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An algorithm is presented to construct balanced treatment incomplete block (BTIB) designs using a linear integer programming approach. Construction of BTIB designs using the proposed approach is illustrated with an example. A list of efficient BTIB designs for 2 ? v ? 12, v + 1 ? b ? 50, 2 ? k ? min(10, v), r ? 10, r0 ? 20 is provided. The proposed algorithm is implemented as part of an R package.  相似文献   

A new exchange algorithm for the construction of (M, S)-optimal incomplete block designs (IBDS) is developed. This exchange algorithm is used to construct 973 (M, S)-optimal IBDs (v, k, b) for v= 4,…,12 (varieties) with arbitrary v, k (block size) and b (number of blocks). The efficiencies of the “best” (M, S)-optimal IBDs constructed by this algorithm are compared with the efficiencies of the corresponding nearly balanced incomplete block designs (NBIBDs) of Cheng(1979), Cheng & Wu (1981) and Mitchell & John(1976).  相似文献   

Block designs are widely used in experimental situations where the experimental units are heterogeneous. The blocked general minimum lower order confounding (B-GMC) criterion is suitable for selecting optimal block designs when the experimenters have some prior information on the importance of ordering of the treatment factors. This paper constructs B-GMC 2n ? m: 2r designs with 5 × 2l/16 + 1 ? n ? (N ? 2l) < 2l ? 1 for l(r + 1 ? l ? n ? m ? 1), where 2n ? m: 2r denotes a two-level regular block design with N = 2n ? m runs, n treatment factors, and 2r blocks. With suitable choice of the blocking factors, each B-GMC block design has a common specific structure. Some examples illustrate the simple and effective construction method.  相似文献   

This article proposes an algorithm to construct efficient balanced multi-level k-circulant supersaturated designs with m factors and n runs. The algorithm generates efficient balanced multi-level k-circulant supersaturated designs very fast. Using the proposed algorithm many balanced multi-level supersaturated designs are constructed and cataloged. A list of many optimal and near optimal, multi-level supersaturated designs is also provided for m ≤ 60 and number of levels (q) ≤10. The algorithm can be used to generate two-level k-circulant supersaturated designs also and some large optimal two-level supersaturated designs are presented. An upper bound to the number of factors in a balanced multi-level supersaturated design such that no two columns are fully aliased is also provided.  相似文献   

In this article, a general method of construction of neighbor block designs is given. The designs are constructed using variation of a simple method which we refer to as the method of addition (renamed as the method of cyclic shifts). We give complete solution of neighbor balanced designs for k = 4 for any value of v. We also give many series of generalized neighbor designs (GNDs). In the last section, we have constructed GNDs in a sequential manner (as Did John 1981) for v ≤ 50 and r is multiple of k.  相似文献   

In this paper, we estimate the reliability of a system with k components. The system functions when at least s (1≤s≤k) components survive a common random stress. We assume that the strengths of these k components are subjected to a common stress which is independent of the strengths of these k components. If (X 1,X 2,…,X k ) are strengths of k components subjected to a common stress (Y), then the reliability of the system or system reliability is given byR=P[Y<X (k−s+1)] whereX (k−s+1) is (k−s+1)-th order statistic of (X 1,…,X k ). We estimate R when (X 1,…,X k ) follow an absolutely continuous multivariate exponential (ACMVE) distribution of Hanagal (1993) which is the submodel of Block (1975) and Y follows an independent exponential distribution. We also obtain the asymptotic normal (AN) distribution of the proposed estimator.  相似文献   

Let Z 1, Z 2, . . . be a sequence of independent Bernoulli trials with constant success and failure probabilities p = Pr(Z t  = 1) and q = Pr(Z t  = 0) = 1 − p, respectively, t = 1, 2, . . . . For any given integer k ≥ 2 we consider the patterns E1{\mathcal{E}_{1}}: two successes are separated by at most k−2 failures, E2{\mathcal{E}_{2}}: two successes are separated by exactly k −2 failures, and E3{\mathcal{E}_{3}} : two successes are separated by at least k − 2 failures. Denote by Nn,k(i){ N_{n,k}^{(i)}} (respectively Mn,k(i){M_{n,k}^{(i)}}) the number of occurrences of the pattern Ei{\mathcal{E}_{i}} , i = 1, 2, 3, in Z 1, Z 2, . . . , Z n when the non-overlapping (respectively overlapping) counting scheme for runs and patterns is employed. Also, let Tr,k(i){T_{r,k}^{(i)}} (resp. Wr,k(i)){W_{r,k}^{(i)})} be the waiting time for the rth occurrence of the pattern Ei{\mathcal{E}_{i}}, i = 1, 2, 3, in Z 1, Z 2, . . . according to the non-overlapping (resp. overlapping) counting scheme. In this article we conduct a systematic study of Nn,k(i){N_{n,k}^{(i)}}, Mn,k(i){M_{n,k}^{(i)}}, Tr,k(i){T_{r,k}^{(i)}} and Wr,k(i){W_{r,k}^{(i)}} (i = 1, 2, 3) obtaining exact formulae, explicit or recursive, for their probability generating functions, probability mass functions and moments. An application is given.  相似文献   

