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跨国公司知识转移:知识特性与转移工具研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
薛求知  关涛 《管理科学》2006,9(6):64-72
为了揭示知识特性和知识转移工具对跨国公司内部知识转移结果的影响程度,构建了一个包含知识特性、转移工具和知识跨国界转移结果的知识转移过程模型并做出相应假设,然后对跨国公司在华子公司做问卷调查,用结构方程模型对样本数据进行分析.实证结果显示,知识的默会性、简单嵌入性、初级转移工具对知识从国外母公司向中国子公司的跨国界转移起到了显著的直接作用,而高级转移工具对默会性起到了部分中介作用,对关系嵌入变量起到了完全中介作用.  相似文献   

One means of innovation is the adoption of new knowledge from external sources. This article describes theory building research to improve the transfer of knowledge between universities and businesses that are collaborating together. Using pilot studies and in-depth interviews based on real-life innovation projects, the research identified and confirmed two hypothetical constructs; that successful knowledge transfer comes from the transfer of tacit knowledge; and that tacit knowledge can best be transferred in this arena using rich media channels. This article describes the research and goes on to assess a range of channels for their media richness and their ability to transfer tacit knowledge. This article then positions this in the frame of collaborative or open innovation. It concludes that selection of the appropriate channel can improve the innovation through the transfer of knowledge between organisations and presents a model for successful application.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the economic literature concerning university-to-industry knowledge transfer. Papers on this topic are divided into four categories. Research in the 'firm characteristics' category focuses directly on company issues, such as internal organization, resource allocation, and partnerships. In contrast, research in the 'university characteristics' stream pays little attention to the firms that commercialize inventions, but rather focuses on issues relating to the university, such as licensing strategies, incentives for professors to patent, and policies such as taking equity in return for intellectual property. The 'geography in terms of localized spillovers' stream of research considers the spatial relationship between firms and universities relative to performance in terms of knowledge transfer success. Finally, the 'channels of knowledge transfer' literature examines the relative importance of various transfer pathways between universities and firms, such as publications, patents, and consulting. Each of these research streams is discussed and key papers are described highlighting important methodologies and results. Finally, an outline of topics requiring further research in each of the four categories is offered.  相似文献   

This study examines how the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm growth is shaped by learning orientation in technologically sophisticated environments. We draw upon an information processing perspective that emphasizes alignment between information processing demands and support mechanisms. Using data from 116 small to medium‐sized enterprises in the Netherlands, we observe that the ability of entrepreneurial orientation to drive firm growth greatly depends on the joint consideration of technological sophistication and learning orientation. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of how configurations of strategic orientations and environmental considerations work in concert to influence the efficacy of organizational entrepreneurial efforts dramatically.  相似文献   

This paper is born out of research conducted in Hong Kong, Malaysia, and India between 1987 and 1990. It is an attempt to empirically test and extend the scope of a model formulated in England in 1977. The original model postulated that managerial behavior towards industrial relations issues, on an organizational or micro level, could be predicted if the managerial style could be properly predicated within the matrix of the model. The present study uses the model to see if similar prediction (or in any case, generalization) can be made on a macro level. The findings reveal that a certain degree of generalization can be empirically sustained in so far as the style of managers in the three countries is concerned. To that extent the paper is a contribution to the corpus of thought on the subject of managerial beliefs and provides valuable insight for the student of human resources management especially in the area of industrial relations and corporate policy.  相似文献   

This article highlights some of the similarities and differences in management theory and practice between the UK and the Former Soviet Union (FSU) and Central and East European (CEE) states. It does so in the context of a debate over the appropriateness and extent of cultural dominance in knowledge transfer of theory and practice, which has occurred during the last decade, and which is still unresolved. It reviews a scheme for knowledge transfer which offered a flexible structure within which the organizers could amend their material in the light of their growing experience with the way in which the scheme operated, and whereby they might avoid some of the mistakes of cultural dominance made within other schemes offered elsewhere The Joint Industrial and Commercial Attachment Programme (JICAP), its structure, approach and some outcomes are outlined as a case example. Sponsored by the British Council to arrange visits by middle and senior managers from the post-command economies to the UK for intensive management training and work placement in an organization complementary to their home employment, JICAP was typical of the best Western thinking in management development of the time. The espousals and realities, the benefits and flaws in this approach are examined, drawing on the perceptions of the JICAP delegates themselves in terms of their personal and business development. Czarniawska's model of the travel of ideas (Czarniawska and Joerges 1996) is used as an organizing framework within which the problems of knowledge transfer, culturally dominant or maximally flexible, can be examined, and the underlying issues identified. This notion of flexibility, within which alternative perspectives can be negotiated and new meanings created, constitutes the main contribution proposed by this paper.  相似文献   

