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A multivariate two-sample testing problem is one of the most important topics in nonparametric statistics. One of the multivariate two-sample testing problems based on the Jure?ková–Kalina ranks of distance is discussed in this article. Further, a multivariate Wilcoxon-type test is proposed for testing the equality of two continuous distribution functions. Simulations are used to investigate the power of this test for the two-sided alternative with various population distributions. The results show that the proposed test statistic is more suitable than various existing statistics for testing a shift in the locationt and location-scale parameters.  相似文献   

Various non-parametric rank tests based on the Baumgartner statistic have been proposed for testing the location, scale and location–scale parameters. The modified Baumgartner statistics are not suitable for the scale shifts for a two-sample problem. Two modified Baumgartner statistics are proposed by changing the weight function. The suggested statistics are extended to the multisample problem. Some exact critical values of the suggested test statistics are evaluated. Simulations are used to investigate the power of the modified Baumgartner statistics.  相似文献   

One of the multisample problems is discussed in this article. A new multisample rank tests based on a k-sample Baumgartner statistic are proposed for testing the location-scale parameters. The exact critical values of proposed statistics are calculated. Simulations are used to investigate the power of proposed statistics for various population distributions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a nonparametric test procedure for multivariate data with grouped components under the two sample problem setting. For the construction of the test statistic, we use linear rank statistics which were derived by applying the likelihood ratio principle for each component. For the null distribution of the test statistic, we apply the permutation principle for small or moderate sample sizes and derive the limiting distribution for the large sample case. Also we illustrate our test procedure with an example and compare with other procedures through simulation study. Finally, we discuss some additional interesting features as concluding remarks.  相似文献   

Particle size analyses of a raw material are commonplace in the mineral processing industry. Knowledge of particle size distributions is crucial in planning milling operations to enable an optimum degree of liberation of valuable mineral phases, to minimize plant losses due to an excess of oversize or undersize material or to attain a size distribution that fits a contractual specification. The problem addressed in the present paper is how to test the equality of two or more underlying size distributions. A distinguishing feature of these size distributions is that they are not based on counts of individual particles. Rather, they are mass size distributions giving the fractions of the total mass of a sampled material lying in each of a number of size intervals. As such, the data are compositional in nature, using the terminology of Aitchison [1 Aitchison, J. 1986. “The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data”. London: Chapman and Hall. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]] that is, multivariate vectors the components of which add to 100%. In the literature, various versions of Hotelling's T 2 have been used to compare matched pairs of such compositional data. In this paper, we propose a robust test procedure based on ranks as a competitor to Hotelling's T 2. In contrast to the latter statistic, the power of the rank test is not unduly affected by the presence of outliers or of zeros among the data.  相似文献   

A more accurate Bartlett correction factor is proposed for a likelihood ratio statistic in multivariate bioassay.  相似文献   

Using a minimum p-value principle, a new two-sample test MIN3 is proposed in the paper. The cumulative distribution function of the MIN3 test statistic is studied and approximated by the Beta distribution of the third kind. Lower percentage points of the distribution of the new test statistic under the null hypothesis are computed. Also the test power for a lot of types of alternative hypotheses (with 0, 1 and 2 point(-s) of the intersection(-s) of survival functions) is studied and we found that the usage of the MIN3 test is a preferred strategy by the Wald and Savage decision-making criteria under risk and uncertainty. The results of application of the MIN3 test are shown for two examples from lifetime data analysis.  相似文献   

We propose a new test for testing the equality of location parameter of two populations based on empirical distribution function (ECDF). The test statistics is obtained as a power divergence between two ECDFs. The test is shown to be distribution free, and its null distribution is obtained. We conducted empirical power comparison of the proposed test with several other available tests in the literature. We found that the proposed test performs better than its competitors considered here under several population structures. We also used two real datasets to illustrate the procedure.  相似文献   

In many case-control studies, it is common to utilize paired data when treatments are being evaluated. In this article, we propose and examine an efficient distribution-free test to compare two independent samples, where each is based on paired observations. We extend and modify the density-based empirical likelihood ratio test presented by Gurevich and Vexler [7] to formulate an appropriate parametric likelihood ratio test statistic corresponding to the hypothesis of our interest and then to approximate the test statistic nonparametrically. We conduct an extensive Monte Carlo study to evaluate the proposed test. The results of the performed simulation study demonstrate the robustness of the proposed test with respect to values of test parameters. Furthermore, an extensive power analysis via Monte Carlo simulations confirms that the proposed method outperforms the classical and general procedures in most cases related to a wide class of alternatives. An application to a real paired data study illustrates that the proposed test can be efficiently implemented in practice.  相似文献   

Multivariate statistical analysis procedures often require data to be multivariate normally distributed. Many tests have been developed to verify if a sample could indeed have come from a normally distributed population. These tests do not all share the same sensitivity for detecting departures from normality, and thus a choice of test is of central importance. This study investigates through simulated data the power of those tests for multivariate normality implemented in the statistic software R and pits them against the variant of testing each marginal distribution for normality. The results of testing two-dimensional data at a level of significance α=5% showed that almost one-third of those tests implemented in R do not have a type I error below this. Other tests outperformed the naive variant in terms of power even when the marginals were not normally distributed. Even though no test was consistently better than all alternatives with every alternative distribution, the energy-statistic test always showed relatively good power across all tested sample sizes.  相似文献   

