gardner-Chloros, Penelope and Varro, Gabrielle (eds.). Vernacular Literacy: A Re-evaluation (Oxford Studies in Anthropological Linguistics)  相似文献   

Fiumara, N. J. Transmission of gonorrhea by artificial insemination. Foley, V. D., & Dyer, W. W. “Timing” in family therapy: the “when,”“how,” and “why” of intervention. Gass, G. Z. Equitable marriage. Gillis, J. S. Social influence therapy: the therapist as manipulator. Mozdzierz, G. J.,& Lottman, T. J. Games married couples play: Adlerian view. Reiner, B. S., & Edwards, R. L. Adolescent marriage—social or therapeutic problem? Reppuci, N. D., & Saunders, J. T. Social psychology of behavior modification: problems of implementation in natural settings. Roberto, E. L. Marital and family planning expectancies of men regarding vasectomy. Goldsmith, A., & Goldberg, R. J. Psychological aspects of vasectomy in Latin America. Rogers, C. R. In retrospect forty six years. Story, N. L. Sexual dysfunction resulting from drug side effects. Whiteley, J. M. (Editor) Gestalt therapy.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
THEODORE CAPLOW, HOWARD M. BAHR, and BRUCE A. CHADWICK, All Faithful People: Change and Continuity in Middletown's Religion.
SUSAN S.M. EDWARDS, Women on trial: a study of the female suspect, defendant and offender in the criminal law and criminal justice system.
DONALD G. BAKER, Race, Ethnicity and Power: A Comparative Study.
MERVIN Y.T. CHEN and THOMAS G. REGAN, Work in the Changing Canadian Society.
HAROLD D. CLARKE, JANE JENSON, LAWRENCE LEDUC and JON H. PAMMETT, Absent Mandate: The Politics of Discontent in Canada.
JEAN-PIERRE SIRONNEAU, Sécularisation et religions politiques.
DIANE BELL, Daughters of the Dreaming.
DAVID FRISBY, George Simmel.
DAVID DAMAS and WILLIAM C. STURTEVANT (eds.), Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 5, Arctic
T.C. BRUNEAU, V.M.P. DA ROSA and A. MACLEOD (eds.), Portugal in Development: Emigration, Industrialization, the European Community.
JEANE. VEEVERS, Childless by Choice.
PATRICIA MARCHAK, Green Gold: The Forest Industry in British Columbia.
E. PAUL DURRENBERGER (ed.), Chayanov, Peasants, and Economic Anthropology.
CONSTANCE P. DE ROCHE, The Village, The Vertex: Adaptation to Regionalism and Development in a Complex Society
J.F. CONWAY, The West. The History of a Region in Confederation.
HERBERT GAMBERG and ANTHONY THOMSON, The Illusion of Prison Reform: Corrections in Canada.
ANASTASIA M. SHKILNYK, A Poison Stronger than Love, The Destruction of an Ojibwa Community.
NANCY W. JABBRA and JOSEPH G. JABBRA. Voyageurs to a Rocky Shore: The Lebanese and Syrians of Nova Scotia.
JOHN FOX, Linear Statistical Models and Related Methods with Applications to Social Research.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
JOHN O'NEILL, Five Bodies: The Human Shape of Modern Society.
L. PANITCH and D. SWARTZ, From Consent to Coercion.
B. WHITE, Law, Capitalism and the Right to Work.
MILDA DANYS, Lithuanian Immigration to Canada After the Second World War.
FRED INGLIS, The Management of Ignorance: A political theory of the Curriculum.
AUGUSTINE BRANNIGAN and SHELDON GOLDENBERG (eds.), Social Responses to Technological Change.
GRAHAM s. LOWE and HERBERT c. NORTHCOTT, Under Pressure: A Study of Job Stress.
BRIAN HEAD (ed.), The Politics of Development in Australia.
J.D. HOUSE, The Challenge of Oil: Newfoundland's Quest for Controlled Development.
SEYMOUR MARTIN UPSET, Consensus and Conflict: Essays in Political Sociology.
WILLIAM H. VANDERBURG, The Growth of Minds and Cultures. A United Theory of the Structure of Human Experience.
GABRIEL WEIMANN and CONRAD WINN, Hate on Trial: The Zundel Affair, The Media, and Public Opinion in Canada.
JOHN DE VRIES, Towards a Sociology of Languages in Canada.
RICHARD Y. BOURHIS (ed.), Conflict and Language Planning in Quebec.
SUSAN A. MCDANIEL, Canada's Aging Population.
VICTOR w. MARSHALL (ed.), Later Life: The Social Psychology of Aging.
RANDALL COLLINS, Weberian sociological theory.
