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Thirty-five patients (20 women) treated by a Family Therapy Unit based in a psychiatric hospital were compared with 35 matched control inpatients who were not treated by the Unit. Family Therapy averaged 4.5 one hour sessions and was cybernetic rather than behavioural or psychoeducational. The main outcome measure was days spent in the hospital in the year after family therapy. Women, but not men, showed a significant improvement after family therapy, reducing their days in hospital from a mean of 50 in the year before family therapy to 18 in the year after. The best response was shown by women with affective disorder. Control men and women showed a slight increase in days spent in hospital. Improvement after family therapy was associated with a markedly positive change in key relatives' attitudes to the patient, and a strongly positive attitude towards family therapy.  相似文献   

A theoretical framework is tested predicting that the lack of perceived status recognition within a status structure promotes social psychological withdrawal from that status structure. Scales of Powerlessness, Meaninglessness, and Normlessness were used as independent variables, representing aspects of the work status structure. Self-Evaluative Involvement in work and Instrumental Work Orientation scales were employed as two indicators of social psychological withdrawal from the work role. Some empirical support for the theoretical framework is presented.  相似文献   

This paper illuminates children's emotional responses to an atrium in a contemporary Canadian paediatric hospital. It draws on a focused analysis of data elicited in a qualitative study that explored patients' perspectives on the design and architecture of the atrium. Children were involved in all phases of the project either as consultants on the research methods or participating in interviews and taking photographs of the space. The atrium consists of a main lobby with a high windowed ceiling, brightly coloured elevators with exposed mechanisms, information desks, a large fountain and food venues. Children expressed a range of emotions associated with the space. The findings demonstrate children's ability to identify multi‐faceted issues related to hospital design and affirm their rights to participate in decisions regarding spaces that purportedly are designed for them.  相似文献   


Differing styles and ranges of self-disclosure are highlighted through interviews with lesbian and gay clinical staff at an in-patient setting in the Midwest. Each staff, three men and one woman aged 44 to 62, is presented through a psychosocial history concerning religious, marital, and coming out issues. Participants are interviewed about their style and degree of disclosure of homosexuality to staff, clients, and family. The author concludes that degree of “coming out” correlates with positive adjustment to sexual orientation for the interviewees more than with fears about job loss or personal reprisal.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):213-242

There is a paucity of research on children's awareness of how emotion communication varies within relationships. Indeed, we operate on the assumption that a very significant function of emotion is to regulate interpersonal interaction. In this essay we discuss how children come to understand such phenomena as: (a) emotional-expressive behavior can have powerful interpersonal consequences; (b) relationship dimensions such as degree of power and closeness interact with intensity of emotion in how emotion is communicated; and (c) maintenance of relationship quality (e.g., equilibrium, attenuation, or deepening) requires different strategies of emotion communication. Among the constructs that we address are several that are useful for understanding the dynamics of interpersonal communication; they have also proven their utility over a considerable period of time. However, these constructs derive from social psychology and family systems; they have not been systematically investigated from a developmental perspective  相似文献   

This paper discusses the functionality of the linguistic code in the communication processes of a family in a crisis situation and in need of concealing its plight. Basic concepts of verbal interaction are discussed to show the difficulties of any open exchange of messages within a family with a dying patient. The paper concludes with two observations from a case study.  相似文献   

Des changements dans l'organisation du travail, et plus particulièrement l'adoption de relations de production postfordistes, ont fait l'objet d'interprétations nouvelles. Certaines ont permis de déceler de nouveaux systèmes de gestion qui ont favorisé la mise en valeur des compétences et la création d'emplois plus intéressants et plus humains. D'autres ont allégué que les nouvelles relations au sein du lieu de travail entraînent une intensification de l'effort ouvrier qui n'a que peu à voir avec la production d'une meilleure qualité d'emploi. Cet article compare deux entreprises d'une même industrie - la production de potasse -, dont l'une à adopté les nouvelles pratiques de gestion et l'autre demeure traditionnelle, afin d'évaluer la validité de ces arguments opposés. Changes in the organization of work, and specifically the adoption of post-Fordist production relations, have been subject to alternative interpretations. Some have identified the new management systems with skill enhancement and the production of more interesting, humane jobs. Others have argued that the new workplace relations represent an intensification of work effort that has little to do with the production of better quality employment. To assess the validity of the competing claims, this article compares two firms in one industry, potash production: one has bought into the new managerial practices, while the other has remained traditional.  相似文献   

This article offers a biographical sketch of Mirra Komarovsky in the framework of an analysis of her work as a researcher, writer, teacher and feminist. It demonstrates how the cultural conflicts that existed while she was a college student laid the foundation for her later sociological research. It also illustrates the particular dynamics of a woman's career in sociology, especially with regard to the influence of social supports on a woman's sense of “finding her voice.” Her work after retirement suggests that this period may have particular significance in the lives of academic women. The theoretical foundation and methodological characteristics of her work are additional foci of this article.  相似文献   

