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In May 2008, a severe earthquake struck Sichuan Province, devastating many rural communities. Mudslides followed in 2010, undermining some attempts to rebuild. Despite rapid reconstruction efforts by the Chinese central government, many survivors faced uncertainty and substantial challenges. To support rural survivors' efforts to regain livelihoods and hope, social workers launched several asset-building initiatives in the area. The use of asset building as a strategy to address poverty emerged in the United States in the 1990s and spread to Chinese communities in Taiwan and Hong Kong, but there have been only a few efforts to apply the strategy in rural China. This article discusses the conceptual framework of asset building and details asset-building efforts in disaster-stricken rural communities. The article also documents an evolution in the concept of assets and proposes that the concept should be broadened further to include two additional types of assets: social and cultural.  相似文献   

This case study from New Caledonia explores the motivations of local people in initiating co-managed conservation projects on customary lands. Kanak villagers viewed “conservation” largely as a means of reinforcing their cultural identity through preservation of their cultural heritage, grounded in the landscape. However, at the same time, they hoped to promote economic development. Ironically, thus, they found it necessary to welcome outside influences—to seek visits from non-Kanak tourists and to request financial and technical support from the provincial government, which had been created by the colonial power. Meanwhile, although a desire to reinforce customary authority structures formed an important part of this search for a unifying cultural identity, the quest for a stable, traditional, shared “past” created new, micropolitical instabilities within the community, conditioned by expectations of financial gain and by sources of social status. A “micropolitical ecology” approach revealed that a conservation program grounded in customary authority would be the only acceptable solution, although it would be difficult for villagers to agree on who filled customary roles. This study indicates the importance of gaining a clear understanding of intra-community dynamics and of community members’ perceptions of external groups, in order to design appropriate strategies for co-management.  相似文献   

This paper examines the reasons behind the continual growth of the phenomenon of famers ‘planting’ cheap and substandard houses on farmland in rural China repeatedly and without government permission. The practice has been commonly interpreted by local governments as schemes instigated by greedy farmers to maximise compensation payments from the government when their properties are requisitioned for public infrastructural or private development projects. Researchers however have found that such practices are measures farmers learnt from others to insure themselves against land grabs as well as inadequate compensation offered by local governments and developers. Their vulnerability however also spanned a growing illegal industry where farmers short of cash were lured into participating in organised ‘house planting’ projects although they could be caught and put in jail by local authorities. Other researchers are equally concerned by the threat of food security should these incidences continue to escalate. However, these problems would not be easily addressed because the survival of local governments has grown to be heavily dependent on both the huge revenues generated by and winning political mileage from urbanising the rural, or converting agricultural to non-agricultural lands.  相似文献   

As the identification of Scheduled Tribes (STs) is left to the state government – which bases decisions on political considerations rather than the established criteria for identification of STs – there are bound to be emerging demands for inclusion in the list of STs. Meanwhile, in the name of extending welfare projects and affirmative action to tribal people, the state is legitimizing its control over tribal resources. For STs, the important issue is not integration into mainstream society, nor development by any outside agency, but recognition as peoples in their own right, treatment as equal partners, and control over their lands and livelihoods and, through this, the ability to develop themselves.  相似文献   

Universities in Aotearoa New Zealand are public institutions established on lands purchased or acquired by government since 1869. As particular sites in the built landscape, they each carry a history and geography. A project at Massey University’s Wellington campus seeks to open-up diverse identifications with the ‘place’ of the campus and has produced resources, established fora, and built relationships that differently recognise aspects of place and identity. The Pākehā authors reflect on the theoretical frameworks that have influenced their work on the project including geography, critical pedagogy, and discourse theory. As Pākehā academics engaging with the indigenous history of the land through which they work, the authors discuss the implications of this knowledge and the difficulties and responsibilities of working in a project that seeks emancipatory outcomes.  相似文献   

