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反生产行为理论研究综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
彭贺 《管理学报》2010,7(6):834-840,873
对反生产行为的研究取向、结构、影响因素、形成过程与预防策略进行了较为详尽的综述、评论,并指出反生产行为未来的研究方向.认为应该尽快对反生产行为层级体系进行全面整理,加强预防干预策略的系统研究,进行实验和纵向研究,将研究对象聚焦到知识员工、并强化中国文化背景的研究.  相似文献   

绩效考核作为一种有效的管理方法一直受到组织高度重视,但各种组织都不同程度的存在着因绩效考核引起的管理伦理问题,而且它们是相互影响的。国外对这方面的研究已有几十年的积累,而国内的相关研究才刚刚起步。本文首先回顾了国内外有关绩效考核对员工反伦理行为影响的相关研究,然后就未来的研究方向提出了看法和建议。  相似文献   

基于层面理论的员工反生产行为结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于层面理论和本土化视角对员工反生产行为的结构进行了理论和实证探讨.综合国内外相关研究和开放式问卷调查结果,编制了92个项目的反生产行为问卷.用层面理论方法构建了员工反生产行为的结构和映射语句,采用两套数据(自评和他评)对反生产行为的结构进行了实证检验.最小空间分析结果显示,员工反生产行为可以分解为行为指向和危害度两个层面.其中,行为指向层面可分离出指向工作任务、指向人际、指向组织的一般性违规和财物信息越轨四类;危害性程度可分离为轻度危害、中度危害和高危害三类.企业与行政事业单位两类组织中均存在两个层面四种指向的反生产行为,同时也存在各自不同特点.  相似文献   

知识员工反生产行为的结构及测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用问卷调研方法,通过4项子研究,探讨中国知识员工反生产行为的结构及其测量。子研究1运用归纳法将知识员工反生产行为归纳为8大类、66小类;子研究2编制知识员工反生产行为问卷,并对采集的数据进行探索性因素分析,发现知识员工反生产行为包括失德行为、抵制行为、钻空子行为、消极服从行为、保守知识行为、撒谎行为6个维度;子研究3运用验证性因素分析方法对数据进行分析,发现六因素结构拟合度最佳,内部一致性系数分析以及与效标变量的相关系数分析表明知识员工反生产行为问卷具有良好的信度和效度;子研究4进一步对六因素结构模型的稳定性进行验证。研究结果表明,知识员工反生产行为问卷可以作为未来的基本研究工具,而且对知识型企业也具有参考和借鉴价值。  相似文献   

郭文臣  杨静  付佳 《管理学报》2015,12(4):530-537
基于文献回顾构建了组织支持感、组织公平感、组织犬儒主义和反生产行为之间的关系模型,并以企业员工为调查对象,对反生产行为采用他评和配对样本的方式进行问卷调查.研究结果表明:组织支持感、组织公平感与反生产行为负相关;组织犬儒主义与反生产行为正相关;组织支持感、组织公平感对组织犬儒主义存在负向影响;组织犬儒主义在组织支持感与反生产行为、组织公平感与反生产行为的关系中均发挥中介作用.此外,对组织犬儒主义和反生产行为的防范和管理提出了有关管理建议.  相似文献   

采用质性研究和定量研究相结合的方法界定了中国情境下组织公平和组织信任的文化内涵,探究了两者在凝聚力形成过程中的影响机制.研究发现,中国情境下组织公平与组织信任均具有工具性与情感性的双元特征,并且沿着“感知-判断-倾向性”的逻辑演化为凝聚力形成的2条路径.研究结果支持了工具性路径与情感性路径的存在,证实了中国企业中领导信任能够完全中介系统信任对任务凝聚力的影响,也能够完全中介分配公平对人际凝聚力的影响,这说明中国企业中领导行为对组织有效性和分配公平性的直接决定作用.  相似文献   

反生产行为亦称反生产工作行为或反生产力行为,是指个体表现出的任何对组织或者组织利益相关者合法利益具有或者存在潜在危害的有意行为。反生产行为的产生受多种因素的影响,其中,人格影响反生产行为的重要因素之一。本研究在以往研究的基础上,总结了人格与反生产行为关系的相关研究,并对未来的研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

国外反生产行为研究回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,反生产行为引起了众多学者的研究兴趣,并产生了丰富的研究成果。本文首先对反生产行为的内涵、结构维度进行深入剖析和总结,进而从个体因素和情景因素两个方面对反生产行为的前因变量进行了系统梳理,最后探讨了反生产行为的潜在积极影响和消极影响。在此基础上,从结构维度、前因变量、动机、潜在影响以及中国本土化研究几个方面提出了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

反生产行为作为影响员工行为绩效和组织稳定性的关键因素,已成为当前企业最为关切的现实问题之一.结合以往员工反生产行为的相关研究以及在管理现实中凸显的突变特征,在考虑人的心理行为扰动的基础上,从随机突变理论的全新视角构建了员工反生产行为随机尖点突变模型,并分析了反生产行为的非线性演化过程.在运用Cuspfit方法验证突变模型的合理性并进行参数估计后,引入定性模拟理论,将静态严格的随机突变模型转化为能解决模糊的、不确定性的问题的半定性突变模拟模型.最后在Matlab平台上实现该模拟系统,通过虚拟实验对中国某OEM企业面临的员工反生产行为困局进行动态分析.实验结果从企业科学管理模式、员工甄选及情绪管理、反生产行为的危害控制和补救措施等方面为组织反生产行为管理问题提供决策支持.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of employee attributions of leader effectiveness on relationships between perceptions of (a) ethical climate and (b) organizational justice and both positive and negative types of performance. We argue that these relatively under-investigated perceptions are critical antecedents to effective productivity in the workplace. Accordingly, this study is the first to examine the associations of both ethical climate and organizational justice on both positive and negative performance within the context of mediation via employee attributions of leader effectiveness. Based on online survey data from 2486 Romanian employees, our SEM-based findings reveal that the attribution of leader effectiveness functions as a mediator between the associations of ethical climate and justice perceptions on two distinct types of performance: (1) Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and (2) Counterproductive Work Behaviors (CWB).Additionally, the results revealed that trait negative affect moderates the mediating role of leader effectiveness with OCB but not with CWB. This study contributes to the recent and growing interest in the mediating role of attributions regarding work performance. Several theoretical contributions and practical implications are discussed concerning leader-specific attributions, employee empowerment, and employee performance. Most prominently, we discuss why individuals with strong trait negative affect may engage in CWB without the influence of ethical climate or organizational justice.  相似文献   

