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Jibo Wu  Hu Yang 《Statistics》2013,47(3):535-545
This paper deals with parameter estimation in the linear regression model and an almost unbiased two-parameter estimator is introduced. The performance of this new estimator over the ordinary least-squares estimator and the two-parameter estimator [M.R. Özkale and S. Kaçiranlar, The restricted and unrestricted two-parameter estimator, Comm. Statist. Theory Methods 36 (2007), pp. 2707–2725] in terms of scalar mean-squared error criterion is investigated and a simulation study is done.  相似文献   

Özkale and Kaçiranlar introduced the restricted two-parameter estimator (RTPE) to deal with the well-known multicollinearity problem in linear regression model. In this paper, the restricted almost unbiased two-parameter estimator (RAUTPE) based on the RTPE is presented. The quadratic bias and mean-squared error of the proposed estimator is discussed and compared with the corresponding competitors in literatures. Furthermore, a numerical example and a Monte Carlo simulation study are given to explain some of the theoretical results.  相似文献   


In this article, when it is suspected that regression coefficients may be restricted to a subspace, we discuss the parameter estimation of regression coefficients in a multiple regression model. Then, in order to improve the preliminary test almost ridge estimator, we study the positive-rule Stein-type almost unbiased ridge estimator based on the positive-rule stein-type shrinkage estimator and almost unbiased ridge estimator. After that, quadratic bias and quadratic risk values of the new estimator are derived and compared with some relative estimators. And we also discuss the option of parameter k. Finally, we perform a real data example and a Monte Carlo study to illustrate theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the estimation of a partially linear model when stochastic linear restrictions on the parameter components are assumed to hold. Based on the weighted mixed estimator, profile least-squares method, and ridge method, a weighted stochastic restricted ridge estimator of the parametric component is introduced. The properties of the new estimator are also discussed. Finally, a simulation study is given to show the performance of the new estimator.  相似文献   

In this paper, the restricted almost unbiased ridge regression estimator and restricted almost unbiased Liu estimator are introduced for the vector of parameters in a multiple linear regression model with linear restrictions. The bias, variance matrices and mean square error (MSE) of the proposed estimators are derived and compared. It is shown that the proposed estimators will have smaller quadratic bias but larger variance than the corresponding competitors in literatures. However, they will respectively outperform the latter according to the MSE criterion under certain conditions. Finally, a simulation study and a numerical example are given to illustrate some of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce the weighted mixed Liu-type estimator (WMLTE) based on the weighted mixed and Liu-type estimator (LTE) in linear regression model. We will also present necessary and sufficient conditions for superiority of the weighted mixed Liu-type estimator over the weighted mixed estimator (WME) and Liu type estimator (LTE) in terms of mean square error matrix (MSEM) criterion. Finally, a numerical example and a Monte Carlo simulation is also given to show the theoretical results.  相似文献   

The present paper considers the weighted mixed regression estimation of the coefficient vector in a linear regression model with stochastic linear restrictions binding the regression coefficients. We introduce a new two-parameter-weighted mixed estimator (TPWME) by unifying the weighted mixed estimator of Schaffrin and Toutenburg [1] and the two-parameter estimator (TPE) of Özkale and Kaç?ranlar [2]. This new estimator is a general estimator which includes the weighted mixed estimator, the TPE and the restricted two-parameter estimator (RTPE) proposed by Özkale and Kaç?ranlar [2] as special cases. Furthermore, we compare the TPWME with the weighted mixed estimator and the TPE with respect to the matrix mean square error criterion. A numerical example and a Monte Carlo simulation experiment are presented by using different estimators of the biasing parameters to illustrate some of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this paper, the preliminary test approach to the estimation of the linear regression model with student's t errors is considered. The preliminary test almost unbiased two-parameter estimator is proposed, when it is suspected that the regression parameter may be restricted to a constraint. The quadratic biases and quadratic risks of the proposed estimators are derived and compared under both null and alternative hypotheses. The conditions of superiority of the proposed estimators for departure parameter and biasing parameters k and d are derived, respectively. Furthermore, a real data example and a Monte Carlo simulation study are provided to illustrate some of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is two-fold. One is to compare the almost unbiased generalized ridge regression (AUGRR) estimator proposed by Singh, Chaubey and Dwivedi (1986) with the generalized ridge regression (GRR) estimator and with the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator in terms of the mean squared error criterion. Second is to examine small sample properties of the operational almost unbiased ordinary ridge regression (AUORR) estimator by Monte Carlo experiments.  相似文献   

