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远离“亚健康”亚健康状态是指人的身体机能无明显或明确的疾病表现。但缺乏活力,对外界适应能力减退。经常疲乏无力、烦躁不安,甚全晕眩、失眠、心悸、胸闷并在心理上有严重的不适感觉。这种状态有可能恶化为某种疾病,但更多的是长期维持现状,有极少数人会慢慢痊愈。现代社会中,处于亚健康状态的人逐年增多,这与快节节奏生活和工作环境、社会各方面的压力及酿酒、吸烟等不良生活习惯有关。人们往往因为它不是疾病而忽视它的存在。处于亚健康状态的人应该学会自我调节心理状态,改变不良生活习惯,坚持体育锻炼,重者应佐以药物治疗。…  相似文献   

自我推拿,系指本人通过自己的双手,运用推、拿、摩、按、揉、捶等简单手法在自身体表经穴与特定部位进行推拿,以达到保健、养生及治疗疾病的目的。自我推拿可以缓解一些病症,但如果是病症较严重者,则需就医诊治。  相似文献   

根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的定义:“健康不仅仅是没有疾病和虚弱,而且是身体、心理和社会适应的完满状态”。专家认为,按照这个标准,我国基本符合定义的健康人数只占人口总数的15%,还有15%的人处于疾病状态,剩余的70%的人,介乎于上述二者之间,属于“亚健康”或”第三状态”或“灰色状态”。许多专家倾向于对“亚健康”的这样一种描述:亚健康一般是指无器质性病变的功能性改变,主要表现是疾劳乏力、活力降低、反应迟钝、适应能力下降,经常陷于焦虑、烦乱、无  相似文献   

亚健康状态,问题出在两个方面,一是气,一是虚。中医外治,就是通过“内虚外补”的方式,对人体进行有效的调理。具体来说,就是疏通气瘀,滋补脾虚、肾虚、血虚,让身体功能恢复正常状态。  相似文献   

毕飞宇的长篇小说《推拿》以盲人推拿师为题材,深入盲人的生活和心灵,为读者展现出了一个日常、明朗、鲜活、有温度、有尊严的盲人世界。同时,也通过描绘社会中普遍存在却总是被忽略的一系列误解和人际关系的错位现象,呼吁人与人之间,尤其是健全人对残疾人建立在心灵上的沟通和理解。  相似文献   

本研究围绕高职《推拿治疗》课程中基于成果导向教育(OBE)理念的混合式教学模式展开,旨在解决当前教学资源与方法的局限性、学生学习效果的不一致性以及教师对OBE理念与混合式教学适应性问题。研究首先分析了现有教学资源不足对教学效果的负面影响,包括学生学习效果的不均衡以及教师在应用新教学理念上的挑战。采用混合式教学模式能够有效提升学生的学习动力和参与度,同时优化教学资源有助于提高教学质量和学生的实践技能。此外,提升教师对OBE理念和混合式教学的理解和应用对于实现教学目标至关重要。本研究为高职推拿治疗课程提供了一个创新的教学框架,对于提高教学效果和学生的专业技能具有重要意义。  相似文献   

推拿是中医养生的基本理疗方式.与推拿的结缘源于我6年前的那场人生变故.那一年,我结束了13年的婚姻生活,离婚后的半年,我意志消沉,几乎不出门,白天呆在网上炒股,晚上看股票书,由于长时间的坐姿不正引起颈椎、脊椎的变形,终于有一天病痛排山倒海而至.这一场病让我在床上躺了好几个月,不能坐起来,一坐直,整个后背就僵硬,头如爆炸一般的疼.在家人的建议下,我走上了推拿治疗的康复之路,也由此结识了我现在的爱人、当时为我做推拿治疗的胡师傅,他是这家推拿小店的主人.  相似文献   

现代生活中,很多人都觉得脂肪肝不是病,而是一种亚健康状态,得了脂肪肝也不需要吃药,光靠运动就能彻底治愈。事实上,这种看法很危险。脂肪肝的病因很多,类型不同,运动治疗并非对每种类型的脂肪肝都有效。  相似文献   

肖德安 《当代老年》2014,(10):51-51
多年以来,我养成了一种自我推拿全身的习惯,即早晨醒后将全身推拿一次,晚上睡前再将全身推拿一次,若无特殊情况,天天坚持。从头到脚到手,全身凡是宜搓的部位,我都坚持搓一搓。我买了一本《小穴位大疗效》带有图解的指导按摩的书,  相似文献   

永光 《老年世界》2008,(21):40-40
按摩(推拿),古称按跷、案跷。其源远流长,是我国传统医学中独特的医疗保健治疗方法之一。当人体的某一部位受到损伤出血时,人们便本能地用手按压止血;当软组织损伤后,人们通过抚摩、揉动使粘连变小或消失,从而缓解消除肌腱韧带的损害。在长期的认识实践过程中,按摩逐渐从无意识的偶然动作演变成为人们自由运用的系统的保健治疗方法。  相似文献   

当今社会,随着生活节奏的加快以及竞争的加剧,很多人养成了一些不良的生活习惯,久而久之会导致亚健康状况的出现。在关于亚健康的一项全球调查中显示:全世界真正健康的人仅占5%,而处于亚健康状态的人却占到了75%。那么我们应当如何借助中医改变这种现状、解救亚健康的自己呢?  相似文献   

