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政府作为一个系统的存在,其内在伦理"不是一成不变的事物集合体,而是过程的集合体",体现在实体—关系—行为三个层面的伦理要素相互作用、有机融合的生态统一体当中,是内部各要素之间交互作用下与外部环境之间协同互动、共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

"思想库"研究:西方研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文综述了近几十年西方思想库研究领域的三个传统:历史路径、实证主义和国际比较研究,并分别从政治学、政策过程理论与知识运用理论的宏观、中观和微观三个层面梳理了思想库影响力的理论脉络,最后比较了中西方学者对"中国思想库"的研究的两种不同视角.  相似文献   

随着生态学的发展,人们越来越多的开始重视企业在整个生产过程中对环境造成的影响,各国学者都在不同领域进行研究取得了进展。企业生态系统中循环有微观层面、中观层面、宏观层面三个层次。企业生态系统中循环经济应发展效益机制、竞争机制、平衡机制。  相似文献   

信息化与工业化微观层面的融合体现为企业的全面信息化,重构企业价值链,从而提高企业的竞争力.微观层面的融合是基于信息技术与企业战略管理流程、信息技术与企业支持管理流程、信息技术与企业核心经营流程三个维度展开的,微观层面融合的价值是信息资源和信息技术在企业流程中综合作用的结果.  相似文献   

南京信息工程大学"中国制造业发展研究院"(CIMD)始建于2006年5月,2009年11月被江苏省教育厅正式批准为首批江苏高校哲学社会科学重点研究基地。研究院以中国制造业发展过程中的重大问题为主攻方向,以为党和政府的决策管理提供政策建议为归宿,在宏观、中观和微观三个层面,从制造业技术创新管理、制  相似文献   

王莹 《社科纵横》2012,27(12):144-145,158
思想政治教育的规律根据教育对象的不同可划分为普遍规律、特殊规律和个别规律三个不同层次.研究现代远程开放教育环境下大学生思想政治教育规律图谱,不仅有利于我们从宏观层面上把握思想政治教育规律的实质内涵,还有利于从微观层面上对其进行深入探讨.  相似文献   

本文运用层次分解和统计分析方法,从地方政府竞争研究的总体概况、内容、方法、局限等四方面,系统梳理了二十年来国内地方政府竞争的研究成果。从文献属性、研究者所属领域、研究态势等方面对地方政府竞争研究作了总体介评;从宏观、中观、微观等三个层次论述了地方政府竞争的研究内容,并重点从地方政府竞争的内涵、外延、影响、策略等微观层面加以细化;从研究视角、理论支撑和分析方法等三个方面探讨了这些年来国内研究者是如何研究地方政府竞争的;并从研究视角、研究假设、分析方法等三个方面指出国内研究的局限。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代末,知情权的概念从西方介绍到中国,90年代开始受到学者们的关注.SARS事件后,知情权研究渐趋升温.知情权在中国的研究过程可分为三个阶段,每一阶段都有不同水准的研究成果;当前研究中还存在不少的问题,理论研究比较粗浅,基本法理尚不明晰,对社会问题研究不够.今后应继续加强对知情权基本理论的探讨,从制度层面上研究知情权的实现,健全知情权的救济机制.  相似文献   

中国海军战略演变中的作战海区问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作战海区问题不仅是海军战略中的基本问题,也是国家对外战略中的一个重要方面。建国之后,中国海军战略的演变大致经历了沿岸-近岸防御、近海防御、近海防御与远海护卫相结合三个阶段,如果单从字面理解,中国海军战略演变三阶段中最明显的特征和标志正是作战海区的不断扩大。以60多年来中国海军战略演变史为研究背景,本文把中国当前的作战海区划分为近海、中海、远海与远洋四个部分,分析了它们各自的战略价值,然后基于它们不同的空间范围和战略价值,本文认为,推动中国扩展作战海区的动因主要有三个层面因素,即军事层面、经济层面和政治层面因素,但在这个过程中却面临着海洋战略地理形势、陆上安全环境和美国地缘战略及其亚洲同盟体系三个方面因素的制约。从当前的实际情况出发,中国扩展作战海区应继续以地区性防御为本,在这个过程中审慎、渐进地走向远海远洋。  相似文献   

周霞 《探求》2012,(6):66-71
跨国公司生产守则运动中的行动者跨越国际和国内两个层面,分布在市场、社会和政府三个领域。跨国公司生产守则运动中存在着纵向和横向两套权力运行体系。在国际(宏观)层面,横向权力结构表现为市场领域行动者的选择购买权和社会领域行动者的舆论监督权之间的博弈;在国内(微观)层面,横向的权力结构表现为跨国资本—企业主—外来农民工—地方政府的“四方机制”的权力博弈格局。  相似文献   