The paper aims to find variance balanced and variance partially balanced incomplete block designs when observations within blocks are autocorrelated and we call them BIBAC and PBIBAC designs. Orthogonal arrays of type I and type II when used as BIBAC designs have smaller average variance of elementary contrasts of treatment effects compared to the corresponding Balanced Incomplete Block (BIB) designs with homoscedastic, uncorrelated errors. The relative efficiency of BIB designs compared to BIBAC designs depends on the block size k and the autocorrelation ρ and is independent of the number of treatments. Further this relative efficiency increases with increasing k. Partially balanced incomplete block designs with autocorrelated errors are introduced using partially balanced incomplete block designs and orthogonal arrays of type I and type II.  相似文献   


In this paper, the problem of obtaining efficient block designs for incomplete factorial treatment structure with two factors excluding one treatment combination for estimation of dual versus single treatment contrasts is considered. The designs have been obtained using the A-optimal completely randomized designs and modified strongest treatment interchange algorithm. A catalog of efficient block designs has been prepared for m1?=?3, 4 and m2?=?2, b?≤?10 and k?≤?9 and for m1?=?3,4 and m2?=?3, 4, b?≤?10 and k?≤?10.  相似文献   

Let {X, Xn; n ≥ 1} be a sequence of real-valued iid random variables, 0 < r < 2 and p > 0. Let D = { A = (ank; 1 ≤ kn, n ≥ 1); ank, ? R and supn, k |an,k| < ∞}. Set Sn( A ) = ∑nk=1an, kXk for A ? D and n ≥ 1. This paper is devoted to determining conditions whereby E{supn ≥ 1, |Sn( A )|/n1/r}p < ∞ or E{supn ≥ 2 |Sn( A )|/2n log n)1/2}p < ∞ for every A ? D. This generalizes some earlier results, including those of Burkholder (1962), Choi and Sung (1987), Davis (1971), Gut (1979), Klass (1974), Siegmund (1969) and Teicher (1971).  相似文献   

In this paper variance balanced ternary designs are constructed in unequal block sizes for situations when suitable BIB designs do not exist for a given number of treatments because of the constraints bk=vr,and λ(v - 1) =r(k- 1).  相似文献   


We introduce here the truncated version of the unified skew-normal (SUN) distributions. By considering a special truncations for both univariate and multivariate cases, we derive the joint distribution of consecutive order statistics X(r, ..., r + k) = (X(r), ..., X(r + K))T from an exchangeable n-dimensional normal random vector X. Further we show that the conditional distributions of X(r + j, ..., r + k) given X(r, ..., r + j ? 1), X(r, ..., r + k) given (X(r) > t)?and X(r, ..., r + k) given (X(r + k) < t) are special types of singular SUN distributions. We use these results to determine some measures in the reliability theory such as the mean past life (MPL) function and mean residual life (MRL) function.  相似文献   

This article studies the minima stable property of the general multivariate Pareto distributions MP(k)(I), MP(k)(II), MP(k)(III), MP(k)(IV) which can be applied to characterize the MP(k) distribution via its weighted ordered coordinates minima and marginal distribution. Also, the multivariate semi-Pareto distribution (denoted by MSP) is discerned in the class of geometric minima infinite divisible and geometric minima stable distributions. If the exponent measure is satisfied by some functional equation, then the geometric minima stable property can be used to characterize the MSP distribution. Finally, the finite sample minima infinite divisible property of the MP(k)(I), (II), and (IV) distributions is also discussed.  相似文献   

Two-level regular fractional factorial designs are often used in industry as screening designs to help identify early on in an experimental process those experimental or system variables which have significant effects on the process being studied. When the experimental material to be used in the experiment is heterogenous or the experiment must be performed over several well-defined time periods, blocking is often used as a means to improve experimental efficiency by removing the possible effects of heterogenous experimental material or possible time period effects. In a recent article, Li and Jacroux (2007 Li , F. , Jacroux , M. (2007). Optimal foldover plans for blocked 2 m?k fractional factorial designs. J. Statsist. Plann. Infer 137:24342452. [Google Scholar]) suggested a strategy for constructing optimal follow-up designs for blocked fractional factorial designs using the well-known foldover technique in conjunction with several optimality criteria. In this article, we consider the reverse foldover problem for blocked fractional factorial designs. In particular, given a 2(m+p)?(p+k) blocked fractional factorial design D, we derive simple sufficient conditions which can be used to determine if there exists a 2(m+p?1)?(p?1+k+1) initial fractional factorial design d which yields D as a foldover combined design as well how to generate all such d. Such information is useful in developing an overall experimental strategy in situations where an experimenter wants an overall blocked fractional factorial design with “desirable” properties but also wants the option of analyzing the observed data at the halfway mark to determine if the significant experimental variables are obvious (and the experiment can be terminated) or if a different path of experimentation should be taken from that initially planned.  相似文献   

