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A variant of the well-known Chebyshev inequality for scalar random variables can be formulated in the case where the mean and variance are estimated from samples. In this article, we present a generalization of this result to multiple dimensions where the only requirement is that the samples are independent and identically distributed. Furthermore, we show that as the number of samples tends to infinity our inequality converges to the theoretical multi-dimensional Chebyshev bound.  相似文献   

This note consists of two parts . In the first part, we provide a pedagogic review on the multivariate generalized hyperbolic (MGH) distribution. We show that this probability family is close under margining, conditioning, and linear transforms; however, such property does not hold for its subclasses. In the second part, we obtain the Stein-type inequality in the context of MGH distribution. Moreover, we apply the Stein-type inequality to prove a lower bound for Var[h(X)]. Particularly, we present examples when X belongs to some well-known subclasses in MGH family.  相似文献   

Summary: In this paper the projection approach of Runger (1996) is applied to construct control charts for a multivariate process. It is assumed that a shift in the mean might only occur in a known subspace of the parameter space. The projection method permits a reduction of the dimensionality of the control problem.Several control schemes based on projections are introduced. We consider CUSUM type charts as well as EWMA schemes. The underlying variables are assumed to be independent and normally distributed. Using the average run length all control charts are compared with each other. Moreover, it is analyzed how sensitive the charts react on a false choice of the subspace.  相似文献   

We derive and numerically evaluate the bias and mean square error of the inequality constrained least squares estimator in a model with two inequality constraints and multivariate terror terms. Our results suggest that qualitatively, the estimator properties found for models with normal errors carry over to the case of multivariate terrors.  相似文献   

The T 2 control chart is widely adopted in multivariate statistical process control. However, when dealing with asymmetrical or multimodal distributions using the traditional T 2 control chart, some points with relatively high occurrence possibility might be excluded, while some points with relatively low occurrence possibility might be accepted. Motived by the thought of the highest posterior density credible region, we develop a control chart based on the highest possibility region to solve this problem. It is shown that the proposed multivariate control chart will not only meet the false alarm requirement, but also ensure that all the in-control points are with relatively high occurrence possibility. The advantages and effectiveness of the proposed control chart are demonstrated by some numerical examples in the end.  相似文献   


In the present study, several characterizations of order statistics are obtained on the basis of the generalized entropy. Under some conditions, it is shown that the parent distribution can be uniquely determined by equality of generalized entropy of order statistics.  相似文献   

A class of measures of dependence between two random vectors is defined, in terms of the canonical correlations obtained from Fisher's information matrix. Some basic properties are proved for this class of measures. Examples are given to illustrate that the class gives good measures, under normal models. Interesting measures are also arise for bivariate models where the correlation coefficient does not exist for some values of the parameters of the model.  相似文献   

Statistical approaches tailored to analyzing longitudinal data that have multiple outcomes with different distributions are scarce. This paucity is due to the non-availability of multivariate distributions that jointly model outcomes with different distributions other than the multivariate normal. A plethora of research has been done on the specific combination of binary-Gaussian bivariate outcomes but a more general approach that allows other mixtures of distributions for multiple longitudinal outcomes has not been thoroughly demonstrated and examined. Here, we study a multivariate generalized linear mixed models approach that jointly models multiple longitudinal outcomes with different combinations of distributions and incorporates the correlations between the various outcomes through separate yet correlated random intercepts. Every outcome is linked to the set of covariates through a proper link function that allows the incorporation and joint modeling of different distributions. A novel application was demonstrated on a cohort study of Type-1 diabetic patients to jointly model a mix of longitudinal cardiovascular outcomes and to explore for the first time the effect of glycemic control treatment, plasma prekallikrein biomarker, gender and age on cardiovascular risk factors collectively.  相似文献   