Fragmented management approach makes the provision of comprehensive health care for achieving universal health coverage very unlikely. This article aims to explore the potential contribution of a systemic approach—the sector‐wide approach (SWAp)—to achieving universal health coverage (UHC), using the Mongolian context as an example. The paper describes UHC and factors that hinder its achievement in developing countries, based on the Mongolian experience. The analysis focuses on the root factors hindering the achievement of UHC and examines how these affect system and local capacity critical for achieving UHC. Two principally different approaches, a sector‐wide (holistic) approach and a standalone project (fragmented) approach are compared in terms of their contribution to the main indicators of achieving UHC. The current stage of the Mongolian health SWAp is identified and early rewards of a SWAp are presented. The paper proposes a SWAp as a potential approach to tackle these root factors to help in achieving UHC, because it is a promising instrument that promotes a systems‐strengthening and capacity‐building approach to enable effective coordination of standalone projects in alignment with the national priorities.  相似文献   

Although volunteering is the most organized and formal manner of altruism, the two subjects are rarely connected in literature. In this article reviewed is the egocentric approach that is found in four social disciplines: psychology, sociology, economics and socio-biology (evolutionism), and the way that studies on altruism are based on Utilitarian philosophy and on the homo economicus perception of man. All of the above have influenced the study of volunteerism: the research questions, the study areas, and the conclusions on the essence of volunteering. We then review a different approach based on Deontological philosophy: the alter-centric approach, already influencing the study of altruism. New directions of approaching and studying volunteerism are suggested.  相似文献   

Throughout the past two decades, Bob Jessop has drawn considerable attention to the compatibility between French Régulation (FR) and Critical Realist approaches (CR), arguing that FR implicitly works within a critical realist ontology, epistemology and methodology. Inspired by his insights, I argue that a Spinozian-led Immanent Causality Morphogenetic Approach (ICMA) provides a fruitful avenue for further regulationist research and represents a promising effort to ground FR in (meta)theory, whereby, ontologically speaking, the ICMA explores how structure and agency emerge, intertwine and redefine each other in and over time. The two approaches mutually reinforce each other: ICMA is able to provide FR with a solid theoretical and metatheoretical foundation, while FR, can enrich the ICMA with its direct engagement with capitalism related studies and a well-developed terminology in the field. The value added of ICMA can be seen in four points: it (1) clarifies the distinction between extensive and intensive regimes of accumulation and the speed of technological change, (2) specifies the problematique of hierarchy and stability of the dominant bloc, (3) fleshes out the problematique of endometabolism and hybridity, and (4) provides the researcher with a methodological framework to absent the necessary relations at the level of conditioning.  相似文献   

Fronek P, Cuthbert D. The future of inter‐country adoption: a paradigm shift for this century The only existing international framework for inter‐country adoption (ICA) is a legal one. Current legal and welfare approaches have limitations in that ICA tends to be conceptualised in individualistic terms, while strategies that prevent ICA by strengthening communities and addressing structural inequalities in the first instance are neglected and divorced from ICA practice. A vision and an overarching framework based on a socioecological approach that informs other arenas, such as health promotion, are proposed. The article concludes that the development of collaborative, intersectoral approaches, the reorientation of public and private resources and international leadership from academics, legislators, policy makers, practitioners and communities are necessary for a paradigm shift for this century.  相似文献   

Sousa L, Costa T. The multi‐professional approach: front‐line professionals' behaviours and interactions Int J Soc Welfare 2010: 19: 444–454 © 2009 The Author, Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the International Journal of Social Welfare. Given the complexity of social problems, the multi‐professional approach has been generally adopted in the Western world as a desirable work practice. This study aimed at identifying front‐line professionals' behaviours and interactions that significantly influenced (positively or negatively) multi‐professional processes and outcomes. The study was conducted using the critical incidents technique administered to 117 front‐line professionals involved in multi‐professional approaches from different agencies and areas of expertise. The main findings suggest that the multi‐professional approach among front‐line professionals is facilitated by the professionals' commitment and complementarity and inhibited by the absence of complementarity, professionals being aggressive and insensitive to other professionals, and incompetence. The multi‐professional approach emerges as a context in which it is necessary to articulate professionals' personal and professional similarities and differences. The results suggest that professionals need to develop new competencies, particularly interdependence, flexibility and reflection on the process and outcomes of the multi‐professional approach.  相似文献   