ROBERT A. SILVERMAN and JAMES J. TEEVAN, Jr. (eds.), Crime in Canadian Society
KAYLEEN M. HAZELHURST (ed.), justice Programs for Aboriginal and Other Indigenous Communities.
NOEL DYCK (ed.), Indigenous Peoples and the Nation State: 'Fourth World' Politics in Canada, Australia and Norway.
GEORGE p. CASTILE (ed.), The Indians of Puget Sound: the Notebooks of Myron Eells.  相似文献   

PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Williamson, D. S. (1991). The intimacyparadox: Personal authority in the family system. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Freeman, D. S. (1992). Multigenerational family therapy. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Framo, J. (1992). Family-of-origin therapy: An intergenerational approach. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Sherman, R., Oresky, P., & Rountree, Y. (1991). Solvingproblems in couples and family therapy: Techniques and tactics. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Donaldson, R. (Ed.). (1991). Sacred unity: Further steps to an ecology of mind/Gregory Bateson. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: L'Abate, L. (1992). Programmed writing: A self-administered approach for interventions with individuals, couples, and families. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Lewis, K. G. (Ed.), (1991). Family systems application to social work: Training and clinical practice. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Combs, G., & Freedman, J. (1990). Symbol, story, and ceremony: Using metaphor in individual and family therapy. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Vesper. J. H., & Brock, G. W. (1991). Ethics, legalities, andprofessionalpractice issues in marriage and family therapy. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Peterson, M. R. (1992). At personal risk: Boundary violations in professional-client relationships. GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Imber-Black, E., & Roberts, J. (1992). Rituals for our times: Celebrating, healing, and changing our lives and relationships. GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Peele, S., & Brodsky, A. (1991). The truth aboutaddiction andrecuvery. GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Nitzberg, E. (1991). Hippocrates' handmaidens: Women married tophysicians. SELF-HELP BOOKS: Sellner, J. A., & Sellner, J. G. (1991). Loving for life: Your self-help guide to a successful, intimate relationship. SELF-HELP BOOKS: Buxton, A. (1991). The other side of the closet: The coming-out crisis for straight spouses. SELF-HELP BOOKS: Hunter, M., & “Jem.” (1989). The first step forpeople in relationships with sex addicts: A workbook for recovery. SELF-HELP BOOKS: Greeson, C., Hollingsworth, M., & Washburn, M. (1990). The grief adjustment guide.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: GAILLY, A., HERMANS, P., LEMAN, J. Mediterrane Dorpsculturen. GAILLY, A., Een dorp in Turkije. Reeks ‘Cultuur en Migratie’. PAPAIOANNOU, S.M. Arbeitsorientierung und Gesellschaftsbewustsein von Gastarbeitern in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Entstehungsbedingungen, Erscheinungsformen, Entwicklung. (Work Orientation and Social Consciousness of Migrant Workers in the German Federal Republic. Origins, Forms and Development). MANEMANN, W. Rückkehr portugiesischer Arbeiter in ihr Heimatdorf. Eine Studie in den Regionen Minho und Beira Baixa. (Return of Portuguese workers to their home village. A Study in the Minho and Beira Baixa areas). MATUSCHEK, H. Die Auswirkungen der ‘Ausländerpolitik’ auf Schul- und Berufsausbildung der jugoslawischen und türkischen Jungendlichen in Wien und Niederösterreich; Situation und Lösungsmöglichkeiten. MIGNOT, M. Les Réfugiés du Cambodge, du Laos, du Vietnam en France; un Centre d'Hébergement, une Commune, une Région, l'Accueil et l'Insertion. LOPEZ-BLASCO, A. Sozialisationsprozesse und Identitätskrise spanischer Jugendlicher in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung.  相似文献   

La Conférence John Porter, effectuée lors de la rencontre annuelle de la Société canadienne de sociologie à Victoria en 2013, se base sur le livre Us, Them and Others : Pluralism and National Identity in Diverse Societies (Winter, 2011). En intégrant les résultats d'une analyse discursive des journaux canadiens en langue anglaise pendant les années 1990, et à travers un cadre théorique inspiré de la sociologie wébérienne, le livre propose d'envisager le pluralisme comme une série de relations triangulaires dynamiques, où le compromis entre des groupes inégaux – “us” et “other”‐ est amené à faire sens à cause de la confrontation avec l'autrui réel ou imaginé (“them”). La conférence débute par un résumé de la contribution théorique, puis explique comment le multiculturalisme a été consolidé en tant que discours dominant au Canada dans les années 1990. Par