Based on reliability theory, the value of the standard normal distribution integral can be obtained by calculating the probability of the failure domain of the linear performance function. After the sample space is divided into some sub-sample spaces, a number of sub-failure domains are obtained. In the paper, the methods of computing the probabilities of sub-failure domains are discussed. All the formulae and the steps of computing the standard normal distribution integral which meet any required precision are given in the paper. Examples show that it is easy for the method to compute the standard normal distribution integral.  相似文献   

Certain aspects of maximum likelihood estimation for ergodic diffusions are studied via recently developed empirical process theory for martingales. This approach enables us to remove some undesirable regularity conditions that usually appear in the statistical literature on ergodic diffusions. In particular, dimension dependent conditions for the existence of a continuous likelihood and for consistency of the maximum likelihood estimator turn out to be unnecessary.  相似文献   

Summary: This paper deals with item nonresponse on income questions in panel surveys and with longitudinal and cross–sectional imputation strategies to cope with this phenomenon. Using data from the German SOEP, we compare income inequality and mobility indicators based only on truly observed information to those derived from observed and imputed observations. First, we find a positive correlation between inequality and imputation. Secondly, income mobility appears to be significantly understated using observed information only. Finally, longitudinal analyses provide evidence for a positive inter–temporal correlation between item nonresponse and any kind of subsequent nonresponse.* We are grateful to two anonymous referees and to Jan Goebel for very helpful comments and suggestions on an earlier draft of this paper. The paper also benefited from discussions with seminar participants at the Workshop on Item Nonresponse and Data Quality in Large Social Surveys, Basel/CH, October 9–11, 2003.  相似文献   

In this article, based on generalized order statistics from a family of proportional hazard rate model, we use a statistical test to generate a class of preliminary test estimators and shrinkage preliminary test estimators for the proportionality parameter. These estimators are compared under Pitman measure of closeness (PMC) as well as MSE criteria. Although the PMC suffers from non transitivity, in the first class of estimators, it has the transitivity property and we obtain the Pitman-closest estimator. Analytical and graphical methods are used to show the range of parameter in which preliminary test and shrinkage preliminary test estimators perform better than their competitor estimators. Results reveal that when the prior information is not too far from its real value, the proposed estimators are superior based on both mentioned criteria.  相似文献   

Three procedures for testing the adequacy of a proposed linear multiresponse regression model against unspecified general alternatives are considered. The model has an error structure with a matrix normal distribution which allows the vector of responses for a particular run to have an unknown covariance matrix while the responses for different runs are uncorrelated. Furthermore, each response variable may be modeled by a separate design matrix. Multivariate statistics corresponding to the classical univariate lack of fit and pure error sums of squares are defined and used to determine the multivariate lack of fit tests. A simulation study was performed to compare the power functions of the test procedures in the case of replication. Generalizations of the tests for the case in which there are no independent replicates on all responses are also presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of estimating the mean vector under non-negative constraints on location vector of the multivariate normal distribution is investigated. The value of the wavelet threshold based on Stein''s unbiased risk estimators is calculated for the shrinkage estimator in restricted parameter space. We suppose that covariance matrix is unknown and we find the dominant class of shrinkage estimators under Balance loss function. The performance evaluation of the proposed class of estimators is checked through a simulation study by using risk and average mean square error values.  相似文献   

Overdispersion is a common phenomenon in Poisson modeling. The generalized Poisson (GP) regression model accommodates both overdispersion and underdispersion in count data modeling, and is an increasingly popular platform for modeling overdispersed count data. The Poisson model is one of the special cases in the collection of models which may be specified by GP regression. Thus, we may derive a test of overdispersion which compares the equi-dispersion Poisson model within the context of the more general GP regression model. The score test has an advantage over the likelihood ratio test (LRT) and over the Wald test in that the score test only requires that the parameter of interest be estimated under the null hypothesis (the Poisson model). Herein, we propose a score test for overdispersion based on the GP model (specifically the GP-2 model) and compare the power of the test with the LRT and Wald tests. A simulation study indicates the proposed score test based on asymptotic standard normal distribution is more appropriate in practical applications.  相似文献   

