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This paper considers two types of chaotic map time series models, including the well-known tent, logistic and binary-shift maps as special cases; these are called curved tent and curved binary families. Deterministic behaviour is investigated by invariant distributions, Lyapunov exponents, and by serial dependency. Stochastic time reversal of the families is shown to produce models which have a broader range of stochastic and chaotic properties than their deterministic counterparts. The marginal distributions may have concentrations and restricted supports and are shown to be a non-standard class of invariant distribution. Dependenc y is generally weaker with the reversed stochastic models. The work gives a broad statistical account of deterministic and stochastically reversed map models, such as are emerging in random number generation, communica tion systems and cryptography  相似文献   

We present an application of subsampling and bootstrap methods for time series to determine the distribution of the estimator of zero crossings. The zero crossings method provides an alternative estimator of the lag-1 autocorrelation coefficient that is reducing the data storage requirements and is more robust with respect to outliers when compared to the classical estimator. The main results here are showing the consistency of subsampling, the consistency of moving block bootstrap, the consistency of non overlapping block bootstrap and the consistency of stationary bootstrap for this estimator. Theorems are formulated for Gaussian processes, elliptically symmetric processes and processes which are transformed Gaussian processes. Theoretical results are illustrated by simulations and practical data analysis. We have also shown that in practice the MBB method behaves better than the subsampling method.  相似文献   

结合当前Copula函数及其应用的热点问题,着重评述了基于Copula函数的金融时间序列模型的应用。鉴于利用Copula可以将边际分布和变量间的相依结构分开来研究这一优良性质,在设定和估计模型时便显得极为方便和灵活。从模型的构造、Copula函数的选择、模型的估计以及拟合优度检验等几方面展开阐述和评价,介绍了Copula模型在金融领域中的几类应用,并对Copula理论和应用的新视角进行了展望。  相似文献   

Abstract.  The presented method called Significant Non-stationarities, represents an exploratory tool for identifying significant changes in the mean, the variance, and the first-lag autocorrelation coefficient of a time series. The changes are detected on different time scales. The statistical inference for each scale is based on accurate approximation of the probability distribution, using test statistics being ratios of quadratic forms. No assumptions concerning the autocovariance function of the time series are made as the dependence structure is estimated non-parametrically. The results of the analyses are summarized in significance maps showing at which time points and on which time scales significant changes in the parameters occur. The performance of the given method is thoroughly studied by simulations in terms of observed significance level and power. Several examples, including a real temperature data set, are studied. The examples illustrate that it is important to carry out the analysis on several time horizons.  相似文献   


Directionality can be seen in many stationary time series from various disciplines, but it is overlooked when fitting linear models with Gaussian errors. Moreover, we cannot rely on distinguishing directionality by comparing a plot of a time series in time order with a plot in reverse time order. In general, a statistical measure is required to detect and quantify directionality. There are several quite different qualitative forms of directionality, and we distinguish: rapid rises followed by slow recessions; rapid increases and rapid decreases from the mean followed by slow recovery toward the mean; directionality above or below some threshold; and intermittent directionality. The first objective is to develop a suite of statistical measures that will detect directionality and help classify its nature. The second objective is to demonstrate the potential benefits of detecting directionality. We consider applications from business, environmental science, finance, and medicine. Time series data are collected from many processes, both natural and anthropogenic, by a wide range of organizations, and directionality can easily be monitored as part of routine analysis. We suggest that doing so may provide new insights to the processes.  相似文献   

Johns (1988 Johns , M. V. (1988). Importance sampling for bootstrap confidence intervals. Journal of the American Statistical Association 83:709714.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), Davison (1988 Davison , A. C. ( 1988 ). Discussion of paper by D. V. Hinkley . Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B 50 : 356357 . [Google Scholar]), and Do and Hall (1991 Do , K. A. , Hall , P. ( 1991 ). On importance sampling for the bootstrap . Biometrika 78 : 161167 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) used importance sampling for calculating bootstrap distributions of one-dimensional statistics. Realizing that their methods can not be extended easily to multi-dimensional statistics, Fuh and Hu (2004 Fuh , C. D. , Hu , I. ( 2004 ). Efficient importance sampling for events of moderate deviations with applications . Biometrika 91 : 471490 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) proposed an exponential tilting formula for statistics of multi-dimension, which is optimal in the sense that the asymptotic variance is minimized for estimating tail probabilities of asymptotically normal statistics. For one-dimensional statistics, Hu and Su (2008 Hu , J. , Su , Z. ( 2008 ). Adaptive resampling algorithms for estimating bootstrap distributions . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 138 ( 6 ): 17631777 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) proposed a multi-step variance minimization approach that can be viewed as a generalization of the two-step variance minimization approach proposed by Do and Hall (1991 Do , K. A. , Hall , P. ( 1991 ). On importance sampling for the bootstrap . Biometrika 78 : 161167 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). In this article, we generalize the approach of Hu and Su (2008 Hu , J. , Su , Z. ( 2008 ). Adaptive resampling algorithms for estimating bootstrap distributions . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 138 ( 6 ): 17631777 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) to multi-dimensional statistics, which applies to general statistics and does not resort to asymptotics. Empirical results on a real survival data set show that the proposed algorithm provides significant computational efficiency gains.  相似文献   

