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If you are coming to,or are in,Beijing for the first time,you probably know about the things you must do:Visit the Forbidden City and Tian'anmen Square,enjoy a meal at the famous Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant,and spend a day trekking on the Great Wall.In addition to those must-experience activities, Women of China offers readers its editors' picks,which are a few recommendations on where to eat and places to visit while in the city.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the process of acquiring informed consent from parents of economically disadvantaged children 7 to 12 years of age at a Boys &; Girls Club in a Midwest city. The article addresses the following question: What are the obstacles in mainstream research to including children’s voluntary participation in research that intends to benefit their lives? The lessons gained from requesting an invitation into the lives of poor children through informed-consent processes inform future social work research methods.  相似文献   

This article describes a 1-hour workshop designed to orient students to a career resource center and assist them with career decision making.  相似文献   

Loosely organised teams and flexible arranged programs offer a new answer to improve the practice of palliative health care. Given the ambiguity of this care concept and the innovative organisational arrangement it is possible for confusion to emerge over the goals, core activities and target groups. In such a context it is not sufficient to determine the degree to which goals have been attained because the search for goals is part of the developmental process. An evaluation of a palliative team in a Dutch health region shows that it is more appropriate to acknowledge ambiguity and to go on to facilitate the handling of ambiguity as a vital element in dynamic learning processes. The utility of a responsive approach to evaluation, methodological considerations and learning experiences are described. The article is educational for workers in the field of health care but also to scholars and practitioners in an evaluation community.  相似文献   

Despite its title, Fein's article provides us with little analysis of race relations. Fein's discussion of various models of intervention implies that they are generally impotent. His criticism of the President's Initiative on Race appears to reflect a limited reading of the Advisory Committee report. From these observations I conclude that Fein's article reflects a neoconservative, noninterventionist ideology that blames the victim for the persistence of racial stratification in the United States. I close by suggesting that a movement for reparations would be an appropriate response to this ideology.  相似文献   

This article addresses the right to legal capacity to consent to sex of people with intellectual disabilities. Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities guarantees the right to legal capacity on an equal basis in all areas of life. This article discusses sex as an area of life in which people with intellectual disabilities are frequently not being granted legal capacity on an equal basis. The article examines current capacity to consent to sex law in Ireland, England and Wales in light of Article 12. It proposes an ‘agreement model’ as a potential alternative that would be Article 12 compliant.  相似文献   

Opposition to gender-sensitive development policies can arise within the very development agencies charged with implementing the policies. Agencies may maintain that policies on equality for women are unnecessary because development is concerned with improving welfare in general. This can be refuted by referring to the literature which points out that failure to address the specific needs of women means their exclusion from the development process. Agencies may argue that women's equality is a political rather than a developmental issue. This is countered by the fact that the "Forward-Looking Strategies" define women's development, equality, and empowerment as intertwined processes. Agencies may say that promoting women's equality constitutes undue interference in a country's internal affairs. This is wrong because aid programs should not be supported in countries which do not support women's rights. Agencies may claim that they must work within the existing laws and policies of a developing country. This is partly correct, but the point must be limited because policies and laws may be "given," but they are not fixed. An agency may state that they have no business seeking or promoting change in existing social and customary practices. This is wrong where such practices stand in the way of development and because any development project is by definition a social and economic intervention. Agencies may consider their policy on women an inappropriate imposition of Western ideas. This is wrong because international conventions place a concern for women's rights on a level with a concern for human rights. Finally, agencies may maintain that women in developing countries do not desire equality with men. While it may be true that women accept their subordinate position, this does not offset issues of human rights and equal development. Oppressed women may be very silent; given the opportunity, they generally have a great deal to say.  相似文献   


This article will focus on the biopsychosocial challenges encountered when an individual is disabled at an early age as well as when an individual acquires a disability later in life. Two case examples will focus on the adaptations/life choices that are necessary to adequately meet psycho/social/developmental needs and enhance individual self esteem. The case of Rita, a woman who lost her hearing at age two, highlights the importance of integrating a biopsychosocial approach to understand the multiple challenges and adaptations of individuals who are disabled at an early age. Laureen, a woman who acquired a spinal cord injury during her late teen years, described her struggles as a young adult adapting to a physical disability. Both cases highlight the importance of integrating an ecological/systems framework focusing on a biopsychosocial perspective, emphasizing the interrelationship between biological, psychological, social, technological, cultural and political factors.  相似文献   

