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冯平 《阴山学刊》2011,(5):63-66
The term "Other" is a key concept in the framework of postcolonialism.This paper attempts to analyze the native black people’s role-"the Other" in the process of colonization.The British writer Doris Lessing finds the unltimate expression in her first novel The Grass Is Singing.With the settlement of the colonizers,the South Africa has been rendered by the white colonizers as "the Other World" and the native people are regarded as "the Other" who are degraded into unspeakable animals by white people.  相似文献   

Shen Meiying 《学术界》2012,(6):249-255
Guests of the N ation w ritten by the Irish w riter Frank O ’C onnor is the most magnificent short story,in w hich a tragedy about the killing betw een friends is depicted.In this story,many different pairs of binary opposition are used to present the theme and the characters vividly,w hich makes the plot more attractive.T his study attempts to analyze the phenomena of the binary opposition in the story based on the theory of deconstruction to deconstruct the individuals’feelings of the absurdity and void of the meaningless w orld.  相似文献   

刘剑英 《阴山学刊》2011,(2):114-115
Input plays an important part in the acquisition of second language.This report will just focus on Krashen's Input Hypothesis and Long's Interaction Hypothesis concerning input.First a summary will be made about the two theories,and then the writer will make a comparison between the two.This report will conclude with the writer's observations of how her thinking about 'input' has been clarified in the process of preparing and writing this report.  相似文献   

This thesis tries to explore the novel with the view of cultural identity and multiculturalism.Facing the multicultural American society,Gish Jen voices her strong support for American multiculturalism as symbolized by "American salad bowl" in the novel Typical American,and insists that contemporary Americans should try to be new Americans by blending the best of various cultures existing in the United States.  相似文献   

朱凤英 《阴山学刊》2006,19(1):46-49
Ⅰ.IntroductionAs a wide range ofliterarycritics have demonstrated,two of thebasic relationships lying at the core of postmodernist literature arethe dichotomybetween the author and his or her work(the dynamicofself-exposure)and that between the author,figure as dramatistnarrator and the reader,whobecomes as active participant in the or-deal ofcommunicatingimages and information.The latter is ofthe utmost importance for the destinyofthe nov-el as it is only via the flowof digressive dialogue w…  相似文献   

The certification test for English teachers in a certain state asked candidates to identify the name of the frog in Mark Twain's "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County." If students answered this question correctly and said, Dan'l Webster, does this mean that these students would be prepared for the teaching field? Conversely, if students answered this question incorrectly, does this mean they were ill - prepared for becoming teachers? Can such an irrelevant question really point to the knowledge and abilities of future teachers? Hardly, use of unimportant questioning such as this illustrates the main problem with using a multiple choice format when assessing students. Trivial items such as names of animals and other insignificant information are often given priority over their significance in the story simply because students are not able to demonstrate what they really know in narrative form (Smagorinsky, 2002).  相似文献   

In this article Kate Chopin's The Awakening is analyzed in psychoanalytic feminist terms,focusing on the themes of maternity versus paternity.These themes are explored in terms of Edna's awakening pilgrimage.The interactions with those people around her make her awakening undergo two stages: the first one is that she awakens to want a true self as a human being;the second one is that she finds that as a female she can never be herself,because she refuses to compromise to the false selves reflected in those people around her.Thus she can only complete her pilgrimage from bewilderment to awakening by suicide,which is regarded as a victory to protect herself in the article rather than a defeat.  相似文献   

Hu Shi is regarded as one of the most important intellectuals after the Revolution of 1911,and he has a far- reaching influence in 20th century.In the perspective of Hu Shi,the contribution and continuation of the Revolution of 1911 has some inspiration for us to analyze the relationship between Chinese intellectuals and social revolution.  相似文献   

In 1957, Grice suggested the theory of meaning-nn as a theory of communication. Later, he developed Cooperative Principle (CP) as guidelines for the efficient and effective use of language in conversation. Some philosophers and linguists try to develop and modify the Grice's Cooperative Principle or attempt to challenge the validity of this and suggest some other principles. However, very few try to explore the driving force behind conversation. What is the mechanism underlying the use of a sentence to convey extra meaning? After a more detailed examination of Grice's work on philosophy and language, we discover that the importance of rationality is shown throughout his work. Therefore we can conclude that rationality, not the cooperation, is the real motivation, though Grice invents the Cooperative Principle. Cooperation is the realization of rationality applied at the level of discourse.  相似文献   

According to the spirit of strengthening the protection of human rights in the whole world that promoted by the Charter of the United Nations and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN General Assembly Meeting passed two international covenants on human rights in December 1966.  相似文献   

