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《Social work with groups》2013,36(2-3):135-145
Process recording can be a powerful tool for strengthening the link between theory and practice in group work education. The S.O.D.A. recording form (Summary, Observation, Developmental stage, Assessment) was developed by the authors as a tool for helping students and field instructors conceptualize group work practice. The article describes the S.O.D.A. format and its potential effectiveness in overcoming contemporary obstacles in group work field education. The need for a broad strategy involving collaborative efforts to promote and strengthen group work education in the classroom and the field is also discussed.  相似文献   

志远 《今日辽宁》2005,(6):54-55
“十五”期间,辽宁省共执行引进国外技术、管理专家项目2436项,引进国外技术管理专家4385人次;经济专家44000人次;外国文教专家4015人次。全省实施出国(境)培训项目1975项,派出10400余名技术和管理人员赴国(境)外培训。“十五”期间,在辽宁老工业基地振兴的征程中,辽宁的引进国外智力工作迈出了坚实的脚步。2001年、2002年、2004年,辽宁成功举办了三届引进国外专家项目洽谈会暨高新技术展,打造了对俄罗斯规模引智的品牌,作为为辽宁省经济和社会发展服务的一个品牌为社会所认可。在三届展洽会中,外方共提供了1343个高新技术成果,涉及机械制造…  相似文献   

王小波 《社会》2002,(8):24-26
●匆忙真的给我们带来了高质量的生活 ?●匆忙真的意味着人生的价值更高 ?  相似文献   

创建危机经济学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
创建危机经济学不仅非常必要,而且非常可行.我们可以从对资本主义经济危机史及对经济危机思想史的回顾和分析中,看出它的必要性和可行性,我们还可以从对当前的经济危机分析研究中,看到它的现实需要的紧迫性.这次危机有七大特点:危机形态上的虚拟性;危机空间上的跨界性;危机领域上的延伸性;危机影响上的广泛性;危机萧条上的长期性;危机原因上的多因素;危机救助上的联合式.创建危机经济学应该在研究和建设中,逐渐设计和形成它自己的研究对象、研究方法、研究内容及框架体系,还需要有一定的理论思考、理论升华和理论创新,这需要许多人的长期努力.  相似文献   


Sexual minority youth face multiple challenges, yet research regarding evidence-informed practice strategies for this population is limited. This study describes the pilot efforts of Strengths First, the first strengths-based intervention created specifically to promote self-esteem and self-efficacy among multiethnic sexual minority youth. A pretest–posttest design was used to gather preliminary data from program participants (n = 162) about the potential effectiveness of the program during a 2-year period that ranged from the inception of the program in June 2008 to September 2010. Significant increases in self-esteem and self-efficacy were found. Implications for social service research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

In some fields of policy Britain tends to follow the Americans. Will crime prove to be one of them? This chapter begins with an exploration of the sources of American influence, and an account of the disastrous course their penal policies have taken. Thereafter attention focuses on the United Kingdom. It is argued that public concern about crime must be taken seriously. Some have called for a “remoralization” of the debate—more “condemnation”, less “understanding”. But if our aim is to reduce crime, its economic and social context must first be understood; then changed. Delinquency is only one of several responses which people may make to prolonged hardship and frustration; and not necessarily the most destructive. Drawing on experience in many parts of the country, a programme of action to improve people’s safety is proposed. Starting with procedures for consulting and involving people—including those who appear to be the source of trouble—a local strategy is outlined to improve opportunities for making an honest living, to stabilize and strengthen communities, to provide better support for the victims of crime and for the most vulnerable families, and better opportunities for ex-offenders. Police and penal services have an important job to do as mobilizers and managers of a society’s responses to crime. But, in a country where only 3 per cent of offences lead to a conviction in court, these services cannot do much to prevent it.  相似文献   

建国初期,由于经济匮乏,基础设施和设备落后以及缺少燃料等原因,我市的交通运输业发展极为迟缓.全市货运总量不足一千万吨,航空运输为零.  相似文献   


The CSWE Geriatric Enrichment in Social Work Education Project, funded by the John A. Hartford foundation, aimed to change curricula and organizational structure in 67 GeroRich projects so that all students would graduate with foundation knowledge and skills to work effectively with older adults and their families. The emphasis was on change processes to infuse and sustain gerontological competencies and curricular resources in foundation courses. This article presents lessons learned and strategies for engaging faculty, practitioners and students in the curriculum and organizational change process.  相似文献   

高旭 《今日辽宁》2015,(2):62-64
琥珀是埋藏在地下的树脂历经千万年之后形成的一种有机宝石,而抚顺就是世界著名的琥珀产地之一。抚顺的琥珀属于矿珀,其开采历史要追溯到清光绪二十七年(1901年)。初识陈焕升是在济南非博会现场,只见他聚精会神地揣摩着手中的琥珀,似乎将手中的琥珀当作了穿越千古的"老友",用心倾听着这位"老友"的讲述,试着与它交流。过了些时辰,他仿佛得到了什么灵感,胸有成竹拿起刻刀,游刃有余地刻起手中的琥珀。前来观看  相似文献   

白嫩的肌肤是落在每个女人心上的明月光,肌若凝脂是从唐诗宋词里一直吟唱到当下的美丽,完美的白净剔透离我们究竟有多远?在美白产品、生物科技、医学美容日益卓越的今天,让我们一起开始全新的美白体验。  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2012,35(3):218-234
In this article the author reflects on her experiences in establishing an enabling climate in critically reflective groups. The author also addresses some particular challenges for educators and participants who are firmly committed to social justice values. The author outlines some embedded ways of thinking about how we make knowledge and how we make a sense of ourselves that can inhibit critical reflection. The author pinpoints five specific internalised cultures about “the expert,” “the manager,” “the evangelist,” “the victim,” and “the technician.” From an awareness of these, the author then suggests an orientation for enabling critical reflection based on the notion of “co-researching.”  相似文献   

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