The main objective of this work is to evaluate the performance of confidence intervals, built using the deviance statistic, for the hyperparameters of state space models. The first procedure is a marginal approximation to confidence regions, based on the likelihood test, and the second one is based on the signed root deviance profile. Those methods are computationally efficient and are not affected by problems such as intervals with limits outside the parameter space, which can be the case when the focus is on the variances of the errors. The procedures are compared to the usual approaches existing in the literature, which includes the method based on the asymptotic distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator, as well as bootstrap confidence intervals. The comparison is performed via a Monte Carlo study, in order to establish empirically the advantages and disadvantages of each method. The results show that the methods based on the deviance statistic possess a better coverage rate than the asymptotic and bootstrap procedures.  相似文献   


Modeling diagnostics assess models by means of a variety of criteria. Each criterion typically performs its evaluation upon a specific inferential objective. For instance, the well-known DFBETAS in linear regression models are a modeling diagnostic which is applied to discover the influential cases in fitting a model. To facilitate the evaluation of generalized linear mixed models (GLMM), we develop a diagnostic for detecting influential cases based on the information complexity (ICOMP) criteria for detecting influential cases which substantially affect the model selection criterion ICOMP. In a given model, the diagnostic compares the ICOMP criterion between the full data set and a case-deleted data set. The computational formula of the ICOMP criterion is evaluated using the Fisher information matrix. A simulation study is accomplished and a real data set of cancer cells is analyzed using the logistic linear mixed model for illustrating the effectiveness of the proposed diagnostic in detecting the influential cases.  相似文献   

The scaled (two-parameter) Type I generalized logistic distribution (GLD) is considered with the known shape parameter. The ML method does not yield an explicit estimator for the scale parameter even in complete samples. In this article, we therefore construct a new linear estimator for scale parameter, based on complete and doubly Type-II censored samples, by making linear approximations to the intractable terms of the likelihood equation using least-squares (LS) method, a new approach of linearization. We call this as linear approximate maximum likelihood estimator (LAMLE). We also construct LAMLE based on Taylor series method of linear approximation and found that this estimator is slightly biased than that based on the LS method. A Monte Carlo simulation is used to investigate the performance of LAMLE and found that it is almost as efficient as MLE, though biased than MLE. We also compare unbiased LAMLE with BLUE based on the exact variances of the estimators and interestingly this new unbiased LAMLE is found just as efficient as the BLUE in both complete and Type-II censored samples. Since MLE is known as asymptotically unbiased, in large samples we compare unbiased LAMLE with MLE and found that this estimator is almost as efficient as MLE. We have also discussed interval estimation of the scale parameter from complete and Type-II censored samples. Finally, we present some numerical examples to illustrate the construction of the new estimators developed here.  相似文献   

In a clinical trial, the responses to the new treatment may vary among patient subsets with different characteristics in a biomarker. It is often necessary to examine whether there is a cutpoint for the biomarker that divides the patients into two subsets of those with more favourable and less favourable responses. More generally, we approach this problem as a test of homogeneity in the effects of a set of covariates in generalized linear regression models. The unknown cutpoint results in a model with nonidentifiability and a nonsmooth likelihood function to which the ordinary likelihood methods do not apply. We first use a smooth continuous function to approximate the indicator function defining the patient subsets. We then propose a penalized likelihood ratio test to overcome the model irregularities. Under the null hypothesis, we prove that the asymptotic distribution of the proposed test statistic is a mixture of chi-squared distributions. Our method is based on established asymptotic theory, is simple to use, and works in a general framework that includes logistic, Poisson, and linear regression models. In extensive simulation studies, we find that the proposed test works well in terms of size and power. We further demonstrate the use of the proposed method by applying it to clinical trial data from the Digitalis Investigation Group (DIG) on heart failure.  相似文献   

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