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Complex computer codes are widely used in science to model physical systems. Sensitivity analysis aims to measure the contributions of the inputs on the code output variability. An efficient tool to perform such analysis is the variance-based methods which have been recently investigated in the framework of dependent inputs. One of their issue is that they require a large number of runs for the complex simulators. To handle it, a Gaussian process (GP) regression model may be used to approximate the complex code. In this work, we propose to decompose a GP into a high-dimensional representation. This leads to the definition of a variance-based sensitivity measure well tailored for non-independent inputs. We give a methodology to estimate these indices and to quantify their uncertainty. Finally, the approach is illustrated on toy functions and on a river flood model.  相似文献   


In this article, a complete convergence result and a complete moment convergence result are obtained for the weighted sums of widely orthant dependent random variables under mild conditions. As corollaries, the corresponding results are also obtained under the extended negatively orthant dependent setup. In particular, the complete convergence result generalizes and improves the related known works in the literature.  相似文献   

We consider a class of dependent Bernoulli variables where the conditional success probability is a linear combination of the last few trials and the original success probability. We obtain its limit theorems including the strong law of large numbers, weak invariance principle, and law of the iterated logarithm. We also derive some statistical inference results which make the model applicable. Simulation results are exhibited as well to show that with small sample size the convergence rate is satisfying and the proposed estimators behave well.  相似文献   

Complete moment convergence for weighted sums of sequence of extended negatively dependent (END) random variables is discussed. Some new sufficient and necessary conditions of complete moment convergence for weighted sums of END random variables are obtained, which improve and extend some well-known results in the literature.  相似文献   

In this article, we study complete convergence theorems for weighted sums of negatively dependent random variables under the sub-linear expectations. Our results extend the corresponding results of Sung (2012 Sung, S. H. 2012. A note on the Complete convergence for weighted sums of negatively dependent random variables. Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2012:158, 10 pages. [Google Scholar]) relative to the classical probability.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide some exponential inequalities for extended negatively dependent (END) random variables. By using these exponential inequalities and the truncated method, we investigate the complete consistency for the estimator of nonparametric regression model based on END errors. As an application, the complete consistency for the nearest neighbour estimator is obtained.  相似文献   

In this paper, some complete convergence and complete moment convergence results for arrays of rowwise negatively superadditive dependent (NSD, in short) random variables are studied. The obtained theorems not only extend the result of Gan and Chen (2007 Gan, S. X., and P. Y. Chen. 2007. On the limiting behavior of the maximum partial sums for arrays of rowwise NA random variables. Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B 27 (2):28390.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) to the case of NSD random variables, but also improve them.  相似文献   

Many biological and medical studies have as a response of interest the time to occurrence of some event,X, such as the occurrence of cessation of smoking, conception, a particular symptom or disease, remission, relapse, death due to some specific disease, or simply death. Often it is impossible to measureX due to the occurrence of some other competing event, usually termed a competing risk. This competing event may be the withdrawal of the subject from the study (for whatever reason), death from some cause other than the one of interest, or any eventuality that precludes the main event of interest from occurring. Usually the assumption is made that all such censoring times and lifetimes are independent. In this case one uses either the Kaplan-Meier estimator or the Nelson-Aalen estimator to estimate the survival function. However, if the competing risk or censoring times are not independent ofX, then there is no generally acceptable way to estimate the survival function. There has been considerable work devoted to this problem of dependent competing risks scattered throughout the statistical literature in the past several years and this paper presents a survey of such work.  相似文献   

For testing goodness-of-fit in a k cell multinomial distribution having very small frequencies, the usual chi-square approximation to the upper tail of the likelihood ratio statistic, G2 is not satisfactory. A new adjustment to G2 is determined on the basis of analytical investigation in terms of asymptotic bias and variance of the adjusted G2 A Monte Carlo simulation is performed for several one-way tables to assess the adjustment of G2 in order to obtain a closer approximation to the nomial level of significance.  相似文献   