It is known that when the multicollinearity exists in the logistic regression model, variance of maximum likelihood estimator is unstable. As a remedy, in the context of biased shrinkage Liu estimation, Chang introduced an almost unbiased Liu estimator in the logistic regression model. Making use of his approach, when some prior knowledge in the form of linear restrictions are also available, we introduce a restricted almost unbiased Liu estimator in the logistic regression model. Statistical properties of this newly defined estimator are derived and some comparison results are also provided in the form of theorems. A Monte Carlo simulation study along with a real data example are given to investigate the performance of this estimator.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the parameter estimation in a partially linear model. We proposed a difference-based Liu-type estimator of the unknown parameters in the partially linear model. The asymptotically properties of the proposed estimator are discussed. We propose a iterative method to choose the biasing parameters. Finally, a simulation study and a numerical example are presented to explain the performance of the estimators.  相似文献   

We make some comments about the paper of Yildiz (2017 Yildiz, N. 2017. On the weighted mixed Liu-type estimator under unbiased stochastic restrictions. Communications in Statistics Simulation and Computation 46 (9):723848. do?:10.1080/03610918.2016.1235189.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and correct the theorems in that paper.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine small sample properties of the operational almost unbiased generalized ridge estimator (E) . The exact first two moments of theAUGRE are derived. It is shown that although the reduction of the bias of the AUGRE is substantial, the AUGRE is rather inefficient than the generalized ridge estimator without the bias correction in a wide range of a noncen-trality parameter in terms of the mean square error.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce two new classes of estimators called the stochastic restricted almost unbiased ridge-type principal component estimator (SRAURPCE) and the stochastic restricted almost unbiased Liu-type principal component estimator (SRAURPCE) to overcome the well-known multicollinearity problem in linear regression model. For the two cases when the restrictions are true and not true, necessary and sufficient conditions for the superiority of the proposed estimators are derived and compared, respectively. Furthermore, a Monte Carlo simulation study and a numerical example are given to illustrate the performance of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive the almost unbiased generalized Liu estimator and examine an exact unbiased estimator of the bias and mean squared error of the feasible generalized Liu estimator . We compare the almost unbiased generalized Liu estimator (AUGLE) with the generalized Liu estimator (GLE) and with the ordinary least squares estimator (OLSE).  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the asymptotic properties of the operational almost unbiased estimator of regression coefficients which includes almost unbiased ordinary ridge estimator a s a special case. The small distrubance approximations for the bias and mean square error matrix of the estimator are derived. As a consequence, it is proved that, under certain conditions, the estimator is more efficient than a general class of estimators given by Vinod and Ullah (1981). Also it is shown that, if the ordinary ridge estimator (ORE) dominates the ordinary least squares estimator then the almost unbiased ordinary ridge estimator does not dominate ORE under the mean square error criterion.  相似文献   


This article considers some different parameter estimation methods in logistic regression model. In order to overcome multicollinearity, the almost unbiased ridge-type principal component estimator is proposed. The scalar mean squared error of the proposed estimator is derived and its properties are investigated. Finally, a numerical example and a simulation study are presented to show the performance of the proposed estimator.  相似文献   

In this article, a two-parameter estimator is proposed to combat multicollinearity in the negative binomial regression model. The proposed two-parameter estimator is a general estimator which includes the maximum likelihood (ML) estimator, the ridge estimator (RE) and the Liu estimator as special cases. Some properties on the asymptotic mean-squared error (MSE) are derived and necessary and sufficient conditions for the superiority of the two-parameter estimator over the ML estimator and sufficient conditions for the superiority of the two-parameter estimator over the RE and the Liu estimator in the asymptotic mean-squared error (MSE) matrix sense are obtained. Furthermore, several methods and three rules for choosing appropriate shrinkage parameters are proposed. Finally, a Monte Carlo simulation study is given to illustrate some of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

Growth curve models are used to analyze repeated measures data (longitudinal data), which are functions of time. In this paper, some necessary and sufficient conditions for linear function B1YB2 to be the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) of estimable functions X1ΘX2 (or K1ΘK2) under the general growth curve model were established. In addition, the representations of BLUE(K1ΘK2) (or BLUE(X1ΘX2)) were derived when the conditions are satisfied. Two special notions of linear sufficiency with respect to the general growth curve model are given in the end. The findings of this paper enrich some known results in the literature.  相似文献   

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