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胡国栋  王天娇 《管理世界》2022,38(2):188-207,239
以股东利益至上为治理逻辑的现代股权激励制度,具有物质报酬本位和短期行为色彩,难以从根本上打造企业与员工的利益共同体.如何避免股权激励中的机会主义行为并长期激发员工的组织认同感以促进企业可持续发展,是现代企业面临的重要治理难题.基于社会嵌入理论,本研究运用建构扎根理论对乔家字号身股激励进行理论挖掘,乔家字号以儒家共同体思想为社会价值观基础,以儒家义利观为商业伦理,将情感、信任等社会因素嵌入于经济组织之中,其身股激励形成了构建"地缘文化共同体—社会身份共同体—经济利益共同体"的生成路径,在此基础上抽象出中国古典企业的共同体式身股激励以"价值生成—制度耦合—利益强化"为逻辑进路的内在机理.本研究深化了对于中国古典企业股权激励制度的认识,对于修正股权激励以物质利益为本位进行理性计算的制度逻辑,从社会嵌入角度改进企业治理方式和员工持股办法具有启发意义,有助于解决员工激励的稳定性、综合性与长期性问题.  相似文献   

领导者对下属实施激励是其永恒的课题.企业领导与其他方面的领导相比,其激励下属的方式、方法有重大差别,对于中国企业的领导者来说,更具有特殊性.企业的领导者在激励下属时必须注意以下六个方面:  相似文献   

建言行为是员工角色外行为的一种,对组织的发展具有重要的促进作用。差序式领导作为中国特有的领导方式之一,是否有助于员工的建言行为也成为学者较为关注的话题。以圈子理论为基础,以社会交换理论为指导,将下属按照亲疏远近划分为"圈内人"与"圈外人",分析差序式领导与两群体建言之间的作用机理可以发现,差序式领导的偏爱会使"圈内人"下属产生认知信任和情感信任,产生建言的动机和行为,但其对"圈外人"下属的不公平待遇抑制了他们的建言行为。但是,中国传统价值观的"尊重权威""宽忍利他"等理念可以调节差序式领导与"圈内人"和"圈外人"下属建言的作用关系,促进"共建"行为,实现组织永续发展的目标。  相似文献   

胡君辰  李涛 《管理科学》2014,27(6):65-76
以员工感知的领导避免公开批评员工这种建设性批评对领导下属交换的影响为研究对象,基于领导下属交换理论,以主管忠诚为中介变量,以员工自尊为调节变量,构建避免公开批评员工对领导下属交换的影响模型。通过对经历过领导批评的员工进行网络问卷调查,利用回归分析方法,研究员工感知的领导避免公开批评员工行为、主管忠诚、自尊以及领导下属交换之间的关系。研究结果表明,员工感知的领导避免公开批评员工的行为与主管忠诚中的对主管的奉献、对主管的额外努力和主管价值观的内化显著正相关,主管忠诚与领导下属交换显著正相关;但员工自尊会调节其感知的领导避免公开批评员工与对主管的奉献、对主管的额外努力和主管价值观的内化的关系,只有对低自尊员工感知的领导避免公开批评员工行为才与其对主管的奉献、对主管的额外努力和主管价值观的内化有显著正向关系,而高自尊员工感知的领导避免公开批评员工行为与其对主管的奉献、对主管的额外努力和主管价值观的内化关系不显著。说明领导避免公开批评员工这种建设性批评并不总能促进领导与员工关系的改善,但避免公开批评员工仍是最佳的管理实践选择。研究结论有助于深入了解建设性批评的影响机制及其限制条件,对业界和学术界均具有重要理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

众多研究与实践证明,赞扬是激励下属的重要方式之一。因为领导的赞扬既是对下属某项工作成绩的肯定,也是对下属的关心和信任,良好的赞扬方式和赞扬  相似文献   

如何让员工按照自己所期望的方向努力,即如何激励员工这一问题一直困扰着企业管理者,也是行为科学研究者一直研究的课题,并产生了诸多的激励理论.在实际的管理过程中,绝大多数企业管理者也都有意识或无意识地在使用这些理论.在本稿中,笔者以海尔的"赛马式"人事管理为研究对象,发现海尔的"赛马式"人事管理除了具有公平竞争这一竞争原理的特点之外,还具有奖惩分明,让员工有成就感和自律感,外激励和内激励有效结合等这些独特的特点,并正因为这些独特的特点,海尔的"赛马式"人事管理才能有效激励现阶段的员工.  相似文献   