The actual performance of several automated univariate autoregressive forecasting procedures, applied to 150 macroeconomic time series, are compared. The procedures are the random walk model as a basis for comparison; long autoregressions, with three alternative rules for lag length selection; and a long autoregression estimated by minimizing the sum of absolute deviations. The sensitivity of each procedure to preliminary transformations, data, periodicity, forecast horizon, loss function employed in parameter estimation, and seasonal adjustment procedures is examined. The more important conclusions are that Akaike's lag-length selection criterion works well in a wide variety of situations, the modeling of long memory components becomes important for forecast horizons of three or more periods, and linear combinations of forecasts do not improve forecast quality appreciably.  相似文献   

We study the most basic Bayesian forecasting model for exponential family time series, the power steady model (PSM) of Smith, in terms of observable properties of one-step forecast distributions and sample paths. The PSM implies a constraint between location and spread of the forecast distribution. Including a scale parameter in the models does not always give an exact solution free of this problem, but it does suggest how to define related models free of the constraint. We define such a class of models which contains the PSM. We concentrate on the case where observations are non-negative. Probability theory and simulation show that under very mild conditions almost all sample paths of these models converge to some constant, making them unsuitable for modelling in many situations. The results apply more generally to non-negative models defined in terms of exponentially weighted moving averages. We use these and related results to motivate, define and apply very simple models based on directly specifying the forecast distributions.  相似文献   

Growth hormone plasma concentrations vary rhythmically between high and low values. Radioimmunoassay measurements of low values are often indistinguishable from low controls, and are reported as a censored value, the 'minimum detectable dose'. This paper reports such a dataset from a designed experiment with about 60% of the values censored but large distinct signals for the remainder of the data. The ordinates of the average periodogram for each treatment group are independently gamma distributed, with distribution depending on the underlying spectrum and the replication for that group. This situation can lead to an analysis for common spectral shape using a gamma generalized linear model with log link, and the hypothesis of common spectral shape is rejected here. Since such a level of censoring reduces the variance of each profile, the periodogram, which is a partition of the variance, is also reduced in overall magnitude. A simulation study shows that this reduction is not necessarily uniform over the frequency domain, but may be more pronounced at lower or higher ordinates depending on the underlying model. Therefore it is possible that the rejection of common spectral shape is an artefact of the censoring.  相似文献   

The paper discusses a simulation method for multivariate Gaussian time series by means of the discrete Fourier transform (Borgman, 1982). The procedure is quite general with respect to the correlation and spectral properties of the series and allows In addition simulations conditional on a subset of the time series. Simulations of the output from a set of ocean wave recorders are shown as an illustration of the method.  相似文献   

Time series smoothers estimate the level of a time series at time t as its conditional expectation given present, past and future observations, with the smoothed value depending on the estimated time series model. Alternatively, local polynomial regressions on time can be used to estimate the level, with the implied smoothed value depending on the weight function and the bandwidth in the local linear least squares fit. In this article we compare the two smoothing approaches and describe their similarities. Through simulations, we assess the increase in the mean square error that results when approximating the estimated optimal time series smoother with the local regression estimate of the level.  相似文献   

A periodically stationary time series has seasonal variances. A local linear trend estimation is proposed to accommodate unequal variances. A comparison of this proposed estimator with the estimator commonly used for a stationary time series is provided. The optimal bandwidth selection for this new trend estimator is discussed.  相似文献   

现实生活中的时间序列,通常伴随着大量的噪声和高度的波动性。对于这些非线性时间序列,运用传统的统计和计量经济模型进行分析预测,预测结果往往不够理想。文章基于经验模态分解(EMD)和人工神经网络提出改进方法。主体思想是"先分再合":先用EMD方法分解非线性时间序列,得到一系列易于分析的独立的子系列,然后利用神经网络(FNN)对每一个子系列进行分析和预测,最后再用自适应线性神经网络(ALNN)整合并得出最终结果。结合具体房价时间序列实例,证实了这种方法的优势。  相似文献   