This study explores the links between knowledge base, relationship learning, and green innovation performance within a coopetitive framework. We posit that green innovation is directly influenced by a broad and deep knowledge base. We also hypothesize that the knowledge base–green innovation performance link is positively mediated by relationship learning (indirect effect). These hypotheses were empirically tested using consistent partial least squares path modeling. A sample of 112 firms from the Spanish automotive components manufacturing sector was used. The mediating effect of relationship learning on the knowledge base–green innovation performance link was observed to be positive and significant. Therefore, managers should build strong relations with stakeholders to assimilate, transfer, and adapt new knowledge and thus enhance green innovation performance.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of supportive learning culture, team creativity, and collaborative knowledge creating practices on team performance. A survey was used to collect data from a total of 228 knowledge workers from nine Korean organizations. Analyses included measuring item internal consistency, validating proposed constructs, and examining structural relationships using Structural Equation Modelling. The proposed research model was validated in terms of item internal consistency and a model-fit in the Korean business context. Supportive learning culture had a positive and direct influence on team creativity and on the teams' collaborative knowledge creation practices; however, it had an indirect influence on the team performance through the variables of team creativity and knowledge creation practices. In the conclusion, limitations, implications, and further research suggestions are discussed.  相似文献   

“造山”:以知识和学习为基础的企业的新逻辑   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:24  
在知识经济时代经营的企业需有不同于以往任何时代的企业的新逻辑 .本文将这一新逻辑概括为以知识和学习为基础 ,并以地质史上的“造山运动”作比 ,对新企业观进行了全面框架性的研究 .新企业观的理论基础是知识与学习理论 ,新企业组织的典型模式是团队型组织 ,管理的实质在于通过知识的转化和联合获得能力提升 ,经营逻辑追求知识超越 ,从而全面回答了以知识和学习为基础的企业的主要特征  相似文献   

Whileknowledge transfer is one of the key components in determining Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) success, the current M&A literature has produced inconsistent findings regarding its antecedents and consequences. To address this research gap, this study explores the roles of functional integration and shared goals in facilitating knowledge transfer, which will in turn determine M&A success. To provide a more nuanced understanding of knowledge transfer, this study examines bilateral knowledge flows (e.g., knowledge transfer to a target firm from the UK acquiring firm and knowledge transfer from a target firm to the UK acquiring firm). Our research framework is built upon two different theoretical perspectives, namely resource orchestration and social capital theories. Our propositions were tested empirically across a sample of 131 UK cross-border M&A firms. Our results reveal that the affirmative roles of functional integration and shared goals in increasing knowledge transfer both to and from a target firm are confirmed and that knowledge transfer to the target firm is deemed decisive for M&A success. Based on the findings, we discuss theoretical and practical implications, followed by limitations and future study consideration.  相似文献   

组织知识转移与学习能力的系统研究   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40       下载免费PDF全文
知识转移可以为组织带来比较竞争优势,而组织学习可以提高其对未来不确定环境的适应能力,因此,两者的共同作用可实现组织的持续成长.在回顾关于组织的重叠知识、知识转移以及学习的相关文献基础上,分析了重叠知识与组织知识转移,以及与组织学习的关系;从组织生态学角度构建了它们之间的关系模型,进一步论证了重叠知识可以充当优化知识转移效率与组织学习能力的调节器;最后给出了一些知识转移的管理寓意分析.  相似文献   

A growing stream of theory and research in evolutionary psychology proposes that people mentally represent dyadic relationships through an internal regulatory variable, the “Welfare Tradeoff Ratio.” I introduce welfare tradeoff theory and indicate how it speaks to the problematic distinction between social exchanges and relationship quality in Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) theory and research. I then address issues related to leader-member agreement, LMX development, upward impression management, emotions in leader-member relationships and LMX differentiation from the perspective of welfare tradeoffs. Implications and consideration of measurement also are discussed.  相似文献   

