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随着我国高等教育规模的不断扩大,如何规范高校的办学行为,提高教学管理水平,保证教学质量已成为高校发展过程中的重要课题.本文分析了高校引入ISO9000标准的必要性、可行性,认为ISO9000标准在高校教学管理中的实施是提高高校竞争力的有效途径. 相似文献
本文通过对六西格玛与ISO9000质量管理体系的相同点和不同点的比较点的分析,同ISO9000和六西格玛虽然属于两类不现的质量管关键词理方法,但存在着很强的互补性。企业应在ISO9000质量体系现有的流程中,逐步引进六西格玛质量管理方法。 相似文献
ISO9000为质量管理工作提供了一个基础平台,六西格玛管理法为组织带来了一个新的、垂直的质量管理方法体系。本文对六西格玛管理和ISO9000族标准作了简要的解析,并对六西格玛和ISO9000的主要区别及二者的联系进行了分析,在此基础上对如何把ISO9000和六西格玛管理方法有效地结合起来进行了探讨。 相似文献
ISO9000族标准质量管理体系是目前世界上普遍承认的先进的管理体系,将其引入到高校行政工作中是对高校行政工作的工作理念、机制和手段的创新。本文着重探讨了将ISO9000族标准质量管理体系引入高校行政工作的可行性、意义及贯彻实施的原则。 相似文献
浅析ISO 9000与流程管理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
指出了ISO9000质量管理体系与业务流程管理(BPM)两者之间的关系,探讨了BPM是推动ISO9000持续改进的动力,列举了企业ISO9000与BPM结合的业务流程再造案例,说明组织在实施ISO9001标准,而未使用ISO9004指南标准时,流程管理是组织确保ISO9000质量管理体系得到持续改进的一种管理理论和方法。 相似文献
随着高校教学改革的不断深入,本科实践教学的思想、理论、教材、教学实践也在不断完善和创新。本文以ISO9000质量管理体系基本原则和生物科学类本科实践教学特点为依据,探讨在生物科学类本科实践教学中引入ISO9000质量管理体系的必要性和具体做法,为提高本科实践教学质量提供参考。 相似文献
ISO9000质量管理模式是先进的通用的质量管理模式,它的八大原则适用于学校教育教学管理的全过程,运用ISO9000质量管理模式能确保学校教育教学质量的稳定和提高。 相似文献
Market globalization, higher requirements for improved quality, and tough, faster-pace, price-sensitive competition have led to two parallel and visible quality thrust: the Baldrige Award in the U.S. and, internationally, the ISO 9000 standards. The relationship between the Baldrige Award and ISO 9000 registration is widely confused. Two common misper-ceptions stand out: (1) that they both cover the same requirements and (2) that they both address improvement, relying on high quality results, and thus, are both forms of recognition. Many have concluded that the Baldrige Award and ISO 9000 are equivalent and that companies should choose one or the other. These conclusions are incorrect. The Baldrige Award and ISO 9000 registration differ fundamentally in focus, purpose, and content. The focus of the Baldrige Award is on enhanced competitiveness. The Award Criteria reflect two key competitiveness thrusts: (1) delivery of ever-improving value to customers and (2) improvement of overall operational performance. The Award's central purpose is educational-to encourage sharing knowledge and experience of competitiveness and to drive this learning, creating an evolving fund of knowledge. By contrast, the focus of ISO 9000 registration is on conformity to practices specified in the registrant's own quality systems. Its central purpose is to enhance and facilitate trade. The Baldrige Award addresses competitiveness factors either not addressed in ISO 9000 registration or addressed differently. These factors include a customer and market focus, results orientation, continuous improvement, competitive comparisons, a tie to business strategy, cycle time and responsiveness, integration via analysis, public responsibility, human resource development, and information sharing. Overall, ISO 9000 registration covers less than 10% of the scope of the Baldrige Award Criteria and does not fully address any of the 28 Criteria items. As a result, the national drive to improve competitiveness could be diminished. Companies required to or electing to seek ISO 9000 registration are encouraged to integrate their conformity efforts with the Baldrige Award competitiveness improvement framework. 相似文献
An empirical study that utilizes a mailed survey to assess the initiatives and key factors of implementing ISO programs in various governmental departments in Taiwan was carried out. The results of this study identify five critical factors of successful ISO implementation in public organizations and show that the certification of ISO 9000 is seen as a tool for improving organizational images and creating the structures to integrate changed responsibilities for public organizations in Taiwan. The results also reveal differences in ISO 9000 implementation practices associated with organization size, unionization, and service types. 相似文献
名牌生态系统的竞争与合作研究 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
论文提出了名牌生态系统竞争与合作的概念及竞争强度系数,系统论述了名牌生态系统竞争层次和竞争强度.同时,详细阐述了名牌生态系统之间的协同与合作,并提出了相应策略. 相似文献
敏捷供应链背景下企业合作关系对企业绩效的影响 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
现有理论文献认为,良好的企业合作关系能够提高企业绩效,但对于其作用效果和作用路径仍缺乏实证研究的支持.本文以重庆市的242家企业为研究样本,通过因子分析和结构方程模型研究了企业合作关系、敏捷供应链和企业绩效三者之间的关系,验证了企业合作关系对敏捷供应链效益、企业绩效水平具有显著的正向影响,而敏捷供应链效益可以很好地提高企业的绩效水平. 相似文献
品牌区域市场资源竞争及品牌分布规律 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9
本文基于生态学原理,探讨了同类品牌区域市场资源竞争问题以及品牌自由分布规律,给出了同类品牌资源竞争及分布规律对我国企业实施名牌战略的几点启示. 相似文献