公共项目主要是为了满足社会公共需要,由政府进行固定资产投资的项目。但是,目前我国公共项目现有模式存在缺失,主要表现为机构重复设置、管理水平低、政府监控不力、项目实施效率较差等。这些问题根源于政府权力的高度集中,对项目过多的干预。公共项目建设需要转变政府职能,我们提出TPS建设模式,通过第三方的介入,发挥企业组织管理的优势,从而提高我国公共项目建设水平。  相似文献   

The trust relationship is the conceptual/philosophical framework against which all relations between the federal government and indigenous groups are conducted. Yet despite the centrality of this concept, federal policymakers have no consistent or agreed upon definition of what the trust relationship actually entails (Wilkins, 1997). And, more importantly, indigenous conceptions of trust have rarely been assessed. This article analyzes and advances one tribe's—the Cherokee—perspective on trust. In focusing on how the Cherokee perceive trust, this section emphasizes that from an indigenous viewpoint the trust relationship embodies a complex and sophisticated understanding that both the tribe and the United States have reciprocal responsibilities to maintain positive relations towards one another. The leaders of the Cherokee people—one of the more diverse indigenous groups— understood in the federal government's actions, whether these were expressed in treaties, policy statements, congressional laws, or court decisions, that the federal government was pledged to protect Cherokee property and sovereignty, would act with utmost integrity in its legal and political dealings with the people, and would insure that the United States political and judicial representatives would act in a moral manner regarding the tribe's rights. Notwithstanding the federal government's tremendous variety of treaty and trust violations, the Cherokee conception of trust is regenerative from generation to generation. This breathes new life into a seasoned concept and offers hope for the often difficult political/legal relations between the federal, state, and tribal governments. And here we beg leave to ask of our father that, in future transactions of a public nature between the United States and our nation, the American Government will not require of our nation any thing which, as our protectors and guardians, they will not, after due deliberation, advise us to comply with; and having no doubt of the magnanimity and benignity of the Government, we shall return home satisfied, and report to our nation the result of our mission to this. With the greatest respect and fidelity, we subscribe our names (Going Snake, et al., 1817, p. 147)  相似文献   

Summary With 21 per cent of offences recorded by the police in the 12months ending March 1999, and representing 1,077,700 theftsof and from vehicles, motor vehicle crime is the single mostcommon offence in England and Wales. Young males under 21 yearshave been found to be responsible for three-quarters of carthefts. Studies in the United Kingdom suggest the characteristicsof these offenders include those associated with socio-economicdeprivation and poor self-esteem; whilst for many, involvementin car crime is a means of seeking excitement. The requirement to identify the needs of car offenders, andthe establishment of intent and purpose within offending behaviourprogrammes, saw an increase in the number of probation-basedmotor projects from 1990. Access to the car, and opportunitiesto drive in controlled environments were present in some ofthe newer projects, although many had abandoned this principle.Whilst little empirical evidence exists to support their claims,a number of projects have boasted success in their efforts toreduce the risks of further car crime amongst offenders whohave completed programmes at motor projects as part of theirsentences. Eight motor projects that challenge offending behaviourare reviewed and the latest Home Office evaluation discussed.  相似文献   

A steady decline in major party support in Commonwealth nations has resulted in changing parliamentary compositions, including the growing prevalence of minority government. Such situations pose new questions for notions of government legitimacy within Westminster systems. For instance, is negotiation with cross-benchers an example of government illegitimacy? What is the legitimate role of non-ministerial members when the composition of parliament gives them the final say on the enabling legislation for public policy? What is the legitimate response of the public sector regarding policy-making in the context of minority government? In this paper, we reflect on how a ‘marginal member’ concept can provide new insights into such issues and their implications.  相似文献   

This paper examines the experiences of decentralization under successive political regimes in Kerala in the context of neo‐liberal policies, with reference to the impact on the lives of adivasi (indigenous) communities. The Communist Party‐led government had been implementing a home‐grown programme of decentralized planning since 1996 until it lost power to the Congress Party‐led conservative coalition in 2001. In the context of the accelerated structural adjustment and liberalization of the national government, the new government amended its predecessor's programme with a reduced role for the state bureaucratic and political actors in mobilizing people for planning and implementing projects at the local level. Based on a comparative analysis, the authors argue that the new programme has so far not been successful as regards enabling marginalized groups such as the indigenous communities to resist exclusion and move out of their states of deprivation. The study also shows that the withdrawal of the state from the social and economic sectors has adversely affected these groups.  相似文献   

