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今年上海市英语中、高级口译笔试部分考试已经圆满结束。在此,上海新东方学校口译教研组出于对广大考生的关心,特地对这次英语中级和高级口译笔试的听力、阅读和笔译考题情况作一分析,供大家学习参考。  相似文献   

2006年英语中级口译笔译部分阅读试题可说是难度之“最”的一年;考试文章的长度也达到了历史的新高,平均每篇文章的长度都在450字- 500字左右。考生普遍反映时间紧是这次考阅读试题的最大障碍。有的考生甚至在做最后两篇文章的时候只剩下10分钟时间,在做选择题时也只能跟着感觉走了。笔者将从6篇阅读文章的话题和题型入手,对本次考试作一个简单的回顾。  相似文献   

通过十几年的实际考试研究以及考生的反馈情况,基本上可以认定,同以往一样, 在今年英语高级口译考试的4大部分(听力、阅读,口译、笔译)中,阅读部分因其要求的强度、准确度极高,给考生造成的压力是最大的。其强度主要体现在以下几点上: 1.文章很长,阅读量较大。每篇文章后  相似文献   

2006年英语高级口译笔试听力部分的整体难度不大。 1.“Spot-dictation” (填空听写) 这次考试的听写填空题文章的内容一改以往“学术派”的面孔,讲了一个企业优厚的员工待遇的情况,这为英语高级口译增加了不少生活气息。这样贴近生活的题材对于大多数考生来说  相似文献   

(Test Book)SECTION 1:LISTENING TEST (40 minutes)Part A:Spot DictationDirections:In this part of the test,you will hear a passage and read the same passage withblanks in it.Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape.Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Remember youwill hear the passage ONLY ONCE.  相似文献   

汉语考题:光阴似箭,转眼中国加入世贸组织已经整整4年。4年来,中国加入世贸组织的绝大多数承诺都已经兑现,部分承诺的兑现甚至走在规定时间之前。在世贸成员关心的知识产权问题上,中国启动法律修改工程, 查处大批侵权案件,这些努力均取得了显著成效。中国政府还全面清理了部委和地方的  相似文献   

(TEST BOOK) SECTIONI:LISTENING TEST (45 minutes) PartA:SPot DICtation Directions:Int址5 Part of tlle test,youw川hear a Passage and read the same Passage blanks in it .Fili in eaeh of the blanks,八lh the word or,7ords you have heard on tape Wlth thel Re  相似文献   

SECTION 1:LISTENING TEST(40 minutes) Part A:Spot Dictation Directions:In this part of the test.you wi l l hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it.Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard 01"1 the tape.Write  相似文献   

一、考试主题比较下面是我们上海新东方学校口译教研组所回顾的历次英语高级和中级口译翻译部分考试主题一览表。英语高级口译笔译考试主题一览表  相似文献   

例文: Whatever may be said against mass circulation magazines and newspapers,it can hardly be argued that they areout of touch with their readers’daydreams,and therefore the inducements such as gifts and prizes they hold outto them must be a near accurate reflection of their unfulfilled wants and aspirations Study these and you willassuredly understand a good deal of what it is that makes society tick. Looking back,for example,to the twenties and thirties,we can see that circulation managers unerringlydiagnosed the twin obsessions which dominated that era of mass unemployment-economic insecurity and a passionateconcern for the next generation.Thus,it was that readers were recruited with offers of free insurance policies  相似文献   

最新的考卷已经在你的面前,可以实战演练了!且慢且慢,你不妨先制造一个考试的氛围。把门窗关上保持肃静,把手表放在桌上掌握时间,模拟出一个考场来。当然,动笔前,不妨回忆回忆专家是怎么说的,老师是怎么教的——这不算你的“考试”时间。  相似文献   

directions:Talk on the following topic for at least 3 minutes.Be Silre to make your points clear and supporting detailsadequate.You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk.You need tohave your Bame and registration number recorded.Start your talk with "My name is…","My registration numberis…”.Topic:Building an all-round well—off society in ChinaQuestions for reference(略)  相似文献   

SECTION 2:STUDY SKILLS(50 minutes) Directions:In this section,you will read several passages.Each passage is followed by several questions based on its content.You are to choose ONE best answer.(A),(B),(C) or(D),to each question.Answer all the questions following  相似文献   

翻译是英语中级口译笔试的重头部分,占整个笔试总分(250分)的40%,它包括“英译中”和“中译英”两个部分,共计100分。许多“中口”考生对翻译考试有畏难情绪。主要原因是虽然以前进行过大量的“听、说、读、写”练习,但从未系统地涉及过“翻译”,而翻译最能体现学生的综合水平和个人特质。那么,什么是翻译呢?  相似文献   

.r乞吕T班犯压 目侧诊n0N,I (拐 U.下.目.目.下..下 .加.它.) p.tA*.洲t DI.加tl. n加触处的.巨它翻肠”d oft加妇以,,阅.川加”r.,..卜.dre曰t加...比,州.那劝比 ‘肠目匕恤it.n】月恤.山oft肠b加川肠,d场t加,,川or,.六1. yo.恤帕加”川.t加t.Pe. 份d扬种.‘.,..r恤t加。口峨户目如吕月冲忱加外.几NS节IR B00刃比扮.肠.招目比r yo..山 加”rt如侧.目堪.ONLY ONCE. Ascri阳Skyr以火ets In nl叮1丫Camntnit.es,p吠ple‘.fi阴Ily比gimi叩to!以众f“la月一lastl叩, 峭曰吮ive ..,日,5 to St.们肠tI山of,。怕n.!.汀i帕.币目,i阅肠v…  相似文献   

考生可进行自我诊断,仿效管理学上的SWOT分析方法,即优势(Strengths)、劣势(Weaknesses)、内外环境所形成的机会(Opportunities)和威胁(Threats),找出对自己备考有利的、能够发挥自己长处的因素,同时发现存在的问题和挑战,然后找出相应的符合自己实际情况的复习策略。  相似文献   

翻译是比较主观的事,正确答案千变万化且并不存在最佳的一种,对于考生来说只要能满足"信"和"达",即便不是太"雅"也是成功的。就拿中级  相似文献   

2006年3月上海市日语口译岗位资格证书第一阶段笔试考试已经结束,现对试卷分析及建议如下。听力听力部分试卷概况:听力部分共有三大题,分值共70分。第一大题为一篇短文, 要求填写外来语词汇和汉语词汇(日语汉字),分值为20分;第二大题由两段会话和  相似文献   

(TEST BOOK) SECTIONI:LISTENING TEST (30 minutes) PartA:SP0t Dictation D助ections:In thls part of the test,you wi」1 hear a Pa袋泊ge and read the salne Pa袋遇ge with blanks in it.F坦in each of the blanks with the word or,叮ords you have heard on the tape  相似文献   

(TEST BOOK) SECTION4:LISTENING TEST (30 nllllu俪) PartA:Note一taklxlg and Gap一flilillg Directl0lls:In thls Part of tlle test you wili hear a short talk.You will hear the talk ONLY ONCE,Wllile Ust elling to the talk,you may take notes on the IlnPortaflt  相似文献   

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