This introductory article provides an overview of the significant issues involved when dealing with youth who sexually offend, sometimes referred to as juvenile sex offenders or sexually reactive children or adolescents. There is not an accepted term or definition that is widely used to describe or refer to this population, and the precise prevalence or incidence rates are not known. Statistics are presented from various national studies, but methodological problems in the research are also noted. The authors briefly discuss the current research concerning youth who sexually offend, present some of the important issues in this area of research and practice, and list various types of sexual victimization that have been included when dealing with youth who sexually offend. The article then introduces the current volume, describing the articles and content. Identifying and treating youth who sexually offend is in its infancy in many ways. It is hoped that this volume will provide important information to help those in research and practice better understand the issues and dynamics of this population.  相似文献   

Even though disabled children are targets of various forms of abuse, such issues remain mostly undocumented open secrets in many countries including Ghana. The article is based on a qualitative data provided by three key informants. Six stories emerged from the data and are discussed in terms of four main forms of abuse. Labelling theories are employed to strengthen the discussions. The article is aimed at increasing awareness on the various forms of abuse experienced by disabled children in Ghana. The study is also meant to capture the attentions of stakeholders that have the responsibility to end abusive practices against disabled children in Ghana.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the role of propaganda use in cyberterrorism. The main premise is that cyberterrorists display various semiotic gestures (e.g., the use of images and Internet videos) to communicate their intents to the public at large. In doing so, they communicate themes??these themes range from hate to anger. Cyberterrorism, then, is a form of theater or spectacle in which terrorists exploit cyberspace to trigger feelings of panic and overreaction in the target population. In many cases, this form of propaganda is the primary means of communication for various cyberterrorist groups to convey their intents. Internet sites also produce numerous opportunities for in-group communication and publicity.  相似文献   

The ‘tipping’ phenomenon, whereby an occupation switches from dominance by one demographic group to dominance by another, has occurred in various occupations. Multiple causes have been suggested for such switches, including several related to technological change, both through effects on the performance of the work and through the effect of changing demand for different occupations. The court reporting occupation provides a novel setting for testing the relevance of various proposed causes for the increased feminization of many occupations. In this case, many of the general correlates, including declining wages, are not found; rather the phenomenon is related to the earlier feminization of the clerical workforce and the increased identification of court reporting with clerical work.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of how the expression of filial obligations has shifted over time in Sweden. Historically, and currently in many countries, the family, next of kin, and the social network are the only or major sources of help, as it was in Sweden till half a century ago. The article also explores how various aspects of solidarity-public and private-have developed and are changing in Sweden, known for its extensive welfare programs, with "from cradle to grave" security. It concludes that intergenerational solidarity has not vanished in Sweden; just the manifestations have changed.  相似文献   

Victim sensitive interviews allow the adult investigator to gather vital facts from a child. Within these interviews, the investigator is provided with an opportunity to elicit responses from the child regarding allegations that have taken place. These allegations often have many origins and may involve sexual impropriety, abuse, taunting, and torture of a physical nature, verbal nature, or both. The purpose of this article is to provide standardized guidelines that can assist individuals from various occupational fields in conducting victim sensitive interviews. The standardized guidelines provided offer an assemblage of general principles that have consistently appeared within literature as well as in manuals provided by various jurisdictions. These guidelines refer to a practice of conduct that is recommended; however, variance with implementation is allowed. It is assumed that the reader brings a level of clinical experience to the material provided in this article.  相似文献   

Many efforts to prevent alcohol-related harm are aimed at reducing risk drinking. This article outlines the many conceptual and methodological challenges to defining risk drinking. It summarizes recent evidence regarding associations of various aspects of alcohol consumption with chronic and acute alcohol-related harms, including mortality, morbidity, injury, and alcohol use disorders, and summarizes the study designs most appropriate to defining risk thresholds for these types of harm. In addition, it presents an international overview of low-risk drinking guidelines from more than 20 countries, illustrating the wide range of interpretations of the scientific evidence related to risk drinking. This article also explores the impact of drink size on defining risk drinking and describes variation in what is considered to be a standard drink across populations. Actual and standard drink sizes differ in the United States, and this discrepancy affects definitions of risk drinking and prevention efforts.  相似文献   

Alvin L. Bertrand's career and research have made him an exemplar of humane social scientist, scholar, and academician. For many of his peers, Bertrand is the quintessential rural sociologist. Spending almost all of his career at Louisiana State University, Dr. Bertrand has addressed an extraordinarily broad array of social phenomena, often of a community problem variety, in his research. His research employed a social systems analysis frequently focused on the rural context and had a strong applied orientation with the result that his findings have been widely used as the basis for the formulation of important national and international program and policy decisions. Bertrand's work has attracted wide attention abroad as well as in the United States. Because of his many contributions to the discipline of sociology, he has received numerous awards and recognitions and has also been elected to various offices in professional societies and associations, including the presidency of five such groups.  相似文献   

"The Dominican Republic represents a microcosm of all the major migration patterns: substantial emigration and immigration, sizeable return migration, and persistent internal rural-urban migration. The impacts of these various types of migration are related and have a significant influence on the development process. This study analyzes the causes of these migrations as well as the costs and benefits in terms of the individual migrants and the country as a whole. Finally, it investigates the implications of migration for development planning in the Dominican Republic." The authors conclude "that the migration issue is not an area distinct from the various development focuses, but rather cuts across and is related to many of the program areas in which the government is involved."  相似文献   

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