In both Scotland and England, reducing anti‐social behaviour (ASB) and building a culture of respect are key central government priorities. Accordingly, since 1997 both jurisdictions have seen the introduction of a raft of punitive legislation. Over recent years, however, there have been signs that the official ASB agenda has shifted away from a reliance on ‘enforcement measures’ towards a more balanced approach incorporating measures to address the underlying causes of problem behaviour. With their emphasis on ‘whole family’ approaches and parenting interventions, ASB family projects, pioneered by the Dundee Families Project (DFP), are seen to respond to official concerns about social exclusion and have been promoted as an effective and sustainable response to ASB. In both Scottish and English jurisdictions official endorsement of the DFP model has been marked by government‐funded programmes to ‘roll out’ this concept more widely. Drawing on findings from a recent evaluation of ASB family projects operating in Scotland combined with scrutiny of evidence from a number of English studies, this article explores, in a comparative manner, the differences and similarities in the policy discourses and models of practice employed by Scottish and English projects. More specifically, we critically appraise the role played by sanctions in evoking service user engagement.  相似文献   

Mike Mantin 《Social history》2016,41(2):155-170
After the First World War, disabled British veterans returned home to an uncertain future of work. In addition to voluntary efforts, the government’s response to the national employment crisis – the National Scheme for Disabled Ex-Servicemen (commonly known as the King’s Roll) – was established in 1919 to encourage employers to hire a five per cent quota of disabled ex-servicemen. Historians have recently revisited the scheme, noting that in many cases the process was slow and fraught, with many disabled veterans facing the prospect of unemployment, yet few have paid attention to soldiers’ pre-war working backgrounds and the specific requests of British industries. This article focuses on British coalminers returning from war. What role was there in this national situation for an industry known for its own high rate of accident and injury? Although the King’s Roll made some attempt to find veterans specifically targeted jobs above and below ground according to their impairments, it proved unable to incorporate coalmining. Instead, many disabled ex-servicemen returned to the workplace and utilized their existing identities as miners to navigate the process. With the industry beginning to decline, many faced potential regression in job status, exploitation or unemployment. By shifting to an industry-specific focus, this case study explores the contested nature of work for disabled people after the First World War, and highlights the interrelation and importance of workplace identity for the returning disabled veteran.  相似文献   

Since playing the role of co-host at the 1990 World Summit for Children in New York, Canada has promoted the adoption of the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child at home and abroad. What impact has this unprecedented international human rights document had on Canadian First Nations, Inuit and other Aboriginal groups? This paper looks at Canada's implementation of this UN Convention, and specifically at Canadian initiatives for indigenous children and youth. The Indian Act, upon which the Canadian government has based its control over Aboriginals since 1876, is explained. Five national organizations representing various Aboriginal perspectives have reviewed the federal government's efforts to honour the World Summit's‘First Call for Children,’ and the emergent issues for at-risk children's programming on- and off-reserve are reviewed. The‘best interests of the child’ ideology that has guided the developed world's notions of children's rights has evolved in a cultural and value-laden context that must now be left for indigenous social scientists, children and youth around the globe to decide for themselves.  相似文献   

Focus groups were formerly associated with market research but have recently gained some measure of social scientific respectability. In this article, I briefly recapitulate the history of focus groups and then examine their role in 4 (2 Dutch, 2 American) policy research projects. In each case, the focus groups provided an understanding of the interests and values of different stakeholder groups and per-mitted the analysts to predict the groups' reactions to policy alternatives. This served to link the focus groups to the underlying policy problem, to set the policy issues in their appropriate context, to take due account of the technical complexities of the situation, and to orient toward integrating the results of the focus groups with the other tools used in the policy analysis. The four cases shared a "spiral" model approach to focus groups, in which the discussion moves from generic to specific toward the object of focus rather than tackling it directly. This permits both a breadth and depth of perspective and helps avoid posturing. I conclude that focus groups provide a value for policy analysis because they enable participant stakeholders to become part of the process, help uncover misunderstandings that conceal underlying agreements among stakeholders, and uncover potential problems of implementation.  相似文献   