la suite, les changements subis par l'identité canadienne multiculturelle au début du 21e siècle sont discutés. The John Porter Lecture at the annual meeting of the Canadian Sociological Association in Victoria 2013 draws upon my book Us, Them, and Others: Pluralism and National Identity in Diverse Societies. Incorporating the findings from an analysis of Canadian English‐language newspaper discourses during the 1990s into a theoretical framework inspired by Weberian sociology, the book argues that pluralism is best understood as a dynamic set of triangular relations where the compromise between unequal groups—“us” and “others”—is rendered meaningful through the confrontation with real or imagined outsiders (“them”). The lecture summarizes the theoretical contribution and explains how multiculturalism became consolidated in dominant Canadian discourses in the late 1990s. The lecture then discusses changes to Canadian multicultural identity at the beginning of the twenty‐first century.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article: Citizenship and Migration. Globalization and the Politics of Belonging. By Stephen Castles and Alastair Davidson Workers without Frontiers. By Peter Stalker Issues in the Economics of Immigration. Edited by George J. Borjas Regularisations of Illegal Immigrants in the European Union/Les régularisations des étrangers illégaux dans l'Union Européenne. Under the supervision of Philippe de Bruycker Immigrants and the Labour Force: Policy, Regulation and Impact. By Ravi Pendakur Border Games: Policing the U.S.‐Mexico Divide. By Peter Andreas Immigration as a Democratic Challenge: Citizenship and Inclusion in Germany and the United States. By Ruth Rubio‐Marin Multicultural Citizenship of the European Union. By Juan M. Delgado‐Moreira The Origins of Multiculturalism in Australian Politics 1945–1975. By Mark Lopez From Ellis Island to JFK. New York' Two Great Waves of Immigration. By Nancy Foner Immigrant Mind, American Identities: Making the United States Home, 1870–1930. By Orm Øverland Immigrant Mothers: Narratives of Race and Maternity, 1890–1925. By Katrina Irving Transatlantic Tier in the Spanish Empire: Brihuega, Spain and Puebla, Mexico, 1560–1620. By Ida Altman Public Attitudes Toward Immigration in the United States, France and Germany. By Joel S. Fetzer New York Befire Chinatown: Orientalism and the Shaping of American Culture, 1776–1882. By John Kuo Wei Tchen New Chinese Migrants in Europe – The Case of the Chinese Community in Hungay. By Pál Nyíri In Search of an Identity: Essays and Ideas on Anglo‐Australians, German‐Australians and Others. By Johann Peter Weiss Dreaming of Gold, Dreaming of Home: Transnationalism and Migration Between the United States and South China, 1882–1943. By Madeline Yuan‐yin Hsu Indians in Britain. Anglo‐Indian Encounters, Ruce and Identity, 1880–1930. By Shompa Lahiri Women Migrant Workers in China's Economic Reform. By Feng Xu West Indians In West Afiica, 1808–1880. By Nemata Amelia Blyden  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
ANTHONY H. RICHMOND (ed.), Readings in Race and Ethnic Relations . The Commonwealth and International Library of Science Technology, Engineering, and Liberal Studies.
HOWARD H. IRVING, The Family Myth: A Study of the Relationship between Married Couples and Their Parents
GUY ROCHER, A General Introduction to Sociology: A Theoretical Perspective
RAYMOND BRETON, Social and Academic Factors in the Career Decisions of Canadian Youth: A Study of Secondary School Students
KENNETH WESTHUES (ed.), Society's Shadow: Studies in the Sociology of Countercultures
JEAN R. BURNET, Ethnic Groups in Upper Canada
ROBIN w. WINKS, The Blacks in Canada: A History
A.V. SPADA, The Italians in Canada
FREDA HAWKINS, Canada and Immigration: Public Policy and Public Concern
ANTHONY M. MARCUS, Nothing is my Number
JAMES A. DRAPER (ed.), Citizen Participation: Canada  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
JOHN HUTCHESON. Dominance and Dependency.
POILIP RESNICK. The Land of Cain: Class and Nationalism in English Canada, 1945–1975.
LEO PANITCH (ed.). The Canadian State: Political Economy and Political Power.
HENRY MILNER. Politics in the New Quebec.
DANIEL GLENDAY. HUBERT GUINDON, and ALLAN TUROWETZ. Modernization and the Canadian State.
ROGER O'TOOLE. The Precipitous Path: Studies in Political Sects.
LEO DRIEDGER (ed.). The Canadian Ethnic Mosaic.
RICHARD A. CARLTON, LOUISE A. COLLEY, and NEIL J. MACKINNON (eds.). Education, Change, and Society: A Sociology of Canadian Education.
S. PARVEZ WAKIL, Marriage and Family in Canada. Journal of Comparative Family Studies Monograph, George Kurian (ed.).
LORNE TEPPERMAN. Crime Control: The Urge Toward Authority.
DAVID B. CHANDLER. Capital Punishment in Canada: A Sociological Study of Repressive Law.  相似文献   

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