In this study we discuss the group sequential procedures for comparing two treatments based on multivariate observations in clinical trials. Also we suppose that a response vector on each of two treatments has a multivariate normal distribution with unknown covariance matrix. Then we propose a group sequential x2 statistic in order to carry out repeated significance test for hypothesis of no difference between two population mean vectors. In order to realize the group sequential test where average sample number is reduced, we propose another modified group sequential x2 statistic by extension of Jennison and Turnbull ( 1991 ). After construction of repeated confidence boundaries for making the repeated significance test, we compare two group sequential procedures based on two statistics regarding the average sample number and the power of the test in the simulations.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of inference for the antedependence model (Gabriel, 1961, 1962). Antedependence can be formulated as an autoregressive process of general order which is non-stationary in time. Its primary application is in the analysis of repeated measurements data, that is, data consisting of independent replicates of relatively short time series. Our focus is on testing a general linear hypothesis in the context of a multivariate regression model with multivariate normal antedependent errors. Although the relevant likelihood ratio statistic was first presented by Gabriel (1961), the distribution of this statistics has not yet been derived. We present this derivation and show how this result leads to a simple correction factor to improve the x2 approximation of the likelihood ratio statistic.  相似文献   

Tests that combine p-values, such as Fisher's product test, are popular to test the global null hypothesis H0 that each of n component null hypotheses, H1,…,Hn, is true versus the alternative that at least one of H1,…,Hn is false, since they are more powerful than classical multiple tests such as the Bonferroni test and the Simes tests. Recent modifications of Fisher's product test, popular in the analysis of large scale genetic studies include the truncated product method (TPM) of Zaykin et al. (2002), the rank truncated product (RTP) test of Dudbridge and Koeleman (2003) and more recently, a permutation based test—the adaptive rank truncated product (ARTP) method of Yu et al. (2009). The TPM and RTP methods require users' specification of a truncation point. The ARTP method improves the performance of the RTP method by optimizing selection of the truncation point over a set of pre-specified candidate points. In this paper we extend the ARTP by proposing to use all the possible truncation points {1,…,n} as the candidate truncation points. Furthermore, we derive the theoretical probability distribution of the test statistic under the global null hypothesis H0. Simulations are conducted to compare the performance of the proposed test with the Bonferroni test, the Simes test, the RTP test, and Fisher's product test. The simulation results show that the proposed test has higher power than the Bonferroni test and the Simes test, as well as the RTP method. It is also significantly more powerful than Fisher's product test when the number of truly false hypotheses is small relative to the total number of hypotheses, and has comparable power to Fisher's product test otherwise.  相似文献   

It is shown that the locally best invariant test for the existence of outliers for scale parameters of the gamma distribution is given by Bartholomew's test for exponentiality which is the ratio of the sum of squares of the data to the square of the sample mean. The optimality robustness, including null and nonnull robustness of the test is shown. A small simulation study to compare the power among the other eight competitive tests for testing exponentiality is performed. It is seen that the locally best invariant test is not always best but is reasonably good. It is slightly better than Cochran's test and suffers less from the limiting masking effect.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a new test for normality that is easy for biomedical researchers to understand and easy to implement in all dimensions. In terms of power comparison against a broad range of alternatives, the new test outperforms the best known competitors in the literature as demonstrated by simulation results. In addition, the proposed test is illustrated using data from real biomedical studies.  相似文献   

In this paper inequalities given by Harkness Godambe (1976) for the rail probabilities of the multivariate normal distribution in the equicorrelated case are improved by using the properties of the characteristic roots of a matrix and of the convex function.  相似文献   

A test of the composite hypothesis that a population has a gamma distribution is presented. The test is conducted by using a rank test of bivariate independence, such as the one .based on Kendallfs sample tau coefficient. The performance of the test is examined by means of a Monte Carlo study.  相似文献   

In consumer preference studies, it is common to seek a complete ranking of a variety of, say N, alternatives or treatments. Unfortunately, as N increases, it becomes progressively more confusing and undesirable for respondents to rank all N alternatives simultaneously. Moreover, the investigators may only be interested in consumers’ top few choices. Therefore, it is desirable to accommodate the setting where each survey respondent ranks only her/his most preferred k (k?N) alternatives. In this paper, we propose a simple procedure to test the independence of N alternatives and the top-k ranks, such that the value of k can be predetermined before securing a set of partially ranked data or be at the discretion of the investigator in the presence of complete ranking data. The asymptotic distribution of the proposed test under root-n local alternatives is established. We demonstrate our procedure with two real data sets.  相似文献   

Test statistics for checking the independence between the innovations of several time series are developed. The time series models considered allow for general specifications for the conditional mean and variance functions that could depend on common explanatory variables. In testing for independence between more than two time series, checking pairwise independence does not lead to consistent procedures. Thus a finite family of empirical processes relying on multivariate lagged residuals are constructed, and we derive their asymptotic distributions. In order to obtain simple asymptotic covariance structures, Möbius transformations of the empirical processes are studied, and simplifications occur. Under the null hypothesis of independence, we show that these transformed processes are asymptotically Gaussian, independent, and with tractable covariance functions not depending on the estimated parameters. Various procedures are discussed, including Cramér–von Mises test statistics and tests based on non‐parametric measures. The ranks of the residuals are considered in the new methods, giving test statistics which are asymptotically margin‐free. Generalized cross‐correlations are introduced, extending the concept of cross‐correlation to an arbitrary number of time series; portmanteau procedures based on them are discussed. In order to detect the dependence visually, graphical devices are proposed. Simulations are conducted to explore the finite sample properties of the methodology, which is found to be powerful against various types of alternatives when the independence is tested between two and three time series. An application is considered, using the daily log‐returns of Apple, Intel and Hewlett‐Packard traded on the Nasdaq financial market. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 447–479; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The power of the classical .F-test for testing the regression coefficient of a general linear model with elliptic t error variable depends on the degrees of freedom of the t- distribution. In this note it is shown that the power of the F-test based on t-distribution is greater than the normal based test at smaller level of significance.  相似文献   

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