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一般而言,出色的下属总是容易获得上司的器重.然而,现实中却有不少出众者长期被冷落,以致"怀才不遇".这一方面与某些上司不识"千里马"有关,另一方面也可能与下属自身有关:不善于展示自己或过于张扬、位置摆不正,等等.出色的下属要想赢得上司的器重,必须把握以下四点. 相似文献
领导评价下属是管理过程中常见的一种工作方式,但由于种种原因,领导评价下属时常常会遭遇下属的反击。应对下属的反击,领导应着力提升领导能力,强化领导艺术,优化评价机制,并对症下药,根据不同情况做出反应,真正实现领导评价的价值。 相似文献
身为下属尤其是年轻的下属,没有人不想为自己争取和创造更多的发展机会。这是一种自然而正当的需求,是自身仍然保持积极向上的精神状态的一种表现,无须刻意寻找各种理由进行掩饰或解释。我们很难想象一个已经不愿意为自己争取发展机会的人还能保持对工作的热情和对事业的追求。 相似文献
培养部属是领导者的重要职责,也是领导者与部属相互关注、相互施加影响的一种互动行为.领导者重视对部属的培养工作,固然是检验一个领导者是否称职和成熟的一个重要标志,而作为部属,能否创造条件,主动争取领导对自己进行培养,则是自己是否有上进心和工作热情的表现.那么,应该怎样争取领导的培养呢? 相似文献
年轻领导干部新到某单位上任时,往往会遇到一个难题,那就是群众与自己存在心理距离,甚至是猜疑和不信任。对此,有的人沉不住气,急于在群众面前建立威信,要么在会上自我吹嘘、哗众取宠,要么当众批驳、发泄不满……这样一来,不但不能消除他人的一些偏见,反而越描越黑,正好验证了人们的猜疑,影响了自己的形象。应该说,这些领导者力图建立威信的动机没有错,但是由于操之过急,又用错了着力点,难免事与愿违。为了避免类似问题出现,初到任上,起码应注意以下几点。一、不要太看重个人面子对于一个领导者来说,权威自然是很重要的。然而,若将工作权威… 相似文献
Dick de Gilder 《英国管理杂志》2013,24(1):21-37
Previous research has documented that intra‐group respect fosters individual engagement with work teams or organizations. The authors extend this work by empirically distinguishing between perceived inclusion of the self in the team and perceived value of the self for the team as separate psychological consequences of respect. Based on a social identity analysis, it is predicted that perceived inclusion facilitates the development of a positive team identity (how the individual feels about the team), while perceived value elicits the willingness to invest in the team (what the individual is willing to do for the team). Support for these predictions is obtained with structural equation modelling among two independent samples of professional soldiers working in military teams (ntotal = 495). Reports of individual team members about positive team identity and willingness to invest in the team correlated with supervisor ratings of the team's action readiness. 相似文献
The Outsourcing Game is a role‐play simulation that has been deployed in industry and academic training courses worldwide. It incorporates the concepts of hidden actions, hidden information, and misaligned incentives, and conveys messages about power, trust, and reputation. The game depicts the adventures of Acme, the brand owner of a product manufactured by an outsourced supply chain. Through a series of negotiations, Acme attempts to influence its partners (two suppliers and two service providers) by distributing its procurement “spend.” These partners, in turn, sway each other via side payments. To simulate the non‐linear shifts in power that occur as outsourcing increases, we represent decision‐making by a voting scheme with uneven vote allocations. This paper analyzes a database of game results to reveal behavioral factors that can undermine conspicuous win–win process improvements. For instance, preferences can be sensitive to the sequence in which the alternatives are encountered; decision‐makers might value not only their own rewards, but also fairness in the allocation of total gains; and effectiveness of negotiation tactics will vary with community norms of acceptable behavior. Along the way we extend the political economics literature about power in block‐based voting by proposing a heuristic approach for incorporating voter preferences. 相似文献
语言的亲和力,是指通过语言迅速与对方融洽起来,使之感到亲密无间的"磁力".增强语言的亲和力,对领导者来说尤为重要,因为它不仅可以拉近与听众的心理距离,消除居高临下之感,还可以构建、和谐与群众的关系.那么,领导者如何增强语言的亲和力呢? 相似文献