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论社区再就业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前 ,发展社区再就业不仅是解决下岗职工再就业的有效途径 ,而且是社区健康发展的客观要求。为了促进社区再就业的良性发展 ,必须遵循以下原则 :1 .发展社区再就业与加快社区经济发展相统一的原则 ;2 .发展社区再就业与加强社区管理相结合的原则 ;3.发展社区再就业与发展社区教育相结合的原则。基于此 ,我们提出加快社区建设 ,促进社区再就业发展的具体措施 :加快社区服务产业化进程 ,积极发展社区第三产业 ;实施社区教育工程 ,构建社区高级职业教育的培训体系 ;加强和完善对劳动力的科学管理 ,积极发挥市场中介组织的信息服务功能  相似文献   

社区就业服务体系建设的理论与实践   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
社区就业服务体系的建设是解决我国经济结构调整中出现的下岗、失业问题的有效途径。本文在对北京市试点城区深入调查取得第一手资料的基础上 ,着重对社区就业岗位需求因素和体系建设中的难点以及存在的问题进行了分析 ,并就如何端正认识 ,完善社区就业管理体系 ,以及资金筹措与运用等 ,提出了针对性的改革建议。  相似文献   

社区就业与城市发展:城市社区就业状况与对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
任远 《人口学刊》2004,(6):20-25
20世纪90年代以来,在体制转轨和企业改制深化的背景下,我国城市下岗、失业人员逐年递增,城市社区在发展过程中创造了大量的就业机会和就业岗位,社区就业已成为劳动力市场的重要组成部分和新增就业的重要来源。对促进我国城市就业和城市发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

做好困难群体的再就业工作,并不意味着人人都能重新上岗。由于某些原因,现有劳动力人口中的一部分目前仍滞留各地再就业中心的大龄下岗困难职工,将可能永远无法再回到社会主导产业中去,或找到稳定的就业机会。所以,可否考虑在利用“积极劳动力市场政策”提供岗位援助,为其创造“边缘性”就业机会的同时;利用“消极劳动力市场政策”提供保障援助,重点做好社会保险的接续工作,帮助这部分特殊就业困难群体逐渐、直至完全退出劳动力市场就业竞争,实现“下岗”向“退休”的平稳过渡。  相似文献   

<正> 我国的老年人数及其在人口中的比重增长的速度,是人类历史上最快的。我国60岁以上的老年人,目前已近1亿,约占总人口的10%;预计到2000年将增长到1.3亿,占总人口的11%;到2025年将增长到2.8亿,占总人口的20%。在这期间,老年人将增长250%,那时,5个中国人中就有一个60岁以上的老年人。这种人口结构老化的发展趋势,已对我国经济和社会发展产生了一系列的影响,并将日趋严重。  相似文献   

再就业培训与人力资源开发   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄少宽 《南方人口》2002,17(2):34-39
下岗失业人员也是一种亟待开发的人力资源 ,开发与再开发下岗失业人员这种人力资源 ,是深化改革 ,促进国民经济健康发展和维护社会稳定的迫切需要 ,也是社会可持续发展的要求。本文分析了开发这一资源的最有效途径就是再就业培训 ,指出了目前我国再就业培训存在的主要问题 ,并提出了相应的对策  相似文献   

妥善解决下岗职工的再就业,不仅是一个经济问题,同时也是一个政治问题和社会问题。改革开放以来,特别是90年代以来,随着企业改革深化、技术进步、经济结构调整和就业方式的改变,下岗失业职工人数急剧增长,再就业压力巨大,就业形势严峻。职工下岗失业与再就业已成为社会普遍关注的热点问题。本文就此问题谈几点粗浅的认识。一、准确把握了岗失业职工的基本状况按国家统计局规定,“失业”是指在劳动年龄内有劳动能力,在调查期间末工作并以某种方式在寻找工作的人员。“下岗’倒是在经济结构和资产重组过程中,企业富余人员失去工作岗…  相似文献   

“下岗”是一种“准显性失业” ,再就业工程只是一种具有过渡意义的特殊的社会保障制度 ,因此 ,存在着局限性。这些局限性不可避免地导致了在再就业工程的实施中 ,“隐性就业”与下岗职工“生活保障权利虚置” ,所以 ,必须有步骤地采取措施 ,推进国有企业劳动就业机制的完全转换。  相似文献   

人力投资:解决结构性失业的战略措施   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国正处于经济结构转变、经济体制转轨时期,由此引致的结构性失业在城镇失业中已占相当大的份额,并日趋突出。借鉴发达国家对付结构性失业的经验,加强对人力的投资将是解决我国结构性失业的一项长期政策选择。为此必须:(1)强化就业培训有关法规的贯彻,推动人力培训制度的建设。(2)加强培训机构与企业、劳工部门合作,促进就业培训基地的建设。(3)开辟培训资金的筹措渠道,增加人力资本投入,扩大职业培训范围等  相似文献   

黄桂  付春光  陈涛 《南方人口》2004,19(1):37-40
为促进广州市下岗失业人员再就业而开展的“一三一”就业服务,针对不同的服务对象与服务性质,对职业指导、职业介绍、职业培训采取不同的资助额度,有效地制止了失业率的上升,产生了积极的社会效益。  相似文献   