政府、企业与社会组织在公共服务的生产方面形成不同的组织优势。社会组织既具有政府组织服务于公益的宗旨,又具有企业组织以最小成本取得最大效益的观念,还具有两者皆不具有的志愿精神。这就使得社会组织在上述三者的结合领域具有优势。近年来,政府向社会组织购买服务在中国尤其是在经济发达地区的大中型城市已经取得了较大的成绩,积累了较为丰富的经验。然而,当前社会组织参与公共服务生产还存在着不少问题,解决上述问题需要政府与社会组织的共同努力。  相似文献   

This paper uses the findings of the evaluation of Stratford City Challenge (SCC) to critically examine the effectiveness of the City Challenge policy and to question the extent to which it was an innovation in urban policy, with lessons which have been incorporated into subsequent policies. It examines the particular characteristics of the policy which contributed to its innovative status, many of which have been incorporated into policies such as New Deal and the Single Regeneration Budget (SRB). What local evaluations such as the one which has been carried out in Stratford suggest is that many of these distinctive characteristics actually constrained the capacity of local programmes to be effective and achieve their aims, as to some extent they dictated the types of projects most likely to succeed. The author suggests that there are lessons which could be drawn from the City Challenge experience, but that many of these were overlooked or not fully considered by policy makers when they introduced subsequent policies such as the SRB and New Deal. Thus these policies may encounter similar problems in achieving their aims, and an opportunity to learn from these evaluations and build on past experiences has not been fully maximized. This paper uses SCC as a case study to draw out some of the wider implications of the experience for national policy.  相似文献   

The Yuan dynasty was the first great unified empire founded by an ethnic minority in Chinese history. A great number of ancient sources have proven that under the Yuan, the Mongols’ distinctive costumes, expressive of their nomadic identity, exerted an influence upon Chinese fashions of the time. Even after the collapse of the Yuan, Mongol dress did not disappear but became even more popular in various forms throughout the following Ming dynasty. On the basis of examination of a large number of historical written materials, this paper makes an in-depth study of the various styles and uses of Mongol-style clothing in the Ming dynasty. It provides a panoramic survey in an attempt to outline the use and evolution of Mongol styles in the Ming and to examine some representative case studies in detail. Thus, besides discussing traditional issues in the history of clothing, such as the use, design changes and abandonment of Mongol clothing in the Ming dynasty, it initiates a series of studies from a sociological perspective, offering a preliminary study of the groups who wore Mongol-style clothing in the Ming dynasty, including their occupations, their reasons for using these costumes, and how this mode of dress influenced the social psychology of the period. It also attempts, via clothing, to discuss the changes in transitional Chinese society arising from the movement of nomadic ethnic groups in northern China to the hinterland (another question to be addressed).  相似文献   

杜靖 《创新》2008,2(5)
人类学能为当前和谐社会建设提供知识资源和理论支撑。本土人类学家要增强社会责任感,积极为建构和谐社会加强应用性研究,推进对中国现代化进程的学术介入和干预。鉴于人类学目前在中国学科知识体系中的模糊地位,建议国家相关部门应该考虑给予人类学以更大的学术发展空间,努力提升其为一级学科。这也是知识界学科和谐建设的一项重要内容。  相似文献   

赵延民 《唐都学刊》2009,25(2):121-124
服务型政府的实质,是政府在职能和工作方式上的一次根本性转型,是对传统行政管理范式的革命性突破,是政府体制改革的基础性工程。建设服务型政府是由我国人民政府性质决定和贯彻落实科学发展观的必然要求。要建设服务型政府必须转变政府职能;简化与整合政府的职能部门;提高政府效率;建立监督机制。  相似文献   

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