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本文以湖北农村对36位艾滋病患者和8位非艾滋病患者调查所收集的数据为基础,从客观社会环境、艾滋病患者本身和社会群体三个维度对艾滋病患者的社会歧视进行归因,探索艾滋病患者社会歧视消除的方法。  相似文献   

近年来,河南省的艾滋病疫情及其影响引起了全社会的广泛关注,河南省各级政府对艾滋病患者、 家属以及艾滋病患者遗孤采取了积极的救治、帮扶和救助措施,为疫区和全社会的稳定发挥了有效的 作用。在全省艾滋病救助的一系列政策中,对艾滋病致困群体“三个层次、三个标准”的救助政策和 对艾滋病致孤人员“四个途径”的安置政策,被誉为艾滋病救助工作的“河南模式”。 为了客观公正地评价河南省艾滋病救助政策的体系,河南省民政厅特邀国内知名专家学者对救助 政策进行评估论证。通过会议介绍、咨询和现场考察,各位专家认真回馈了评估结论。  相似文献   

提高艾滋病感染者的生活质量和生存质量,既需要社会各方面的支持,更需要艾滋病感染者自身的努力。自助小组是艾滋病感染者消除社会歧视、提升个人能力、获取社会资源的重要平台。本文采用质性研究的方法,调查了艾滋病感染者自助小组的发展状况,总结了自助小组的作用,分析自助小组存在的问题,提出了解决问题的对策。  相似文献   

同性恋与艾滋病预防对策   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
艾滋病和艾滋病病毒感染与其他疾病不同的一点是,涉及一些特殊的人群,例如吸毒者、卖淫嫖娼者和同性恋者.这些人群处于社会的边缘和弱势地位.同性恋人群是艾滋病病毒易感人群,尽管目前在我国同性恋者感染艾滋病病毒者人数尚少,但如果不教育他们改变高危行为,不制定一个切实可行的政策对待他们,将不能团结他们达到减少他们本身疾病的发生及预防和控制艾滋病在社会上流行的目的,因此对与同性恋人群相关问题的解决十分重要.因为一方面他们的行为使他们容易感染艾滋病病毒,另一方面他们容易受到社会的羞辱和歧视,教育很难达到他们.从预防艾滋病的大局出发,正确认识和对待他们,可能在某种程度上成为预防艾滋病病毒蔓延的关键.中国目前还没有制订出一个合适的对策,使同性恋人群有效地改变行为和预防性病与艾滋病.本文着重讨论与同性恋人群预防艾滋病对策有关的伦理问题.希望这一讨论有助干同性恋与艾滋病预防对策的制定.  相似文献   

刘静 《东西南北》2009,(2):28-28
从2002年起,蒋雯丽开始出任“防治艾滋病义务宣传员”和全球妇女与艾滋病联盟执行委员会委员,她是继费翔、濮存昕之后的第三位也是惟一一位女性预防艾滋病宣传员。12月1日是世界艾滋病日,每年的这个日子前后,蒋雯丽都要走访艾滋病患者,参加宣传活动,接受媒体采访,行程紧密得插不进针。  相似文献   

艾滋病是全球关注的问题,我国政府在认真做好艾滋病防治工作 的同时,也高度重视对艾滋病患者、患者家属特别是受艾滋病影响儿 童的关怀救助工作。以儿童最大利益为首要考虑,是联合国《儿童权 利公约》确定的原则,也是关怀救助受艾滋病影响儿童工作必须要坚  相似文献   

艾滋病对代际关系的影响--从老年的视角   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐勤  吕繁  伍小兰 《浙江学刊》2006,(2):202-208
在艾滋病对家庭影响的研究中,老年人很少受到关注.事实上,成年子女一旦感染了艾滋病,会给老年人的生活带来多方面的影响,如经济贫困、健康损害、精神压力、失去晚年保障等.艾滋病使家庭代际支持链断裂,代际支持方向逆转,隔代关系重构.另一方面,老年父母在艾滋病子女的生活中扮演了重要角色.他们不仅向艾滋病子女提供照料,而且给予精神慰藉,还担负起抚养艾滋病孤儿的责任.然而他们在抗击艾滋病的战役中潜在的作用和贡献尚未得到社会的了解、重视和支持.家庭对人们的生存质量和发展机遇具有决定性意义,加大对老年人家庭的投入,不仅将有利于老年一代,而且也将有利于他们所照料的一代.  相似文献   