Young people of working age tend to be particularly prone to labor market inefficiencies that keep their wages excessively high and their employment excessively low. These inefficiencies are usually magnified through unemployment benefit systems. This paper examines how these problems can be tackled through “employment vouchers,” i.e. hiring subsidies or tax breaks for the unemployed. It examines how vouchers to the young unemployed should differ from those to the adult unemployed. The employment vouchers considered here reduce unemployment and impose no cost on the government, since they are financed by the induced fall in government expenditures on unemployment benefits. Among other things, we find that young workers should receive lower vouchers as displacement of the old rises and as deadweight from providing vouchers to the old increases.  相似文献   

This study aimed to find out how heterogeneous temporary employment is reflected in later labour market attachment. Using data from Finnish Quality of Work Life Surveys in 1990, 1997 and 2003 merged with an 8-year register follow-up, we compared permanent workers with three categories of temporary employees: substitutes, common fixed-term (e.g. project workers), and periphery (seasonal, on-call, temporary agency and employment subsidy) workers. First, we applied sequence analysis to identify the main activities at the end of each follow-up year for all employees with permanent and temporary contracts. On this basis, we formed six typical employment sequence clusters. Second, we performed multinomial logistic regression to find out whether there are statistically significant differences between temporary and permanent employees in terms of how they are divided between the sequence clusters. Four in five permanent employees were in stable employment over the following 8 years, compared to only two in five temporary periphery workers. The corresponding proportion for substitute workers was 70% and for common fixed-term workers 64%. Compared to permanent workers, those in common fixed-term or periphery temporary employment were more likely to become unemployed, whereas substitute workers were not. Our major finding is that periphery employment clearly increases the risk of being edged out of the labour market through retirement, especially on disability pension.  相似文献   

我国现行失业保险制度运行中存在失业保险金的给付两难,给付双方是一种博弈关系。通过构建政府与失业人员的失业保险金给付静态博弈和完全而不完美信息动态博弈并进行解析,需要从缩短失业保险金的给付期限、充分发挥失业保险金的促进就业功能等方面对现行失业保险制度进行优化设计。  相似文献   

残疾人就业政策:国际经验及对我国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
第二次全国残疾人抽样调查数据显示我国目前共有残疾人8296万,残疾人就业难成为我国政府亟待解决的一个重要问题。国际经验表明,适当的政策可以促进残疾人就业。本文介绍了发达国家和地区的残疾人就业政策,发现他们的残疾人政策主要集中在收入支持、就业计划和康复计划三个方面。通过比较这些国家和地区对残疾人采取的就业政策和措施,得出促进我国残疾人就业的政策启示,包括制订康复计划,转变雇主对残疾人的观念,针对残疾人就业制定专门的法律等。  相似文献   

煤炭城市特殊就业再就业体系的探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
煤炭城市就业再就业是振兴东北老工业基地、实现资源型城市发展接续产业战略亟待解决的问题。这一突出的矛盾有其历史因素,存在着固有的特殊性。因此,在振兴东北老工业基地战略中,国家应考虑制定特殊的政策和采取特殊的措施来解决煤炭城市的就业再就业难题。  相似文献   

杨沛 《西北人口》2000,(1):61-63
本文通过对新疆国有企业职工下岗情况各方面的认真调查,认为只有通过职工个人、企业和政府的共同努力,才能解决这一世纪性难题,并就此提出了具体的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Improving living standards and increasing productivity in developing countries may result in fertility reduction. In Bangladesh, government policy stresses rural development and fertility reduction. Programs that raise women's status reduce fertility. Educational level is inversely correlated to childbearing. Women aged 25-29 with a Secondary School Certificate have 2.4 children, versus 4.0 for those with no education. Employment also decreases fertility. Thus, improving the educational and employment status of women could have major effects on fertility. Studying the Bangladesh Rural Social Services program revealed that community organization efforts and self-help programs for economic and social improvement also decrease fertility. Rural electrification programs, which have been emphasized in development planning, contribute to changing attitudes and behavior of residents of these regions. In addition to electrification, improved transportation and communications should enhance the spread of information to rural areas. Agricultural development programs, such as the Comilla development program, have not affected fertility. This is attributed to the concentration of benefits to a few farms, with the majority becoming poorer. Unless agricultural development benefits are widely distributed, there will probably be little effect on fertility. Thus, the development programs most likely to affect fertility are those which emphasize female education and employment, open rural areas to information and ideas, and are open to a whole community.  相似文献   

Most OECD countries have experienced an increase of female part-time employment in the last decades. It has been argued that part-time work may give greater employment flexibility, enabling mothers to reconcile conflicting demands of family and work and thereby facilitating their integration into the wage economy. At the same time, it has been suggested that female part-time work implies segmentation of the labour force into a core and a periphery, with marginalized, low qualified jobs for part-time employees. However, little attention has been given to the possible mediating effect of the institutional context on potential job quality disadvantages of part-timers. We examine this question by comparing the skills and autonomy of female part-time workers in two countries, Britain and Sweden, often considered as representing quite distinct forms of institutional regime. The results show that female part-time employees in Sweden hold positions of higher skill and have more autonomy compared to their equivalents in Britain. Even so, both British and Swedish part-time employees face relative disadvantage when compared to female full-time workers. We conclude that differences in the institutional systems of Sweden and Britain do have a significant effect on the absolute skill level of part-time work. However, the relative disadvantage of part-timers persists despite Swedish policies giving greater salience to improvements in the quality of work.  相似文献   

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