This article will focus on the biopsychosocial challenges encountered when an individual is disabled at an early age as well as when an individual acquires a disability later in life. Two case examples will focus on the adaptations/life choices that are necessary to adequately meet psycho/social/developmental needs and enhance individual self esteem. The case of Rita, a woman who lost her hearing at age two, highlights the importance of integrating a biopsychosocial approach to understand the multiple challenges and adaptations of individuals who are disabled at an early age. Laureen, a woman who acquired a spinal cord injury during her late teen years, described her struggles as a young adult adapting to a physical disability. Both cases highlight the importance of integrating an ecological/systems framework focusing on a biopsychosocial perspective, emphasizing the interrelationship between biological, psychological, social, technological, cultural and political factors.  相似文献   

Photovoice empowers residents to use photographs to identify neighborhood concerns. Although Photovoice has been used to facilitate dialogue and action among residents to address a variety of issues, including neighborhood crime, it has not been used as part of an intervention to promote collective efficacy. This project integrated Photovoice into a crime-prevention program the goal of which was to facilitate collective efficacy, which. in turn, has been associated with lower levels of neighborhood crime and violence. Twenty-four racially diverse youth and adults participated in a crime-prevention training where Photovoice was used first to identify neighborhood characteristics that participants believed contributed to and alleviated crime, and then to develop a community project. Participants worked together to reuse a highly visible vacant lot to create an inviting neighborhood art and garden space that was open to the whole community. This process facilitated stronger social ties among neighborhood residents, as well as strategies for intervening in neighborhood problems, both of which are important components of collective efficacy.  相似文献   

In this article, "learning to respect" is considered both as a condition for the creation of a safe learning environment and as a condition for "learning to live together" in a democratic society. Learning to respect is not a subject like mathematics or history. As far as the school is concerned, pupils learn to respect through experiences with interactions within the classroom and the school. This paper explores some of the consequences for school policy and teachers' skills.  相似文献   

This paper describes the origins, development, and structure of a social planning program offered jointly by the School of Social Work and the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Social planning occupies a somewhat marginal position in both departments, producing some problems but also a surprising number of benefits. The exchange has proved useful for both faculty and students in each department, who bring different but compatible orientations and resources to the concentration.  相似文献   

When the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) sought input on its five‐year plan, the people responsible for publicly funded prevention, treatment and recovery — state directors — called for returning to the days of communication between federal agencies like the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and between NIDA researchers and the service delivery system. In an Aug. 7 letter to NIDA's strategic planning team, Robert I.L. Morrison, executive director of the National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors (NASADAD), noted that each state alcohol and drug agency has a critical role to play in NIDA initiatives. This role includes.  相似文献   


Journalist Janet Malcolm recently published several articles and a book in which she accused her own profession of manipulation and deceit in its listening and interviewing practices. Specifically, she focused on the Jeffrey MacDonald murder case, on which Joe McGinniss' book, Fatal Vision, was based. McGinniss, she claimed, fostered a close and seemingly empathic relationship with the accused in order to betray him later—and in this event Malcolm saw the prototypical journalist-interviewee relationship. Her accusations about the role of journalism raised intense professional scrutiny. This essay examines the case from the standpoint of journalistic listening. Are the temptations for deceptive or “slanted” empathy inherent in the journalistic interview? Does the journalist have a responsibility not only to listen to the person being interviewed, but to “listen” equally well to the demands of a developing story—as if it, too, were a living entity? Do ethical standards within journalism demand that an interviewer's listening style, especially as it is seen in empathic behavior, be congruent with his or her unexpressed conclusions?  相似文献   

Freedom to veto   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Several sets of axioms have been proposed to characterize rankings of opportunity sets in terms of freedom of choice. In these models it has been assumed that being in a position to choose from more options is preferred to having fewer options. We tested the empirical validity of that assumption experimentally. Combining a dictator game (a no-choice situation for the receiver) and an ultimatum game (the receiver can choose between two options) we investigated whether receivers prefer to have some freedom of choice (in the ultimatum game) over having no freedom of choice (in the dictator game) even in the presence of monetary incentives to choose otherwise. The experimental results show that a strong majority of players is not willing to give up the option to veto without monetary incentives to do so. However, players are often willing to trade their freedom to veto even for a small bonus. The higher the monetary incentives the more players give up their veto power.  相似文献   