救助安置 可圈可点 政府出台救助政策 在生活救助方面,2004年5月民政部下发了《关于加强对生活困难的艾滋病患者、患者家属和患者遗孤救助工作的通知》,提出了对生活困难的艾滋病患者、患者家属和患者遗孤实施生活救助、医疗救助、抚养安置和社会关爱的具体措施.  相似文献   

完善工作机制切实保障儿童权益 新疆在开展艾滋病致孤儿童救助安置工作中,着力抓了四个方面的工作:一是在救助组织上,建立分管厅领导担任组长、社会福利和社会事务处相关人员为成员的艾滋病致孤儿童工作领导小组;二是在救助理念上,加强对艾滋病知识的宣传力度,减少社会对受艾滋病影响儿童的歧视和不平等待遇,救助工作由被动应付变为主动出击;三是在救助原则上,对于农村居民中符合救助条件的已故艾滋病患者的孤老和孤儿,根据<农村五保供养工作条例>的要求,实行五保供养.  相似文献   

社会发展进程势必伴随着新的许多社会问题的产生和解决。自20世纪80年代以来,吸毒和艾滋病的传播逐渐成为危及公共健康、社会治安和社会控制的焦点问题。针对这些问题,国内学者和政府机构展开了一系列的调查研究工作,以便为缓解这些社会问题,增进社会治理的成效寻找有效途径。本文将回顾这些研究,并由此反映这一研究领域中所取得的最新进展。文章把研究的落脚点放在与吸毒人群的艾滋病传播风险相关问题的文献评述上,以期为展开艾滋病防范和对吸毒人群的矫治等方面的工作提供一定的理论帮助。  相似文献   

Little is known about the impact of HIV/AIDS on people who acquired the virus through former commercial plasma donations in the mid-1990s in rural Central China. The objective of this study was to examine socioeconomic impacts associated with HIV/AIDS on poor farm workers and their families, with a particular focus on economic hardships and social exclusion. The findings from 30 interviews reveal the profound effects of deteriorating health on labour power loss. The well-being of people living with HIV/AIDS was immensely affected by the loss of income, debts due to health-related expenses and a lack of alternate sources of income. Social exclusion and HIV/AIDS-related stigma remain significant issues in a workplace, funerals, and weddings. This article highlights the economic impacts of HIV/AIDS on China’s rural population and provides recommendations for social workers to mitigate the impacts of social exclusion on vulnerable rural households in China.  相似文献   

Background: Namibia has one of the highest human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevalence rates and one of the highest rates of orphanhood in the world, and older caregivers provide much of the care to Namibians living with HIV and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) (UNAIDS, 2014). In this study, the authors explore how financial status, social support, and health were related to the resilience of caregivers caring for people affected by HIV and AIDS in rural northern Namibia, Africa. Method: Data were collected through a structured interview from (= 147) caregivers from the Zambezi region. Results: Findings from this study show that employment and physical health were significantly associated with increased resilience in older caregivers. Discussion: Our findings point to the need for employment assistance and health services to improve the resilience of caregivers caring for people living with HIV and AIDS. We conclude that there is a need for more vigorous concerted efforts from public and private sector practitioners and policy makers to create more sustained formal employment opportunities and intervention programs aimed at improving the overall health of older HIV caregivers, especially those residing in rural HIV endemic communities in developing countries.  相似文献   


With the help of information and communication technologies, people can enjoy online social services, especially some stigmatized groups. In China, it is popular for AIDS patients to seek help online since the anonymity of cyberspace can protect people from stigmas and mocking evaluations. This article conducts a content analysis on 216 volunteers’ applications in an AIDS forum and measures their online helping behavior after application to explore what motivates volunteers to help AIDS patients online, how it affects them, and why the moral implication attached to AIDS fails to prevent them. The author indicates that helping behavior may be inspired by varied motivation from altruism to egoism, including kindness, values, sympathy, reward, atonement and benefit. Among them, the closer to altruism the motivation is, the more likely it is to be mentioned, while the “reward” motivation has the most significant effect. This article then examines volunteers’ moral identity of AIDS, arguing that the moral identity of humanitarianism can counteract the moral criticism of high-risk behavior related to AIDS. Future research in this area should examine the relationship between motivation and moral identity, the change in different phases, and compare different helping situations to encourage more forms of social services and supportive behavior.  相似文献   

研究指出,农村艾滋病患者的夫妻冲突存在着明显的性别差异。男性患者的夫妻冲突更易外显,女性患者的夫妻冲突则更趋隐蔽。女性艾滋病患者因患病而扩大了的夫妻不平等使她们生存更艰难。自律与他律是促进患者夫妻关系新平衡达成的机制。  相似文献   