A study is carried out of a sampling from a half-normal and exponential distributions to develop a test of hypothesis on the mean. Although these distributions are similar, the corresponding uniformly most paerful test statistics are different. The exact distributions of these statistics my be written in terms of the incomplete gamma function. If the experimental data my be fitted by either distributions, it is advisable to carryout the test based on the half-normal distribution as it is generally more powerful than the one based on the exponential one.  相似文献   

A monitoring scheme is proposed to sequentially detect a structural change in random coefficient autoregressive time series of order p (RCA(p)) after a training period of size T. It extends structural change monitoring to RCA(p) time series. The asymptotic properties of our monitoring statistic are established under both the null of no change in parameters and the alternative of a change in coefficient. The finite sample properties are investigated by a simulation study.  相似文献   

Given a multiple time series sharing common autoregressive patterns, we estimate an additive model. The autoregressive component and the individual random effects are estimated by integrating maximum likelihood estimation and best linear unbiased predictions in a backfitting algorithm. The simulation study illustrated that the estimation procedure provides an alternative to the Arellano–Bond generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator of the panel model when T > N and the Arellano–Bond generally diverges. The estimator has high predictive ability. In cases where T ≤ N, the backfitting estimator is at least comparable to Arellano–Bond estimator.  相似文献   

时间序列平稳性分类识别研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
平稳性检验是时间序列回归分析的一个关键问题,已有的检验方法在处理海量时间序列数据时显得乏力,检验准确率有待提高。采用分类技术建立平稳性检验的新方法,可以有效地处理海量时间序列数据。首先计算时间序列自相关函数,构建一个充分非必要的判定准则;然后建立序列收敛的量化分析方法,研究收敛参数的最优取值,并提取平稳性特征向量;最后采用k-means聚类建立平稳性分类识别方法。采用一组模拟数据和股票数据进行分析,将ADF检验、PP检验、KPSS检验进行对比,实证结果表明新方法的准确率较高。  相似文献   

Cook距离公式常用于回归模型的异常值诊断,但由于公式中的样本方差■对异常值敏感,导致公式缺乏稳健性,使得诊断效果不理想。基于以上问题,文章选取绝对离差中位数作为样本标准差的稳健估计量,得到了样本方差■的稳健估计量,进而构造出稳健Cook距离公式;借鉴传统Cook距离的回归模型异常值诊断理论,将稳健Cook距离公式应用于时间序列异常值诊断,拓展了传统Cook距离公式的异常值诊断领域。通过选取模拟样本量分别为50、100、200,污染率分别为0、1%、5%、10%的ARMA(1,1)序列及金融时间序列进行实例分析,结果发现:(1)在无污染时,稳健Cook距离法与常规Cook距离法的诊断正确率均为100%,两者没有出现"误诊"现象;(2)在样本量、污染率同时增大时,常规Cook距离诊断正确率急剧下降,当污染率达到5%及以上时,已基本无诊断力,而稳健Cook距离法依然能保持较高的诊断力。稳健Cook距离法不仅能应用于时间序列异常值诊断,也能应用于回归分析的异常值诊断。  相似文献   

This article proposes an asymptotic expansion for the Studentized linear discriminant function using two-step monotone missing samples under multivariate normality. The asymptotic expansions related to discriminant function have been obtained for complete data under multivariate normality. The result derived by Anderson (1973 Anderson , T. W. ( 1973 ). An asymptotic expansion of the distribution of the Studentized classification statistic W . The Annals of Statistics 1 : 964972 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) plays an important role in deciding the cut-off point that controls the probabilities of misclassification. This article provides an extension of the result derived by Anderson (1973 Anderson , T. W. ( 1973 ). An asymptotic expansion of the distribution of the Studentized classification statistic W . The Annals of Statistics 1 : 964972 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) in the case of two-step monotone missing samples under multivariate normality. Finally, numerical evaluations by Monte Carlo simulations were also presented.  相似文献   

本文指出了由—般平均数时间数列计算序时平均数在教科书上存在错误和“由一般平均数计算序时平均数的方法释疑”一文中的不足之处提出了—般平均数时间数列的序时平均数可以按照相对数时间数列计算序时平均数的方法计算,也可以根据平均指标基本公式计算。  相似文献   

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