During the past two decades both business managers and academic researchers have shown considerable interest in information system (IS) networks and their effect on business processes and performance. The present study builds on this interest to examine the nature of IS networks and business process improvement initiatives (BPII) and delineate the process by which IS networks influence BPII. Conceptually, both of these variables are considered multidimensional constructs, with IS networks comprising connectivity and flexibility dimensions and BPII involving process improvement initiatives and customer focus dimensions. We develop a model that elaborates on the interrelationships among these variables along with two key contextual antecedents (management support and information intensity) and pose a series of hypotheses. We then present the results of an empirical test of the model that involved structural equation modeling using data collected via a national mail survey from executives from ‘Fortune 500’ divisions. Overall, the results of the study found mixed support for our hypotheses. While network connectivity and network flexibility were found to be significantly related to process improvement initiatives, network flexibility did not have any significant effect on customer focus. The results of the study also indicate that top management support is significantly related to both IS network dimensions, which fully mediate top management support’s influence on both BPII dimensions. Information intensity was also found to be significantly related to BPII and partially mediated by network flexibility with regard to process improvement initiatives. Implications of this study and directions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationships between the tacit knowledge, explicit knowledge, and innovativeness of International Joint Ventures (IJVs) based on knowledge-based and learning theories. In the context of IJVs, the relationship between knowledge (explicit and tacit) transfer and innovativeness is still complicated by many challenges. We conducted a survey of 199 IJVs in South Korea. A structural equation model was used to test hypothesized linkages. Our results confirm that explicit knowledge transfer is positively associated with innovativeness. The explicit knowledge transferred from the foreign parent to the IJV has a stronger impact on innovativeness than tacit knowledge does. Additionally, tacit knowledge proved to not exhibit a direct impact on the innovativeness of IJVs. The results provide strong support for the mediating role of explicit knowledge in the relationship between tacit knowledge transfer and an IJV's innovativeness. Finally, the strength of the relationship between only explicit knowledge transferred from a parent firm and an IJV's innovativeness increases with international work experience.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a knowledge-based view on the choice of knowledge transfer mechanisms in franchising that integrates results from the information richness theory. Starting from the information richness theory we argue that tacitness of system knowledge, operationalized by codifiability, teachability and complexity, determines the information richness of the knowledge transfer mechanisms of franchising firms. We examine the following hypotheses: (1) If the franchisor’s knowledge is characterized by a high degree of codifiability and teachability and a low degree of complexity, knowledge transfer mechanisms with a lower degree of information richness are used; (2) If the franchisor’s knowledge is characterized by a high degree of complexity and a low degree of codifiability and teachability, knowledge transfer mechanisms with a higher degree of information richness are used. We test these hypotheses by using data from 52 franchising firms in the Austrian franchise sector. The data provide support for the hypotheses.  相似文献   

Prior research suggests that firms create breakthrough innovations by using external knowledge, but it also underscores the difficulties firms face in acquiring and applying external knowledge. In this paper, we combine these insights to examine the conditions under which external knowledge usage will either enhance or erode firm performance. In particular, we argue that high external knowledge usage has a negative effect on performance when firms enter multiple new product markets, but a positive effect on performance when firms using external knowledge have higher absorptive capacity. We find general support for our hypotheses, which we test using patent citation data from the global integrated circuit manufacturing industry. Our findings have important implications for managers of firms making strategic decisions about their firms’ product portfolios and the degree to which they use external knowledge.  相似文献   

This study examines the determinants of trans-regional technology transfer within China with patent license data. The weighted exponential random graph model is employed for network analysis to investigate the potential impact factors. Our findings have two main streams: First, most technologies are transferred from provinces with greater R&D input, e.g., Beijing and Shanghai, to economically developed provinces, e.g., Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The economic gap between provinces, which is viewed by most researchers to be one of the keys for technology transfer, has insignificant effects. This finding may be because eastern and western provinces are making competing investments and east provinces are investing much less in the west, which is different from what we usually see between developed and developing countries. Because there are competing relationships between provinces, it is common to see repeated investment and similar industry structures between provinces in China, which impose barriers on technology transfer. Second, provinces with more technologies imported from overseas countries acquire more patents from other provinces within China, which indicates a complementary relationship between overseas and domestic technologies. This finding may be partly because provinces acquiring more overseas technology may be in greater demand of additional complementary technology and partly because of the reverse engineering of overseas technology, which may be conducted by provinces with greater R&D input. Our findings should resonate for policy makers seeking to encourage trans-regional technology interaction and boost innovation capabilities.  相似文献   

随着信息化的快速发展, MOOCs平台为广大学习者提供了随时随地通过网络免费知识学习的机会.知识学习存在显性知识学习和隐性知识学习, 这两类知识对MOOCs学习使用效果发挥着极为重要的作用.基于知识学习理论及技术采纳理论, 对MOOCs平台学习使用影响因素进行了研究.通过1 752份问卷调查、数据分析发现, 显性知识下的网站设计要素和课程教学要素, 以及隐性知识下的认知隐性知识、技能隐性知识和社交隐性知识学习对MOOCs平台学习者使用存在显著正向影响;通过回归分析发现, 技能隐性知识和社交隐性知识学习的重要性明显高于课程教学相关要素以及网站设计这两类显性知识.基于研究和分析的结果, 可以为互联网环境下国家教育模式及相关产业的发展规划提供建议.  相似文献   


This paper examines how knowledge properties of a manufacturing activity transfer in international manufacturing network impact performance during the transfer itself and after steady state has been reached. Hierarchical regression was used to test the relationship on survey data from 178 companies. Knowledge properties as a group was significantly affected by both performance measures when controlling for the effects of sender unit experience, sender unit size and receiver unit experience. The activities transferred thus impact the success of the transfer. The control variables of sender unit experience and receiver unit experience have their relatively strongest performance effects after steady state has been reached. Independency was the single knowledge property dimensions with the strongest relative performance effect. This is one of the first survey studies to cover both the performance of the transfer itself and after reaching steady state of manufacturing transfers. Several strands of further research were therefore identified.  相似文献   

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