赵晓歌 《社会工作》2008,(20):27-28
受艾滋病影响儿童作为特殊弱势群体,其救助具有特殊性和多元性,需要社会各方面力量的参与和整合。作为一项专业的综合性服务活动,社会工作以助人自助为核心价值观,强调个别化、平等、接纳等原则。运用专业的理论、方法和技巧介入受艾滋病影响儿童群体。目的是协助其走出心理等多重困境,同时能够使其社会功能得到恢复和发展。在综观现有研究的解决对策基础上,文章尝试了高校社会工作教育者介入受艾滋病影响儿童群体救助工作的新路径探析,分析了其优势和特点。并对其工作载体和工作手法等提出了构想。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the impact that HIV/AIDS has on children in China and the social support provided to these children. The research finds that the consequences of HIV/AIDS are serious: the entire environment in which children develop is adversely affected by the disease. These negative socio-economic effects are due not only to HIV/AIDS, but also to the social discrimination and exclusion experienced by affected communities and families. Local governments and societies have started to provide support to HIV/AIDS-affected children and work to reduce the social exclusion they suffer. However, many challenges and problems still lie ahead.  相似文献   

受艾滋病影响儿童作为特殊弱势群体,其救助具有特殊性和多元性,需要社会各方面力量的参与和整合。作为一项专业的综合性服务活动,社会工作以助人自助为核心价值观,强调个别化、平等、接纳等原则,运用专业的理论、方法和技巧介入受艾滋病影响儿童群体,目的是协助其走出心理等多重困境,同时能够使其社会功能得到恢复和发展。在综观现有研究的解决对策基础上,文章尝试了高校社会工作教育者介入受艾滋病影响儿童群体救助工作的新路径探析,分析了其优势和特点,并对其工作载体和工作手法等提出了构想。  相似文献   

Almost two decades after the transition to a post‐apartheid regime, South Africa is still high‐ranking in the incidence of chronic diseases like tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, diabetes and hypertension. This article explores the transition from HIV/AIDS related healthcare offered by internationally supported non‐governmental organizations (NGOs) in rural areas to the inclusion of this healthcare into the public healthcare system. This transition is part of a wider process that represents the exact reverse of healthcare reforms in Western industrialized countries. Instead of a transition from public healthcare to privatized or marketized healthcare, the transition in South Africa is from partly private healthcare to a public healthcare system in which the private commercial health sector as well as all services provided by NGOs will be integrated. In that process, many obstacles obscure intended outcomes, such as equal access to healthcare. Some obstacles are evident in the case studies of two internationally supported NGOs in the field of HIV/AIDS healthcare. We will conclude that governance structures of public and private NGO‐based healthcare are often difficult to integrate; implementation timelines and priorities do not always coincide; and the public healthcare system is still too weak to deliver good quality healthcare in rural areas without continued NGO support.  相似文献   

This paper investigates similarities and differences between Arab and Jewish professionals living in Israel regarding their knowledge and attitudes about AIDS. Although AIDS in Israel is not considered to be a pressing crisis, the aim of the research is to document and analyse what professionals in the helping professions – Arabs and Jews alike – know and how they feel about AIDS. The study also explores thoughts and feelings concerning AIDS–related education and training. This is the first scholarly attempt to compare Israeli and Arab professionals' attitudes and knowledge about such a stigmatised topic as the AIDS epidemic. The study sample consists of 350 professionals, including 218 Jews and 132 Arabs, working in various social and health–care agencies providing services to the Arab population. Professionals include social workers, nurses, occupational therapists, psychologists, and special education teachers and counsellors. Results indicate that Jewish professionals scored significantly higher on both knowledge and attitude scales than did their Arab counterparts. Two regression models predicting both knowledge and attitudes are presented, and their implications are discussed using several frameworks: the status of the disease, including perception of the threat; perception of adequacy of training; educational environment; and the socialisation process of Arab professionals in Israel  相似文献   

全球化促进各国经济增长的同时,也带来了艾滋病的全球扩散,对艾滋病防治模式提出了新的挑战。全球治理以其跨国界行为主体、共同价值基础、多元权力结构以及善治目标的优势,成为全球艾滋病防治的最新途径。全球基金成功运作的经验充分证明,要实现艾滋病全球防治的目标,必须构建公共卫生的全球治理机制,促进各国政府艾滋病防治模式的转变,推动全球各类企业积极履行社会责任,提升国际和国内非政府组织的能力建设,并发挥其应有作用。  相似文献   

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