郭季临 《决策与信息》2008,(12):106-107
在越来越强调"以人为本"的今天,企业的激励制度也变得更加人性,企业在倡导一种理性的激励。同时以泰勒为代表的科学管理中的激励制度却饱受批评,其被认为是一种缺乏人文关怀激励制度。那么到底什么是理性激励,科学管理制度中是否体现着"人本",其所倡导的激励制度是否是理性的呢?这便是本文研究的内容。  相似文献   

"老鼠给猫挂铃铛",形容啃硬骨头、挑重担子。一项极具挑战性的工作,如若无人敢于承担和完成,即使想法再好,工作也难以落实,目标也无法实现。作为领导干部,该如何激励下属承担和完成挑战性强的工作?这个话题引人思考。笔者认为,要重点把握以下几点。一要放下"架子",学会尊重。尊重是一种最人性化、人本化的领导方式,也是最有效的激励手段之一。以尊重、重视下属的方式来激励他们承担并完成任务,其作用远比物质上的激励要来得更持久、更有效。现实工作中我们不难发现,  相似文献   

管理学有关领导风格类型的划分中,有一类叫作魅力型领导.魅力型领导者的特征主要有以下几个方面:有能力陈述一种下属可以识别的未来愿景,有能力提炼出一种每个人都坚定不移赞同的组织价值观系统;信任下属并获取他们充分信任的回报,激励他们为了组织利益而超越自身利益;善于创造一种变革的氛围,热衷于提出新奇的、富有洞察力的想法,把未来描绘成诱人的蓝图,并且还能用这样的想法去刺激、激励和推动其他人勤奋工作;对下属有某种情感号召力,可以鲜明地拥护某种达成共识的观念,有未来眼光,而且能就此和下属沟通并激励下属(周三多:《管理学》,高等教育出版社2008年版,第226页).  相似文献   

专制式、民主式与放权式这三种领导方式都是高效的领导方式,各有其优点及缺点,选用哪种领导方式关键主要依赖于领导者对管理情景因素的把握。可根据企业发展阶段、企业规模大小、企业技术特点以及下属不同人力资本类型等权变管理因素选择合适的领导方式。  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2001,12(2):153-179
Existing research on charismatic leadership focuses primarily on the traits and behaviors of charismatic leaders and the effects of charismatic leaders on their followers. One issue that has been neglected, and others, is the disposition of the followers who form charismatic relationships with their leaders. To investigate this topic, we conducted a laboratory study in which participants' values and personality dimensions were used to predict participants' preferences for charismatic leadership vs. two other leadership styles: relationship-oriented and task-oriented leadership. The results showed that values and personality were useful in predicting leadership preferences. More research is needed to gain further insights into the active role of followers in the formation of charismatic relationships.  相似文献   

From an evolutionary perspective, followership is puzzling because it is not clear why individuals would relinquish their autonomy and set aside their personal goals to follow those of another individual, the leader. This paper analyzes followership from an evolutionary perspective and advances three main conclusions that are not yet part of the leadership literature. First, followership evolved as a strategy to solve a range of cooperation and coordination problems in groups (e.g., collective movement, peacekeeping). Second, individuals who lack the physical, psychological, or social capital to be leaders themselves are more likely to emerge as followers. Third, followership styles, behaviors, and engagement result from (a) variations in the relative pay-offs that accrue to followers vis-à-vis their leader, (b) the adaptive goals pursued by followers, (c) the adaptive challenges that select for different followership styles, and (d) the prevailing leadership style. Together, these conclusions have several implications for followership theory, research, and practice.  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2015,26(5):790-801
Network scholars argue that one responsibility of leaders is to help their followers develop social capital. We suggest that one way leaders do this is by encouraging followers to engage in networking behavior. However, we argue that such encouragement is more effective when leaders are seen as less transformational, because followers are then less able to benefit from their leaders’ social capital. We support our arguments with a study of 142 followers and their leaders. Our findings show that followers engage in greater networking behaviors when encouraged by their leaders to do so, but this association is moderated by leaders’ transformational leadership style such that it is stronger as transformational leadership behaviors decrease. We thus introduce an unrecognized cost of leaders’ transformational leadership behaviors. Our findings contribute to research on networking behavior by investigating the role of transformational leadership style, and suggest avenues for research linking social capital and leadership.  相似文献   

We experimentally investigate whether delegation can be an effective leadership behavior to motivate followers. In particular, we study how the allocation and exercise of power – the right to choose projects – by leaders affects the subsequent implementation of the chosen projects by followers. To isolate the pure motivational effect of delegation, we focus on whether the amount of effort that followers exert to implement the exact same project depends on who has chosen the project and on what information was available when making the project choice. We find that followers implement projects efficiently if they have chosen them themselves, but reduce implementation effort if the same projects are imposed on them by leaders. But this motivational effect of delegation is persistent if and only if followers must implement projects that they themselves would not have chosen.  相似文献   

