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1O月27日星期六 早上吃过早餐,大卫在院子里高兴地大叫,叫大家去看歇在树上的一只鹰.我拍了好多照片.  相似文献   

神明崇拜与社区意识具有互为因果、互为表里的关系 ,是客家社会研究中的一个重要问题 ,但相关的研究迄今尚不多见。作者在长期田野调查的基础上 ,结合历史文献 ,试图对闽西武北传统客家社区的神明崇拜做一较为全面的考察。文章分析了武北社区神明崇拜的寺庙层次、组织结构、祭祀活动与仪式 ,以及与此相关的社区意义 ,特别是神明崇拜与宗族、村落、乡镇等多方面的关系。  相似文献   

冯雪红 《民族学刊》2018,9(5):29-37, 104-106
民族学/人类学是关于人们日常生活的研究,但是最为日常的排便或上厕所行为在民族学/人类学的研究中却是缺席的。尤其是人类学家自己如何在田野中解决这一问题,极少出现在他们公开出版的著作中。然而这一最为学者所忽略的现象,却与社会结构、宗教仪式、文化价值、意识形态、洁净观念等诸多人类学的研究主题密切相关。20世纪90年代以来,厕所问题逐渐受到国外人类学界关注。这有赖于斯加克?范德吉斯特的研究和“后现代研究”期刊的呼吁。厕所问题是三江源生态移民社区较为突出的问题之一,回顾在田野调查中的厕所体验,同时呈现了移民社区内的种种厕所问题,以期国内学界对这一问题有所关注,并从民族学/人类学的视角为“厕所革命”提供见解。  相似文献   


This article was subsequently retracted from publication for the reasons outlined in Social Identities 10.1: Retraction  相似文献   

通过对广州市兴丰垃圾场上拾荒者日常生活的描述,认为拾荒者的社区生活体现出了都市与乡村的混合特征,在一定程度上维持了相对活跃的公共生活,一个新型的都市社区已显露雏形.  相似文献   

This paper will examine the complexities of the struggles faced by young Muslim women within the American Muslim community. Data are part of a study aimed at understanding the ways in which the gendered religious identities of Muslim women are constructed in the United States. This work seeks to address the dearth of research on the lives of Muslim women, and to identify and enhance an understanding of the issues and challenges they face during the process. Participants include 15 women, 18–22 years old, who graduated from an Islamic school in the mid-Atlantic region of America (ISA). Two phenomenological interviews were conducted with each participant. Data were analyzed using critical discourse and content analysis techniques. Findings point towards conflicts within, including those related to the rich racial and ethnic diversity in the community, and to the patriarchal norms that still prevail. Some of these norms along with the perceptions and experiences of American Muslim women guiding their lives will be shared, and will be located within a larger discussion on how the obstacles towards their contribution to this diverse social setting can be dealt with.  相似文献   

蒋彬  王胡林 《民族学刊》2022,13(6):15-23, 139
村寨是铸牢中华民族共同体意识的基层单元,民族旅游村寨中少数民族居民与外来游客频繁互动,形成了铸牢中华民族共同体意识的空间场域,探讨其铸牢中华民族共同体意识的实践路径,有助于从基层视角做好新时期的民族工作。本文以川西北一个羌族村寨为田野调查点,通过考察其在铸牢中华民族共同体意识中的具体做法,从坚持党的领导、推动文化创新、做好场景营造、注重深度互动等方面提出铸牢中华民族共同体意识的实践路径。  相似文献   

Australia's history as a white nation has been riddled with not only mis-treatment of the ‘other’, but in more recent times of a type of invisibility of the ‘other’ that has disabled many within this nation from recognising the continuation of practices and policies of racial discrimination. This paper presents the findings from research conducted over 2001–03 during the ‘boat people’ crisis in Australia, when a number of everyday individuals volunteered time to assist refugees. It goes on to argue that while the policies of Multiculturalism of the 1970s had attempted to create a more inclusive society and had for the participants in this research transformed into nation-defining narrative, its failure to incorporate everyday people in its inception and continuation was productive of a blind spot in relation to racial treatment because most could believe all was well in this arena.  相似文献   

2006年,是西藏历史发展至关重要的一年。青藏铁路的开通,使西藏社会正经历从遥远的"异"文化变为近距离的"我"文化的过程。西藏经济发展呈现出复杂多样性,如产业结构调整(农牧业的基础地位,工商业的比重上升,服务业与旅游业的飞速发展)、城镇化加速与人口适度集中、区域经济一体化趋势等。这一切将极大影响西藏文化的"原生态"与西藏人民的实际生活状况。文章试图通过对作为城市基层政权的西藏居委会城市居民之消费变迁的"文化意义"进行描述与思考,力求展示西藏历史文化背景下的城镇居民消费方式之变迁的基本规律与地方性知识。通过调整、引导居民的消费方式,发展适应西藏经济发展、适应藏族人文地理特征的消费文化,将对西藏经济发展及文化建设发挥重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

中国地方神灵民间信仰与民众生活联系紧密,是一个具有深远意义的研究课题.地方神灵民间信仰所奉祀的地方神,几乎都是由当地的历史人物神化而成.他们生前都有某一方面的好名声,神化后,成为具有某种功能的神主.本文以浙江温州市永嘉县蓬溪村石压娘娘、上海鸟泥泾黄道婆和浙江鄞州区鄞江镇王元(日韦)等民间地方神灵信仰的田野调查为基础,分析了中国民间地方神灵信仰与西方宗教的差异,论述了民间地方神灵信仰作为民众生活需求的产物所具有的独特时代性,强调了地方神灵民间信仰中的道德观念所具有的社会伦理价值,对当前我国现代化进程中进一步凝聚民族性具有的启发意义.  相似文献   

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