This paper arises out of psychoanalytically oriented consultancy to teams of staff in the helping professions where there is a statutory 'duty to care'. It takes as its premise the seemingly paradoxical hypothesis that workers may need to split off part of their emotional experience in order to preserve their own mental health and provide reliable services to their clients. I argue that while a professional 'duty to care' requires us to be emotionally 'in touch', the demands of our clients together with the demands of the institutional response to the 'duty to care' cause us to split off parts of our awareness. I also argue that provided the splitting does not become extreme we are doing no more or less than the rest of society. In other words, there is a degree of 'normal splitting' which numbs our awareness of danger and destructiveness and seeks to protect us from too much anxiety and pain. Yet if professional workers are charged with the responsibility of assessing risk and acting accordingly for the protection of all concerned they need ways of being 'in touch' (re-integrating the splits) for some or enough of the time. Finally, I will describe ways of being 'in touch', illustrating the difficulty and the pain of re-integrating the splits and some of the insights that can arise out of this work with examples from my consultancy work.  相似文献   

Cue-reactivity has received increased attention in addiction research, though not for gambling in particular. We examined cue reactivity in 18 problem gamblers by accompanying them to a gaming casino and measuring their subjective urge to gamble over a 1-h period. Half of the sample was additionally exposed to a gambling-specific negative mood induction (NMI) manipulation via guided imagery. Overall, about two-thirds of the sample reported moderate to high-gambling urges during the casino exposure. Additionally, the NMI reduced cue-reactivity. Finally, gambling urges in both groups decreased over the course of the exposure sessions. These findings suggest that a majority of problem gamblers experience the urge to gamble when exposed to gambling cues and that the intensity of these urges decrease with time, especially in the presence of a gambling-relevant NMI. Cue exposure should be studied further as a potential tool in the treatment of problem gambling.  相似文献   

This study constitutes the first longitudinal exploration of consent to link survey and administrative data. It examines variations in consent over time and explores the influence of the respondents’ characteristics (both observed and latent) and the impact of the interviewers on consent co-operation. Respondent inclination to consent is modelled as a latent construct. Most respondents behave consistently over time. However, this consistency is not driven by a strong inclination to consent but rather by the circumstances of the respondents at the time of the interview and by the impact of the interviewers themselves. The findings also show that the change in consent behaviour over time is a clear indication that consent should be treated as a dynamic phenomenon at the individual level.  相似文献   

The art of caring to alleviate illness and to promote health is nursing's unique commitment to society and the health-care industry. How this practice is implemented dictates the success or failure of prescribed strategies. In addition, the way in which caring is implemented defines emotional maturity on both a personal and professional level. Several goals to rehabilitate the psychologically codependent person include: Developing an awareness of the origins of codependency and how early family experiences affect subsequent behavior and beliefs about oneself; Identifying the personal price and payoffs for continuing codependent behaviors; The ability to openly express personal needs, wishes, feelings, and opinions while respecting the rights of others; Learning to discriminate between loving/caring and the destructive control of codependency; and The ability to take responsibility for another rather than being responsible to another. Codependent behaviors are prevalent within professional nursing practice, as evidenced by examples provided from three specialty areas in nursing and the fact that women (who are traditionally assigned the cultural role of caring) constitute the majority of professional nurses. Therefore, it is a professional challenge to each nurse to ascertain whether practices are functional or dysfunctional: is the professional interpretation of caring a commitment to excellence or a condemnation to conformity in the unique delivery of health-care practice?  相似文献   

“小时候家里穷,没什么吃的,我和弟弟妹妹们嘴馋的时候,就从妈妈的腌菜缸里捞腌菜吃,那是记忆中妈妈的味道。”“华嬷嬷”没想到,这一份童年味道多年后竟然为她和村民们带来了欣欣向荣的幸福生活。她将腌菜改良,打造出了“华嬷嬷”泡菜品牌,从小小泡菜罐里念出了致富经。  相似文献   

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