Evaluation and public service quality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Public service quality is a recent trend in the context of new public management. During the 1990s, public service quality initiatives have been launched in numerous countries at various levels of government. These initiatives have involved a variety of approaches: professional standard setting, service excellence based on users' perception of quality, government granted rights and choice for consumers, and the activity of consumer movements. Public service quality is considered on three levels: the micro level related to the output of the service delivery, the meso level related to the outcome of the service, and the macro level related to public values. Various stakeholders of evaluations of service quality efforts are identified and their expected use of evaluation is discussed. Three roles of education are described: one in the implementation of public service quality, another in evaluation of the success of service quality initiatives, and a third role of evaluating higher levl outcomes. It is argued that even if evaluation techniques are necessary tools for improving service quality at the micro level during implementation, it is even more important to evaluate these initiatives against higher level policy goals and social values.  相似文献   

In Europe over the last two decades, marketization has become an important policy option in elder care. Comparative studies predominantly adopt an institutional perspective and analyze the politics and policies of marketization. This analysis takes a step back and examines the fundamental ideas underpinning the policies of marketization, using the ‘What's the problem?’ approach by Carol Bacchi. The central question is how the market was discursively framed as the solution to the perceived problems of three different systems of elder care, and how such processes are similar or different across the three countries. The analysis includes two extreme types of elder care systems, the Nordic public systems in Denmark and Finland, and the Southern European family‐based model in Italy. Empirically, the analysis offers interesting insights into processes of constructing and legitimating markets at the level of discourse; this occurs by defining specific problem representations, underlying assumptions and silences. In all three countries, marketization is presented as a solution which builds on rather than challenges dominant ideas of care. Conceptually, in addition to its institutions, it is crucial to understand the ideas behind the marketization of elder care. Ideas emerge as a key leverage for making policies and practices of marketization acceptable and which decision makers and other influential political/societal actors use in policy and public debates. The importance of ideas is further underlined by the fact that they do not necessarily relate to the institutions of elder care systems in a linear way.  相似文献   

The three approaches for conducting psychological research across cultures proposed by Berry (1989), namely, the imported etic, emic and derived etic approach are critically examined for developing culture‐inclusive theories in psychology, in order to deal with the enigma left by Wilhelm Wundt. Those three approaches have been restricted to a certain extent by the pan‐cultural dimensional approach which may result in the Orientalism of psychology in understanding people of non‐Western cultures. This article is designated to provide the philosophical ground for an alternative cultural system approach to construct culture‐inclusive theories in psychology. Following the principle of cultural psychology: “one mind, many mentalities” (Shweder et al., 1998), the alternative strategy contains two steps: First, based on Bhaskar's (1975, 1978) critical realism, all universal mechanisms should seek to represent the operation of the human mind. Second, based on Archer's (1995) analytical dualism, the mechanisms of the universal mind may be used as frameworks for analyzing any cultural tradition. The culture‐inclusive theories thus obtained represent the synchronic morphostasis of a cultural system, which may be used as theoretical frameworks for conducting either qualitative or quantitative empirical research in studying the diachronic morphogenesis of socio‐cultural interaction in a particular culture.  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyse and understand the models of policy implementation in Indonesian state universities during the ongoing process of market-driven reforms and how academics respond to these models. The research undertaken was in the form of qualitative study using semi-structured interviews as instruments to collect data. Interviews were conducted with 30 academics in three state universities in Indonesia. The research demonstrated that policy implementation in Indonesian state universities takes largely a dialectical form which takes place both at macro and micro levels, suggesting a blended application of top-down and bottom-up approaches. The results of this study also confirmed that the interaction between policy and local systems plays an important role for the successful implementation of the policy. Indonesian academics perceived that each of these models has its strength and weaknesses particularly in relation to the aspect of collegiality. It is anticipated that the study will both contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics between governments as policy makers and academics as street level bureaucrats in the implementation of a policy, and offer guidance for policy makers in the formulation and enactment of relevant policies in higher education sectors both in Indonesia and other contexts implementing policy implementation.  相似文献   

耿曙 《社会》2019,39(1):129-152
本文尝试对话渠敬东“迈向社会全体的个案研究”一文:一方面通过实证视角,就渠文进行爬梳与理解,盼激发更多跨界对话;另一方面针对方法应用,自该文提炼策略与建议,盼有助催生具体的研究策略。基于上述目的,本文将“从个案到全体”的历程划分为三个阶段:选择个案、研究个案、推论个案,藉以条理渠文丰富多彩的方法论述。讨论过程中就渠文提示的个案研究途径与传统实证和诠释路径并列对照,帮助说明渠文创新所在。在总的方向上,本文与渠文一致,一方面力图论证个案研究的价值,尝试勾勒出规范、系统的个案方法;另一方面尝试通过个案研究对话,使实证阵营能够理解、欣赏诠释阵营的研究思路与丰厚内涵。  相似文献   

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