Toxic leaders are one of the main threats to the wellbeing of people in the workplace and in society in general, and followers play a critical role in constructing and maintaining toxic leaders. In this narrative review, we draw on Bourdieu's concept of illusio and incorporate it with the social and cognitive psychology approaches in an attempt to frame the dynamic system that sustains toxic leadership through continued support of the followers. More specifically, as we introduce the illusio perspective in a process‐relational context to the toxic leadership discussion, we (i) address the allure of toxic leaders as an incentive for followers to join the toxic illusio as a way to cope with their high personal uncertainty and (ii) illustrate the mechanisms and processes that motivate followers of toxic leaders to remain in the toxic illusio once they join. In this context, we also briefly discuss and differentiate between the ethical and moral dimensions of toxic leadership.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether the perceived visioning behaviours of leaders influence the burnout process experienced by their followers. A structural equation model was used to examine these relationships using a sample of 480 senior managers from an Australian law-enforcement organization. Differences in the relationships between the two factors of visioning behaviour and aspects of burnout were identified. Inspirational motivation (concept-based) reduced the central factor of burnout, namely emotional exhaustion (psychological strain). Inspirational motivation (image-based) had a positive effect on personal accomplishment (self) and reduced depersonalization. The paper discusses the implications for leaders and followers and identifies directions for future research.  相似文献   

The present research extends prior work by proposing that followers' social identification with a group can translate into their relational identification with leaders. Study 1 demonstrates experimentally that compared to low-identified followers, highly identified followers perceive themselves to share relational identity with a leader when that leader is representative of their ingroup (but not if that leader is representative of an outgroup). Followers' relational identification, in turn, influences not only their experience of a personal bond with the leader but also perceptions of leader charisma. Study 2 replicates these findings in the context of Presidential candidates in the 2012 US election and extends them by examining leader prototypicality as a further moderating factor. Findings suggest that followers' experience of a ‘special’ and ‘personal’ bond with leaders arises from their social bond within a group that binds them together and provides a framework for their mutual relationship.  相似文献   

This study adopts a qualitative approach to deconstruct the meaning of followership. Interviews were conducted with employees in various industries to examine how individuals socially construct their roles as followers and to explore followership schemas and contextual influences that relate to these constructions. Results suggest that while some individuals socially construct definitions around passivity, deference and obedience, others emphasize the importance of constructively questioning and challenging their leaders. With regard to personal qualities that are thought to make followers effective, major themes such as obedience, expressing opinions, and taking initiative were found to be most disparate across different groups of followers. Results also revealed that contextual factors may affect both followership constructions and behavior in the follower role. These findings have important implications regarding a need to examine the construct of followership in leadership research, as well as raise interesting possibilities for advancing an “expanded” view of leadership in organizations.  相似文献   

We explore how formal managers' centralities in both positive and negative networks predict followers' perceptions of their leadership. By incorporating social networks and social ledger theory with implicit leadership theories (ILTs), we hypothesize that formally assigned group leaders (managers) who have more positive advice ties and fewer negative avoidance ties are more likely to be recognized as leaders by their followers. Further, we posit that managers' informal networks bring them greater social power, an important attribute differentiating leaders from non-leaders. We conducted two survey-based studies in student and field teams to test the hypotheses. Based on nested data in both studies, we found support for our hypotheses. These results remain robust across the two studies even though they used different designs (cross-sectional versus longitudinal), different samples (field versus students) across different countries (United States versus India), and a host of control variables at both the leader and follower levels. We find that managers who are central in the advice network are socially powerful and are seen as leaders by individual followers. In contrast, managers who are avoided by followers lack informal social power are not seen as leaders. We conclude by discussing the theoretical and practical implications of our findings and the ways in which our theory and results extend ILTs and social network theory.  相似文献   

What makes people perceive a leader as charismatic, and how do team leaders obtain performance outcomes from their followers? We examine leaders in times of organizational change and investigate the mechanisms through which leaders' change-promoting behaviors are associated with team performance. In a multilevel mediation model, we propose that the indirect relationship between change-promoting behaviors and team performance is sequentially transmitted through followers' perceptions of charisma and followers' commitment to change. A study of 33 leaders and 142 followers provides empirical support for the model, using multilevel structural equation modeling to analyze top-down relationships between leaders and followers and bottom-up relationships between followers and team outcomes. Results suggest that team leaders are perceived as more charismatic when they engage in change-promoting behaviors. These behaviors facilitate team performance through individual followers' perceived charisma and commitment to change.  相似文献   

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