Consider n independent random variables Zi,…, Zn on R with common distribution function F, whose upper tail belongs to a parametric family F(t) = Fθ(t),t ≥ x0, where θ ∈ ? ? R d. A necessary and sufficient condition for the family Fθ, θ ∈ ?, is established such that the k-th largest order statistic Zn?k+1:n alone constitutes the central sequence yielding local asymptotic normality ( LAN ) of the loglikelihood ratio of the vector (Zn?i+1:n)1 i=kof the k largest order statistics. This is achieved for k = k(n)→n→∞∞ with k/n→n→∞ 0.

In the case of vectors of central order statistics ( Zr:n, Zr+1:n,…, Zs:n ), with r/n and s/n both converging to q ∈ ( 0,1 ), it turns out that under fairly general conditions any order statistic Zm:n with r ≤ m ≤s builds the central sequence in a pertaining LAN expansion.These results lead to asymptotically optimal tests and estimators of the underlying parameter, which depend on single order statistics only  相似文献   

In this paper, an infinite class of partially balanced incomplete block (PBIB) designs of m+1 associate classes is constructed through the use of a series of row-orthogonal matrices known as partially balanced orthogonal designs (PBOD) of m-associate classes. For the purpose, a series of PBOD is obtained through a method described herein. An infinite class of regular GD designs is also reported.  相似文献   

Consider k( ? 2) normal populations with unknown means μ1, …, μk, and a common known variance σ2. Let μ[1] ? ??? ? μ[k] denote the ordered μi.The populations associated with the t(1 ? t ? k ? 1) largest means are called the t best populations. Hsu and Panchapakesan (2004) proposed and investigated a procedure RHPfor selecting a non empty subset of the k populations whose size is at most m(1 ? m ? k ? t) so that at least one of the t best populations is included in the selected subset with a minimum guaranteed probability P* whenever μ[k ? t + 1] ? μ[k ? t] ? δ*, where P*?and?δ* are specified in advance of the experiment. This probability requirement is known as the indifference-zone probability requirement. In the present article, we investigate the same procedure RHP for the same goal as before but when k ? t < m ? k ? 1 so that at least one of the t best populations is included in the selected subset with a minimum guaranteed probability P* whatever be the configuration of the unknown μi. The probability requirement in this latter case is termed the subset selection probability requirement. Santner (1976) proposed and investigated a different procedure (RS) based on samples of size n from each of the populations, considering both cases, 1 ? m ? k ? t and k ? t < m ? k. The special case of t = 1 was earlier studied by Gupta and Santner (1973) and Hsu and Panchapakesan (2002) for their respective procedures.  相似文献   

Polygonal designs are useful in survey sampling in terms of balanced sampling plans excluding contiguous units (BSECs) and balanced sampling plans excluding adjacent units (BSAs). In this article, the method of cyclic shifts has been used for the construction of cyclic polygonal designs (in terms of BSAs) with block size k = 3 and λ = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 for joint distance α = 2 and 51 new designs for treatments v ≤ 100 are given.  相似文献   

We consider the situation where one wants to maximise a functionf(θ,x) with respect tox, with θ unknown and estimated from observationsy k . This may correspond to the case of a regression model, where one observesy k =f(θ,x k )+ε k , with ε k some random error, or to the Bernoulli case wherey k ∈{0, 1}, with Pr[y k =1|θ,x k |=f(θ,x k ). Special attention is given to sequences given by , with an estimated value of θ obtained from (x1, y1),...,(x k ,y k ) andd k (x) a penalty for poor estimation. Approximately optimal rules are suggested in the linear regression case with a finite horizon, where one wants to maximize ∑ i=1 N w i f(θ, x i ) with {w i } a weighting sequence. Various examples are presented, with a comparison with a Polya urn design and an up-and-down method for a binary response problem.  相似文献   

It is shown that members of a class of two-level nonorthogonal resolution IV designs with n factors are strongly resolvable search designs when k, the maximum number of two-factor interactions thought possible, equals one; weakly resolvable when k = 2 except when the number of factors is 6; and may not be weakly resolvable when k≥ 3.  相似文献   

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