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a classical novel in American literature in the 19th century. Hawthorne is deeply influenced by Puritanism. His representative work, The Scarlet Letter, reflects the Calvinistic thought of "Original Sin". His novel also expresses his pious attitude with skepticism for ethics and morality of Puritanism. On one hand, Hawthorne strongly criticizes Calvinism for constraining human nature, and on the other hand, regards some social problems as the sake of evil human nature. He advocates the believers to clear themselves of guilt and to purify their hearts by penitence and kindness.  相似文献   

Chiefly noted for his work at the intersections of social and cultural theory,Tony Bennett was born in Oldham—a Lancashire cotton town— in 1947.He was educated at Oxford University,where he studied Politics,Philosophy and Economics,and at Sussex University where he studied Sociology,completing his Ph D on the social and aesthetic theories of Georg Lukács.Holding his initial position at the University of Bristol,he subsequently  相似文献   

Zhang Lü 《学术界》2015,(2):303-307
Linguistic civilization orientation is a necessity for all eras,with which the motivation,viable model and pragmatic hypothesis of the language can be formed."Chinese character— Chinese language"takes on different cultures in different regions, embodying the integration of language and civilization. As a result, in order to analyze linguistics, it is necessary for us to compare the Chinese language at home and abroad, and it is the linguistic construction based on the public. The modern Chinese language inherits the cultural connotation of the Chinese linguistics and answers the regional hypothesis and establishes the new linguistic system for the Chinese language in different regions.  相似文献   

Since the opening -up of Shanghai,various kinds of architectures have reflected a city with unique fascination.Those houses in close connection with our daily lives are just like works of art,implying complicated cultural imagination through different kinds of forms.In the last two decades,there has been a large scale of urban renewal in Shanghai.Nowadays,Shanghai,a modern and fashionable metropolis is standing in front of the public.However,from my point of view,the urban renewal of Shanghai is not very successful for it is cutting apart its real history little by little in its dreamlike modern imagination,which does not actually meet the real needs of humanity.  相似文献   

Shanghaiology undergoes the process from the repeated disputes resulting from the advocate of Shanghaiology to multidisciplines development in the name of Shanghai Studies.However,Shanghaiology and its...  相似文献   

We offer a new understanding of the scientific world and the contents of the basic question of philosophy,which is based on an analysis of the phenomenon of the specific information in the various components of the structure of reality.It is shown that,in addition to material objects,processes,and events,in the real world are also intangible objects,processes and conditions that are in its information content.So the basic question of philosophy is proposed to treat the relationship as a tangible and intangible component of reality.More succinctly it can be formulated as the ratio of matter and information.This allows you to point to some new challenges studying the phenomenon of information in various components of the structure of reality.  相似文献   

Ma Yuli 《学术界》2015,(1):271-275
Coke was undoubtedly a milestone in the history of the legal thoughts in Britain and even in the whole western world.Coke stressed the restriction of royalty and the suprem e status of the common law.In the British Parliament’s struggle against the monarchy in the 17th century,he put forward the creative constitutional ideas about independence of judges and judicial review,advocating the protection of due process and the civil rights,which provided valuable ideological inspiration especially for the development of judicial review and the due process in the U.S.C onstitution.Just as the saying goes,"the old farmland would grow out new grain",looking back on traditional legal thoughts is im portant to the construction of a legal country for the present China.  相似文献   

The enlightenment of modern education in China was in the late Qing Dynasty, and it was originated from the Tibetan schools in the area of Western Sichuan. This paper tries to provide a review of the Tibetan schools' establishment, development and evolution, and to explore its unique role in the social and historical process at the time.  相似文献   

Wang Wei 《学术界》2015,(2):262-270
Can the jury system replace the system of people’s assessors and find a way out of the jury system dilemma in our country? The author gives an affirmative answer that the jury system should be established as soon as possible in our country in order to give full play to the efficacy and value of judicial democracy and supervision. This paper tries to analyze from the following three aspects. Firstly, it analyzes the differences and advantages and disadvantages of two jury patterns including the jury system and the mixed court system; then,based on the statement of development and existing problems of the mixed court system in our country,it analyzes the feasibility of application of the jury system in our country combining with national conditions; finally, social effect of the introduction of the jury system is evaluated,which affects the situation as a whole domino.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionAs an independent story ofDubliners,ALittle Cloudserves as one aspect dealing withadulthoodin the book.Living as an insignificant person,Chandlerhas got used to his middle or even lower classenvironment and his monotonous life.However,a meeting with an old friend who has beenabsent for eight years arouses his hope to besuccessful.The friend,though inferior in birthand education to Chandler,gets success inLondon as a journalist,and thus be regarded asa hero by Chandler.But whe…  相似文献   

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