Correspondence analysis (CA) has gained a reputation for being a very useful statistical technique for determining the nature of association between two or more categorical variables. For simple and multiple CA, the singular value decomposition (SVD) is the primary tool used and allows the user to construct a low-dimensional space to visualize this association. As an alternative to SVD, one may consider the bivariate moment decomposition (BMD), a method of decomposition that involves using orthogonal polynomials to reflect the structure of ordered categorical responses. When the features of BMD are combined with SVD, a hybrid decomposition (HD) is formed. The aim of this paper is to show the applicability of HD when performing simple and multiple CA.  相似文献   

Probabilistic sensitivity analysis (SA) allows to incorporate background knowledge on the considered input variables more easily than many other existing SA techniques. Incorporation of such knowledge is performed by constructing a joint density function over the input domain. However, it rarely happens that available knowledge directly and uniquely translates into such a density function. A naturally arising question is then to what extent the choice of density function determines the values of the considered sensitivity measures. In this paper we perform simulation studies to address this question. Our empirical analysis suggests some guidelines, but also cautions to practitioners in the field of probabilistic SA.  相似文献   

The main aim of this paper is to perform sensitivity analysis to the specification of prior distributions in a Bayesian analysis setting of STAR models. To achieve this aim, the joint posterior distribution of model order, coefficient, and implicit parameters in the logistic STAR model is first being presented. The conditional posterior distributions are then shown, followed by the design of a posterior simulator using a combination of Metropolis-Hastings, Gibbs Sampler, RJMCMC, and Multiple Try Metropolis algorithms, respectively. Following this, simulation studies and a case study on the prior sensitivity for the implicit parameters are being detailed at the end.  相似文献   

Rivest Wells (2001) showed that in situations where the dependence between a lifetime and a censoring variable can be modeled by a given Archimedean copula, the copula‐graphic estimator of Zheng Klein (1995) has an explicit form. The authors extend this work to the fixed design regression case. They show that the copula‐graphic estimator then has an asymptotic representation and a Gaussian limit. They also assess the influence of a misspecified copula function on the performance of the estimator. Their developments are illustrated with data on the survival of the Atlantic halibut.  相似文献   

Optimal batch-sequential designs are difficult to compute, even when sufficient statistics and relatively uncomplicated loss functions simplify the calculations required. While backward induction applies, its difficulty grows exponentially in the number of stages, while a recently developed forward algorithm grows only linearly, but involves a maximization over a rather flat surface. This paper explores a hybrid algorithm, partially backward induction, partially forward, that has some of the advantages of each.  相似文献   

Several survival regression models have been developed to assess the effects of covariates on failure times. In various settings, including surveys, clinical trials and epidemiological studies, missing data may often occur due to incomplete covariate data. Most existing methods for lifetime data are based on the assumption of missing at random (MAR) covariates. However, in many substantive applications, it is important to assess the sensitivity of key model inferences to the MAR assumption. The index of sensitivity to non-ignorability (ISNI) is a local sensitivity tool to measure the potential sensitivity of key model parameters to small departures from the ignorability assumption, needless of estimating a complicated non-ignorable model. We extend this sensitivity index to evaluate the impact of a covariate that is potentially missing, not at random in survival analysis, using parametric survival models. The approach will be applied to investigate the impact of missing tumor grade on post-surgical mortality outcomes in individuals with pancreas-head cancer in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results data set. For patients suffering from cancer, tumor grade is an important risk factor. Many individuals in these data with pancreas-head cancer have missing tumor grade information. Our ISNI analysis shows that the magnitude of effect for most covariates (with significant effect on the survival time distribution), specifically surgery and tumor grade as some important risk factors in cancer studies, highly depends on the missing mechanism assumption of the tumor grade. Also a simulation study is conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed index in detecting sensitivity of key model parameters.  相似文献   

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