针对当前组织中各类冲突频发的现实,学者们运用多种理论从心理契约破裂、管理欺凌和反生产行为等角度展开了针对性的研究,但依然难以解释组织、管理者和员工3方的负面行为之间冤冤相报的连锁现象.运用社会学习理论和两个配对样本从组织层面对此进行了系统研究,证实了组织、管理者和员工3者之间负向行为的连锁效应,并发现组织政治和管理者负向互惠信念对组织心理契约破裂的影响后果,员工内外控性格和市场流动机会对管理者欺凌行为的影响后果具有调节效应.最后从组织、团队和个人3个层面探讨了组织中冤冤相报现象的预防策略,以及研究不足和未来研究方向.  相似文献   

One recurrent theme within the literature on total quality management (TQM) is the study of its effect on organizational performance. Nonetheless, most research has focused on analyzing the relationships between the implementation of different elements and several types of performance. This paper incorporates the effect of organizational environment as a variable for explaining the impact of TQM on business results. The model is tested using structural equations, employing a survey of quality managers in 273 Spanish firms. The causal analysis results show that dynamism, munificence and complexity influence the degree of implementation of the main TQM principles. The most relevant effects emerge as a result of the environmental dynamism, and the least effects are due to munificence. Similarly, the dimensions of TQM have an impact on different types of performance. The model can be used by organizations to assess their level of TQM success depending on specific environmental characteristics.  相似文献   

Napping and caffeine consumption, two common strategies for improving alertness and performance on the night shift, were investigated in two separate studies. Performance was measured with a simulated assembly line task (SALT) during a single night work shift. Both strategies proved beneficial. Performance and subjective alertness were improved following either a 2.3-h evening nap or ingestion of caffeine (4 mg/kg) prior to the work shift. The effects were noted particularly at the trough of circadian alertness. Although neither napping nor caffeine countered the strong circadian influence on performance and alertness in the early morning hours, both strategies attenuated their sharp decline. Further research is required to determine the generalizability of these findings beyond a single night shift and in different populations of workers, such as older age groups, or chronic caffeine users.  相似文献   

Whereas the micro- and macro-oriented leadership literatures have often studied leader competencies necessary for effective performance, the role of leader character in relation to competencies and performance has been to a large extent neglected. Our work seeks to shift the scholarly dialogue by introducing the concept of character-competence entanglement, which reflects the binding between character and competence over time. The highest degree of entanglement represents the deep and more persistent interconnection and mutually-reinforcing effect between highly-developed leader character and highly-developed leader competence, whereas in cases of low entanglement, character can be activated temporarily in a particular context to help strengthen the relationship between competence and performance. Our core proposition is that high character-competence entanglement will lead to extraordinary performance over time. In addition, we emphasize that relying on naturally-occurring learning opportunities and the processes of “learning-by-living” both outside and inside the organization will positively impact the development of character-competence entanglement.  相似文献   

Although studies have found that personality variables moderate the relationship between stressors and counterproductive work behaviour, few have examined the role of narcissism and those that did have found inconsistent results. Using a sample of 515 United States employees, we found that narcissism moderated the relationships between interpersonal conflict at work and counterproductive work behaviours directed at others, and between organizational constraints and counterproductive work behaviours directed at the organization, making both relationships stronger for those high on narcissism. We also found that narcissism moderated the relationship between organizational constraints and counterproductive work behaviours directed at others. Further, we demonstrated that the grandiose exhibitionism facet of narcissism moderated these same stressor–counterproductive work behaviours relationships, whereas the facets of leadership/authority and entitlement/exploitiveness did not. Our study indicates that organizational scholars should examine narcissism as an important antecedent of work behaviour, and that research needs to consider potential differential prediction by each of its facets.  相似文献   

A challenge in interpreting research is that the construct of ‘distance’ has multiple dimensions that influence acquisition performance. We expand Ghemawat's (2001) typology of distance with its dimensions of cultural, administrative, geographic, and economic distance (CAGE) from a review of 61 empirical research studies of how distance affects acquisition performance. We identify different impacts of distance dimensions on acquisition performance to find that distance dimensions are interdependent. As a result, context matters, when considering the impact of distance on acquisition performance. Supporting institutional theory, the direction of distance may matter, as the results may be different for acquirers in developed and emerging economies. Additional implications for research and management practice are identified.  相似文献   

Effective supply chain management (SCM) has become a potentially valuable way of securing competitive advantage and improving organizational performance since competition is no longer between organizations, but among supply chains. This research conceptualizes and develops five dimensions of SCM practice (strategic supplier partnership, customer relationship, level of information sharing, quality of information sharing, and postponement) and tests the relationships between SCM practices, competitive advantage, and organizational performance. Data for the study were collected from 196 organizations and the relationships proposed in the framework were tested using structural equation modeling. The results indicate that higher levels of SCM practice can lead to enhanced competitive advantage and improved organizational performance. Also, competitive advantage can have a direct, positive impact on organizational performance.  相似文献   

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