This qualitative study focuses on the different ways time is experienced by children in families who face time challenges because of a family member's job that required work travel. Data are from a family‐level study that includes interviews of all family members older than age 7. Using grounded theory methodology, this study illustrates the ways in which job demands and family processes interact. The analysis centers on 75 children's perspectives from 43 families. Holding together assessments of having enough time while wanting more time with their parents, children express emotion, generally unrecognized by parents, around the topic of family time. Children's experience of time with parents is rushed or calm, depending on the activities done in time and the gender of the parent with whom they spend time. Findings are interpreted through a feminist social constructionist lens.  相似文献   

Contemporary work on the development of status and power structures is reviewed. It is shown that theorists have conceptualized the relationship between these structures in opposite ways. Some have held that the structures tend toward alignment. Specifically, they have held that persons tend to be equally high or low in both structures. Others have held that the structures tend toward non-alignment. Specifically, they have held that the range of persons statuses tends to be greater than the range of their power. An attempt is made to reconcile the different theories underlying these two conceptions by postulating that one conception is correct under certain conditions and that the other is correct under other conditions. The conditions specified involve an important but somewhat neglected aspect of the overall stratification structure, what is called the secondary stratification structure, and the importance persons assign to this structure.  相似文献   

The persons who are social work's constituencies are typically disenfranchised and excluded. This is particularly the case with children whose voices are routinely suppressed. This paper outlines why Children's Article 12 Rights under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to express their views on all matters concerning them should also apply to social work research. The ethical issues around research with children are explored and a number of different research methods are outlined in order to offer a starting point for social workers wishing to place children's viewpoints and voices at the centre of their research.  相似文献   

What kind of conflicts and tensions do children experience with other children and adults in the family? Content analysis of 32 thematic interviews with 10‐ to 13‐year‐old children revealed that while conflicts often concern daily actions, tasks and routines, they also relate to decision‐making and fair treatment or to matters threatening the child's sense of emotional security. Parental conflicts and conflicts in child–parent relationships often arouse negative emotions that lead children to suppress their agency. However, conflicts, particularly those between siblings, may also open up possibilities for negotiation and agency.  相似文献   

En s'appuyant sur les écrits de Ralf Dahrendorf et de Lewis Coser, l'auteur voudrait créer un modèle analytique du conflit qui serait applicable à l'étude des relations ethniques. Le modèle en question s'établit à partir de données dont la cueillette se poursuit dans une commune ontarienne qui compte des Canadiens d'expression française et d'expression anglaise. L'auteur considère le conflit comme une composante structurelle, un résultat inévitable, de la division du pouvoir et du statut II propose des hypothéses au sujet des variations des manifestations conflictuell. es. II suggère son modéle comme une alternative à l'approche de l'étude des relations ethniques d'après la théorie dite cyclique des relations raciales.  相似文献   


This article examines the issues that arise when field instructors encounter social work interns with psychiatric problems. The authors discuss how legal decisions and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provide the organizing framework for developing appropriate policies for addressing these situations. Findings from a survey that asked 61 field instructors about their experiences with such students and their knowledge of ADA guidelines provide additional information for policy development. Based on the survey and the legal guidelines, the authors present a problem-solving framework and recommendations to guide academic programs toward an approach that protects the rights of all parties involved.  相似文献   

Abstract Asthma is the number one chronic health condition facing children today; however, little is known about rural‐urban inequalities in asthma. This “area effects on health” study examines rural‐urban differences in childhood asthma hospitalizations within the state of Texas using negative binomial regression models. Effects associated with residence on the Texas‐Mexico border, where the majority of rural Texas children live, are also considered. Neighborhood‐level social class and proportion of the population that was native‐born Hispanic were significant predictors of asthma hospitalizations, independent of rural‐urban location. Conversely, proportion African American, Native American, and foreign‐born Hispanic, not a citizen; median year of home construction; and neighborhood location on the Texas‐Mexico border were conditional on urban‐rural location, and the strength of these predictors was stronger in rural areas. This suggests that locational and social factors intersect in marginalized spaces (like the rural and border regions of Texas) to create vulnerability to asthma hospitalizations.  相似文献   

This study utilizes content analysis to measure the prominence of six environmental themes in children's science and social studies textbooks over the period 1950–1991. Regression analysis of data from a sample of 118 textbooks reveals that textbook space devoted to forest issues has decreased since 1950. Within this shrinking space, treatments of ecological issues with regard to forests have increased, but only in science texts. All other environmental themes have decreased in prominence. The decreasing attention to forest issues in texts may be due in part to the trend of “mentioning,” the replacement of narrative text with strings of facts, in the production of textbooks. The finding that newer, more proenvironmental themes have not replaced the classical economic view of forests as commodities suggests that the growth in environmentalism in the United States since 1950 has not yet been sufficiently integrated into our culture to affect the formal education of children.  相似文献   

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